No more refining.

Prosperity said calmly: There is only my coolant there.

As for what Cowper wanted, they had all been digested and dissolved, incorporated into her bionic muscles, and truly became a part of her body.

Although Meishen has no concept of metabolism at all, he still has the basic ability to decompose organic matter and digest food.

After all, it was the master's reward. As the master's most loyal maid, she must cherish the master's mercy towards her.

Cowper gritted his teeth: ...Why are you here, maid?!

After being discovered while out foraging for food, Cowper couldn't help but become furious.

The elegant queen broke through the defense in the cold gaze of Prosperity, which seemed to see through everything.

Cowper's face looked as ugly as possible.

Prosperity said calmly: I'm here to send you a message and prevent you from desecrating the master's personal belongings.

Cowper was furious and almost wanted to take action: What are you talking about! I don't understand at all!!

Really? Prosperity looked at Cowper leisurely, waiting for Cowper to quibble.

I-I'm just helping Her Royal Highness Rhine clean up the room!! You, the maid, are so derelict in your duty that you don't even know how to clean up the trash!!

Cowper sneered:

If you were a maid serving me, now your head has become a decoration on my dinner table.

The elegant former Blood Emperor actually rummaged through the trash can looking for food like a wild dog... This kind of thing...


In no mood!

Let her know! !

Faced with Cowper's ridicule, Prosperity was not angry at all, but instead admitted it frankly.

Ah, that's really embarrassing...

Prosperity said calmly:

If the master knows about my dereliction of duty, when he comes home at night, he will probably have to teach me a lesson...


Prosperity walked to the bedside table in the bedroom expressionlessly, and took out a handcuff enhanced with nanomaterials from it:

Maybe tonight, I will be humiliated and punished by the master with this torture device. Ah, I am really scared. The master is actually very easily angered, and once he becomes angry, he will... haha ?”

Prosperity covered his chest and put on a pitiful and frightened expression: Ms. Cowper, regarding my dereliction of duty, can you please keep it a secret for me?

This woman——

This kind of showing off with a dead horse face is really—it deserves a beating! !

Cowper: ...

Cowper couldn't understand, and was even more unconvinced.

This guy who doesn’t know whether he is a goddess or something else, in order to be able to enjoy Rhine’s favor exclusively? !

Why her? !

Although she has the title of a goddess, the divinity in this woman is even thinner than that of Cowper.

If it weren't for the light gun that restrained the vampire, Cowper could have killed her with one hand!

In what way is she better than Cowper?

Is it loyalty?

Cowper, who is obviously controlled by Rhine with his blood, should be more loyal than Prosperity, and even less likely to betray Rhine! !

If Rhine just needs a dog,

So Cowper, in every aspect, should be more suitable than Prosperity...


Prosperity is nothing more than seizing the opportunity and taking the lead in occupying the position next to Rhine.

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Cowper's heart became more intense.

In fact,

The influence of Rhine's blood on Cowper was even stronger than Rhine expected.

The purity of the blood of the Goddess of Justice flowing in Rhine's body is actually quite exaggerated.

That was the benefit that the goddess of justice secretly gave to Rhine,

The reason is to pave the way for directly promoting Rhine to the army commander, so that Rhine can become the most favored and the most unique God's Chosen One under her command.

The high-purity divine blood of order, plus the even higher-purity blood of justice, plus those charming dragon eyes, enslave Cowper's spirit.

Once Cowper thinks about issues involving Rhine, her sanity will easily collapse.

The arrogant attitude towards Rhine and the despicable malice towards this mortal prince had all disappeared with Rhine's cold command to kneel down.


Cowper just wants to give up everything, follow the temptation of blood, and awaken the servility in his body, and become His Highness the Rhine's dog...

However, even this humble request cannot be realized because of the existence of another person.

How could she have thought of it.

As a goddess, Prosperity is even lower than Cowper, and she can even be a bitch!

Of course Cowper didn't know that as an artificial goddess, Prosperity's instinct to serve her master was engraved into the program. Only by serving and pleasing humans could her intelligent program convey positive feedback to her that would satisfy her.

Cowper saw Rhine as prey and was forced into submission.

However, from the moment Prosperity awakened himself, he was full of love and obedience to Rhine.

On the other side, Prosperity also saw the murderous intent in Cowper's eyes and the increasingly active spiritual factors in his body...

Prosperity could see that Cowper's hostility towards her had accumulated to a very dangerous level.

This is exactly what happens to victims of addiction.


How ugly...

Prosperity sighed helplessly.

What a savage and low-level native species.

Trapped in the quagmire of self, with the soul dominated by selfishness, we will only continue to be at odds with our fellow citizens, and will never be able to bring real prosperity and order to civilization.

In the ideal world, such ugly and despicable barbarians have been completely eliminated since the creation of the world.


Prosperity can also understand that she is in a low-level civilization and has to do as the Romans do.

So she could barely tolerate the ugly creature in front of her,

Even in order to help his master tame and use her, Prosperity still needs to lower his body and gently and kindly appease this low-level life that is on the verge of going berserk.

Boom: Ms. Cowper.

Cowper: What happened again!!

Prosperity looked at Cowper calmly:

Please put away your meaningless desire to win. I am not your rival in love. I am just a maid beside the master. It is only my job to serve the lonely master. When the master has no bed partner, the maid should provide services to the lonely master. Isn’t it?”

Cowper seemed to understand something, frowning and asked: So what do you mean...


Prosperity said lightly: It's not that I occupied the master, but that the master feels that you are not loyal enough to him.

Cowper: Huh?!

Not loyal enough…

As the Third True Ancestor, the Blood Emperor who has lasted for hundreds of years, I knelt down beside him like a dog, stuck out my tongue and let him play with it... Your Highness, Rhine, you still feel that Not enough?

Cowper was a little desperate...she didn't know what to do any better.

“Being a good dog is not only about being loyal to your master.”

You need to be docile and kind, and not cause trouble to the master.

Prosperity came to Cowper and lifted Cowper's chin expressionlessly.

Did you just want to attack me? Ms. Cowper.

My master will not like it if you do this.

So what happened today should never happen again - do you understand?

The goddess and the queen, two beauties with noble divinity, stared at each other from almost zero distance.

Cowper was dissatisfied with all kinds of dissatisfaction, but under the cold gaze of Prosperity, she was inexplicably lowered by his momentum...

Is this the goddess?

Although he has fallen into despair, his horizons are still terrifyingly high.

I'm afraid that if it weren't for her master, Prosperity wouldn't even look at Cowper.

Until this moment,

Cowper suddenly realized the fact that the guy standing in front of him was a goddess.


Cowper chose to surrender.

I see......

I will control myself...

But then, Cowper looked at Prosperity in confusion:

Why are you telling me this? Help your master find a woman? Do you hate the company of His Highness Rhine so much?

I have said many times, I am not the master's lover, nor his wife, I am his maid.

Cowper, I have no interest in you.

There was no expression on Prosperity's face, he just said very calmly and indifferently:

But as the master's maid, I have the task of helping the master maintain his social circle and manage interpersonal relationships. And you, Cowper, you are a woman who is crazy about my master and has great use value.

Prosperity said calmly:

My evaluation of you is that you can be used to win over with sex, that's all.

Everything Prosperity says is true.

She knew that as the king of a country, Rheinhein needed a lot of human resources.

And her master used various methods to collect talents just for this purpose.

And this includes herself.

In this case,

There would be no reason to give up on Cowper.

Please behave well tonight.

Prosperity is not making decisions for her master,

It's just an objective fact before our eyes.

The master just brought the First True Ancestor Sharei back when you were rummaging through his trash can.

When Cowper heard this, he looked surprised: Old lady, has she been rescued?


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