The endless sons of Hein rushed towards the legion commander. They were like babies thrown into their mother's arms. They used their skinny bodies to grab the legion commander's arms, hugged the legion commander's legs, and directly faced the lightsaber with their bodies. Let yourself be pierced while hugging the legion commander tightly! !

The legion commander fought hard, but couldn't get away at all.


These monsters noticed the difference between the legion commander and the scorching sun sealed by the crystal gun, and they burst into angry howls - shrill and sharp, containing strong emotions that were enough to crush the soul!

The killing begins immediately!

Histia used some method to confuse the legion commander with the giant beast in the sky, thus attracting the Son of Hein and restraining the legion commander.

Taking advantage of this opportunity,

Histia took Bess and quickly left this scorched earth abyss.

How ridiculous.......

Beth originally thought that the person who saved her would be the angel of the goddess.

But in the end,

What really saved Beth was her sister Hestia and the monsters that crawled out from under the abyss.


I did pause time just now. That is the power to control time. Your Highness is absolutely right...

Back in the imperial capital, Hestia and Bess appeared in the royal sanctuary again...

Feeling the new power she had comprehended, Hestia was inevitably excited, but at the same time, her mood became complicated because of the fact behind this power.

And on the other side,

Beth, who was surviving the disaster, remembered the belief that supported her life.


Beth grabbed Hestia's hand and said excitedly:

Histia, that God's Chosen One came to save Rhine! Go to Rhine quickly, we must control him before the evil god's forces take Rhine away!

All this is Rhine Hein's conspiracy!

All the evidence points to the fact that it was Rhine who colluded with the legion commander in an attempt to murder Beth and regain control of Heine through the divine judge.

But fortunately, with Hestia's timely rescue, Beth finally escaped the disaster. At the same time, Rhine's sinister intentions were finally exposed by Beth!

That cultist...everything he said to me is false. He has been deceiving me and waiting for an opportunity to eradicate me...

What a sad truth.

Beth, things are not what you think...

Hestia helped Beth up and said with a smile: Calm down, I have something to tell you.

.......whats the matter?

Histia explained everything seriously: The person who asked me to save you is His Highness Rhine. In fact, I didn't even know that the enemy was lurking in another world. His Highness reminded me, and between the two The skill of traveling between Haiyin and Haiyin was also taught to me by His Highness.

Upon hearing this, Beth was stunned.

Was it Rhine who saved her?

Beth was a little unbelievable: X-Histia...are you kidding? Your Highness Rhine is just a mortal, how could he understand this...

Hestia's tone was a little excited: But he really understands, Beth!

Not even just shuttle skills,

Histia also realized another powerful power from Rhine's teachings.

The power to control time!

After living with the blood of the Crystal God for so many years, Hestia knew for the first time that the authority of the Goddess of Order, in addition to controlling crystals, could also control time!

This is all thanks to His Highness Rhine.

Without Rhine, Hestia would not have been able to save Beth.

All this is due to Rhine,

Moreover, Rhine was able to teach Histia the power to control time through words and deeds in just half a day. Rhine's own knowledge and wisdom made Hestia admired.

Today's interrogation made Hestia get to know Rhine Hein again.

Rhine knew that Beth was in danger, but he also knew that he could not protect Beth, so he used the interrogation to educate Hestia, allowing her to master the method of traveling between the two worlds, and finally rescued her from the Legion Commander. Beth.

Your Highness really went to great lengths to protect Beth.


Now Bess can't understand His Highness's painstaking efforts.

Hestia lifted up her golden hair,

She looked into the distance. Outside the window of the church, the imperial capital was calm and peaceful.

However, those are just illusions.

Histia has now seen it with her own eyes.

Everything His Highness Lai Yin said is the truth of Hei Yin, with irrefutable evidence!

Now, the most powerful demigod in the world, she said lightly:

Bess, I have decided to acquit His Highness.

I am now very convinced that His Highness Rhine is definitely not a believer of the evil god, and it is even less likely that he will be used by the evil god.

Histia was able to come to such a certain judgment,

There is only one very simple reason:

His Royal Highness Rhine, he is much more powerful than the evil god!

When she said these words, Hestia's eyes - there was light shining!

On the other side, Beth was completely stunned.

A series of shocks made her panic.

But now, she looked at Hestia in disbelief, and she realized that Hestia was not joking.

After Hestia finished speaking, she showed a confident smile to Beth.

She is serious! !

After Hestia's interrogation of Rhine, she actually began to worship Rhine!


well? ? ?


Damn, I suddenly felt like As long as you press that button, you will be able to refresh it. If you can't refresh it, it's because you didn't operate it properly, otherwise it would all be refreshed. This sentence is so stupid, because if you can't refresh it, it may be Because of the reviewer's convulsions and the author's madness, oh, it's really not easy to read a book, I'm sorry, everyone, TAT.

351. The ambiguous reverie between the eldest sister of the Forbidden Army and the Wings of Peak

At dusk, the second judgment of the divine judge was delivered to the church. Through communication technology, it was immediately conveyed to the ears of the bishops in the church.

For a time, this verdict caused an uproar among the church's senior officials, and all the bishops were shocked.

Not guilty.

The judge, Hestia Hein!

Histia! !

Different from the dull reaction inside the church after learning of Lady Karina's verdict, this verdict from the eldest sister of the Imperial Guard was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the bishops who had convicted Rhine!

The conditions for passing the divine judgment are so stringent that this judgment can almost be regarded as a disguised death penalty executed using the authority of the goddess.

One or two not guilty verdicts are completely meaningless in this judgment.

None of the Bishops believed Rhein Hein could get past the referee.

That was just the last struggle of the empress who was eager to protect her son.

But now, the situation is a little different...

Although this is only the second acquittal that the prince has collected,

But the man who acquitted Rhine...

But Hestia! !

The most powerful demigod in the world, possessing nearly 99% of the blood of the goddess, almost equal to the extraordinary existence of the goddess herself.

It is a genuine goddess statue with flesh and blood and can think!

Histia is even directly regarded as the reincarnation of the goddess, and is worshiped and worshiped by many devout believers.

In Hein, Hestia is an otherworldly and important existence.

Especially in churches that believe in order.

When the bishops saw Hestia, it was like witnessing the manifestation of the true God. Their respect and worship for Hestia could not be described as mere piety.

Within the church, there is a specialized organization that records and compiles Hestia's words and deeds, transcribes them into proverbs, recites them religiously, and compiles them into teaching materials for future generations to understand. Its importance is second only to the goddess's oracle.

Suppose that the purpose of the Divine Judgment is to ask the goddess to decide the pending case, and therefore invite the goddess’ spokesperson to speak out.

So Hestia, as the demigod closest to the goddess, is naturally the well-deserved protagonist in this judgment!

And her not guilty verdict,

It can even directly give the final word to the entire judgment!

The bishops who had followed Bess in sentencing the Rhine to death all repented one by one. They knelt in front of the statues of the gods in their respective churches and repented all night, just to beg the goddess to forgive them for their wrong judgment of the prince.


Steinbeck, Heinrich-Nord Weld province.

The battle between the border guards and the underworld demon has entered the decisive stage.

On this day, Bess, the chief bishop of the church, brought from the underground ecological box of the imperial capital a domesticated virus strain tailor-made by the shepherds to fight against the underworld demon - Kingdom of Purity No. 8161.

The divine strain that once turned the seventy-six mortal western kingdoms into a dead and white land has now become a docile domestic animal that lives in symbiosis with the ecological tank under the training and domestication of herdsmen for thousands of years.

Set the symptoms of the disease, customize the scope of infection, and lock the upper limit of division... The prototype virus strain sealed in the silver crystal, as the silver crystal shattered, immediately appeared in an insignificant clump of grass outside the city. , spread quietly.

A gust of wind blows, and the thousands of creatures in the jungle become a breeding ground for virus strains to multiply.

They become excited, irritable, and aggressive.

Even if night falls, it is difficult for a living creature to fall asleep.


Accompanied by shrill screams, countless tortured and exhausted blue monsters emerged from the brains of those frantic animals. They were like fish that came ashore, their slimy and slender bodies twitching constantly. The flesh wings flapped feebly on the ground, struggling desperately.

The divine creature that lurked in the dream was finally expelled back to the mortal world.

Before these divine creatures could adapt to the environment of the real world, loud shouts of killing erupted outside the jungle. The Templar Knights drove the crystal cavalry, smashing through the trees blocking the road, and rushed towards the forest in a mighty manner. Dark demon.

The hunt begins.

And deep in the jungle, a forest dragon was affected by the aftermath of the demigod-level battle. It was seriously injured and was twitching crazily.

Next to the giant dragon, there lay a giant ghost demon that was several times larger than the giant dragon.

The mother of the underworld demon is already dying, and her huge mountain-like body gradually shrinks and crystallizes, leaving only tens of thousands of substantive dreams, reflecting the gorgeous brilliance under the moonlight.

The end of the broken elven god is coming, and the original dark empress is about to return from the abyss...

On his deathbed, the giant monster uttered a jerky common language:

Flee for your lives...ignorant barbarians...

After saying this, the mother of the underworld demon died completely.

Beth picked up a dream gem, thoughtfully.

Escape...are these ghost demons migrating?

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