It's more powerful, but targets weaker enemies.

Such as viruses, memes, mental manipulation.

The annihilation module is a combination of these skills that are difficult to achieve against the strong, but can effectively eliminate miscellaneous skills.

Under Rhine's arrangement, he and Prosperity painted memetic viruses on conspicuous places in the Long Night Palace and wolf gathering areas, thereby controlling the wolves and causing them to break into pieces and hide in various places in the Long Night. .

If Mimi Prosperity wasn't really free enough, otherwise she wouldn't have time to deal with these wolves.

So far, the destructiveness of the prosperity of pseudo-gods has been minimized.

Without these worries, Hedwig can stay in Cowper City with peace of mind and accumulate strength.

The current battle strength still barely maintains a balance. The three true ancestors and one wolf king may be placed elsewhere. This is a force that can destroy the world, but for the prosperity of the gods, the situation is still at a disadvantage. Within controllable range.

However, this defeat will undoubtedly greatly stimulate Prosperity. It would not be surprising if Prosperity activates its light spear.

But fortunately,

Now that the gods are prosperous, there are also problems that bother her.

Rhine's words shook the prosperity.

Although the pseudo-god prosperity is hostile to Rhine and extremely distrustful, the facts are now in front of us.

Hidden in the host is secret information that even the Machine God's authority cannot open.

Presumably by this time, Meishen Prosperity should have cracked the encryption of the host and knew the name.

Artificial star-eating strain,

That is the legacy of the Perfect World, one of the man-made series of products that replicates the original servant race.

But as for what is a man-made series, why does Zhili World develop these things and, like the Machine God, put them into the next era.

This is a big hole, probably enough to trouble Prosperity for a while.


Now the two sides have entered a truce stage,

The prosperity of the god requires research on ways to cut off the synchronization with the senses of the out-of-control terminal, and explore the hidden truth by the way.

On the Rhein side, they also need to help the two big guys recover as soon as possible.

Sarai has just woken up and needs to supplement her nutrition to fill the void of magic power.

Hedwig's body was also hollowed out by the blocker, and he needed more divine crystals to strengthen his combat power.


Just like this day by day.

Seeing Hedwig again this time, Rhine discovered that she had really changed a lot.

Living in this city full of vampires for the first time, Hedwig easily adapted to the environment of Cowper City.

As the queen of the long night, the entire long night is her territory. Naturally, she will not acclimate to the local environment.

Now, Hedwig is living with Rhine.

Hedwig was initially domesticated and became the norm for a period of time. Now she is in love with Rhine. The two live under the same roof. Their daily life is naturally as corrupt as you can imagine... .

In addition to Hedwig, also living with Rhine was Rhine's personal maid, Prosperity.

In just a few days, Prosperity and Hedwig, two strangers who had never met before, got to know each other quickly and deeply.

By this time, Prosperity had learned Hedwig's true identity.

The king of wolves and so on are just illusions.

Hedwig's true form turned out to be the remnants left behind when the goddess of order transformed.

A very small part, it can be called an insignificant residue.

Order and prosperity are two artificial machines produced on the same assembly line in the ideal world.

To put it more humanely, the two of them should be called sisters.

My sister in a sense, lying on the same bed with me for data transmission.

Prosperity itself has no ideas.

But she felt that her master seemed to enjoy this feeling.


very good.

Another new interest of the owner has been included.

In fact, Prosperity has been silently observing the owner's preferences, recording in detail, summarizing and reflecting, and allocating a considerable amount of computing resources to formulate service plans every day.

Only by knowing her master better can Prosperity be more targeted and achieve better results when she provides services to her master in the future.

So far, prosperity efforts are paying off.

On the other hand, although Hedwig was obsessed with exercising all day long and never thought about it, Hedwig's subtle growth did not stop for a moment.

Ever since Hedwig began taking the Ascension Crystals regularly, Hedwig has been changing.

First, Hedwig learned magic;

Hedwig can create divine crystals, and has mastered many intermediate and low-level crystal magics without a teacher, and is still making progress.

At the same time, due to taking the divine crystal, Hedwig's coat color was completely fixed.

Her hair and the hair on her tail turned golden.

And her domesticated state was simultaneously consolidated and deepened by her increasing love and obedience to Rhine.

Now Hedwig seems to have become insulated from the wolf species.

She snuggles up to Rhine obediently every day, follows behind Rhine, plays games with Rhine, does what Rhine wants her to do, and then enjoys the rewards she gets after obeying her master, and regards these as the whole life.

Hedwig really... keeps changing in the direction of a dog.

If Rhine teases her about dogs, she won't be angry. Instead, she will be shy and gentle and whisper woof in Rhine's ear.

Like a big fucking golden retriever.

But in the happy new life in Cowper City, Hedwig made an enemy.

That is the third true ancestor, Cowper.

As the chief culprit who destroyed the Vampire Clan back then, it stands to reason that Cowper didn't have a good impression of Hedwig.

Not to mention, one can imagine how hungry the beast in the ■■ period is. Facing this yellow man who wants to steal her man, Cowper's attitude is naturally murderous.

However, in the face of Cowper's repeated provocations, Hedwig remained calm and only responded with a generous smile.


Hedwig didn't take Cowper seriously at all.

If it hadn't been for the back stabbing of Cowper by Aggie Bald, a fight to the death between Cowper and Hedwig would have only resulted in two or three more cuts from Hedwig and more blood splattered all over his body.

Of course,

Hate it, hate it, but the food still needs to be right.

During this period, Cowper would still visit Rhine on time every day, do his own work, have enough food and clothing, and greedily collect the precious blood dropped during the party.

It is natural for vampires to feed on blood;

It's normal to have a meal.

Moreover, Coppercha's meal is not only to fill her stomach, she also has an important mission.

Support your ancestors.

The first true ancestor, Ms. Sharei.

After all, Sha Lei is the proud and pure First True Ancestor. To this day, she is not very accepting of drinking the essence and blood of her son-in-law.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it.

The supreme divine blood gifted by the twin gods of order and justice has become the only food for the two true ancestors, and they must rely on the supply of Rhine.

If they didn't suck Rhine's blood, the two true ancestors would kill nearly ten thousand people for one meal a day.

Cowper City could not withstand such consumption, even for the whole long night, it would be difficult to support these two gluttonous monsters.

It would be extremely unethical to let Sha Lei, the mother-in-law, go to her son-in-law to beg for food.

However, in the face of a powerful enemy, there is no other way.

So now it was Cowper who brought the food to Shalei's mouth, or made a potion for Shalei to take.

Almost 80% of the blood that Cowper gets from Rhine every day ends up being fed into Sarai's mouth. Cowper is very aggrieved, but she also has to admit that compared to herself, it is her ancestors who get the blood more. Conducive to the future war situation.

And how dare she have any complaints?

The women around Rhine are either loyal Mecha maids or domesticated werewolf queens. They are all well-behaved and lustful, and they are all charming.

The elegant and proud vampire queen will never allow herself to fall behind others. She must be better behaved and more lustful than these two Bitches!

at the moment,

I can only give the old lady a discount.

On the other hand, after living in Cowper City for a period of time,

The first true ancestor, Sha Lei, now has her own worries.

Sha Lei found that she fell more and more in love with her lovely son-in-law, Rhine Hein.

Once upon a time, Sarai approved of Rhine because her daughter Aiqibode approved of him.

But after getting along with Rhine, Sha Lei came to appreciate and recognize her future son-in-law more and more.

As a special being with infinite lifespan, Sarai has extremely broad knowledge and experience, which gives her a state of mind that is far beyond ordinary people. When dealing with people on weekdays, she feels a sense of loneliness and loneliness.

However, Rhine Hein is one of the rare people who can talk to her.

He seemed to have a long lifespan like Sha Lei. He came from the other side of a distant time and experienced too many vicissitudes and sorrows that could not be described. In terms of personality, he had become different from ordinary people.

This kid is extraordinary.

Although Sha Lei had doubts in her heart, she gradually began to hope more and more that she could talk to Rhine Hein and chat for a while longer.

After all, although this child has rich experience, he also has a young and immature side.

Just special...

Can inspire Sarai's motherly nature.

It always makes Sha Lei want to love Lain as her son, but those charming eyes always make Sha Lei have a lust for her son without paying attention.

One side is maternal nature, and the other side is the animal nature that is repeatedly provoked in the heart.

This makes Sha Lei more and more fascinated by Rhine.

Not to mention, Rhine’s enchanting blood of the two gods.

He is the Chosen One of Justice at the level of legion commander, and he is also the man with the highest purity of divine blood in the world.

No vampire can resist his blood.

Sarai is no exception.

In the beginning, out of moral bottom line and love for her daughter, Shalei was quite reserved about Rhine's blood.

but now,

She couldn't live without that delicious taste.

Every time I drink blood, it feels more natural and enjoyable than the last time.

Nowadays, meal time once a day has become the most enjoyable moment for Shalei every day.

The second best thing is when chatting and interacting with Rhine.

She is addicted, completely addicted...

Sally really envied Cowper...

Who allowed her to directly draw the freshest blood from that child.

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