
In the distance, Eitaline was holding a plate of delicious food from the banquet, eating and watching a show, while sealing off the garden with a shielding barrier to prevent his wife-stealing brother from being beaten to death by the real owner. .

After enjoying this wonderful show, Italian couldn't help but sneer on his face, and he was even more amazed in his heart.

She only had two words to comment on today's unfolding.

Let’s eat!


Today I updated 7k words! Rounding it off is another ten thousand dollars a day!


Chapter 193 The initial silence, the Star Spirit

That night, Rhine had a dream.

He saw his past again

First meeting, Your Majesty Rhine Heine, I am the God Princess of the Kingdom of Dawn. For the selfless support of the Heine Empire, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you on behalf of the high elves... Well, please forgive me for being abrupt. , can I ask what kind of perfume you are using? It smells very intoxicating.

Looking at your disappointed expression...you must have met my husband and other kings of heaven, right? Unfortunately, the difficulties facing the kingdom now do not only come from the outside world. Why not, just Let me act as your envoy and help you coordinate among the kings. Okay, thank you for your trust, we will definitely achieve the final victory.

My face looks bad? It doesn't matter. This is a normal phenomenon after Burning Star. I'm used to it. Thank you, Your Majesty Rhine. Really... you are the only one here who cares about me.

Your Majesty Rhine, do you want to know my name? In fact, in addition to the title God Princess, I also have a real name. That is the name I used in my hometown. This name is very confusing to pronounce, so I only told you A person, well, of course, my husband does not know that compared to him, His Majesty the Rhine...you are more worthy of my trust.

Sommerfeld was killed, and the Kingdom of Heaven was lost... They succeeded after all. The war will then shift to the mortal world. Perhaps, the mortal world will need the power of Twinkle Star. Your Majesty Rhine, can you please be the leader? My God King? If...you don't mind that I am a second-hand goods.

Ah...I'm really happy that you agreed. From now on, I will dedicate all my love to you...my God King, my only true love.

Your Majesty Rhine, don't just go to Shia's place at night... Occasionally, come and stay with me, okay? Sigh... So you just asked Shia to help you purify your mental pollution, right? , fighting those monsters must have brought you a lot of pressure, I’m sorry...I was too shameless, I will be more sensible in the future.

Rhine, I'm so happy. Just seeing you every day makes me feel, ah, life is really beautiful.

Rhine, the war is about to end. Really...don't you want to do this with me again?

Congratulations, Rhine, the corruption has been completely eradicated, all the anchor points have been destroyed, the Demonic Star can no longer threaten the world, you have won, no... you are still one step away from completely expelling Yuanji.

In the mortal world, there is still an 'Apostle of Yuanji' who has not been eliminated. She was the first Yuanji who arrived in the mortal world, killing and replacing the star spirits of the same era. She has stunning beauty and an ecstatic body. , she was created to perfectly please the opposite sex, so she can use her keen sense of smell to find the strongest hero on the planet, strengthen him, serve him, seduce him, and ultimately, instigate him... .Now, my dear, you only need to kill this last Yuanji, and this disaster will be over.

Well, no need to question, dear, you guessed it right, I am your last enemy.

I have always known my mission, but, Rhine, I can't do it. I can't bear to make you homeless.

So my dear, please do what you have to do now.

Destroy the last remnants of Yuanji, and then end this war.

Please don't feel sorry for me.

I have no regrets in my life for meeting you at the end.

I love you......


Countless memory fragments flashed through his hungover brain, causing Rhine to groan in pain on the bed.

Until a beam of light shone on Rhine's body, Rhine's pain quickly subsided.

Rhine opened his eyes,

It was Italien who used magic to help Rhine get rid of his hangover.

Etalion: Are you awake?

Rhine nodded and looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly and it was already noon.

Rhine asked softly: What happened yesterday when I was drunk?

Etalion shrugged: When you were drunk, you turned into a pure bastard. You first confessed to the God Princess, then kissed her forcefully, tore off her clothes, and pulled out the shining star... ...But fortunately, the person on the other side didn’t look very angry, he was just scared.”

Italian asked suspiciously: Don't you remember these things?

Rhine rubbed his head: I only remember part of it...after all, I was really drunk at the time.

With the help of losing control after drinking, he expressed his love to the God Princess in a reasonable way, and pulled out Shuo Xing to forcefully establish an ulterior and illicit relationship with the God Princess.

This is the first step in Rhine's plan to conquer the God Princess.

Although there are some bastards, there is no way. To deal with mature wives, you always need some more exciting methods.

In fact, Rhine and the Divine Princess were already in love with each other.

The Godly Princess had already taken a liking to Rhine at a glance, and for some reasons, Rhine secretly had a good impression of the Godly Princess.

However, due to limitations of status and secular morality, the two were obviously unable to have a fresh love affair.

This concubine is a married woman.

Moreover, the Star Court also has precepts and warnings that prevent the God Princess from betraying her God King.

Unless the first God King dies and the threat of Yuanji has not been eliminated, the God Princess may choose the second God King to serve her under forced circumstances.


The God Princess should not have any undue thoughts about men other than the God King.

Therefore, whether it is Rhine or the God Princess, they all need an opportunity to break through the ambiguous window paper and take the relationship further.

And now,

That unexpected opportunity has already happened.

The chaste wife had been used by Rhine in a drunken chaos and had been defiled.

So next...

At this time, Etalian saw that Rhine had been silent, so he said leisurely:

But I have to say, Rhine, your performance yesterday was really wonderful... Why can you say such a sincere confession to a stranger you have only met a few times? After being drunk, Your acting skills are still so superb.

Italian asked mockingly:

You guys, you really can't hold it back when you see your favorite wife, right?

Rhine did not speak, lowered his head and remained silent: ...

Italian was stunned for a moment: Um...did I go too far?

No, you are quite cute like this, but I thought of something...

Rhine forced a smile, got up, changed out of his clothes that smelled of alcohol, took a shower, washed, and tidied up.

I'm going out.

Where to go?

Rhine smiled: Go and meet my favorite wife.


I'm not in a good state today. In theory, there will be another update today, but it may be very late. Don't wait, good night!


Chapter 194: Divine Concubine, you don’t want our affairs to be known by the Divine King, right?

Dawn Palace.

It had been dawn for a long time, and it was already the time to wake up, but the divine princess was lying listlessly on the bed, absent-minded.

Last night, before the banquet was over, the God Princess returned to her room to rest early.

The bedroom of the God Princess is right next door to the God King, which is a symbol of the relationship between the Star Elf and the God King. However, in fact, the two of them have never been in conflict with each other. Although there is only a wall between them, they seem to be thousands of miles apart.

That night, after enjoying the banquet, the God King returned to his palace and continued to party all night long. He and his concubines had an affair all night long, and their screams were extremely harsh.

Usually, the hustle and bustle next door does not affect the sleep of the God Princess.

Just add a soundproof barrier to the room.

However, last night, the God Princess stayed up all night because of another man.

Rhine Hein...

In the garden, when the God Princess was forcefully kissed by Rhine and pulled out the twinkling star, the God Princess was stunned.

For the first time, Shuo Xing was pulled out of the body using natural methods.

For the star elves, that wonderful sense of comfort is like discovering a whole new world... all kinds of surprises and uneasiness, just like a girl who has tasted forbidden fruit for the first time.

Therefore, the Divine Princess was stunned on the spot and completely panicked.

And Rhine, who temporarily regained consciousness with the blessing of Shuo Xing's power, also fell silent.

Both of them looked at each other quietly, at a loss.

It was Italien who finally broke the deadlock.

This sister of Rhine's imperial army appeared, took Rhine away, and reassured the God Princess that everything that had just happened was blocked by the barrier and was not seen by anyone.

After learning the news, the God Princess breathed a sigh of relief.

Worthy of being the most powerful demigod in the world, although Etalaine did not come to the banquet, with her perception, she had already discovered Rhine's strangeness and took action in time to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Since what happened that night was not discovered by outsiders, and since the Prince of Rhine lost his temper after drinking, let’s just pretend that nothing happened...


Is this really possible?

The God Princess recalled her conversation with Rhine yesterday.

After drinking, Rhine lost his former calmness and became extremely emotional. He even... shed tears for the God Princess.

I didn't know that you were...in so much pain.

You don't deserve... to suffer like that...

I... fell in love with you.

Those drunken words were so true and heartbreaking to Rhine.

In those messy words, there was grief that the God Princess could not understand.

The God Princess was certain of at least one thing.

His Highness Rhine really cares about her.

They care about her more and feel sorry for her than the high elves who regard her as a prop, idol, or symbol...

That was a weak side that Rhine would never show under normal circumstances.

If it hadn't been for the banquet that day, the God Princess would never have known that there was such a sentimental side in Rhine's heart.

His Royal Highness Rhine...

The God Princess whispered the man's name.

It's really shameful to say that as a theoretical wife, she actually fell in love with Lain at first sight when she saw him.

However, due to her status, the God Princess never dared to express her feelings.

As for Rhine's offense last night, the God Princess didn't mind. She could understand Rhine's drunken madness, and even...she was a little bit happy.

Finally, someone was able to activate her twinkling star.

Instead of using the Star Burning Ritual to forcibly refine the Star, like the predecessors of the past, they naturally ignite the Star in the body through physical contact with their heroes.

And that person is the person that the God Princess likes.

That feeling is amazing...

Or... very comfortable.

It makes people want to experience it again, twice, more and more times...

However, the God Princess soon woke up. She was surprised and frightened by the absurd thoughts in her mind.

No...that kind of thing is wrong. Really, what was I thinking!

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