Lorraine has no interest in so-called love, and as she said herself,

People who work on the border defense generally don’t live long.

The average life span of the demigod mentors on the front line is only ten years, let alone these mortal armies.

Alice stared at Lorraine, showing a meaningful and warm smile, and was about to say something...

However, at this time,

Alice suddenly stopped smiling.

Alice's senses noticed something strange, and she looked seriously in the direction of the Dawn Palace.

problem occurs......


In the exquisite and luxurious Chenxi Palace.

All kinds of exquisite buildings are collapsing one after another!

A burly figure was frantically destroying everything in front of him, venting the pain and rage in his heart.

Don't try to control me!

I am not an anchor! I am the God King of Heaven, and my name is Sommerfeld!

Never, never-!!!

Being used by you!!

boom! !

There was another loud noise, and another wall was smashed to pieces by the God King.

At this time, the God King was almost collapsed.

On this day, he finally knew his true identity and his mission.

turn out to be.......

He is already dead!


He is dead!

As early as the plague more than ten years ago, the God King had been killed by Yuanji's assassins. Then he was implanted with a ball of Yuanji's compressed spirit body, and his body was transformed and became a parasite of Yuanji. Host!

Just like Gnar and Emerald's King of Heaven.

The God King is also a weapon created by the Yuanji people to destroy the high elves.

And Sommerfeld's consciousness is just... a simulated personality created to facilitate the Yuanji people to disguise themselves and lurk.

And now, the war has begun, and the anchor is about to be activated.

The simulated personality is ready to retire.

This fact is enough to make anyone despair,

But the God King cannot despair.

Because once his spirit breaks down, he will immediately become a butcher who kills his own people.

He may be fake and shouldn't exist, but he still has one last battle to win!

——I won’t let them succeed, I can commit suicide! As long as I die, the anchor point will be destroyed!

However, the Yuanji people read the thoughts of the God King and happily encouraged:

Then hurry up!

The God-King was unwilling to surrender, and he would not let his enemies get what they wanted.

——No problem, I can still accept them voluntarily, but in front of Rhine and the Moonlight King!

However, Yuanji still sneered,

You can try.

In fact, at this time, the Yuanji people in the God King were already panicking.

The tenacious resistance of the simulated personality completely exceeded Yuan Ji's expectations.

They don't understand why this dull soul can burst out with such strong fighting spirit.

The two parties were wrestling crazily in this body, fighting for control.

At the same time, worried ministers were already standing outside the palace.

Early this morning, the concubines and guards were suddenly driven out of the palace. Now, only the God King was left in the palace.

The sounds of smashing and the painful wails of the God King continued to be heard in the palace.

Everyone was shocked to hear it.


The beating and roaring stopped.

The palace became quiet.

Only the sound of staggering footsteps was left, approaching the main entrance of the palace little by little.


The weak and trembling voice of the God King came intermittently from the other end of the door.

My dear friends... I seem to be... sick...

Please bring Moonlight King here, set up a barrier for the palace, and seal it off...


Then...the God King knew that he was probably hopeless, and he would fight the monster in his body until the last moment, but he knew that he was fake and that he was hopeless.

He is willing to sacrifice everything for the country, but in this case, who should his ministers and his people be entrusted to?

The previous invasion of the Nether Realm caused Chenxi to lose a large number of loyal ministers worthy of the God King's trust.

However, the God King thought of someone.

The good brother he trusted and admired the most.

Now... My dear friends, listen carefully, this is an order issued by God King Sommerfeld for you, you cannot disobey it.

I'm sick and can't run the country anymore...

But the country needs a leader...a leader who is more competent, more responsible, and more likely to lead you to win the war than me...

So now I want to... hand over the highest decision-making power of Chenxi to...

The God King endured the mental tug and torture and said word by word with a trembling voice:


Chapter 208 Empress Shia: Come on... I will be very good?

When Rhine returned to Dawn, he heard about the God King.

This sudden transfer of power left everyone in Chenxi at a loss.

No one knew what kind of disease the God King was suffering from.

But no matter how serious the illness is, you shouldn't... give the power to rule the morning sun to a foreigner, right?

The above is undoubtedly the view of most people in Dawn.

Fortunately, Lai Yin took advantage of the opportunity to attend the funeral and established good relations with Chenxi officials. Although everyone was surprised, most of them were not disgusted.

In addition, the big bosses who are now in high positions were all appointed by Rhine a few days ago. Therefore, under the leadership of these heads of departments, the acceptance of Rhine by the entire bureaucracy is very low. high.

Please forgive us for being blunt, Your Highness Rhine, the Kingdom of Heaven is the country of the high elves, and it is very unseemly for you to take over it, even temporarily, but... we have confidence in you, and this is also God's fault. The king's command...

In the afternoon of the same day, the prime minister of Chenxi and several important ministers visited Rhine. They solemnly saluted Rhine and made a promise:

Until the God-King recovers, we will respect your leadership.

Rhine's face was full of surprise at first, but soon, he showed with a serious expression that he had no desire for the kingdom of heaven, but his attitude of overcoming difficulties with the high elves during the war, which reassured the ministers. Then, Rhine sent them away.


Rhine knew from the beginning that the God-King was the biological anchor.

This is so normal. After fighting Yuan Ji for so many reincarnations, how could he not even know this.

It is precisely because of this that Rhine took precautions in advance and established a good relationship with Chenxi officials.

in order,

This is the day.

Empress Shia stood next to Rhine, her perception covering the palace. Alice's newly learned ancient dragon enchantment had no effect on her. She saw the scene in the palace.

Like Rhine, Empress Shia also experienced a complete history of destruction in the Sixth Age, and she was aware of the situation of the God King.

As for how she dealt with the God King back then.

Of course he killed him casually.

I see, Sommerfeld has already started - Rhine, what are you going to do with him?

Empress Shia looked at Rhine and asked her husband: Do you need me to deal with him now?

Although the God King has barely resisted the erosion of Yuanji.

But how long the God King's willpower can last, no one has an answer.

In this case, it would be better to take the initiative to let the God King collapse mentally, let Yuanji take over his body, merge it into an anchor point, and then have Xia kill him directly.

This is obviously the safest way.

However, Rhine shook his head at Empress Shia's proposal:

Sommerfeld, although he is too naive, is a hero who values ​​his country and his people above all else. Of course we can kill him now, but...he should have a more suitable person. His end.

Rhine smiled: Believe him and give him some time.

Well, I listen to you...

Her suggestion was refuted, but there was no dissatisfaction on Sia's face. This arrogant empress seemed very submissive in front of her husband.

She stared lovingly at Rhine's face.

Judging from his words and deeds when he met Chenxi's ministers, as well as the decision he just made, it can be seen that the current Rhine is very different from the one he once had.

Empress Shia recalled the past. Rhine, who was crowned emperor, was still carefree. His ability to handle government affairs was terrible. Shia had to wipe his butt for him every day. That day he mustered up the courage to confess to Shia. , and when Shia agreed...he suddenly knelt on the ground, breaking down and crying.

He cried and asked Sia, since Sia liked him, why she didn't agree to him back then, why she kept saying nothing, and whether it was fun to torture his feelings.

At that time, Sia was still very clumsy. She didn't know how to comfort the crying Rhine. She just hugged Rhine tightly and told him I love you over and over again.

Sia still remembers the experience that day, as if it happened yesterday.

However, things have changed now, and when they meet again, she and her lover are no longer as young and immature as they were back then.

Empress Xia smiled: Rhine, you have changed a lot...

Empress Shia: I want to know...will you...still like me now?

After hearing this, Lain walked up to Empress Xia. His voice was gentle and affectionate: Xia, please remember that you will always be my undying lover...

Rhine's words gave Empress Xia a strong sense of security and happiness. She looked at Rhine infatuatedly and felt the joy in her heart.

The two people met again after a long separation. Even though the people they loved were completely different from before, the love in their hearts miraculously remained intact.

The eyes of the goddess of time will not be blinded by the illusion of time. There is no change in her eyes. Whether they are mortal beings or high gods, as long as they are still struggling on the axis of time, they will In the eyes of the goddess, they are all storybooks that are clear at a glance.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Rhine's great soul, which has been tempered for many times and shines at the end of time, can unknowingly attract Sia's eyes deeply, making her fall in love with Rhine at first sight countless times, which she will never forget. .....

Rhine, I love you too, and I will always love you until the end of time...

Empress Xia has long since lost even a trace of her imperial demeanor in front of her lover. She seems to have turned into the innocent and innocent young queen she once was, sighing softly:

I think... we in this world must also be very loving, right?

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