Rhine could not refuse, because this greedy elf wife had already pressed her lips against Rhine's lips without any explanation.

Surprisingly, Rhine's kissing skills are extremely good.

Speaking of which, it's really ridiculous...

After half an hour of conversation,

Mrs. Weiner found that she had completely fallen in love with Rhine!

She was sure that she was not a slutty woman, but this Prince Hein was too tempting...

Just looking into Rhine Hein's eyes, she felt like her soul was being sucked away.

If it weren't for his identity, he is the first heir to the most powerful empire in the world...

Mrs. Weiner will definitely think of him as an evil dragon believer.

But it doesn't matter whether the evil dragon is evil or not.

This nearly thirty-year-old wife of an elf noble met for the first time a man who could make her risk everything.

Reservedness and loyalty were all left behind. Now she just wants Rhine's love!

Rhine smiled bitterly: Mrs. Weiner, calm down and think about your husband. He will be sad to see you like this.

Mrs. Wiener saw that she was rejected, but she did not reflect on her mistakes. She fell in love and just begged infatuatedly:

Then Your Highness Rhine, what exactly do you need me to do so that I can gain your love? Please tell me, please tell me!!

Rhine sighed: I have already made my request, Mrs. Weiner. I only hope that Heine and the Kingdom of Heaven can establish a good relationship.

Mrs. Weiner nodded desperately: I understand, I listen to you! My dear, I will make my husband change his mind. I will definitely let my dear get his wish!

Mrs. Weiner's husband is Chenxi's foreign minister and plays an important role in the entire Chenxi.

Mrs. Weiner will help Rhine!

As long as Rhine is willing to love her!

The elf wife begged Rhine with tears in her eyes:

Your Highness Rhine, I love you. My body and soul belong to you. Please make me your woman right here!

Rhine still shook his head: Is this really good? Don't you feel guilty? Your father has just been buried, Mrs. Weiner.


That kind of thing doesn't matter at all...

Mrs. Weiner only had Rhine in her eyes.

This most handsome and powerful man in the world...has completely stolen her heart.

Mrs. Weiner said softly: Isn't that just right?

Rhine was stunned: Is it just right?

Mrs. Weiner said with a silly smile: Just before my father leaves me, let him get to know his new son-in-law?

Rhine showed a helpless smile: Your father will be very surprised...

Mrs. Weiner: ?~

The elf wife couldn't bear it anymore and started to prepare when others were not paying attention.

And Rhine was also ready, just when he was about to kiss Fangze...


Another elf wife appeared between the two of them at some unknown time, her face full of resentment.

The atmosphere was dead silent for a moment.

Both Rhine and Mrs. Weiner froze in place.

Nothing else...

Just because this woman who coughed turned out to be...

Mrs. Weiner was startled and took a long time to react.

God, Your Highness the God Princess?!

The God Princess smiled and said softly: Mrs. Weiner, I know that losing your father must make you very sad, but... in public, no matter how sad you are, you must pay attention to your manners.

Yes, it is......!!

Mrs. Weiner and Rhine quickly separated. She arranged her somewhat messy clothes in a hurry, feeling embarrassed.

Facing the goddess of faith, Mrs. Weiner confessed in a low voice: Yes, I'm sorry, Princess God, I did something I shouldn't have done. Please forgive me this time...

The God Princess’ voice was gentle: “Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and I don’t blame you, Mrs. Weiner.”

Mrs. Wiener was relieved and deeply moved by the God's Princess' tolerance.

However, at the same time, her heart was still full of guilt...

When I was having an affair with a man and doing bad things, I was actually caught by the starry sky goddess I had devoutly believed in since childhood...

This sense of social death almost made Mrs. Wiener want to commit suicide! !

However, at this moment, she could not say anything more. She could only show a humble smile in front of this sacred and incomparable starry sky goddess: Then I'll take my leave first...

The God Princess smiled and nodded.

Mrs. Weiner gave Rhine a last reluctant look, and finally reluctantly left the scene.

At this time, the God Princess stopped her

Princess Goddess: By the way, Mrs. Weiner, when you were talking to Rhine just now, did His Highness Rhine ask you for anything?

Mrs. Weiner thought for a moment and nodded cautiously.

Princess Goddess: His Royal Highness Rhine is a distinguished guest of Chenxi. He has selflessly helped us a lot, so we need to try our best to repay him.

The God Princess smiled and said:

Do what His Highness has asked you to do.

As you wish, God Princess!

Mrs. Weiner naturally accepted the order respectfully, and then left with infinite awe for the God Princess.

Only Rhine and the God Princess were left.

In the corner of the funeral where no one was paying attention, Rhine smiled bitterly. He looked not far away. At the funeral, the God King, whose eyes were red from crying, had also arrived.

Rhine: Your Highness, why are you here?

The God Princess smiled: I am the God Princess after all, so of course I have to attend the minister's funeral - even if I already know what their true nature is...

Rhine has already told the God Princess about the Yuanji believers.

Rhine smiled: I thought you and His Majesty the God King were going to waste some time at other funerals.

The God Princess shrugged: He heard that you were here, so he came here first...

In this way, after driving away the elf wife, the God Princess helplessly looked at the man who was cheating on her.

The God Princess complained: My dear, what were you doing just now?

Rhine looked innocent: For diplomacy, I have to have a good relationship with the Foreign Minister. He is an important figure.

Princess God: Then you go directly to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Rhine smiled bitterly: But now there are rumors that it was me who killed the foreign minister's father-in-law... and rather than me trying to convince this stubborn minister, it would be more efficient to let his wife give him a few words. Isn’t it?”

The God Princess's eyes turned resentful again: And then you can also enjoy your favorite elf wife, right?

Rhine waved his hands with a wry smile: My dear, don't believe it, it's just a rumor spread by the Laita elves. Who said that my favorite is the elf wife? My dear, there is no such thing!

Huh? You, don't you like it?!

The God Princess was stunned for a moment, seeming a little hurt.

But Rhine stared at the God Princess affectionately and continued: From the beginning to the end, what I like is not the married elf, but you, just you... My beloved concubine.

God Princess: !!!

The divine princess was immediately elated again. The beautiful goddess of the starry sky looked at her lover infatuatedly: Me too, Your Highness. The only person I love will always be Your Highness...

After receiving Rhine's confession, the God Princess reflected on her behavior just now and couldn't help showing a bit of guilt.

What I did just now was too reckless... and ruined His Highness's good deeds. Will I make His Highness unhappy?

Rhine smiled and shook his head: No.

However, the God Princess still felt a little guilty and couldn't help but said weakly: After all, His Highness is also the future emperor. Having a harem is the standard for an emperor. Of course I will not monopolize Your Highness...

The God Princess showed a look of grievance: I just don't understand... Why do you want to attack those mortals? Obviously, there is a goddess beside you who can serve you at any time...

This question left Rhine speechless.

Yes, why?

Could it be that his recent experience of conquering demigods made Rhine develop path dependence, causing him to rely on hooking up with girls to solve everything he does now?

Fortunately, before Rhine could come up with a reasonable answer, the God Princess already had an idea.

The God Princess looked at Rhine eagerly and thought for a moment. Gradually, she showed an ambiguous smile:

I guess...my dear must be living in too much depression in heaven and has nowhere to vent recently, so my judgment is influenced by my lower body, right?

The Godly Princess had an idea in her mind, with a tender smile on her face.

It's okay, dear...

Let me think of a way to calm you down.


First he left the table temporarily, and then after a while,

Rhine and the Divine Princess returned to the funeral site one after another.

Rhine, who came back this time, was obviously much more honest.

The philandering behavior has completely disappeared, and Rhine now looks like an extremely gentleman.

Rhine continued his diplomatic activities, talking to and establishing friendship with every worthy official.

At the same time, when he met a female communication partner, he smiled, remained gentlemanly and polite, and at the same time kept a distance...

Ah...it seems that my method is not wrong.

The God Princess looked at her lover's performance with satisfaction. At the same time, she recalled the experience just now, so she blushed and calmly raised her hand, looking at her black penis that had just been cleaned and dried. Silk long gloves......

After being washed, the gloves have returned to their original state, clean and dry.

The God Princess put her hand on the tip of her nose and breathed gently, but she didn't smell anything.

The God Princess stared at her right hand and the black silk glove wrapping it, showing a look of disappointment...

At this time, a man came over crying.

It's the God King.

There has been a lot of bad news in the past few days, and the God King looks very sad, almost heartbroken:

Jeremiah...he is my elder and my idol. He taught me confidence and bravery. However, I didn't expect that even he would die...well... ? Concubine, what are you doing?

Looking at the concubine of God who was sucking her gloves with concentration on her face.

The God King was halfway crying and was stunned.

The God Princess was not surprised at all. She smiled and said, What's going on?

The God King wiped his tears: It's okay, I just don't know, why do you want to eat your own gloves?

Because...when I was eating, I accidentally spilled the sauce on my hand. Looking back now, it's a pity that I couldn't taste it in my mouth.

The God Princess said helplessly, her eyes still full of all kinds of delicious food, and she couldn't forget it.

The God King frowned: Is that food delicious? Whose cook made it?

It's delicious...it's not very delicious.

The God Princess showed a beautiful smile:

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