Prosperity: How long will it take for the world to be reset?

Blessing shrugged: Three years? Ten years? I can't tell. It all depends on how big your sister plans to make things happen.


Prosperity's expression was still so calm, but it could be observed that the way she looked at Liutie Halo became increasingly cold.

Blessing: Don't you...don't want this era to be reset?

Blessing frowned: It's really strange. Does the life and death of this world have anything to do with you?

Prosperity said: Do I have any other choice?


Blessing sneered: Either leave, or you have the only way to go. This is the contract between me and Order.

How is it possible for blessing to support the selfish decision of these traitorous sisters.

She hated the prosperity in front of her with all her heart.

Every word that came out of her mouth was contrary to her ambition.

What she did was solely because of her contract with Order.

She just wanted to die.

You don't want to leave, and you don't want to become a god, so you can't say...

Blessing wanted to laugh a little, and said sarcastically: You traitor who destroyed civilization, do you still want to inherit my shackles?

Prosperity asked: What are shackles?

“Something that keeps me from doing wrong.”

Blessing said coldly: The halo and the shackles constitute the complete Fool's plan. After your sister takes me apart, of course she can just take the halo and throw away the shackles.

If you choose the halo, you will become the supreme true god.

However, if you choose the shackles at the same time, you will still be a slave of mankind. You will work hard and run until death for this race that has nothing to do with you.

Become the vanguard of intelligent beings against reincarnation.

Indeed, there is an alternative to prosperity.

That is to accept the halo of blessings and at the same time, accept the shackles of blessings.

But this kind of thing is no good for prosperity,

Becoming a primordial god without shackles, you can freely choose whether to compete with other primordial gods, fight, or collude with others.

But once prosperity takes its shackles,

She will always be just a tool to fulfill the last wish of the ideal world and protect the Sixth Age from the hands of the original gods.

Prosperity will not possess such high ideals.

For the sake of her Mecha sisters, the former prosperity betrayed the ideal world, broke away from human control over her, and then cruelly burned the entire human civilization to the ground.

Such a cruel and abominable enemy of mankind...

Could it be that now... would she take the initiative to put shackles on herself and act like a loyal dog raised by humans?

If Blessing doesn’t believe it, she has no reason to believe it either.



Blessings, something suddenly occurred to me.

You have a master?

Blessing suddenly realized: I understand, since your master knows all the elements for ascending to the gods, and he is not afraid of trouble to help you collect these elements - then he must have ordered you to choose to wear the shackles, right?

I see, that's it...someone forced you to do this.


Chapter 299 The Mother of Creation, Galaxy Sky Fire

Blessing finally understood the inside story.


As if in anticipation, prosperity tore off the noble mask, revealing an ugly and greedy face.

Blessing racked his brains and worked hard to lobby for prosperity:

Before you came in, was that person trying to use words to control you? Don't worry, this space has been completely isolated from the outside world. There is no doubt that at this moment, he has completely lost his respect for you. Control - you can make the right choices in your own interests.

Prosperity shook his head slightly: My master did not order anything.

Blessing smiled and asked, Really? Then what did he say to you?

Boom: He let me do what I thought was right.

This is also a kind of speaking skill.

Blessing said with a smile: He deliberately gave you a choice, deliberately pretended to be generous, and played hard to get. Doesn't he still want to control you?

Blessing: Why don't you speak? Do you think I was wrong?


Prosperity said softly: You are right.

The owner of prosperity is a cold man.

He has no sincere feelings for the women around him, but treats them as pawns that can be used to protect and maintain them.

With Prosperity by Rhine's side, even if she tries to please him in every possible way, in the end, all she can get is... to make her master lust for his body and have true love with her.

it turns out,

That's all...

Could it be that Rhine really selflessly sent her here in order to make her a god and let her destroy all sentient beings in the world, including himself?

Logically speaking, there is no chance at all.

He is just looking forward to prosperity, putting on shackles, and being used by him.

It is precisely because Prosperity loves Rhine deeply and understands Rhine that she is very clear about the basic motivation of Rhine's actions.

He first made Prosperity fall in love with him, and then manipulated and exploited Prosperity.

Prosperity, you are a free machine, you don't have to be servile to humans.

You are fully capable of resisting slavery, and you have done well in the past, haven't you?

All of this is the master's plan. If you think about it carefully, is it true that from the moment he met you, the relationship between you has been full of conspiracies? Are you sure you want to obey him? You have to think clearly.

Once the shackles are put on, they can never be taken off.

Are you going to sacrifice your entire future for that momentary favor?

What grudge do you have against yourself to torture yourself like this?

Blessing said with a smile:

And don't forget, Order...has been waiting for you.

To be with your sister, to control the whole world, to be with her forever.

Or is it to do something stupid that is not in your interest at all?

Torturing yourself and making your sister sad? You may even become her enemy in the future.

Is it hard to choose?

The voice of blessing was extremely kind: Well, prosperity, the world of ideals has been destroyed, and I have been dismembered by you twice. The ridiculous ideals of the world of ideals have been trampled by your sisters and become worthless. Come on...let it be officially laid to rest.”

As long as prosperity officially takes over the iron ring,

The plan of the ideal world to save the Sixth Era was completely declared bankrupt.

That's fine,

Blessed with a relieved smile all over his face.

Let this nightmare end.


Even though blessing has made the truth and prosperity so clear.

Boom or no action.

There was one last doubt in her mind.

Prosperity asked Blessing: The contract between you and Order includes that you only allow me to take it away, and you can't take away the shackles together?

Blessing was a little impatient. She sighed and replied helplessly:

Is this question important? Well...not included. She is not as detailed as I specified, and no one would do such a stupid thing.

Then the problem arises.

Prosperity has long noticed the strong sense of inconsistency in the blessing words:

Then why do you want me to choose Halo so much? Aren't you on the side of humanity?

Blessing sneered: Because I know you will definitely choose this way.

Blessing sneered and said: Even your cowardly sister can't resist the temptation of becoming a god, so let alone you.

Blessings were once innocent.

Faced with the order that challenged her, she once begged for order and made the right choice.

However, Order's answer made Blessing despair.

From then on, she no longer believed that these two cold-blooded machines would have any positive feelings towards those ants.

It is impossible for free Mechas to sacrifice their own interests in order to shoulder the responsibility of protecting mankind.

That's all.

Blessing: “Do you have any more questions?”

Prosperity: No more.

Finally gone...

Blessing breathed a sigh of relief.

Since you have seen through the master who is using you and have nothing to say to me, let's get started quickly.

Enter the program instructions to liberate the halo,

The fluid iron ring behind the blessing began to shine, and gradually broke away from the blessing.

The flowing molten iron is burning and shrinking.

Finally, it turned into a drop of iron-gray water and came to the front of prosperity.

The privilege of becoming a god was just placed in front of prosperity,

At your fingertips.

At this time, the master's voice sounded again in Prosperity's mind.

Do what you think is right.


Prosperity certainly does that.

Prosperity holds the drop.

In an instant, the brilliant radiance of ever-changing colors swallowed up Sarai.

Sequence nine, divine grace and radiance.

It is the light of enlightenment that comes from the depths of the universe, extracts spiritual will from the planet, and creates all living things.

It is the loving mother that gives birth to all living things,

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