Rhine Hein.

The other party seemed to be passing by by chance, and he was a little surprised when he noticed the God Princess.

Your Highness the Concubine...

Lain said respectfully: I didn't expect to see the Divine Princess of Chenxi here. If I disturb you, I will leave now...

The God Princess quickly stopped Rhine. As a distinguished guest, she represented the Kingdom of Heaven and should entertain him well. Now that the prince wanted to come to the outskirts of the Kingdom of Heaven to see the scenery, she certainly could not let him down.


The God Princess looked at Rhine and asked curiously:

Your Highness Rhine, the outer reaches of the Kingdom of Heaven are very dangerous and should not be approached. Why is Your Highness coming here?

Didn't anyone warn the prince after he visited Chenxi?

Rhine smiled: I do know the dangers at the edge of the Kingdom of Heaven. However, the threats here are only those sons of Leviathan who occasionally come to the Kingdom of Heaven to prey. They are just ordinary beasts, comparable to the threats in the stars and the underground. Compared to that, it shouldn’t be anything, right?”

Princess God: Your Highness is right...

The God Princess could tell that the Prince of the Rhine seemed surprisingly knowledgeable about the Kingdom of Heaven.

The God Princess stood up and said, If His Highness Rhine doesn't mind, can I accompany His Highness for a walk?

Of course Rhine couldn't agree: How can I let the goddess condescend to accompany me?

The God Princess smiled and shook her head. She walked to Lain and said, Actually... I just wanted to apologize to you for yesterday's unpleasantness. It was because of our poor arrangements for the banquet.

Regarding the apology from the God Princess, Rhine immediately expressed his understanding.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Next, a prince and a concubine walked together on the wheat field, chatting happily.

Rhine was knowledgeable, gentle, and his conversation was full of wisdom and philosophy. At the same time, the prince was full of respect for the God Princess, but without excessive awe. When getting along with him, the God Princess felt very comfortable.

He is worthy of being the successor of the most powerful empire in the world.

It can be seen from his words and deeds that this Prince Hein is indeed an outstanding person.

If compared with the god king she assisted...


It’s okay not to compare.

Speaking of...

After chatting for a while, the God Princess finally couldn't help her curiosity and asked Rhine:

Your Highness Rhine, you seem to know a lot about the situation in heaven?

Rhine smiled: I only know a little bit. After all, the mission I was sent to the Kingdom of Heaven by the Queen Mother is to help you fight against the devil star outside the sky. I always have to do my homework before visiting, right?


The God Princess hesitated to speak: Are the words His Highness said at the banquet last night the result of your homework?

Rhine: Are you saying that I suspect that the erosion of Yuanji has penetrated into the interior of Dawn?


The God Princess nodded vigorously: I want to know what your highness, Her Royal Highness, is?

I can't call it Gao Jian. This is actually just some speculation on my part.

Rhine showed a worried look: Your Highness, when I was reading the history of the high elves in recent years, I found that about twenty years ago, a plague broke out among the major heavenly kingdoms.

Rhine: The plague killed a large number of people, but most importantly, it took away many of the people who were in power, and their successors.

Rhine said: Normally, the princes and their heirs living in the palace have a good living environment, and there are a large number of star attendants who can use spells to respond to the plague. The plague should not affect the royal family, and this The same is true in the mortal world.

Princess Goddess: So Your Highness thinks there is something fishy about this plague?

Rhine: What's strange is the aftermath. This sudden plague took away almost all the famous wise kings at that time, as well as their heirs who had high hopes. This plague was so weird, it was like a war that used the plague as a smoke bomb. It was a large-scale assassination operation, but even so... not many people in the entire Kingdom of Heaven discussed the matter, and no one conducted an investigation afterwards.

Rhine's expression was serious.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that the internal problems in the Kingdom of Heaven were probably very serious.

That's right...that's right...

Looking at Lain's face, at that moment, the God Princess was moved.

After all these years... finally someone, like her, noticed the problems in the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, after Rhine finished speaking, he looked at the God Princess and showed an awkward smile: But what I just said is just a little gossip between me and Her Highness the God Princess. Please don't tell others...

As the prince of Heine,

Rhine was not in a position to say much about the domestic affairs of heaven.

The God Princess nodded in assurance and showed a friendly smile to Rhine: Your Highness and I have the same worries, so you can speak freely with me, Your Highness Rhine.

Rhine first thanked the God Princess, and then he sighed tiredly.

Just like the Divine Princess who just lamented to the sea of ​​clouds, Rhine also showed helplessness and fatigue at this time.

Lai Yin said softly: Your Highness, the situation in the country is critical now, and internal and external troubles are very serious. But, Your Highness, I hope you can believe me. I am the prince of Hai Yin. I am as anxious about the current situation as you are. My The country shoulders the mission of guarding the balance of the world. This mission sometimes has a negative effect on civilization, but at least today, my sister and I appeared in the Kingdom of Heaven. The only thing we want to do is to help the Kingdom of Heaven resist the distant future. Silent offensive.

The Kingdom of Heaven has repelled the invasion of the demonic stars twice in succession, silently bearing the pressure on behalf of the mortal nations. However, now that the Kingdom of Heaven is weakening under the conspiracy of the enemy, other countries on the surface may be able to sit back and do nothing, but only Du Haiyin must intervene, must assist the Kingdom of Heaven, and defend the mortal world.

What Rhine said was true.

Coming from the depths of the universe, the demon star named Far Silence is a threat to the entire mortal world.

These threats, in the early days of the Sixth Age, were combated by the mortal gods, as well as by Order and her angels of punishment.

Later, as order swept across the world, destroyed the elven gods, and cooperated with Mercy to release the sub-gods, forcing the high elves into the sky,

The high elves have become the front line in fighting against the Demon Star and protecting the mortal world.

Although the high elves fled the earth to avoid the sub-gods, this behavior was often criticized and ridiculed by the races on the earth.

But in fact, as the most outstanding intelligent creatures in the world, elves have always been full of martial virtue and extremely intelligent.

In the past two thousand years, there were many talents and heroes in the heavenly kingdom that fought against Yuanji. With their heroic sense, the star elves could easily select the strongest warriors and select the best leaders for the high elves, and in the name of marriage , entrusting the authority of the Star Goddess to this hero without reservation, giving him the absolute legitimacy to be crowned the King of the High Elves.

The goddess concubine and the god king cooperated and relied on the powerful shining star weapon to lead the united Elf Heaven to repel the invasion of the demon star twice in a row.

Although the high elves intercepted Hu Xingling and forced people to choose a husband among the high elves, it was not a martial virtue.

But basically, this can be regarded as a wish between you and me. After all, everyone has a common enemy.

Today's concubine originally thought that she would follow the same path as her predecessors, use the same script, and once again repel the evil will in the Demon Star.

But... times have changed.

Rhine was telling his thoughts, and suddenly he noticed the God Princess beside him, looking at him intently.

Rhine was stunned: Your Highness the Concubine...why are you looking at me like that?

No, it's nothing, I'm just...a little happy.

The God Princess looked at Lain and said softly.

She was not a sentimental person, but at this moment, after being stuck in this quagmire of loneliness and erosion for ten years, she... saw hope for the first time.

Princess God: Your Highness Rhine, I think you are right, and I agree with your view.

The God Princess sighed: The situation of these high elves has become increasingly strange. I have tried to do something, but it has been difficult to achieve results, and the God King...he does not believe my words at all.

Rhine smiled:

You stand too high, and your every move is watched by countless people, and you will easily become the target of public criticism.

As for His Majesty the God King, if there is really a group of people with ulterior motives in the Kingdom of Heaven, then they will be the first to control them... Well, cough cough, I made a mistake.

Although Rhine did not finish his words, the God Princess already understood his thoughts.

That's exactly it, that's exactly it...

At this moment, the God Princess recalled what she had seen and heard in the palace in the past ten years. Just as Rhine said, some ministers with ulterior motives have been trying to control the God King in secret to achieve certain goals... ...

She has talked about these things with her chosen God King many, many times!


The God Princess's reminders were all ignored by the God King, which even made the God King wary and disgusted with her.

Why can't the man he chose be as smart as Rhine? See through the plot of those enemies?

If the God-King of the Kingdom of Heaven was a hero like this Prince of Rhine, how could the Kingdom of Heaven be reduced to this?

At this moment, the eyes of the God Princess gradually brightened.

Rhine is talented, and he is well aware of the mission on his shoulders, and is willing to stand up and represent the civilization on earth to fight against the invasion from outside.


Perhaps this Prince Hein is the hope of fighting against evil in this world...

for a time,

The God Princess smelled the charming fragrance that intoxicated her again.

By the way...Your Highness Rhine, it may be a bit abrupt to say this.

The God Princess looked at Rhine and asked sheepishly:

Did you wear any perfume on your body?


Lain was stunned for a moment: At the banquet yesterday, the servants used some for me. What's wrong?

Princess God: “What about now?”

Rhine showed a wry smile: I went to a friend's house to drink last night and stayed up all night. When I went out today, I didn't take care of myself.


In other words...Rhine is not wearing perfume today, right?

Everything the God Princess thinks about.

Lain did not wear perfume, but the fragrance that intoxicated the God Princess did not dissipate.

Still strong,

It seemed to be tempting her.


The God Princess coughed twice quickly to get rid of the weird thoughts in her mind.

At this moment, this noble concubine was very shy due to the strange impulse in her mind.

She quickly returned to the topic.

During the short conversation, the God Princess had a general understanding of Rhine's personality... personable, ambitious, sober, rational, and wise.

Having such a hero join the camp against Yuanji will definitely bring about a huge turn for the Kingdom of Heaven, which is constantly falling into decline!

Your Highness Rhine, to be honest, I am very touched. You and your country are the strong support that the Kingdom of Heaven dreams of.

The God Princess looked moved: I don't know, can I assist you? If there is anything that is beyond my ability, please give me your instructions, Your Highness.

I appreciate Her Majesty's kindness.

Rhine showed an awkward smile:

But... isn't the person the Divine Concubine should be assisting, His Majesty the Divine King?




The God Princess suddenly came to her senses and couldn't help showing a slightly sad smile: Your Highness is right...

Just as Rhine said, she was once a star spirit, but now she is a concubine.


She is the woman of the God King and should be devoted to her husband.

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