So soon, the God King regarded Rhine as his brother.

Moreover, this prince not only speaks well, but is also very reliable in his work.

Not only did he expose the conspiracy of Heavenly Kingdom Nar and Heavenly Jade to collude with Yuanji, he also asked his sister to accurately execute the local living corpses on behalf of the God King, and with the permission of the God King, he enthusiastically brought the refugees from the two countries to the sea. Yin resettled them and allowed them to recuperate and recover in an area far away from the stars.

It couldn't be more reliable.

Although a group of ministers gathered around the God King afterwards and scolded Prince Hein for his ulterior motives for usurping the throne and interfering in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Heaven, the God King's response to this was just two words - fart.

The God-King has a simple mind, so his principles of dealing with things are also simple.

As long as it's good for the country, it's a good thing.

He didn't know what the Hein people were doing to usurp the throne. He only knew that with the help of his Rhein brothers, the refugees who suffered from the disaster received the most timely rescue.

And that recuperation environment that can be far away from the stars is what they need most.

He angrily rebuked the ministers who slandered Rhine, and actively undertook all the expenses incurred when hosting refugees in Rhine.


The God-King trusts Rhine even more.

At the banquet, as the hero who quelled the disaster of Gnar and the Emerald, Etalion became the protagonist of the banquet.

Now, the strongest demigod from the earth accepted the invitation and began to compete with the elites of the Dawn who were highly skilled in martial arts at the banquet.

Etalion blocked the blessings all over her body and cleared the enhancement of the divine blood. Then, this nineteen-year-old girl, with a momentum a hundred times stronger than her brothers, drank the strong liquor of heaven while facing the warriors of the dawn with one hand. They, in the end, knocked down all these tough men who were half taller than her.

The God King admired the Heine Imperial Guards who were on par with him in martial arts and were killing each other in the ring. There was also the God Princess who suddenly became well-behaved and meekly poured wine for him and Lein.

It was so uncomfortable.

However, as for under the dining table, my beloved concubine took off her high heels and ambiguously rubbed her little white silk feet on Rhine's legs...

He can no longer see it.

Sensing the movement under the table, Rhine coughed twice in embarrassment and looked helplessly at the God Princess—sister, be more reserved.

However, the God Princess smiled and shook her head gently. She did not want to be reserved. As if she wanted to vent the grievances she had suffered in the past ten years, she became more and more generous in sending benefits to Rhine, and her little white silk feet followed Rhine's curves. Calf all the way up...


In the tradition of the Kingdom of Heaven, the God King and the God Queen are not only husband and wife, but also comrades-in-arms, and mainly comrades-in-arms.

In a sense, the God Princess and her God King are very much like the combination of the Evil God and the Chosen God.

The Chosen God is chosen by the Evil God, and is given power and mission by the Evil God. Then, the Evil God will fight with the Chosen God for the same big goal, and in the process, the Chosen God will use all means to please the Chosen God. Let the evil god maintain his favor with the chosen one.

This relationship can also be applied to Rhine and the God Princess.

It's just that Rhine doesn't need to deliberately please the God Princess.

Because Rhine has already won the heart of the God Princess and has become her unique chosen God.

But whether it is the chosen one or the evil god himself, they all have business to do.

Therefore, it is natural that Lai Yin and Shen Fei cannot patronize the private affairs of Tiantian's children.

There are more important problems waiting for them to solve.

While the God King is busy planning his next celebration banquet, Rhine and the God Princess are preparing in advance for Yuan Ji's next round of offensive.

The day after the banquet,

At Rhine's house, Rhine took out a map, nailed it to the wall, and pointed at the map in front of the God Princess.

This map, drawn with paper magic conductors, is a dynamic real-time map of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Based on his experience in previous reincarnations, Rhine pretended to reason through layers of reasoning, pointed at the map and began to reveal the second round of offensive to the God Princess, as well as the enemy's intelligence.

The divine princess concentrated her attention and listened attentively.

On the side, Etalian was holding a silver crystal, leisurely appraising the bet he had won from his defeated opponent yesterday.

Then humming a song, he threw the garbage into the trash can one by one.

Rhine's sword had crushed Yuan Ji's first round of attack, but everything was far from over.

First of all, the most recent problem is Gnarl and Jade, and there is still a lot of aftermath work to be dealt with.

The Godly Princess didn't trust leaving it to her subordinates, so she always did it herself.

However, treating the refugees is only a small problem after all. After listening to Rhine's popular science, the current situation makes the God Princess feel worried.

First of all, the most fatal problem came from Humphrey who was defeated that day.

At that time, the God Princess did not recognize this person, but when Rhine told the God Princess the truth later, the God Princess fell silent.

Humphrey turned out to be the anchor of Yuanji...

For the God Princess and the high elves, this is an incredible thing.

Because in the two previous Yuanji invasions, the anchors dropped by Yuanji were all fragments of the Demon Star.

That is, meteorites.

These meteorites contain endless and extremely corrosive ancient malice, and these malices are the real culprits that animate and alienate corpses.

Every time Yuanji drops an anchor, it will cause large-scale erosion and corruption, and then a war with the Kingdom of Heaven will break out.

According to past records, Yuanji can only drop less than twenty anchor points in each cycle.

If the mortal world does not collapse after defeating twenty anchor points, the mortal world will be considered a victory.

On the contrary, it is the victory of Yuanji.

But now, an accident happened.

In this third war with Yuanji, Yuanji's anchor is no longer the meteorite.

And he turned into a living high elf, no different from ordinary people!

Rhine explained to the God Princess - In fact, the will of the Demon Star had been planned more than ten years ago. They corrupted a group of high elves and operated them secretly. Finally, they used a plague to assassinate all the high elves. A promising leader.

However, even if they were useless leaders with no future, Yuanji would not let them go.

They were killed, then replaced by mimetic anchors, and have lived in heaven for more than ten years, until now.

That is to say.

At this moment,

An unknown number of anchor points have passed through mimicry and landed quietly in heaven. It is even possible that they have sneaked into the mortal world...

This is amazing news.

However, the God Princess noticed another problem...

In this case, Yuanji should have already begun to invade the mortal world during the previous plague...

At this time, the God Princess was a little unable to understand.

She was lost in thought.

According to tradition, the star spirits usually come to the mortal world about ten years before Yuanji begins to invade the mortal world.

But why... This time Yuanji created a plague and even cast an anchor.

It was clear that the invasion had already started, but the God Princess came... ten years later?

its not right……

The God Princess began to reflect.

I am the Star Elf. I am more than ten years late. Don’t I know the reason?

However, when the God Princess arrived, she was shocked to find that her memory before she came to the mortal world was so vague, with no useful information at all...


Why am I so late?

What kind of life did I live in my hometown, what kind of mission did I accept, and why do I have no impression of my hometown...

All kinds of questions swallowed up the God Princess in an instant.

She felt very strange... Why had she never realized such an obvious problem before?

The God Princess looked at Rhine blankly, helplessly seeking answers from Rhine.

Rhine looked very calm: After two failures, Yuanji has obviously adjusted its strategy significantly this time. It is understandable that there will be errors in the arrival of the protoss. My dear, what is bothering you?

Rhine's calm gaze comforted the God Princess.

The God Princess smiled at her lover: I'm just a little seems I'm still too immature.


Using plague to decapitate high-level officials, setting up living anchor points, and lurking among the high elves, Yuanji's offensive this time has become extremely cunning and strange, so no matter what accident happens, it is understandable.


Regarding her hometown, not only does the God Princess have a vague memory of it, but even the remaining thoughts of the two seniors and the historical records show a serious lack of knowledge about the mysterious home of the stars...

This is probably just a normal phenomenon.

The God Princess smiled and was no longer worried.

And Rhine looked deeply at the God Princess.

The God Princess...has begun to gradually awaken.

Rhine's mood was complicated.

For Rhine, after thousands of reincarnations, this war with Yuanji is difficult, but it is not difficult to repel Yuanji's invasion.

Even though it may cost a lot, Rhine has always been confident of winning.

But the problem is...

In this last reincarnation, Rhine found that he had become extremely greedy, almost crazy.

Now, Rhine not only wants to repel the invasion of the Yuanji Demon Star, he also wants to keep an apostle of Yuanji by his side forever...


I have posted 4k words, and I still have a draft of 2k words to continue writing tomorrow. That’s all for today, and I will try my best to get another 10,000 words tomorrow.

Chapter 199 Alice: We must find a way to kill the concubine sister

There are a total of eleven biological anchor points arranged by Yuanji in the mortal world.

Due to the awareness of the two super demigods who came from the mortal world to support them, the Yuanji were forced to start the first wave of tentative offensive in advance - so they awakened two anchor points.

The kings of heaven are Gnar and Emerald respectively.

Now, these two biological anchor points have all been solved by Rhine.

The King of Nar was killed by Rhine in front of his face, and the Emerald King was also hacked to death by Rhine along the network cable.

The locations of the remaining nine biological anchor points are also within Rhine's control.

And speaking of this.

The God Princess and Italian both had a question to ask Rhine.

The God Princess showed a puzzled look: Since Your Highness has deduced the location of all biological anchor points, why not just destroy all biological anchor points at that time?

Because it can't be done.

Rhine gave the answer.

Yuanji's erosion of mortal creatures, to put it simply, is to seize the body. The anchor point of the meteorite that Yuanji smashes into the mortal world contains a high-density compressed spirit body cluster. Once it hits the ground, it can immediately cause a huge area of ​​erosion and decay.

Today's second-generation living anchors have adapted to the mortal environment and changed their strategies. They no longer emphasize the function of anchors as airdrop cabins, and instead transform local creatures, or directly create extremely powerful creatures out of thin air. Biological individuals serve as transmission base stations for communication with the Yuanji body. Once the anchor point is activated, they can continuously summon spirits from the Demon Star body to spread corruption.

Whether they are modified bodies or creative bodies, they have their own self-protection strategies.

The strategy of transforming the body is to live forever.

The transformed physical body is worthless, the high-concentration compressed spirit body living in the physical body is the key.

Before the modified body was activated, the compressed spirit body cluster in his body was asleep. The spirit body itself was just a mass of disembodied thoughts. Now they have stopped thinking, and their existence is infinitely close to nothingness.

In this state, spirits cannot interfere with reality, and they cannot be interfered with.

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