Euphemia looked at Rhine meaningfully: You are right, after all, the teacher's purity should be reserved for the person the teacher likes.

Rhine: Teacher, does he like someone?

Euphemia smiled ambiguously: Yes.

Euphemia continued to ask with a smile: Rhine, why don't you guess who will take away the teacher's virginity in the future?

Rhine asked awkwardly: Is it mother?

Euphemia stared at Rhine intently:


The archangel's charming dragon eyes seemed to penetrate the blindfolded white cloth and stirred Rhine's heartstrings.

Everything that happened last night allowed Euphemia to completely get to know Rhine again.

This kid has really grown up...

After taking Rhine back to the prison, Euphemia silently looked at Rhine's figure, and the archangel was filled with emotion.

Even Euphemia, who has worked as a servant for the Evil Dragon Princess for ten years and has gained a high level of knowledge in coloring, must admit... Rhine's skill in appreciating women is simply outrageous.

More than ten years ago, that innocent and intelligent child would be too shy to look directly at Euphemia, who was too beautiful for a mortal.

But now, he has become a mature man who would not feel offended even if he was said to be Euphemia's husband.


I am... such a happy woman.

Euphemia touched Rhine's head lovingly: Well Rhine, it's time for me to leave. I'll pick you up in the evening.

However, Rhine stopped Euphemia: Teacher, wait a minute, I have something else to apply to you.

Euphemia: Huh?

Rhine: I want to go to the vivarium.

Eco box?

Speaking of which, the eco-tank has been quite busy these two days.

I have a friend over there and I have to go see her, Rhine explained.

Rhine has put the insect swarm in the ecological box for two days. Two days may seem short, but for an insect swarm that can evolve and reproduce indefinitely, it is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in her.

Now Euphemia is responsible for supervising Rhine. Rhine's request is not too much. It is just a little effort from Euphemia. She just nodded and opened the door.

But in other words...

Of course Euphemia also had the power to reject Rhine's application casually.


Thinking of this, Euphemia looked at her favorite student with a smile: Teacher, I can't help you for free this time.

Rhine asked: Then what does the teacher need in return?

After a long absence, Euphemia said coquettishly: We haven't seen each other for a long time...I almost forgot what it felt like when you kissed me.

What Euphemia wanted in return was Rhine's kiss.

When they were young, Rhine and Euphemia had a close relationship, and Euphemia would often reward Rhine with kisses on the cheek, and in turn, she would ask Rhine to kiss her.

Rhine smiled: Of course, no problem, Teacher Euphemia.

So...come on?

After saying that, Euphemia turned her head, closed her eyes, and exposed her cheek to Rhine.


Rhine also slowly approached Euphemia...

But Rhine did not kiss Euphemia on the cheek.

He suddenly took action, grabbed Euphemia's chin, and kissed Euphemia directly on the lips.

He gently bit Tian Zhilian's delicate lips, and then Lain quickly let go of her.

Although it was just a brief kiss, this kiss was thrilling enough.

After all, kissing the mouth and kissing the face are two completely different concepts.

The former is just a normal interaction between naughty elders and younger generations;

However, the meaning of the latter... is too taboo and ambiguous.

At this time, Rhine and Euphemia were very close to each other. When she was young, Euphemia had to let Rhine look up to her, but now, Euphemia could only reach Rhine's lips by tiptoeing slightly.

Rhine: Teacher, I am no longer a child. From now on, the only kiss you ask me for is this kind of kiss.

Euphemia's eyes were stunned, and she looked at Rhine in surprise.

I was stunned for a few seconds,

Then, she showed the same gentle smile as before.

Bad boy...

A spatial crack leading to the ecology box was opened.

Go early and come back early. I have to do a physical examination tonight.


335. Containment breach, rampaging insect swarms, and primitive creatures under the sea

Hein Imperial City, underground crystal ecological box.

The return of the prince caused a violent shock in Haiyin. He not only brought a storm to the church, but also made the shepherds witness the birth and loss of control of the disaster.

In the huge underground structure made of silver-white crystals, countless shepherds were running around.

There were sirens everywhere, a large amount of defensive equipment was continuously mobilized from other layers, and the herdsmen had even begun to deliver a large number of deep-seated containment objects to fight fire with fire.

This is no longer the level of containment riots.

A brutal war is taking place that has swept through the entire layer area and may even destroy the entire ecological box.

The battlefield is three levels underground, a medium-risk level area.

The enemies are a group of people who misjudged their danger and strayed into the shallow area, a real disaster.

An unknown ecological group with terrifying lethality.

In the third-level management area, the shepherds summarized the information collected from various departments and were making reports:

All the contained objects on the third floor except [Roudan] have been silent. It has been confirmed that [Shocking Cloud] and [Bei Luoqi's Gnosis] are just copies born after being killed and reconstructed by [Roudan]. They The ability is helping [Roudan] expand its influence, and [Roudan] wants to invade other layers.

The crystal battle group has been completely wiped out. The defense forces at all levels are in urgent need. We will no longer waste more defense forces.

Panic is spreading, riots broke out in the containers on the fourth and second floors, and more containers are being affected by [Roat and Egg].

It is still unclear what the goals and motives of [Rou Dan] are, but according to its current action logic, it probably really wants to eat up the entire ecological tank.

It's so funny, I finally don't have to work overtime.

Do not talk nonsense.

The barrier of the third-level area is already in danger. The ecological group that slaughtered the entire area may break the barrier at any time, enter the management area, invade the elevator, and devour the entire ecological box.

But in this regard...the shepherds looked calm and performed their duties calmly, not caring at all about the coming disaster.

While leisurely drinking the alchemy potion that keeps you sane,

On one side, he recorded groups of data coldly and accurately.

By the way, Roudan...why is this guy still wearing the code name he had when he first registered? Don't you think our death report will be a bit hilarious when this guy rushes into the command room?

Understood, activate the alternative registration name, [His Royal Highness's emergency food].

never mind.

[Emily Augustine's] vital signs are silent, [Roudan] preys on her, it's fatal, [Roudan] is copying the divine blessing of the demigod.

It has mastered the blessing of the demigod's perception. It is learning our knowledge. It seems to want to try to communicate with us - the resident spell has just received its communication.

What does it say?

It says...I come in behalf of peace and goodwill.

Really? I'm so touched. Now let's give it the 'peace and friendliness' it wants - start releasing ultra-hazardous containment objects in the ninth floor area.




Mixed with the chatter and laughter of a group of civil servants who were moved that they could finally retire for good.

The atmosphere that used to permeate the box garden was brought to the herdsmen, and the entire crystalline ecological box seemed to have turned into a huge hunting ground.

This time, everyone is prey.

Amid the indifferent and calm expressions on the herdsmen's faces, the situation is deteriorating crazily, and destruction is close at hand.

The situation is out of control. If this continues, there is a risk of large-scale destruction of the ecological boxes. Should we ask the Forbidden Army for help?

Forget it about the Imperial Army, it will be very troublesome if those eldest ladies are killed here - mobilize the containment items from the lower levels.

I don't recommend continuing to feed it with containment objects. That will only make it stronger. It has the ability to learn. Whether it is a magical product, racial talent or divine blessing, this thing can learn.

So...we need a decisive blow?

As soon as these words came out, all the shepherds thought of the same possibility and felt hesitant in their hearts.

At this time, a communication came from the department in the lower district.

Report, the Sixth Extermination Outpost discovered that a protozoan creature has entered the salvage range. Do you want to activate it?

As soon as these words came out, the entire scene fell into silence for a moment.

That's right,

That was the only possibility the shepherds thought of.

So...has the matter become serious enough to require the use of those unspeakable things?

In the end, the top person in charge took a leisurely sip of the alchemical potion and made perhaps the craziest decision since he took office:

Provide the clean code to the outpost, and all departments will work together to build a containment framework within ten minutes of death. I will be solely responsible for the consequences and start salvaging the original creatures of the death layer.

The order was given,

Then the outpost from the distant deep underground began to operate, and a huge cannon was aimed at the prisoner who had been wandering in the darkness for endless years - open fire!

It was shattered, but the resurrection process soon began.

At this time, a huge matrix technique unfolded among the exploding shells. The brilliance of the technique shattered the dead darkness and illuminated the earth that was constantly squirming and convulsing.

Resurrection interfered with.

The gloomy frame of the third layer begins to resonate with it.

As a result, its resurrection location began to shift.

It will be reborn in the light of the earth.

Some kind of strange existence descended into the upper containment room. It raised its head-like organ and stared at the bright crystal dome, dazed for a few seconds.


The light seemed to greatly stimulate it, and the sadness, confusion, and heart-rending desire for light that had been in its heart for thousands of years turned into a shrill scream that suddenly resounded throughout the third floor, making people shudder.

In the center of the riddled third level area, under the pull of countless matrix techniques, an indescribable, skinny, upright creature was suspended in the air, scratching the holes in its chest excitedly, and screaming crazily.

It is a native species from the bottom of the ecological tank, a mysterious existence that has been inhabiting the sea since ancient times.

It is true that the upper level of the crystallized ecological box is indeed a prison built by angels and humans under the instruction of the goddess to contain anti-order existences.

But the unknown continent located at the bottom of the ecological box is a local native attraction that has existed since ancient times...

The land of Hain,

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