A signature, in exchange for a child belonging to her and her husband.

Clearly, this is a good deal.

And Rhine also saw the change in Karina's expression.

It seems,

Rhine doesn't need to do anything else anymore.

The negotiation has been successful.

Karina: Tell me about your treatment.

Rhine answered truthfully: That is an ancient alchemy formula. With the ability of the Oriel family, it is easy to collect it.


A signed referee document was slapped on Laing's chest.

Karina had a long memory and no longer looked into Rhine's eyes. She lowered her head and reminded:

Rhine Hein, it's your turn.

Of course, Mrs. Karina.

Rhine took out a note that he had prepared long ago:

I wish you and your husband happiness.

345. Teacher Tian Zhilian’s physical examination, the gentle and lovely priests

A tiring day passed quickly.

Karina left the interrogation room, and the first divine judgment ended successfully.

After an unknown dirty deal with the prince, Karina got what she wanted from Rhine, became much gentler towards Rhine, and finally left the imperial capital with satisfaction.


The first not guilty verdict was left.

As a prisoner, Rhine didn't have much private time. After completing the interrogation, the Templar Knights quickly escorted Rhine back to the prison.

But the knights had just thrown Rhine into prison, and Rhine hadn't had time to say hello to the insect lady next door.

A portal opened in front of Rhine again,


It's the Archangel Euphemia.

No matter how many times she had seen it, this dilapidated dungeon was still incompatible with this holy and beautiful archangel, but Euphemia herself did not care. She asked with a smile: What was the result of the first referee?

Rhine also smiled: I was fortunate enough to meet an upright judge. Mrs. Karina thinks I am innocent.

An upright judge? Do you mean that she acted upright when faced with temptation?

Although the interrogation room is equipped with a shielding barrier, there is no barrier in the entire world that can block Peak Wings' vision.

Euphemia naturally watched the entire interrogation process.

Of course, Euphemia had no objection to Rhine's cheating behavior. She didn't want the lovely student she worked so hard to educate to die like this.

If necessary, she would even personally help Rhine cheat.

But it is a pity that Euphemia is not as sentimental as Rhine. Although she also has Olivia's charming dragon eyes, she regards these eyes that symbolize corruption as the most shameful and private part of her body.

It might be even more shameful for an angel to show the dirty mark left by the evil god to others than to let her run naked.

So naturally, she has never used these eyes to manipulate others or gain benefits for herself.

Therefore, if she really wanted to help Rhine cheat, she would probably have no choice but to fly to the sky above the imperial capital with a crystal gun, without any objections.

It's time for Advent, Rhine.

Euphemia smiled and returned to the topic: Okay, now it's time for a routine physical examination.

The holy priests need to accurately adjust the divine blood in Rhine's body to the most suitable component ratio for the ceremony, so they need to take samples every day to prepare targeted techniques.

Of course, Rhine had no room for refusal: Well...thank you for your hard work, teacher.


The physical examination began. She skillfully controlled the instrument while saying, Carina is just a mortal. It is not difficult to bribe her, but then your opponent will be difficult to deal with.


As a mortal, Karina's troubles can be easily solved.

But the demigods...

It is too difficult for those carefree superiors to please them.

Rhine tried hard to overcome the abnormal senses caused by the physical examination and asked:

But at least, I have won the teacher's vote.

Oh, it's not that simple.

Euphemia said softly: When the time comes, you must bribe the teacher just like you do with other children.

Rhine smiled bitterly: But I don't know what the teacher needs.

Euphemia happily performed the physical examination and asked: Do you really not know?

Rhine: Teacher is an angel. He shouldn't have any worldly desires, right?

Euphemia: Yes.

Rhine: In the mortal world, the only thing the teacher likes is probably His Majesty Kaysers. However, you and His Majesty have a very good relationship, so there shouldn't be any dissatisfaction, right?

Euphemia responded with a smile: Caesus is the Oathgiver given to me by God. She can understand me, and I also appreciate her. I am very happy to work with her.

Rhine: Then, what else does the teacher want...

Euphemia's smile is even more charming:

You still have time to think about this matter. For now, why don't you focus on the physical examination first? The blood bank is still eager to get your blood sample.



After completing the physical examination, Euphemia left immediately.

Soon after, the test results of the priests were released, and then they were blended based on the blood samples provided by Rhine, and finally formulated a formula that allowed today's Rhine blood to reach the highest quality level.


It's time to begin the sacred ceremony related to Haiyin Guozuo and the goddess' destiny.

Church Blood Bank.

In the cold, dark and huge warehouse, several young holy priests had already activated various equipment and prepared everything needed for the ceremony.

Then a portal opened,

Rhine was sent to the scene by Euphemia.

Your Highness~

The priests who were indifferently debugging the machine were immediately elated when they saw Rhine, and ambiguous smiles appeared on their serious faces.

The priests stepped forward and surrounded Rhine: Your Highness Rhine, can we still go to your house to play today?

Hearing this, the smile on Lain's face showed a hint of deliberate contempt: But we just had a party the day before yesterday. You are all important members of the empire with a mission and are Hein's hope. How can you indulge in the party and enjoy yourself?

This superior contempt was very useful to the priests, and the girls couldn't help but reflect on their own depravity, but in the end, they still weakly protested.

The priests felt aggrieved and said: Anyway, we were all led astray by His Highness... His Highness must be responsible for us...

Priests: Archbishop Bess is going out the day after tomorrow and will not be able to hold the Advent ceremony for you. On that day, Your Highness will have time... and the sanctuary will be free.

Rhine had no choice but to smile bitterly. He raised the chin of a priest and sneered: Are you crazy? That is a sacred altar used to sublimate the blood of the goddess. How dare you, lowly mortal blood, touch the sanctuary?

The humiliated priests seemed to be even more excited.

The priests were ecstatic and looked softly at Rhine's beautiful eyes:

Your Highness......

And while Rhine was having friendly exchanges with the priests,

In the sanctuary, a serious cough suddenly sounded.

The priests were startled and immediately behaved themselves. They tried their best to keep their faces straight: Then Your Highness, we are going to bless you...

Next, various blessings that strengthened the bloodline and the success rate of the ceremony were imposed on Rhine.

After completing the preparation.

Rhine then walked into the sanctuary.


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346. Pain, humiliation, submission, whatever you like...

Standing in the center of the underground blood bank is a huge cube made of divine crystals.

It was the sacred altar where the Holy Advent Ceremony was held. It was shrouded in countless magic matrices, and complex magical structures provided it with a steady stream of energy.

However, unlike the solemn and solemn appearance, when you walk into this crystal cube, you will see an overly gorgeous bedroom. Compared to the cold and dim blood bank outside, Rhine seems to have come to another world.

The demigod who was preparing to perform the Holy Advent Ceremony with him had already arrived.

It's the beautiful nun.

Her existence can satisfy all people's impressions of the profession of a nun. She is gentle and pious. Just sitting there alone, she seems to exude the radiance of holiness.

That is a beautiful temperament,

She looked kind and noble, and one couldn't help but want to get along with her and believe everything she said.

She seems to be completely different from all demigods. She does not need mortals to look up to her. In her childhood, she learned a quality that is very alien to demigods from the teacher she admired most.


But at this moment...

Facing the man who humiliated her mercilessly and made her extremely disappointed, even she couldn't help but show biting hostility in her eyes.

At this time, Beth lowered her head and sat on the edge of the bed. She suddenly spoke.

There was disdain and resentment in his tone.

Is this what you call a referee?

Beth asked coldly: Mrs. Olier has found you not guilty and signed her name on the oath to the goddess. This is good. I should congratulate you, but... answer Did I ask Mrs. Ollier to do this because of your innocence, or because of the dirty things you gave her?

Rhine was stunned for a moment, then smiled and reminded in a low voice: Archbishop, peeping into the process of divine judgment is generally a violation, right?

Rhein Hein, I don't need to peek at anything...

Beth's voice was still cold: I don't need to know what dirty deals you did in the interrogation room, but the extra things on her body after she left can already explain everything.

Demigods with extraordinary perception, their field of vision is not only wide, but also more precise. They can even transcend the skin and flesh and directly detect the organs in the target's body...

With just a few clues, they can easily see through everything.

What did Rhine do to Karina?

Beth knew it all.

Rhine smiled innocently. When his bribery of Karina was exposed, Rhine was not at all panicked. He just said calmly:

The essence of divine judgment is to invite the goddess to make the final decision on matters that are difficult to deal with in the mortal world. But Archbishop, you should know that the goddess is not controlled by mortal rules, and the oracle is compiled by herself, so In this world, there is no law that can restrain her, she only needs to live and kill as she pleases - in this case, how can you say that the representatives of the goddess do not act according to the rules?

Rhine's face showed a bit of piety: I am just like the Holy Church, pleasing the gods, and then gaining her mercy.

Beth: ...

Beth said nothing, but her eyes became colder.

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