Her eyes were clear and flawless, pure and untainted by a trace of dust, and there was a soft smile on her face, polite and gentle.

The overall feeling is that of docility and no aggression.


Then, as he continued to look at this woman, the regent felt something strange.

The longer his eyes stayed on her body,

The Prince Regent felt that his soul was boiling violently, as if it had been ignited, and all kinds of intense emotions could not help but surge.

Something's wrong...

There is something wrong with this woman.

The regent vaguely understood something. This terrifying infectious power that can burn the soul comes from...

Please be careful, my lord.

At this time, the law enforcement team on the side reminded in a low voice:

After our testing, this young lady has extremely high levels of corruption in the Netherworld.

Corruption in the Netherland...

Sure enough.

The Prince Regent nodded.

He looked at the woman and felt a sense of disgust: ...Degenerate.

The dark-haired beauty responded with a generous smile.

She admitted it.

May I have your name?

Wei Lin, Your Highness the Regent.

Where are you from?

A homeless pilgrim.

Why come to Leta?

I am undergoing my trial, Your Highness the Regent.

So you defeated Histia?

Yes... I have indeed been approved by Miss Hestia.

After a quick series of questions and answers.

The regent roughly understood the current situation.


It's really crazy to challenge the strongest demigod in the world as a test.

But aren’t cultists just a bunch of lunatics?

Then here comes the problem.

Since this woman named Vaelin’s trial was to challenge Histia, now that she has defeated Histia, what does she want to do when she comes to Leta?


Could it be that……

The regent suddenly thought of something and became excited:

You have defeated Histia, is your trial not over yet?

Wei Lin nodded lightly and said in a pious tone: That's it, Your Highness the Regent, I still need to challenge more enemies. Only in this way can I please the Supreme Being and get her attention... This is me On a pilgrimage, Your Highness the Regent, I am collecting heads and blood to sacrifice to my gods.


Sure enough!

The regent's ecstasy could hardly be concealed.

He already knows why this woman teleported to the capital of Leta!

Regent: Your target is Electra Lucia!

Wei Lin still had a smile on her face: Exactly.

Electra Lucia.

As the strongest elf demigod, it is said that her strength is on par with Histia.

If the cultist in front of him could use unknown means to defeat Histia.

Then she,

Naturally, the target of hunting will be shifted to Electra Lucia, who has the same strength as Hestia!

Perfect! !

The current regent is worried about how to suppress Alice's group.

And this woman named Wei Lin gave the Prince Regent new hope!

Miss Wei Lin...

The regent's tone became much softer:

This is the royal capital of Leta. It is the most heavily defended place in the entire country. Not only is Electra sitting here, but our future Moonlight King and four demigod mentors are always monitoring this place.

The Prince Regent gave sincere advice:

If you want to fight Electra one on one, then let me tell you, it is almost impossible...unless you have my assistance.

Wei Lin's eyes lit up and she asked in surprise:

His Royal Highness the Regent actually wants to help me?

The regent smiled: Yes, but I need to confirm your strength first.

Grand Master Electra, a loyal supporter of the Moon King, should the Regent wish to overthrow Alys, or support another Moon King.

Electra will become a stumbling block for him.

In this case, at this critical moment, the regent is naturally happy to get rid of her!

The appearance of Wei Lin is undoubtedly an opportunity, a good opportunity given to him by the goddess of compassion! !


The Prince Regent had another doubt.

That is until now.

The regent still didn't know the worth of this woman named Wei Lin.

Even now he can't believe it,

A mortal can defeat an invincible demigod, and it’s that Hestia!

Regent: Miss Wei Lin, Leta's great mentor is not easy to deal with. You should at least let me see that you have the strength to challenge her, right?

Wei Lin had no objection to the Regent's idea: You are right, so how do you want to confirm it, Your Highness the Regent?

It's easy, come and fight me.

The regent stood up and pulled out the mithril sword from his waist.

Before Hamilton became regent, he was first of all a veteran who had been on the battlefield for more than twenty years.

Of course he couldn't defeat the demigod.

But under the demigods, he is almost invincible!

He is qualified to give Wei Lin a trial.

And the other side.

When Weilin mentioned the word duel, the expression on her face changed instantly.

A gentle and charming black-haired beauty, with beast-like enthusiasm bursting out of her eyes.

Wei Lin looked directly at the Regent, her voice became a little crazy: Your Highness the Regent, are you saying... do you want to become my prey?

Whatever you say, you just-?!!

However, the regent was not done yet.

A gust of wind suddenly blew past him.

After a flash.

Vaelin had disappeared from the Regent's eyes.


The regent was stunned.

He was confused, what happened?

But next time, the regent discovered to his horror that for some reason, he couldn't breathe!

He wanted to say something, but...


The regent's words turned into comical screams, and then he realized that blood was spurting crazily from his neck.

When he touched his neck with violently trembling hands, he felt a huge gap that tore his throat and arteries.


The regent's eyes widened ferociously, and he knelt down on the ground, trying in vain to cover the wound. However, blood still spurted out crazily, staining the entire wall red.

Behind the Regent.

Wei Lin calmly sheathed the black knife.

No one in the entire scene could see clearly when she pulled out the knife.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The law enforcement team on the side was horrified, but they did not dare to step forward.

Unexpectedly... this cultist actually slit the regent's throat with just one blow.

There is no confrontation between ourselves and the enemy, no collision of technologies.

Everything was over the moment it started.

The regent's eyes could not even clearly see the movement of Wei Lin's attack, and she had already been killed as easily as a pig.

The regent was lying in a pool of blood, his eyes wide open in despair, and he couldn't help screaming.

At this time, Wei Lin walked up to him.

She was still smiling: I wonder if this result will satisfy you? Your Highness the Regent.

But then, she suddenly realized something.

Oh, by the way, you are dying. I'm so sorry...

Weilin pulled out the white short knife from her waist again and stabbed the regent on the head.

The short knife easily penetrated the regent's skull and penetrated the brain. The regent fell silent instantly.

But the next moment...

Something strange happened.

As if going back in time, the cut wound on the Regent's neck began to heal at an alarming speed.

The arteries that were spurting out blood were quickly connected at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood that was then lost was also produced out of thin air in the body of the Regent, allowing him to get rid of the blood loss.

Then Weilin pulled out the white dagger from the regent's brain. As the blade withdrew a little, the pierced brain tissue was repaired.

And when Weilin inserted the short knife into the scabbard.

The Prince Regent recovered as before. He opened his eyes in horror. His head was covered in cold sweat and he began to gasp for breath.

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