Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

554. Battle for the Drunk Prince, Goddess Justice Comes

On the outskirts of the hunting area, there is a joint military base of Haiyin and Netherland.

In the dense forest, sporadic sub-gods rushed out of the dense forest in small groups one after another, running wildly, roaring, and rushing towards the bustling base...

The number of these sub-gods is not large, and the quality is not high...but they are still a large enough force to cause trouble.

What greeted these sub-gods were bright greetings from the sky.

The shining sun disk sprayed down the blazing sun flames, evaporating the invading sub-god army wave after wave.

A silicon-based god hangs high in the sky, carrying a youthful version of the sun disk, with an expressionless face.

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