Rhine Hein...

Since you are so heartless, let's do this!

Break up, break up! !

I, I still have many believers! There are many more divine choices! I can’t even count the number of people who worship me as a god every day! !

As long as I give the dragon eye to my chosen ones, they will do their best to help me seduce the evil demigods! !

Even though their strength is not as good as yours, they are far more loyal to me than you! Obsessed with me! !

I-I don’t need you! !

No need for you at all! !

.......How is that possible! !

Olivia couldn't help feeling sad again.

Although Olivia has many believers, she has endless succubi, large-scale apostles, the most elite chosen ones, and a group of ancient dragons who surrender to her...

But... let her truly appreciate her, sincerely want to have a good relationship with him, and want to see him smile because of her...

But only...

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ....”

Olivia held back the tears of disappointment, transformed the throne into a sharp sword, then picked up the wet key and stabbed it into the void!

The black iron warehouse, where countless disasters are buried, slowly opens!

The essence of disaster, transformed into substantial brilliance, soared into the sky!

this moment,

The apostles outside the nursery couldn't bear it any longer!

They hurriedly passed the emergency passage in the nursery, entered the nursery, and desperately grabbed Princess Gu Long who was trying to release the seal of the black iron warehouse.

Your Highness Princess! What are you doing!! What are you going to do!!!

Don't stop me! I'm going to die with justice!!

Your Highness, calm down! Your divinity is not suitable for fighting, and you have no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation with justice!!

Let go! Let go of everyone. If anyone dares to stop me, I will kill him now!!!

Your Highness Princess! Even if you fall out of love, you can't give up on yourself!

That's right! It's impossible for Rhein Hein to have no feelings for you at all. Please try again!!

I'm not in love! I'm a goddess, I won't be in love!!

The scene in the central nursery fell into great chaos,

And just when Olivia was heartbroken, sad, angry, and ready to risk her life for the last time...


In the place closest to Olivia's throne, the door to the netherworld that maintains a signal around the clock, a voice suddenly came from

That was clearly the call of a heartless man

Your Highness Olivia.

Rhine took the initiative to open the door to the netherworld and contacted Olivia. His voice was very low, and it seemed that... there was a sense of desolation and sadness:

...I have something to say to you.



I still have a draft of 1k words, which should be expanded to about 3k. I don’t want to stay up late, so I’ll write it tomorrow.


Has anyone watched this season of Detective Fengdu? It is recommended to give it a try. To be honest, this heroine is definitely the No. 1 beauty in this season’s new series.

Chapter 260 Lady Justice: Rhine...is the man who wants to be my husband

After six epochs, Princess Gu Long originally thought that her heart was indestructible enough.

But she was wrong...

The Creator gave the ancient dragon an invincible body that surpassed all mortal beings, but it was also full of bad taste and gave them souls that were as sensitive as mortals.

Because of order, Olivia lost her tribe, her family, and even... lost herself.

This series of blows has caused Olivia to collapse enough. She can only rely on the small live broadcasts contributed by Rhine every day to numb her mind and surrender.

Especially during the recent period, Rhine Hein has almost become the last hope in Olivia's heart...

And now, the last straw for Longlong appeared.

That is - Rhine's silent betrayal!

But just when the heartbroken Olivia was about to find justice, that bitch, and die together...

Something unexpected happened to Olivia,

Rhine Hein actually contacted her! !

After two whole days of silence, working and flirting with girls as usual, as if nothing had happened, Rhine finally took the initiative to contact Olivia on this day!

At that moment, Olivia's movements stopped.

Listening to that very familiar voice,

There seemed to be tears welling up in Princess Gu Long's eyes.

Rhine's call seemed to be her salvation. The dark warehouse that was on the verge of collapse and disintegration quickly closed under the pressure of Olivia's huge power and was firmly sealed again.

The door to disaster that will destroy the world has been closed.

At this moment, Olivia was already moved before Rhine could say anything else.

Great! !

Rhine, he really didn’t abandon me! !

He still has me in his heart! ! !

Longlong is so satisfied...

She didn't even need Rhine to coax her with any kind words. Just because Rhine was willing to talk to her, Olivia once again found the motivation to live! ! !

The black iron warehouse was closed and the subordinates were driven away.

Olivia sat on the throne with excitement and restrained her excitement and asked:

Rhein Hein, what do you want to say to me?

On the other side of the Netherland Gate, Rhine looked very decadent, with a hint of desolation in his weathered eyes:

Your Highness Olivia, are you still angry with me?

Why...you have refused to summon me?

Rhine's expression was lost, full of sadness and confusion: Didn't you watch me summon Her Majesty the Queen?

Alas... Alas? !

Olivia was shocked by Rhine's words.

Yes, yes...

Why didn't Olivia contact Rhine when she saw Rhine calling for justice?

In the relationship between believers and the goddess, the goddess naturally takes the initiative.

If something happened, it should be the evil god who takes the lead in raising an army to investigate!

In the past two days, it was not so much that Rhine had neglected Olivia, but that Olivia was deliberately pretending to be dead, cold-blooded Rhine! !

Rhine still said in that sad and low voice:

Because Her Royal Highness the Princess has been refusing to see me, I was really worried and uneasy, so I took the initiative to come to see you...

These humble words and that sad expression broke Olivia's heart.

Although she had heard these humble words countless times from other believers,

But when Rhine said this, Olivia still felt it and was deeply moved.

Rhine's respect for her has not diminished in the slightest.

That’s right!

Rhine is innocent, he did nothing wrong at all!

It was obviously Olivia who was having a bad temper and deliberately ignored Rhine. She didn't even ask him a question. She just ignored Rhine and locked herself in the room and only cared about herself...

Leaving Rhine aside, he waited anxiously for the summons that would never come. He was tortured repeatedly by temptation and guilt, and suffered in his heart...

Only then did Olivia realize how excessive and cruel what she had done was! !

Olivia looked at Rhine's face, looking at that haggard face, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

So, is this really the truth...

So it turns out that Rhine has been waiting for me to summon him? !

Olivia immediately blamed herself for misunderstanding Rhine...

During this time without Olivia,

Rhine... must be living a very hard life.

Not receiving the summons from the goddess, he thought that he had been coldly abandoned by his favorite goddess. He spent two torturous days in sadness and melancholy.

During these two days, he didn't think about tea or food. He was just listless and barely managed to cheer up... Fancy domesticated Hedwig, held a repair conference with the machine god, and even brought the adult with him. He went to the wild for training, and even used his blood to seduce and humiliate a True Ancestor...


Is this really something that a heartbroken and panicked person could do?

Why does this pussy seem to be having more fun lately?


This is not the key! !

Olivia knew that Rhine was only strong on the surface, but in his heart, he was always thinking about Olivia! He was obviously working hard to sacrifice to Olivia! ! !

And to say the least,

Even if the sadness on Rhine's face now is just his acting skills to deceive Olivia's feelings...

But at least... at least!

At least Rhine is still willing to deal with me! !

This incidates that,

He is not willing to lose me yet! ! !

In Rhine's acting skills and lies, Olivia saw the most sincere and sincere feelings in the heart of this mortal prince! !

Olivia regretted it...

How could she say in her heart that she wanted to break up with Rhine?

Rhine... obviously loves me so much and needs me so much...

Olivia was suddenly heartbroken...

Woo woo woo...

Rhine, my Rhine...

It's all my fault for making you suffer...

next moment,

Olivia regained her composure, with a gentle smile on her face.

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