

Archibald was being destroyed at an alarming rate, and even those ancient behemoths, almost none of them were interested in the sand sea itself.

But just the movement of these ancient disasters regaining their strength after awakening is enough to crush a world.


In just a few minutes, on this planet where no gods have appeared in three thousand years, with the collapse of Archibald's sand sea seal, several true gods have been reborn from destruction.


The most powerful and intelligent prisoners all invariably looked at the sky as soon as they woke up.

Their gazes penetrated the haze of magical power that was so dense that it couldn't be dispersed.

I saw another group of giant beasts hovering above the clouds.

On this sea of ​​​​sand where ancient divine creatures dance wildly, there is a group of even more ancient wills that have been paying attention to this place for a long time.

And finally,

The timing of the attack was determined.


Under Archibald's sea of ​​sand, walls of light emerged.

Magic power poured in continuously from outside the sky, and the wall of light rose from the ground at an alarming speed, stretching across the entire sand sea, dividing those ancient giant beasts - but that was not the original intention of the giant beasts in the clouds.

Because as the number of light walls increased, they finally formed a matrix covering the entire desert world on the sea of ​​sand.


The matrix activates.

The sea of ​​sand instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The flames were clear and transparent, and even the sea of ​​fire that was enough to burn the true god merged into the air. All evil, justice, rationality, madness, and willlessness were all destroyed in the sea of ​​fire.

The noisy Archibald became quiet again.

Everything is silent.

Only the flame burns quietly.

But there are still survivors in the flames.

The goddess of nature [Corruption] used her divine power to support her body that was riddled with holes, and tremblingly stretched her putrid arms to the sky.

Divine authority becomes the fading light that can lead all things to their doom.

Locked on the supreme leader of these winged ancient beings above the clouds.

That snow-white queen...

But before she can shine,

The magic cloud layer was suddenly smashed through, and the true appearance of the giant beasts was finally revealed on the sea of ​​sand.

That's a group of giant dragons!


Ancient dragon.

White Scales charged forward, Black Scales following behind.

They emit dragon breath containing magic power, and spray out magic matrices in front of them. They continue to accelerate as their bodies pass through the matrices, surpassing the sound, chasing the light, and swooping straight towards [Corruption].

In the end, the two sides collided, earth-shaking, and orange-red waves surged in the molten desert.

Groups of ancient dragons continued to tear through the clouds and crash into the earth. They accurately and efficiently killed all the survivors under the sea of ​​fire.

First, the land was washed with great magic, and then the airborne harvest was carried out.

All the ancient natural disasters were completely slaughtered before they could regain their peak strength and invade the mortal world.

In the sky.

The ancient dragons on standby were paying attention to the battle situation on the surface and talking about it:

Did you see who the guy who caused trouble first was?

He's a Heinian! A Heinian royal family! The stench of Order can wake me up when I'm sleeping at home!!

The order is so deceptive. First she put a shit basin in front of our house, and now she kicked the shit basin! And she asked us to clean it up for her?!

The end is coming soon, and the shackles of that despicable false god on the planet have been loosened, and she can no longer continue to be arrogant.

Our compatriot, our partner has been tortured by angels for thousands of years. It's time to reckon with her crimes!

The anger of the ancient dragons could no longer be contained, and they desperately wanted to do something.

However, at this moment, all the dragons' eyes were still focused on that pure white figure in awe.

She is the princess of the ancient dragons, the only pure white ancient dragon, the pearl in their hearts, and their strongest and wisest leader.

She is Olivia.

Several of the courtiers who guarded the princess begged her:

Your Highness, please make your decision.

Princess Gu Long did not immediately make a statement.

She just remained silent, staring at the remains of the giant beast named Green Lake, which was gradually submerged in the sea of ​​glass.

That was the fuse that set off the sea of ​​sand.

And she knew the culprit that caused all this.

In other words, it's another she - she knows this person.

His name is Rhein Hein.

Rhine Hein...

The pure white princess whispered this name in her heart, no one knew what she was thinking at this moment.


She made a judgment call.

With his eyes, he sent permission to go to war to his subordinates.

The dragons were boiling.

The surviving remnants of the old world finally left their high thrones and fell to the mortal world.

The barriers between the two seas separated by the mighty power of the original gods are gradually blurring, and the angels are ready to move.

have to say,

The Haiyin man who exploded shit in front of Gu Long's house to provoke and anger Gu Longs chose the perfect time.

The wonderful thing is like,

He seemed to have known the truth about the real and fake Haiyin, predicted the angels' next move, and then provoked Gu Long to expedition to Haiyin and start a war with the angels, thus protecting the country that established the false land...

But those don't matter.

What the ants think...the ancient dragons don't care.

Today, when the ancient dragons go out, they only do three things -

Damn it,


Her uncle! ! !



Warmly commemorate the fact that His Highness Rhine did not reveal anyone in the eight thousand words of the story today.

377. Alice: Being a dog for His Highness? I want it, I want it, I am very good at being a dog!

Hain, the imperial capital.

Alice followed Euphemia anxiously. The two used shielding barriers to eliminate their whereabouts, and walked quietly through the streets and alleys towards the palace.

Although the archangel remained silent along the way, he didn't say a word.

But I couldn't feel any hostility.

As if taking a walk, she walked leisurely with Alice on the bustling streets of the imperial capital.

She even wanted to treat Alice to breakfast.


Alice, as the elf of Leta,

Now she is being held hostage by the strongest combat force under the command of the Goddess of Order - where does Alice still have any appetite?

Alice could only thank Euphemia for her kindness and declined the invitation to have breakfast with Euphemia.

Alice sighed in her heart.

——Her Highness Olivia’s reverse scale,

——It’s so useless! !

Even if there is no radiation and corruption, it can still escape all the perceptions of the true god as if it has evaporated. Only Euphemia can smell the familiar fluctuations, and there is a very small chance that she will be noticed...

Wasn't this discovered immediately?

And having said that...


In fact, there really is an incredibly powerful divine reaction in this imperial capital...

It's almost like...

A living goddess? !

Under normal circumstances, Hein's defense system does not allow demigods with non-order bloodlines to activate teleportation magic in the imperial capital.


Euphemia could only carry Alice home on her legs.

Along the way, Ali tried hard to maintain the aura of a king of a country, with a serious expression and a firm gaze.

Now that he's been discovered, he'll take a tough stance openly.

She will not let His Highness Lai Yin suffer any harm. Whoever dares to kill Lai Yin should try it!

But in her heart...Alice is still a little timid.

after all......

This is the capital of Hein.

The moment Alice was discovered by Euphemia, she had already lost.

She was unwilling to abandon her lover and run away, but she was even less likely to resist.

Maybe there is not much difference between her and Euphemia on the board, or maybe Olivia has learned the new ancient dragon magic and can fight Euphemia. If she is lucky, she might win... ..

But there is no point in doing so.

This is Haiyin. If there is any movement that disturbs the Imperial Guards and Angels who are on duty outside,

What awaits Alice is the most miserable ending.

Rhine will even be implicated.

So, when Euphemia discovered Alice and invited her to go with her.

Alice was helpless.

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