But fortunately, he already has two reliable tool men in Leta.

Rhine only needs to remotely control Alice and the Grand Master in this room to advance the plan step by step.

However, Rhine is greedy. In addition to the Grand Master and the King of Emerald Moon, Rhine also wants to establish a trusting relationship with other Laita demigods.


Rhine calculated the time.

Maybe it's time to say hello to the mentors of the White Light Royal Court.


at the same time.

White light garden.

In the meeting hall, the Grand Master called all the mentors of Leta and the future Moonlight King Alice.

The mentors who need to be stationed at the border appear in the form of projections.

The only living people actually sitting in the meeting hall were the Grand Master sitting in the center and the demigod Alice who was preparing for the coronation ceremony.


Not long ago, when the Grand Master was beaten out of the deep permafrost by Rhine, she not only changed herself into new clothes, but also did something serious.

She presided over Alice's ascension ceremony.

The ceremony was very successful, and the purity of Alice's bloodline soared after sublimation, even catching up with Hein's group of famous purebred dogs.

Alice is lucky, or maybe she is destined to be the destined king who saves Leta.

Now Alice has successfully sublimated into a mithril demigod with [compassion] as her main marrow.

And next,

As long as Alice can complete the holy test and pass the test of the kings of Leta, she will be qualified to transplant the divine bones and be crowned as the new generation of Moonlight King.


A piece of bad news came unexpectedly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference hall was solemn and silent.

The demigod mentors did not speak, and Alice also sat upright. She looked carefully at the gloomy-looking grand mentor.

I heard...the Grand Master has some bad news that I need to tell everyone here.

The Great Master is not in a good mood right now.

This has nothing to do with her being rejected by Rhine when she proposed again.

The fact that Rhine was taken away did not put any pressure on the Grand Master. After all, Rhine's calm look and the words he said before leaving showed that...all of this, Within his grasp.

The Grand Master has no time to care about that god now.

Because just now, she received the oracle translated by the priests.

The Temple Council serving the Goddess of Compassion finally translated a list of Alice's trials by analyzing the Oracle of the Goddess of Compassion.

It records the name of the late King Leita who Alice must challenge and defeat in order to complete the coronation ceremony.

The oracle is said to be the oracle of the goddess of compassion, but in fact... it is just a private fortune that several priests have saved together.

Leta's compassion is different from Hein's order.

If there is any problem with the order, several tasks will be issued to the people of Hein, several indicators will be customized, and even disciplinary angels will occasionally be sent to the earth to supervise the work.

But compassion has long since gone silent, as everyone knows.

From ancient times to the present, she has not appeared once, but her power has always been protecting Leta in the form of the Moonlight King.

However, since the list was drawn up by mortals themselves, it is normal for the Temple Council to succumb to the authority of the Royal Court and be interfered by the Moonlight Court to rewrite the oracle.

as expected……

Looking at the names of the former kings on the trial list, the Grand Master looked solemn.

You all come and take a look.

The Grand Instructor handed over the list to all the instructors.

After reading the list, the faces of several elves and demigods suddenly changed.

The elves were stunned, they couldn't believe that the people in the royal court were so arrogant.

The difficulty of this trial is no longer just making things difficult.

The Royal Court... completely intends to kill Her Majesty Alice!

During the thousands of years of history of Laita, many Moonlight Kings have been born, and naturally some of them are strong and some are weak.

However, the name of the former king on this list,

Then he simply copied the combat power rankings of King Laita!

Those written on the roster are all the Moonlight King, who is the most virtuous and powerful.

And at the end of the long list, there is a shocking name.

The King of Qiyue.

That was the first and strongest Moonlight King.

If we talk about the other Moonlight Former Kings, it can be said that they are meant to be tested, but taking out this Qiyue King... is obviously waiting for Alice to die.

The expressions of the demigods turned gloomy.

In order to maintain their authority, the despicable behavior of the nobles of the Moonlight Court has completely betrayed the country and betrayed Leta!

They actually want to murder the last Moonlight King of Leta!

They knew the seriousness of the matter, and they also understood deeply that that moment was finally coming!

Teacher, do you want to do it?

You also said that the blood of the royal court is already dirty. In this case... let's just change it!

Leta can do without those nobles who have nothing to do with their corpses, but Leta cannot let the Moonlight King continue to be absent!

Grand Instructor: ...

The Grand Master already knows the thoughts of the demigods.

Today's Moonlight Court is like a frightened beast. Fear makes them irrational. Some extremists are leading the entire group to death. Their actions are becoming more and more extreme and have gradually crossed the bottom line.

But as the final decision-maker,

The Grand Master was still hesitating.

In fact, no one is more familiar with Wang Ting's behavior of using oracles to make things difficult for the Crescent King whom they dislike, than the Grand Master.

After being elevated to a demigod through the divinity of compassion, the great mentor back then also faced a demanding holy examination question.

Although the great mentor back then had a noble bloodline, the family he came from was weak.

And it just so happened that the daughter of the leader of the faction at that time was also identified as having the qualifications to be sublimated into a mithril demigod.

It is clear at a glance who should abandon the son between the two parties.

So that year,

The Grand Master saw the name of King Qi Yue at the end of her holy test list.

Frankly speaking, even though the instructors agreed that Alice was extremely talented and had a promising future, she had been lacking in education since she was a child, resulting in her knowing nothing about magic and combat.

As a demigod, she was even worse than Arrabella.

Even for Heine's group of famous dogs who only care about their bloodline purity, they went through a rigorous and scientific comprehensive education before undergoing the sublimation ceremony.

But Alice?

In her nineteen years of life, the only extraordinary thing she could list was that she slept with the prince of Haiyin...

For someone like her to challenge the most powerful Moonlight King in Laita's history, including Qi Yue, just after completing the sublimation ceremony, this is really... extremely crazy.

But of course.

This matter is not unsolvable.

Since the trial list was compiled by the priests of the Temple Council themselves, there is naturally room for modification.

As long as Baiguang Courtyard comes forward and forces the priests of the temple to write another list.

But first, they must face all kinds of obstructions from the Moonlight Royal Court, and even... go to war with each other directly.

Personally speaking, the Grand Master hated Leta's internal friction.

The sub-gods are always threatening the safety of Leta, but at this time, the demigods of Leta are having internal strife and fighting with the people in power of Leta... This is really embarrassing.

But if there is no room for maneuver, she will attack decisively.

But before that...

The Grand Master thought of someone.

Maybe it's time to show off.

The Grand Master decided to let the demigod mentors get to know her unpopular assistant.

Rhine Hein, what do you think?

The Grand Master looked at the sound transmission magic device in the center of the conference hall.


Under the arrangement of the Grand Master, Rhine listened to the entire meeting of the demigods through sound transmission props.

The Grand Master is very aware of Laita Elf’s hatred for Hein.

As the prince of Hein, Rein's status in Laita is like a rat crossing the street.

If the elves and demigods learn of Rhine's existence, it will inevitably arouse their disgust and even murderous intentions.


The person who ends the threat of black evil is Rhine.

The person who captured the Queen's heart was Rhine.

The person who has the confidence to completely solve the Yashen problem in the future is still Rhine.

Some truths cannot always be hidden.

Now might be a good time for a showdown.

Hello fellow demigods of Laita.

Rhine's gentle voice came from the magic device:

Forgive me for being offended. I have some suggestions for you regarding the issues you just discussed.

After Rhine spoke, the Grand Master silently observed the faces of the elves and demigods.

She wanted to confirm the attitude of the demigods towards Rhine.

However, something strange happened...

Needless to say, Alice couldn't help but blush when she heard Rhine's voice. The green love of a young girl, coupled with an unhealthy hunger, surged in her beautiful eyes. Unbearable.

But the weird thing is,

The three demigods on the side also followed suit, each with affectionate eyes and soft bodies.

Grand Master: ?

There's something wrong with this unfolding.

At this time, Rhine said:

I understand your concerns. Her Majesty Alice lacks experience as a demigod. With her current strength, it will be difficult for her to pass the trials of the Leta Kings. But let me tell you... everyone, everyone has weaknesses.

For some reasons, I know a lot about the kings of Leta. I can formulate a strategy for Her Majesty Alice in advance and find out the weaknesses of the former kings, so that it will be very simple for Her Majesty Alice to defeat them again.

Everyone, this Holy Test list is a test for Her Majesty Alice, and it is also a golden opportunity. Every former king who is defeated in the Holy Test will become a new king in the future. Strength—that is to say, the more difficult Her Majesty Alice’s trial is now, the stronger she will be when she completes the trial!”

And if one can defeat this trial list, which is considered to be the top list of the Moonlight King's combat power, even Qi Yue can defeat it as well.

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