Rhine was stunned for a moment. He understood Karina's words, and everything was as he expected.

He then sighed:

It seems that the more reasonable my answer is, the more you will doubt me, right? After all, back then, Rhein Hein was just a playboy who was overly handsome and very considerate of beauties.

Rhine smiled. He could understand Karina's mood: If he suddenly becomes an excellent politician, then you will naturally think that he is possessed by a devil.

Karina didn't answer.

So far, her interrogation seems to have come to a conclusion.

She looked at the documents beside her and fell into silence.

She was thinking.


After a moment of silence, Karina finally spoke, but her tone seemed to soften a bit:

You have really changed...

Rhine: Where?

Karina: Face.

Karina: Looking better.

Karina wasn't joking or flirting in the slightest.

She just stated the facts objectively:

You are more beautiful than you were back then, no... back then, you were only as good-looking as a mortal anyway, but now, Rhein Hein, I would even misunderstand you as a male demigod... ....”

Karina asked word by word:

This is also a blessing given to you by the evil god, right?


Rhine nodded and admitted.

Karina: So it looks like the interrogation is over?

Rhine smiled but said nothing.

Karina sighed.

Things are really troublesome.

The purpose of the divine judgment is to allow all goddess representatives who are bleeding with the blood of gods to make judgments according to their own ideas - no need to follow the law, no need to follow social morality, just rely on their own minds.

Karina said: Actually... I don't think a pillar of the empire should be executed just because he has the blessing of one or two evil gods.

In Haiyin, there were too many cases where blessings were forcibly given because of certain achievements that attracted the attention of the evil god. Among my colleagues at that time, some people received blessings from the goddess of justice.

Although he was tortured to the point of going crazy by that blessing in the end, that was already more than ten years later.

At least during the dozen years he was alive, that blessing allowed him to kill many enemies for the empire and made outstanding achievements.

Karina said calmly:

Rhine, I am not the Holy Church. The pollution on your body not only brings bad consequences, but also objectively makes you better. I just want to know, what did you do with this blessing?

Karina still couldn't trust Rhine.

She needs to make her own judgment based on Rhine's next answer.

Did you do anything...?

This time, Rhine did not hide the truth, but answered truthfully.

Carefully, he explained the purpose of Olivia's Charming Blessing.

Rhine: Then let me introduce it to you. This is Olivia's Charming Dragon Eye, which allows me to gain powerful charm. Because this is the evil god's highest blessing, even demigods are not immune.

I used these eyes to charm many demigods, some from Haiyin, but more from foreign countries. I fell in love with them, conquered them, and made them intoxicated. They ate the marrow and knew the taste. They couldn't stop, and they couldn't stop it from now on. leave me.

Karina was stunned, with shock in her eyes and a trace of untimely and inexplicable agitation:

You mean...you made demigods fall in love with you?

Rhine smiled, his charming eyes gazing at Karina lovingly:

Do you know what they call me?

They call me master.

Hearing this word, Karina's heart palpitated.

Rhine continued to confess his crimes:

For the first time, they realized their cowardly side as women. They were willing to surrender to me, and for the sake of their humble nature and uncontrollable desires, they willingly knelt in front of this mortal who was ten thousand times weaker than them... ..”

Actually, demigods are quite similar to ordinary people. They will also be dazzled by love, and they also have some hobbies that they are ashamed to talk about. They are just women, emotional and passionate... As long as they are educated, they will become You have to be docile and well-behaved.”

Sister Karina, as a mortal woman, you should be able to understand what I am saying, right?

Rhine asked softly: Have you ever felt conquered by your husband?

As soon as these words came out, Karina's eyes suddenly trembled.

This is my private matter, why do you pry?

Okay, no matter what, I think you should be able to understand the power of these eyes. The charm blessing breaks the barrier between me and the demigods. Only in this way can I truly enter their hearts and become their friend—— I am paving the way for me to control the empire in the future, and I have absolutely no idea of ​​using the power of the evil god to harm Hein.

Rhine asked: Can this explanation prove my innocence?

Karina bit her lips, her charming eyes teasing her into confusion.

She couldn't agree with Rhine's words.

It seemed that as long as Karina agreed with Rhine's words, it meant that she had succumbed to Rhine's charm, making her once again make a despicable choice to fall.


Rhine's statement is also full of loopholes and doubts.

Of course not... You are just bragging about your love affairs. Who knows what purpose you have in using the power of evil gods to charm those demigods?

Rhine's power comes entirely from the evil god.

So how can he guarantee that it is he who is controlling those charming demigods, and not the evil dragon controlling everything behind his back?

Rhine's rise to power may be able to maintain superficial peace, but it has laid huge hidden dangers for the empire.

Karina became more and more negative about Rhine, but she just couldn't make a move and used a signature to bury him...

The negotiations between Karina and Rhine reached a deadlock.

In fact, he couldn't explain Rhine's plan, Rhine's achievements, and many things to Karina at all now.

But there are some things,

Rhine and Karina can still understand each other.

By the way, Sister Karina,

Rhine's eyes became gentler and more infatuated. He stared at the beautiful Karina and was deeply attracted by the beautiful wife in front of him.

Rhine asked with concern: Do you have children now?


This question once again left Karina speechless.


Rhine's question touched her sore spot once again.

She lowered her head, bit her lip and said softly: You don't have to ask knowingly, and it has nothing to do with you...

However, the smile on Rhine's face did not diminish, and his voice was gentle and full of concern for Karina.

No, Sister Karina.

Rhine's voice shook Karina's heart so much that she almost collapsed.

But Rhine's words became increasingly ambiguous and seductive:


What does it have to do with me?


There is one more chapter, which is being finalized.

342. The ever-degrading royal wife

Does Karina have any children?......

Rhine asked this question knowingly.

Karina is the second in line to the royal family. She has been under the attention of countless people since she was born. Her words and deeds may become the news of the day and cause waves in the entire country.

So how could Rhine not know such important information as Karina's heir?

The answer to this question is,


Although Karina has been married to her husband for many years, the two of them have never succeeded in giving birth to offspring.

As the patriarch of the family, Grand Duke Oriel has a very important mission to continue the family lineage. In addition, as Lady Karina, as a royal family member, she has an even greater obligation to continue the royal bloodline.

Subjectively, of course both of them want children.

And the more, the better.

There are many speculations about this strange incident among the people, but they can never find a reliable reason.

This couple is not a political marriage. They love each other in life, especially Grand Duke Auriel, who dotes on Karina to the extreme.

Karina has a pure bloodline and is a high-blooded royal family second only to the Rhine and the Queen. Therefore, she is naturally a rare beauty in the world.

In their youth, she and Kaysers were the two brightest pearls of the empire, with numerous suitors.

However, because of his extraordinary political talent early on, Kaysers was appointed as the crown prince by the late emperor. He communicated with the upper gods and summoned the Angel of Oath, and then Kayses swore an oath of chastity like the Forbidden Army. Then, with the help of Tian Zhi Lian, he used a portion of the mysterious holy blood brought by Tian Zhi Lian from the upper divine realm to hold a grand Holy Advent Ceremony, conceiving twins with the most gorgeous bloodline since the establishment of the empire.

At that time, Kessers was still in his early twenties.


Kesers announced that she would be removed from the market, and all the firepower of the young aristocrats in the upper class was focused on Karina.

Among all the suitors, Grand Duke Oriel was the most infatuated and persistent one.

He fell in love with Karina at first sight, and his pursuit of Karina lasted almost throughout his youth.

After many years of persistent efforts, he finally won Karina's heart.

After getting married, Grand Duke Oriel's feelings for his beloved wife did not change at all. He was still extremely infatuated, treating her as the apple of his eye, and protecting his beloved wife with all his heart.

The two of them shouldn't exist either, it's just a case of marital discord.


The common people may not know, but Rhine knows very well what the problem is with this couple.

Grand Duke Aurel is an excellent nobleman. He can give you happiness and is worthy of your noble status. But Sister Carina, you and I both know why in Haiyin, the royal family and the nobles never marry. Not encouraged.”

Karina's eyes were downcast: ...

She was speechless.

Rhine is right,

Carina is the royal family with the highest purity of blood except Her Majesty the Queen and Rhine, but her husband is just a mortal.

This is the crux of the matter.

Gods are transcendent superiors, but the royal family who have merged with the blood of the goddess can no longer be called fully human.

They are unawakened demigods.

This difference from mortals even caused a certain degree of reproductive isolation between the royal family and mortals.

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