Since you want to engage in secretarial work, keen senses and the ability to observe words and colors are indispensable.

In order to adjust prosperity to a suitable working state,

Rhine also needs to adjust the sensory parameters of prosperity.

Just increase the sensory sensitivity first... three times... five times...

Forget it, just increase it fifty times.

After that, Rhine leisurely raised the progress bar representing the sensitivity value in the operating system to the full value.


Rhine's casual little move made the eyes on Prosperity's calm face tremble crazily.

Rhine smiled: What's wrong, Prosperity, can you accept it?

Boom: I...

Ever since she decided to become Rhine's maid.

For a long time, Prosperity has constrained herself based on the maid instruction manual she saw at the beginning.

Normally speaking, maids are human dignity. What they sell to their masters is services, not their bodies. The various service skills recorded in the book are only for maids who are willing to try them.

But prosperity does not need to care about these,

She is not a human being and has no so-called dignity.

She is a machine,

An existence born to serve man...

The fall of Ark had no impact on the prosperous mood.

She knew it.

Ark cannot restore the rational world,

That beautiful era that has passed will never come back,

She has not seen her creators since she can remember,

The only thing she could hold on to was the man in front of her...

Her beloved, her only master.

Due to Olivia's corruption, the emotions triggered by the evil dragon in Prosperity's body expanded crazily, like a poison, corrupting her entire system.


In her mind, countless selves were urging herself crazily,

at the same time,

Prosperity's favorability towards its master has also been continuously sublimated and deepened.

But for favorability, prosperity does not have much feeling...

Maybe it's because she loved him so much from the beginning that she was willing to give everything for him...

When she was receiving guests before, she thought that she could use this painful body to please her dear master...

Prosperity feels the happiness emerging from the underlying logic...

Service is the happiness that this machine of hers will always pursue...

And now, her master asked her again

At this moment, staring into Rhine's eyes,

Sincere, happy, loyal... beautiful smile.

Faced with the request of her beloved master,

How could prosperity refuse?

Rather, what the master is about to impose on her is exactly what she has been waiting for and craves for...

Prosperity: Master, I found...Ark has that right?

Rhine nodded: It should be.

Prosperity sighed softly: The Ark is gone, so no matter what mission I once shouldered, it is over now...

The Star Destroyer God is no more.

Prosperity is no longer the annihilator of the Sixth Age.

Prosperity now is just your loyal machine servant. It is a machine that loves you deeply and is exclusive to you.

Completely abandoning the mission and accepting a new self...

Prosperity's eyes revealed a seductive look:

She persuaded her master softly, teasing his animal nature: I am just a broken tool in your warehouse that has no dignity, no personality, no feelings, and no one wants...


Please feel free to, wantonly, and use your imagination...fuck me to death?...

Chapter 289: The resurrected machine god prospers and the decisive battle begins

In the long night of busy streets, colorful flowers bloom everywhere.

The streets that were noisy and lively just now have become even more lively - or, in other words, crazy.

On this unsightly street, there are everywhere degenerates whose souls have been devoured by the corruption of the netherworld. The crowd's spirits are broken, their bodies are deformed, and the only trace of intelligence left drives them to pursue the bliss of debauchery crazily.

And among these hopeless degenerates,

There was a black-haired goddess covered in the corruption of the netherworld. She huddled in a corner, trapped in a nightmare, and kept roaring in pain.

The goddess's whole body was covered with ulcers eroded by corruption. Under the pieces of corrupted skin, the love medicine flower juice from the Netherland Garden seeped out, fell to the ground, and bloomed into beautiful poisonous flowers that are unique in the mortal world.

It is precisely because of her, the source of corruption, that several neighborhoods in Long Night have been swallowed up by the evil dragon's corruption, and its influence is expanding.

Countless people were influenced by her and became corrupted on the spot.

There are also countless people who are witnessing the embarrassing and ugly end of the noble goddess who shines like the scorching sun in the middle of the night.

The Star Destroyer God no longer cared about the noisy and dancing crowd around her.

She is dying! !

Control of the Ark has been taken away.

Although the new owner of the Ark has not yet been decided, the two major forces that are fighting madly under the Ark will eventually capture the Ark.

The last legacy of the world of truth is already a trophy within easy reach of the evil gods.

The last hope of the ideal world no longer exists.

So does she.

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