And so it is now.

According to the astrology initiated by Ms. Fink Sabrina, she discovered that the glow of the twinkling stars, which had inexplicably started to decline rapidly today, was now recovering at an alarming rate.

Shuo Xing is being fully stimulated and entering a crazy state.

Not only the temperature and energy storage have increased significantly.

And now Shuo Xing is driving a certain reproductive module of the main body that is just for decoration... emitting strong high temperature.

A meaningless but extremely valuable phenomenon is about to happen.


Ms. Fink Sabrina pushed up her glasses, and the lenses reflected a cold light.

It's time for something interesting to happen.

At this time, after Rhine's enlightenment, the God Princess no longer had any thoughts of self-destruction.

She must live well, as Rhine's wife, by her husband's side...

This incident once again deepened the God Princess's feelings for Rhine.

She realized once again that Rhine was not only a user she recognized...but also her true love, her lover in the worldly sense.

At this moment, she had made up her mind to dedicate everything to Rhine.

And now,

The first thing she wants to dedicate to Rhine is her most precious thing and the one that best represents her vow with Rhine... her own purity.

The day has finally arrived,

She finally decided to dedicate her first night to the man she loved at this perfect time.

The Godly Princess stared at this handsome and charming young man, and the spring in her heart could no longer be suppressed:

Your Highness Rhine...the Star Court has nothing to do with us anymore...

The Godly Princess is full of affection:

Take me home...

Take me home and make me your woman...

The God Princess silently begged Rhine with her passionate eyes.

She stared at Rhine's face...


She suddenly saw...another face! !

A cold voice sounded from behind Rhine.

Take you home? Hey, elf, do you want to meet me?

I don’t know when... no, it should be in that weird moment!

Rhine's wife, Her Majesty Sia Hein, appeared behind Rhine, and was looking at the God Princess with cold eyes! !

The God Princess was startled.

The sudden appearance of this head wife made the God Princess feel panicked for a moment, as if she had been raped in bed, but soon she stopped panicking.

Why is she panicking?

The current God Princess is also Rhine’s wife! !

The God Princess already has the capital to confront Empress Shia.

However, just as the God Princess was staring at the Empress Sia, she was preparing to argue and take her man back from her...

It's a pity... Empress Shia didn't take the God Princess seriously at all.

You have done a good job. You have overcome your inner demons, elf. You will serve my 'husband' well in the future. Now - my 'husband', it's time to go home with me.

Having said that, completely ignoring the God Princess, Empress Shia gently held Rhine's hand and said softly:

Dear... you were so powerful just now, I actually lost consciousness again, but it doesn't matter, my body is very strong and I have fully recovered now, so now... let's go home ?”

Lain smiled bitterly and explained: Xia, I just concluded an oath with Her Royal Highness, can you let me...

Of course, dear, I will fulfill all your wishes. As long as it is your order, I will obey it, but dear... I can't bear it anymore...

Empress Shia was pleasantly surprised by Rhine. She never thought that her lover would become so seductive and enchanting, making her fall and indulge.

Empress Shia: I'm sorry, my dear... I don't want to leave you even for a second now.

Empress Shia said in a completely different gentle tone than when she treated the God Princess:

Italian has left, let's go home and love each other?

After saying that, Shia Hein activated her ability.

next moment,

Rhine and Shia Hein disappeared instantly on the spot! !

Only the God Princess was left, standing there dumbfounded, and then the expression on her face gradually became aggrieved.

Where is her man? ! !

Such a big one, was he still here just now? !

Why was it snatched away by others? ? ? ?

This is too much! !

The God Princess has decided to dedicate everything she has to that man...

But his wife doesn’t allow it! !

The God Princess sadly discovered that she was so far away from His Highness Rhine!

On her road to love, there is an obstacle that she cannot overcome.

Shia Hein! !

On the other side, Fink Sabrina pushed up her glasses, observing the distorted numerical changes of Shuo Xing, and recorded the data frantically with excitement.

The Star Attendants, on the other hand, were working hard and frantically doing their jobs, pretending not to see anything.

The God Princess stood there blankly.

After a while, she returned to her room in the Star Court with her head downcast and extremely aggrieved.


Just at this time,

A turning point appeared.

Her lover was taken away, and at the most sad and helpless moment of the God Princess, someone extended a helping hand to her.

Those helping hands did not come from gods or angels.

But... the devil.

Just when the God Princess left the main church of Star Court and walked through a street.

At the entrance to the sewer next to the street, a door to the netherworld opened quietly.


From the sewer entrance, a dog-like faucet poked out.

The God Princess was shocked when she saw the head.

Because she knows this dragon head!

She has seen the dragon's magic projection.

She is none other than the legendary evil dragon princess, Olivia! !

Why does the legendary Ancient Dragon Princess appear here?

Yes, yes......

The God Princess suddenly remembered that in the previous battle of Caldera in the Kingdom of Heaven, Olivia, the Evil God of the Nether Realm, had won the demonic chaos.

Now, though, Caldera no longer exists.

But the whole kingdom of heaven,

Still under the control of this evil dragon.

At this moment, the evil dragon Olivia is eyeing the God Princess. When the God Princess is in the most desperate and difficult time, she wants to propose a deal to the God Princess that the God Princess cannot refuse.

I saw the faucet in the sewer, winking at the God Princess, and the intention was self-evident.

Hey, girl.

Do you want to buy it?


1.3w words! Yesterday’s update volume was 1.30,000 words! I kept everyone waiting for a long time, but fortunately, at least I didn’t let you down in terms of word count! There will be an update tonight! I'm going to take a nap, go for a walk, and then start writing today's update!

Miss Shen needs to start being brave and not afraid of difficulties~

Temporary announcement, today’s update will be postponed

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Chapter 214: The mortal empress kneeling on the washboard at home

Because she missed her lover too much, Empress Shia found that Rhine was not around after regaining consciousness, so she immediately set off to look for Rhine.

However... when Empress Shia brought her lover home instantly using time suspension.

Empress Shia did not wait for Rhine, but turned her into an open bottle of champagne.

Instead, he received a serious scolding.

At this moment, in the Rhine family, a scene of horror that would shock all living beings in Universe 003 and even the gods was taking place, with their heads full of questions.

Empress Shia was kneeling on the ground, without any momentum or dignity, listening to Rhine's lecture dejectedly.

Lain's tone was helpless and sincere: Xia, I hope you can restrain your hostility towards the God Princess. You know the identity of the God Princess. She is the last anchor of Yuanji, but at the same time she also has the most powerful The strong Shuo Xing, whether she is an enemy or a friend in the mortal world, all depends on her. Today is a crucial node in the transformation of her thinking... However, how can you do it at that critical moment? Take me away?

I'm sorry, dear, please don't be angry...

Empress Xia defended in a low voice: Actually, you don't have to worry about her so much. I have been monitoring that elf. Once she gets out of control, I will kill her immediately, and...if I don't stop you. , you two...are not going to do it right away...

Empress Xia spoke truthfully, and she said with great grievance:

Rhine, I can't accept the affection between you and other demigods, because... you are my husband. Aren't we all exclusive to each other? If I, the current person in this world, knew these things, she would It will definitely be sad!”

Empress Xia looked at Rhine pitifully, and said hesitantly: Dear...are you cheating?

Rhine coughed awkwardly.

What Shia said... is exactly right.

As her husband, Laing was flirting with other wives outside, and he was also a half-god-looking wife. He was indeed very unkind in his dealings.

But the problem is that in this reincarnation, Rhine and Sia are not husband and wife!

Not even lovers? !

But if Empress Shia was told this, she would probably be even more sad.

There are some things that Rhine hasn't figured out yet how to explain to her. Anyway...

Rhine didn't want what happened this time to happen again.

Now the God Princess has just lost her most trusted mother and teacher, and learned the cruelest truth. It is exactly when she needs someone to accompany her.

At the underground altar, Rhine had a debate with the two sages, and the two sages finally decided to entrust the God Princess to him, and even allowed Rhine to destroy the underground altar, thereby establishing an image in the heart of the God Princess.

Destroy the two false elders,

In this way, the God Princess will place everything on Rhine, making Rhine her anchor in the mortal world.

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