After hearing the regent's accusation, Rhine.

The look on his face was blank.

Rhine: So, you want to kill me?

Regent: We will deal with you according to the laws of Leta.

Rhine: Oh, that's nice to say...

The situation in Rhine is quite bad now.

Leta was not going to let him go. At the same time, the prince on Hein's side also swore to the envoy that under his operation, it would only take three months for the queen to change the heir, and he would kill the prince. The impact is reduced to a minimum.

And when the regent, after testing Rhine.

The regent also didn't find out that Rhine had any means of making a comeback.

When Rhine learned that he had royal blood relatives in Heine, and that he and Laitali should cooperate with each other, his face lost confidence.

very good.

It seems that this kid no longer poses a threat.

Prince Regent: Is there anything else you would like to say? Rhein Hein.

Rhine: Do you want to hear it?

The regent sneered and asked sarcastically: Can I still prevent the future emperor of Hein from speaking?

Then I'll say it.

Rhine laughed first, and then glared at the regent.

Rhine: Hamilton, you will no longer be the king soon. You can't kill me.

Rhine's words stimulated the regent.

The regent's eyes were gloomy: Really?

Rhine smiled and said: I have a personal relationship with the Grand Master, and I heard that Her Majesty Alice also has a good impression of Heine. Leta's times have changed. When the coronation ceremony of the Moonlight King is completed, will your plan still be there? What’s the use?”

A little personal relationship? A little affection?

The regent was full of disdain for Rhine's words:

Based on your friendship with them, you are sure that those two people will spare you?

The regent said with a smile: Your Highness, you are too confident.

Prince Regent: You blasphemed a woman dressed the same as Alice last night... Do you still find it interesting? A sense of accomplishment? Do you think your despicable behavior would reach Alice's ears? , will she still have a good impression of you?

Rhine asked: Maybe the woman I brought last night is Alice herself, and maybe... your queen is hiding under this table now, doing something nasty?


When the Prince Regent heard this, his face suddenly twitched violently. He was suppressing laughter, trying his best to suppress it.

No, I can't hold it in any longer.

This guy is so funny.

It’s really hopeless! !

Is my joke funny? Prince Regent.

Rhine asked: But don't you think your current situation is even more ridiculous than this?

Rhine: More than ten years ago, you killed a couple for power, and now, their child will soon take your throne and become the supreme ruler of Leta - you are still in the mood to laugh at me ?”

Rhine's cold words immediately made the regent stop smiling.

Rhine: At this time, I really don't understand why you still have time to care about me. Prince Regent Hamilton, haven't you realized that you are already on the verge of death?

The Prince Regent stopped laughing.

Rhine's words deeply hurt the regent, making him remember again the tragic and desperate situation he was facing now.

His expression became dignified and serious.

At the same time, with murderous intent.

Prince Regent: Really? So now you, a prisoner, have started to give me advice?

You know that too, don't you? Hamilton.

Rhine continued to put pressure on the regent: Alice defeated the Moon King. With this achievement, there will be no problem for her to be crowned the Moonlight King. You have already lost. What do you want to use against Her Majesty Alice? ?What method do you want to use to escape her revenge?

The regent gritted his teeth, unable to find any words to refute for a while.

Rhine sneered and made his verdict: You are hopeless, unless you can find a Moonlight King who is better than Alice... Even if I die, you will die in front of me.

Hmph, that's all you want to tell me? That's so stupid!

The regent could no longer refute Rhine. He could only say a harsh word coldly and leave.

Await your verdict.

After all,

The Prince Regent turned and left, slamming the door behind him.

Rhine: ...

Watching the regent leave the study, Rhine's expression became calm again.

At this moment.

Alice's voice came from under Moonlight King's desk.

Your Highness...the words you just said, are you trying to hint at something to the Regent?

Rhine lowered his head and looked at Alice who was hiding in the table.

What Rhine just said was not entirely a joke to the Prince Regent.

Alice was indeed hiding under the desk.


Rhine was not so mad that he would do anything outrageous in front of a powerful elf veteran.

Alice just hid there obediently, holding her breath to prevent the Regent from discovering her.

Rhine raised his head and looked out the window: Yes, the regent is still useful now, otherwise it would be easier to just find a reason to kill him... Judging from the regent's reaction, he should have understood what I said.

However, as he spoke, Rhine suddenly frowned.

He lowered his head and found Alice looking at him eagerly.

Rhine: What are you doing?

Alice hid under the desk and listened to the entire conversation between Rhine and the Regent.

And then to the end.

This stupid elf with a head full of colors just remembered one sentence.

The Elf Queen was inspired, and a meek and charming smile appeared on her face:

Of course Alice is going to do what Alice should do.

There's nothing you should do here. Get out quickly. It's time for you to go.

I don't want it~

Be serious, the regent is going to attack you next, you should... hiss.


The regent left the Moonlight King's study with deep thoughts.

He visited Rhine Hein to test Rhine to see if he had a solution to his situation.

The result was good, Rhine was unable to escape.

But... after a conversation with Rhein Hein, the regent was also successfully breached.

This Heinian's arrogance made him sick to his stomach,

As the prince of Haiyin and a descendant of Jingshen, he actually sat majestically on the chair belonging to the Moonlight King and sat in front of the Moonlight King's desk during the entire conversation with the regent.

That's it,

He actually expected Alice, the Moonlight King, to save him.


Just like the regent was determined that Alice would not save Rhine.

The regent was also convinced that Alice would never spare him in the future.

Rhine Hein's words made the regent extremely anxious, almost fearful.

He's right,

His time has passed.

On the day Alice defeated the Moon Breaking King, the White Light Courtyard was crowded with dignitaries who were flattering Alice.

Facing the true king of the future.

They had decided to abandon Hamilton.

Moreover, Prince Regent Hamilton clearly understood that he and Alice still had a deep hatred.

Because it was him who directly killed Alice’s parents,

Alice will seek revenge on him.

On the day Alice was crowned Moonlight King!


Hamilton still has a chance!

Just like Rhine said, if you want to defeat Alice and the Grand Master, you must find a Moonlight King who is stronger than Alice.


No one will pay attention to him as a mere regent. No matter what he does, he will be betrayed and abandoned by everyone sooner or later!

This is the general trend.

All he could do was to create some obstacles for Alice before he died, or to provide some support.


What if Hamilton could really find another Moonlight King? !

Not the kind of Moon God blood descendant with a promising future.

But a real mithril demigod who is qualified to be crowned!

Hamilton really has a clue about this!

Today's Laita, the demigod who holds mithril divinity, is not only the Grand Master and Alice,

There is another person.

And one last person!

That is his son.

The demigod mage who has integrated his existence into the earth - Eve Bastine.




Let me tell you something interesting. Yesterday I paid attention to my reading of this book. As a result, in the middle of the night of 520, my reading of this book was extremely stable. It was no less than usual, and it even seemed to be a little more.

I'm so relieved that everyone is always here!


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