Continue like this,

Due to Olivia's corruption, Prosperity's program will be severely damaged, and desires that did not originally exist in the design, as well as excess instincts, will awaken in Prosperity's heart.

Just like now, in the face of corruption, the artificial sun can only continue to deal with various internal failures, and is unable to care about Rhine and others.

Apparently, Prosperity was going to stay like this for a while, until she found a way to eradicate Olivia's influence.

Of course, there is another possibility...

That prosperity will never solve its own problems.

Under the erosion and corruption of the evil dragon.

Her divinity will be forever tainted, and her soul will be completely distorted today.

She will be like her hateful sister -

She will have a self beyond design.

Chapter 108 Olivia: Be optimistic about justice, this is what Rhine does!

Deep frozen soil, Arkworld.

The seed-seeding ship left behind by the Fifth Age civilization had experienced a fierce battle and was seriously damaged.

And on top of the messy crystal ruins,

A large-scale human collapse scene presented by the highest gods is currently taking place.

There are gods being captured, gods barking, and gods...

The scene was very tragic.

Blood Queen Justice once again received Rhine's passionate confession. She felt depressed and depressed. At this moment, she seemed to have been redeemed, and she loved the mortal believer in front of her to the extreme.

If they are ordinary mortal believers, Justice will not care much about their allegiance and prayers.

But Rhine is different, extremely different.

Being able to rely on the combination of chips to finally defeat the Star Destroyer God that can destroy the era is a feat that even justice must be amazed by.

His attraction for justice far exceeds that of any mortal. Even in the past several eras, there was no divine choice that she admired like Rhine.

Not only now, Rhine's choice is also related to the conflict between her and Olivia. Under the temptation of the evil dragon, she resolutely chose this useless self...

The arrogant queen felt that at this moment, there seemed to be a kind of emotion sprouting in her heart... that went beyond the appreciation of the divine choice.

Zhengyi didn't know what it was, but she knew that she was increasingly unwilling to lose Rhine.

If justice continues to be such a waste, it will never be feasible for Rhine to overdraw his faith and resist the temptation of the evil dragon.

Rhine must... realize her value, let Rhine know that she is a better god than Olivia.

to this end,

The Queen secretly made a decision,

Although her blessing could not effectively cooperate with Rhine, she decided to use another method to give Rhine a gift that was as good as any blessing.

And on the other side,

Seeing that the relationship between Rhine and the Queen of Blood has become stronger after the test, it is almost as if they want to make a private decision on the spot for life...

Olivia, who dragged the dog from the Nether Realm and tortured it, turned her grief and anger into strength, directly activated her body, and poured all the corruption of the Nether Realm with the highest output into the prosperous divinity.



The artificial sun in the distance has begun to act abnormally.

And the snow-white body of the goddess under her feet was even more unsightly and indescribable.

Five minutes have passed, and there is no movement in the artificial sun, and no new machine gods have appeared.

It seems that this is the end,

The threat to prosperity is finally over.

Dirty a goddess should have been a pleasure for Olivia.

But watching Rhine and Justice kiss me and me...the grief, anger and anxiety in Olivia's heart could not be calmed down!

It is said that Rhine has converted to justice.

Olivia doesn't believe this kind of nonsense.

Rhine is too gentle and courteous, and his brain is too clever - no matter how you look at it, he does not look like a qualified believer in justice.

So why,

Will Rhine tolerate justice's incompetence and obey justice's words?

Olivia didn't know.

But no matter what, this must be a righteous conspiracy!

There is absolutely no way my Rhine would go behind my back and be loyal to another goddess! !


Although Olivia was feeling sad, angry and anxious, in order not to make a fool of herself in front of Rhine, she tried her best to put on a proud posture of a superior person. She puffed up her chest and asked with a calm smile:

Prosperity, I've already taken care of it for you... Well, aren't you going to say something to me, a capable and selfless goddess who has assisted you countless times?

Rhine thought for a moment: Uh... no.


Olivia was like a thunderbolt from the blue. Her elegant and dignified posture could not be stretched for an instant. She was rejected by Rhine. Olivia's mood collapsed, like a bereaved dog. Tears of grievance seemed to rush out of her eyes in the next second.


However, Rhine's eyes were gentle and he said sincerely:

Your Highness Olivia, I will not use pale flattery to perfunctory you. I know your desire. As a token of my gratitude and loyalty to you, I will soon present you with a feast beyond the contract.

Haha... So that's it.

Olivia suddenly broke down in tears and laughed. It turned out that Rhine was not determined to obey justice... Really, you are cheating on me, this smooth-tongued guy!


Rhine has always had me in her heart! !

After getting the answer that satisfied her, Olivia's fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

Rhine, I will look forward to your offering.

Olivia said with a smile: But compared to the sacrifice... Lain, we haven't seen each other for so long, you can't just favor justice and forget about me?

When the Queen of Blood heard this, she couldn't help frowning her eyebrows. She looked at Lain and said pleasantly: Lain, you don't need to pay attention to that dragon. You just need to rely more on me - as the Queen of the Netherland, I won't To disappoint you.”

Olivia: Ha! That's nice to say. If Rhine had only believed in you, a war madman, he would have been burned to ashes by prosperity!

Zhengyi said coldly: This time it was just a mistake! If Rhine had used Blood Cavalry instead of Insect Plague at the beginning, I would have come to the mortal world now and killed the Machine God for Rhine!

Olivia: Humph, you are just talking nonsense...

The Blood Queen's eyes were cold: Do you still want to fight again? Evil Dragon?


Except for a certain special being who never wakes up, the Queen of Blood is the most powerful evil god in the Nether Realm.

Holding four era swords, she has strong fighting power and an even stronger will to fight.

To be's very difficult to defeat her.


The stupid queen doesn't know at all!

Mortal world! This is not a place where she can dominate with her brute force!

Olivia saw that the time was right, and she saw it! !

Justice, do you think that Lain's loyalty to you is really because of his affection for you? That's wrong! Lain is trying to buy time for me!!

Zhengyi's eyes trembled: Impossible!

However! next moment!

Zhengyi discovered something strange around him!

Ever since Olivia corrupted Prosperity, the corruption value of the entire Arkworld has skyrocketed!

The power of the evil dragon began to connect with the mortal world.

Today's Arkworld has become Olivia's home field! !

Zhengyi instantly understood his situation!

Not good!

If Olivia gains home field advantage, wouldn't she be able to modify Rhine's blessing at will? !

It was just as Justice had guessed!

The seal on Rhine's left eye was easily erased by Olivia's will.

And then...

A more powerful seal came to Rhine's right eye!

Olivia sneered: You need to take responsibility for your incompetence - now, Rhine is mine!

The Queen of Blood panicked: Olivia! How dare you!

Olivia laughed loudly: Of course I dare! Because I am the god who has the best compatibility with Rhine!

Look at those believers of yours. They are big and thick, simple-minded, howl all day long, and can't even speak a human word - do you think those mad dogs have anything in common with Rhine?!


Zhengyi gritted his teeth, but could not utter a word of rebuttal.


In terms of temperament, Rhine does not look like a believer in justice.

But, but!

But there is still trust and bond between Justice and Rhine!

Rhine believes in justice, and justice has already regarded Rhine as her most beloved believer! !

This unbreakable bond! It is real and will not be shaken!


Justice, please remember, I am the goddess of beauty who controls sexual desire, and Rhine is a guy who likes women very much - Rhine and I are a god and believer made in heaven!!

Olivia had a charming smile on her face and said proudly:

After you get out, I will fight all the demigods in the world with Rhine! I will make Rhine obsessed with me from soul to body - and then completely forget about you, you fool!

The most lethal thing about Olivia's words is that - everything she said is true! Every sentence works! !

There was a hint of panic in the Queen of Blood's unruly eyes:! Olivia, I'm warning you! I can come to your garden to find you at any time!

Olivia laughed and said:

You can come and give it a try! But your rude behavior will only make your image in Rhine's heart even more vulgar!!

Olivia's eyes exuded lust, and she deliberately said in a seductive voice:

You can defeat me countless times in the Nether Realm, but you can never stop me from turning Rhine into my shape bit by bit in the mortal world.

She can do it!

Justice knows that using charm to corrupt Rhine, controlling Rhine through desire, and completely turning Rhine into Princess Cologne's lackey... Olivia can indeed do this kind of thing! ! !

The vision of justice is getting more and more broken. In the past tens of thousands of years, the Queen of the Nether Realm has never lost her composure like this:

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