His once-in-a-lifetime miracle.

Underneath the layers of bloated and deformed flesh, the God King showed a smile.

Brother Rhine...it's your turn...

Yes, His Majesty the God King.

Rhine is already preparing.

The Star Sword in his hand was operating at full strength, making the star core's brilliance shine even brighter.

The temperature of the twinkling star keeps rising.

The blazing flames danced wildly, easily igniting the Star Court Church at their feet.

As the temperature continued to rise, Rhine explored the potential of the twinkling star and continued to push the output of this miniature star core to its limit.

The high temperature seemed to distort space, and everything around Rhine became distorted and blurred.

The astrological magic is activated, and Rhine wants to fill the last firewood for the shining star that has reached the critical point.

Behind Rhine, the projection of Betelgeuse appeared. The arrival of the Star God caused the temperature of the Shining Star Sword to skyrocket again until it was beyond measure!

The glorious sword, burning to its limit, was aimed at the living anchor point in the sky.

rest in peace.

Rigel's voice is gentle and affectionate:

Lost children.

next moment,

The hottest flames blasted out, and the bright white light like a demon star turned into an infinite torrent that surged forward, swallowing up the God King.

In this devastating heat,

The living anchor point quickly disintegrated and evaporated, and together with the unprecedentedly large compressed spirit body in his body, disappeared from the world.

When those twisted pieces of flesh are peeled off from the body,

Rhine seemed to see the bright smile on the God King's face, and he closed his eyes with contentment in the fatal light.

The silent brilliance lit up the already darkening sky with a brightness comparable to that of the scorching sun.

The God King was evaporated completely, leaving no trace of remains.

It's like it never existed.

All anchor points, all distant spiritual bodies, have been eliminated.

Just as Rhine promised.


it's over.

At the sacrifice of its greatest hero, the Kingdom of Heaven achieved an epic victory they had never imagined before.

The remaining living corpses were quickly eliminated.

The high elves raised their heads, put down their weapons stained with the blood of their compatriots, and stared blankly at the trace of light that still remained in the sky.

They are the most stupid, cowardly and hopeless generation.

However, he fought the most beautiful victory.

And now...

There's only one last problem left that needs to be solved.

Heaven, morning light.

In front of the burned-out Star Court Church.

Rhine turned around and looked at the last far-silent anchor in the mortal world.

The God Princess showed a gentle smile to Rhine,

Calm and serene.

This thousand-year war is about to come to an end between her and her lover.


This volume really gave me a lot of surprises. For example, the appearance of a main heroine directly wiped out the subscriptions of this book. For example, a mistress who was not scheduled to have a role contributed to what I personally think is the most exciting scene in this volume.

The decisive battle will be tomorrow, and the prosperity chapter will begin the day after tomorrow.

Group number: 325846552

Chapter 225 The final chapter, the end of the stars, the end of the journey

The God King has been destroyed along with all Yuanji.

The war is over.

Now, it's just the last step.

Rhine looked at the God Princess.

The God Princess is also waiting for Rhine's next move.

Both she and Lain knew one thing.

Only when the God Princess dies can this war truly end.

The invading Yuanji Legion has been destroyed. As the last biological anchor, the God Princess is about to be forcibly activated.

The demon star outside the sky screamed unwillingly, waiting for the awakening of the last anchor point to launch a counterattack.

Dear. The God Princess asked, Are we in other worlds also separated like this?


Rhine replied: But not this time... Rigellian.

However, in the end, the God Princess did not wait for Rhine's falling blade.

She only saw her husband, led by the Star God, turning into a beam of brilliant starlight and soaring into the sky.

Rhine did not want to kill the God Princess.

He already had a better way, a more dangerous, crazier, yet more correct way.

That is to destroy the body of Demon Star Yuanji.

Since the God Princess is the anchor point of Yuan Ji, then as long as all Yuan Ji is killed, even if this anchor point is left, what's the problem?

Rhine was unable to complete this plan.

But now, Rhine is sure of victory.

Rigel took Rhine and flew away from the world.

As he left the planet, Rhine's strength plummeted and drained away, but soon, this loss stopped.

This was support from the Star God Rigel, who allowed him to establish a remote connection with his distant home planet.

And when he traced the splendid starlight and arrived at the magic star in the universe.

He saw the endless desolate pale world in the dead vacuum.

In the dark and boundless universe, under Rhine's feet was a huge ball like cheese. It rushed towards the mortal world, as if it wanted to hit it directly and die with it.

Those spirits are still invisible.

But Rhine can be sure that they are here.

Billions of souls residing on this meteor are crowded, overlapping, and occupying the entire space.

They were right next to Rhine, staring at Rhine with murderous intent and hatred.

And here, the final enemy has been waiting for a long time.

The goddess with long pink hair stood in the vacuum and smiled at Rhine.

Sure enough it was her...

Rigelbi asked: Do you need me to explain to you why I appear here?


Rhine replied calmly: I've already guessed it.

Rhine: I guessed it all.

All of this is Rigelbi's conspiracy...perhaps, it can only be said to be a plan.

Lai Yin was in a calm mood, and was not at all shocked or angry at the fact that this best friend who had accompanied her for countless reincarnations turned out to be the boss of Yuanji.

He had known this would be the case.

I've been looking forward to this day.

Rigelbi said: I have been looking forward to meeting you here, and then having you end our journey.

Rigel's vision will not be limited by the scale of time. From a long time ago for mortals, Rigel has been preparing for this moment.

Bronze altar, star spirit, god princess, and many more hidden elements that have not appeared, driving and guiding. The timing of this appearance is so clever, and it is favored by the original god, so it is capable of completing the great task. Warrior - to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

Those savior stars were also sent by her, not only to ensure that the mortal world would not be destroyed before Rhine was born, but also to lay the groundwork for the subsequent script.

It was all planned by Rigel.

Even the God Princess was designed by her.

However, Rigel did not design the Goddess Princess to lure Rhine into corruption and become Yuanji's lackey.

On the contrary, she wanted to give Rhine a reason to destroy Yuanji!

Rigel was trying to lure Rhine into danger and lead him into a decisive battle that had nothing to do with him.

And now, in this last reincarnation, everything has finally come to an end.

Rhine, do you know who they are?

Rigel stared at the hundreds of billions of dead souls in the vacuum and said softly: They are part of me, the lost people who have not merged with me.

Rigelbi's smile was a little complicated.

I don't know what to call them, mother? Children? Compatriots? Whichever one seems appropriate.

The planet I am on has gone through three destructions and rebirths. According to you, it is... an era.

Souls are not born out of thin air. They all come from the self-division of the star spirit. Every era is a trial and error of this huge will, until it reaches enlightenment, when all living beings are reunited and reach perfection.

These children were unwilling to become a part of me, so they chose to escape. However, unfortunately, they did something wrong during their actions.

They took away a part of me, used my power to create this seeding ship, and gave themselves the privilege of immortality to sail infinitely in deep space to find a new homeland.

This is not easy, Rhine. There are only a handful of stars that still have souls in the sea of ​​stars, and this journey has lasted for too long. Rhine, the reason why I ask you to kill them is very simple.

They have been sailing for too long, and their will is constantly being worn away in the boundless void. The endless lifespan is not something these fragile souls that have been split can bear - they have gone crazy.

once Upon a time……

These crazy innocent souls that live among living corpses and only know how to scream and kill were once a group of noble souls who were educated, had correct outlook on life, were intelligent and kind.

The remaining obsession can only drive them to launch invasions and create wars, but it is impossible to save their corrupt nature.

The noble people who still have a trace of sanity came to the invaded world in advance with part of the core of the seeding ship to help the locals resist those crazy compatriots, and these people are becoming fewer and fewer.

Therefore, Rigel needs an opportunity to free hundreds of millions of wandering souls.

But it won't be easy.

Yuanji has been driving cautiously in the safety of deep space, and will not get too close to these threatening planets.

And this time, it was originally the same.

Yuanji will fly far away from the planet, drop its anchor, and start a war. If it wins, it will start full-scale colonization. If it loses, it will leave the orbit and wait for the next reunion in the star sea.

But this time it was different. The temptation before them was too great.

A planet about to give birth to a will, in this deep space that has fallen into deathly silence, perhaps this is the last Star God that has not yet been born.

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