After all, in this world, beauty belongs to the weapons of the gods.

It is the most powerful force.

Soon, the girl broke free from the shackles of her afterbirth. She ran to Rhine, grabbed Rhine's hand, and made a serious protest with a bitter look on her face:

Forgive me for the offense, Mr. Rhine! But your behavior is too rude and arrogant. How could you deliberately let me live in such a dangerous place? You have let me have too many meaningless disputes, which is really inconsistent with your noble Quality makes a difference with a kind heart!”

The girl looked at Rhine pitifully. Even though she was badly cheated by Rhine, she still remained polite and respectful to her benefactor, and begged in a low voice:

The New Era is still in an era of barbarism and strife. They should not be disturbed by an absolute ruler of the food chain. Next time, please be sure to bring me to your home to raise me, even if you let me help you dispose of it in your trash can. Trash is an acceptable offer!”

337. Domestication of natural disasters, the charmed lady of the insect swarm

Haiyin underground, crystal ecological box, third floor area.

A good show is going on.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl who was so beautiful that it shocked her heart, grabbed the hand of a certain romantic scumbag prince, and in a voice that was almost crying, begged this scumbag not to abandon her, as long as she could stay by his side, for her. So she would rather live in the garbage can of the scumbag's house and eat the garbage!

To be honest,

This picture is quite interesting.

However, when the shepherds were killed by the crushing force of this wolf warrior girl for two full days, their last vestige of confidence was shattered and they were completely in despair.

The shepherds have lost the ability to eat melons and watch the show.

They just feel sad.

This monster ate up hundreds of ecological groups in the third level area, challenged and defeated the Sons of Hein in the Destruction Level, and took their power as its own, emerging from this massacre with terrifying efficiency. Gained huge benefits and finally achieved an almost godlike status.

And the driving force behind all of her atrocities...

It turned out that it was just to go to the owner’s house to eat garbage.

When I was eating melons with the demigods imprisoned in the deep zone, I heard that the prince was fishing with Shia on his left and sleeping with Hela on his right. He brought the Moonlight King home to eat cheese hot dogs, asked Tian Zhilian to check whether his development was normal, and also asked the Archbishop to Beth had a wonderful expression.

The shepherds still didn't believe it.

but now,

Everyone has it and believes it.

On the other side, the cute girl transformed into a swarm of insects was still looking at Rhine eagerly:

Mr. Rhine, why do you look so embarrassed? Do you still think that my proposal is unacceptable?

The girl was very aggrieved: I thought that after I evolved to be more pleasing to the eye, you would reconsider your treatment of me. Could it be...have you really made up your mind to abandon me? You are going too far. , you also said you needed me before!

The shepherds stood aside from a distance, looking at the text that kept popping up in the spell group, but stopped talking.

Of course I need you, ma'am.

At this time, Rhine's firm voice sounded.

But at the same time, he also held the girl's hand, and his tone was somewhat helpless:

It's just that I didn't expect that I inadvertently did something wrong that made you unhappy - madam, do you hate fighting?

Yes, that's right! Mr. Rhine!

The girl seemed to have found a close friend, and she solemnly said:

I don't like to rely on killing and looting to achieve my goals. This is not only for my personal reasons, but also for the consideration of this new world. Although you are very important to me, I also know that my power will cause harm to this world. What impact!”

Rhine asked tentatively: Then what if...I still need you to use force to help me in the future?

Huh? This, this...

The girl was stunned when she heard this, and her face was visibly entangled.

Finally, the girl whispered: I don't think...this is good, sir.

Rhine saved the Zerg Swarm, and the Zerg Swarm certainly wanted to help Rhine.

But the swarm also has its own bottom line.

She was a natural disaster of flesh and blood that once slaughtered the entire planet.

If Rhine wanted to take advantage of the swarm's invincible combat power, he could do many things.

But in the same way, he can also destroy more beautiful things in the process.

The insect swarm in the new century has decided to change its evil ways and return to the right path on a macro scale, and will no longer engage in meaningless expansion and squeeze the interests of others.

Rhine's request...she can't do it!

Therefore, the girl wanted to discuss it with Rhine.

The girl smiled and comforted Rhine: I'm sorry that I can't provide you with military support, but Mr. Rhine, besides war, I can do many things! I am very smart and creative - please believe Me, keep me by your side, I can meet many of your requirements, many, many!

Rhine: Then what if...I definitely need your force?

Girl: ...Huh?

Rhine stared into the girl's eyes, her eyes full of sincerity:

If I encounter insurmountable difficulties and am only one step away from my ideal, if only your power can save me, madam, please tell me, will you make an exception for me then?!

The girl was a little panicked. Rhine's fervent request made the current insect swarm unable to resist: I, I...that...

Rhine grabbed the girl's shoulders:

Please look into my eyes! Can you feel my sincerity? Lady! I really need you!!

woo woo woo woo......

The girl stared into Rhine's eyes. Those clear and moving eyes were reflected in her heart, a collection of human intelligence that had begun to shape herself for the first time. It contained a thrilling charm that made the girl panic.

The girl was not infected by the firm belief in Rhine's eyes.

But instead she felt that an organ in her lower abdomen began to get hot...

O-well... maybe I shouldn't be so mean to my savior.

The girl finally gave in and made a very difficult decision:

Mr. Rhine, I will help you when necessary...but please use my power with restraint...I am really scary to this world... .”

Since it was the order of the savior, the swarm could only carry it out...

Although the swarm of insects wanted to think about the sentient beings in the new world, they were not ready to give up their own lives for the sake of all the people in the world.

Besides, although the insect swarm can be aloof from the world, Rhine is only a link in the ecological chain. She cannot force Rhine to treat the life of the new era with the same attitude as her.

Yes, yes...

That's it.

The girl smiled bitterly and asked weakly: Now...Mr. Rhine, can you take me home?

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The shepherds were holding notebooks and writing frantically.

Is this how this bastard scumbag tamed living natural disasters?

Learned learned learned.



Finally reaching a consensus with her benefactor again, the insect swarm breathed a sigh of relief, but then a question appeared in her mind.

Girl: locked me up with these creatures, is it because you need me to help you overcome some difficulties?

Rhine nodded with a smile.

The girl asked again: Are they your enemies?

Rhine explained: That's not the case. I just hope to use them to awaken your fighting spirit and make you adapt to fighting with the enemy, especially the thing that confronts you in the end... because there is a place next, Only you can take me there.

The girl asked: I guess... it's the place where the man just now was born, right?

The man the swarm was talking about was the primitive creature from the depths of darkness that was fished out by the shepherds.

Ma'am, I feel very guilty for causing blood on your hands.

Rhine's face was full of innocence. He stared into the girl's eyes and said sincerely: But I can only ask you for this matter. You are the only person who can give me hope.

Rhine looked at the beautiful girl eagerly and affectionately.

The girl looked away and stuttered:

If it's just an escort... it shouldn't be a problem...

In fact, from a rational point of view, the swarm does not need to agree to any of Rhine's requests.

Going to the depths of destruction has no real benefits for the swarm. On the contrary, it is full of dangers.

Now that Rhine has helped the swarm escape the pursuit of the Lady of Justice, and the swarm has fully gained the strength to confront the soldiers of the Lady of Justice,

To put it short-sightedly, Rhine can no longer provide more help to the swarm.

In the face of a completely rational political system or people, repaying a favor is ridiculous. When morality and interests conflict, the former is as cheap as grass.

If it were the insect swarm in the past, it would have coldly rejected Rhine's request and squeezed out Rhine's last bit of value - his nutritious organic body.


The current insect swarm has gained many insights during the disasters of the Fourth Age, and their personalities have also changed.

The insect swarm has given up its desire for development to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

She no longer has the need to expand, nor does she need to be cold and machine-like to pursue more interests frantically, making herself more and more bloated.


the most important is......

When a large political group is reduced to an independent individual, a bad thing will inevitably happen...

That is, she will be able to make irrational choices based on her personal likes and dislikes...

Rhine is a benefactor, and the insects deeply remember this kindness.

In this case...

The insect swarm also has a conclusion in its mind.

It's just that I want to make a digression, Mr. Rhine...

Rhine asked gently: What's wrong?

The swarm of insects still refused to look directly into Rhine's eyes. She turned her face sideways and asked awkwardly:

Has anyone around you ever told you that you have abused your sexual attraction to exchange for resources from the opposite sex?

Rhine was stunned and asked innocently: Is there any?

The girl nodded seriously: Yes.

Rhine accepted the criticism and asked instead: did you know?

The girl looked away and said narrowly:

I-it's hard for me to answer...

The girl then coughed twice: Let's get back to the topic! Mr. Rhine! I can accept your request, but as your friend, I am a little worried about your safety, so why do you go to that... right? A very dangerous area for you?

Rhine answered truthfully, with a wry smile: I know someone there, and now I have a document that I need her to sign.


338. Archbishop Beth’s humiliating submission

Girl: Is he... the same person as the man just now?

Rhine shook his head: No, she is different from that thing, at least for the time being.

As for who Rhine is looking for in the plane of destruction...

Rhine showed a somewhat nostalgic expression:

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