Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

534. I am your teacher and your wife❤ (1/2)


Silestine, the realm of elves.

In the mansion given to Rhine by the gods, Rhine and his maid Olivia looked at each other calmly.

Rhine looked calm. Under the reminder of the maid, Rhine thought of his beloved teacher. Today was a good day for him to open his heart and talk to his teacher.

And Olivia was smiling, a very forced, trembling smile.

The ancient dragon princess Olivia is a polite, serious and reserved ancient dragon.

She is using a smile to cover up her despair! !

Do you, do you want to hear what you are saying? !

Who is Euphemia?

At this time, in this atmosphere, how can you mention other women's names! !

Aren't you very good at playing with women and lusting after them? !

Is it because I, Olivia, am not strong enough, or am I too dazzling as the strongest ancient dragon? !

How could you at this time,

Turn around and find another woman? !

Could it be...

Is he really a gentleman? I have been regarded as a lover by so many goddesses before, but I just had no choice but to refuse?

How is that possible? Wow!

Olivia's twitching mouth corners were about to become unbearable, and she stared at Rhine Hein with her narrowed smiling eyes...

Olivia: "Ha... Euphemia, haha, that's it. I thought I was already the last virgin in Silestine."

Rhine smiled: "You know, Teacher Euphemia is just a demigod."

"Thank you for reminding......"

Olivia's elegant and polite answer was squeezed out from between her teeth.

As if he was completely unaware of Olivia's resentment, Rhine put his hand on Olivia's shoulder: "You take good care of the house, I'm going out."

Don't mention anything else,

But there is one thing Olivia is right about...

In the dream, now that Rhine has heard Teacher Euphemia’s sincerity...

That was the confession Euphemia made to Rhine as a pure angel of punishment before she fell into the role of the Evil Dragon Chosen One.

At this point, Rhine could no longer have even a trace of doubt about Euphemia's sincerity.

Euphemia...this old friend from ten thousand years ago, this mentor that Rhine has always remembered in his heart...

Now is the time,

Let this teacher-student relationship enter the next stage.

After deciding this,

Rhine decisively abandoned Olivia and turned around to find Euphemia.

As the door closed, only Olivia was left in the house with an aggrieved look on her face, standing there with tears of grievance almost falling out.

This is the most defeated episode of the proud Princess Gu Long who has been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years since she was little! ! !

She had clearly planned in her mind how to struggle, how to ask for help, and how to bear the humiliation and bear the burden of cooperating with Rhine's script!


However, Rhine Hein used his noble morals and character to shatter all Olivia's plans.

I was stunned for a long time,

Olivia shook her head weakly and sighed.



Unexpectedly, after watching the drama of being trapped by love and being crazy about love over and over again among mortals for a hundred thousand years, it finally...happened to Olivia.

That's all, that's all...

Since Rhein Hein is so noble and a gentleman, why can’t Olivia enjoy this unexpected gift with peace of mind?

Olivia could even act miserable, pretend to be pitiful, and apply to this gentleman to end the contract early, allowing Olivia to return to the camp of destiny.


Although Olivia did not feel the ripples caused by the rewriting of the world, maybe... Rhine's strange attitude was the masterpiece of His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor is watching Olivia.

Olivia took a deep breath, and she finally decided to let go of this relationship and stop thinking about anything related to Rhine Hein.

But at this moment, the door of the mansion was pushed open again.

Rhine is back.

Olivia: "(ノ゚∀゚)ノ"

Rhine: "I want to change into some decent clothes to see Teacher Euphemia."

Olivia: "(|||゚Д゚)"

I thought this scumbag finally remembered that there was a feast waiting for him at home...it turned out to be just stinky beauty!

Olivia rolled her eyes: "If you please..."

After changing his clothes, Rhine left heartlessly without saying a word to Olivia. He thoughtfully kept a distance from the cologne princess who hated him.

Just before leaving...

Rhine: "Remember to wash my clothes."

Olivia: "As you command...huh?"

clothing......? !

Suddenly, Olivia suddenly thought of something and her spirits rose.

Rhein Hein had already left and was dating his beloved teacher.

Only one set of dirty clothes was left at home waiting to be washed.

Olivia's heart couldn't help but start beating violently...

Theoretically, Rhine could clean the clothes instantly by throwing a magic spell.

But... these dirty clothes, like a house that has to be cleaned manually,

These are all props left by the Broken Saint to Olivia to experience the real life of a maid.

Now, in a room on the second floor of the mansion, there is a set of clothes waiting to be washed.

The clothes are already stained with the smell of Rhine,

The charming aura of that man, the impure divinity, mixed with the depraved fragrance of the netherworld...

Olivia couldn't help but... swallowed...

This... could it be Rhine Hein's test of me? !

To test my true feelings for him? !

Although Olivia also knew...how could someone use a coat as a test.


After drinking tea for a month, Olivia now really feels that this thing is... full of temptation.

Standing in front of Rhine's clothes, the proud Princess Gu Long fell into deep thought.


Two colored dragons appeared in Olivia's mind.

A little black dragon said: "Great! The side dishes are here for tonight!"

The white dragon admonished Olivia: "Think of it quickly! His Majesty the Emperor may be watching you!"

But then...

The white little dragon rubbed his hands:

"...So, do you feel more excited?"

next moment,

The strongest shielding barrier under the God of Creation suddenly rose,

Olivia finally extended her dirty dragon claws to Rhine's clothes...


Olivia is not some pervert who uses her crush's clothes to do obscene things.

She just saw...

The coat...is just a little dirty.

As that guy's maid, I have an obligation...

Take it...and clean it.



As a distinguished guest of the time camp, Euphemia was properly placed by the elves and gods in a secluded mansion in the imperial city.

Euphemia was very surprised when she saw Rhine visiting.

After all...

Ever since they separated in Rhine's childhood, the time Rhine and Euphemia spent together was really only a handful.

When he and Rhine separated, this child was only ten years old.

However, now, Rhine has become the teacher of the first emperor of Heine.

Teachers and students sat together, the two intimate people chatting and laughing casually.

They are both followers of Olivia and betrayers of the Hein camp in a sense. There is no shortage of topics between the two.

And chatting and chatting...

The two naturally talked about what happened in the dream of the Star Cave.

Finally it comes to this.

Ever since Euphemia woke up, Rhine told Euphemia about the dream and left her a kiss...

Euphemia has been thinking about this matter, feeling both happy and worried.

Euphemia: "Rhine, you once told me that in that dream, you heard my voice?"

Rhine nodded.

Euphemia was a little uneasy and shy. She asked her lover softly: "How much have you heard...?"

Rhine began to recall, and then began to repeat: "The child was so beautiful and charming. His deep gaze attracted me to him the first time I saw him. Even though he was still just a baby, I couldn't help myself. ....."

"good very good!!"

Euphemia blushed and covered her lover's mouth: "Enough, enough...I already know..."

It seems that Rhine has completely heard her voice. No, to be precise, Euphemia has been accompanying Rhine for most of her ten years!

At least,

He didn't miss the most social part at all!

That's right!

Everything Rhine heard in his dream was true...

Euphemia had been deeply in love with Rhine since she was a baby.

No reason.

Having this kind of love does not mean that Euphemia will do anything to young Rhine.

But it has always existed.

Euphemia had suppressed these feelings over the years because she knew very well that Rhine did not belong to him.


Euphemia looked at Rhine, feeling uneasy.

Euphemia: "Rhine, what do you think of your teacher now?"

Even Euphemia herself didn’t know the reason for her love for Rhine.

That wonderful love seemed to be engraved in her soul, as if she was born with it, and as if she was destined to fall in love with this child...

But, for all this...

What would Rhine think?

Will he dislike Euphemia? Will it make you feel sick? Will you doubt Euphemia's identity?

From Priphemus' mouth, Euphemia learned many things,


From the time she reunited with Rhine in prison, when Euphemia saw those eyes that had gone through many vicissitudes of life and almost completely lost their soul...

Euphemia already knew.

This child suffered a lot, and a large part of the pain came from the goddess of order, Euphemia!

Euphemia was worried. She had been worrying about these problems since she woke up.

She was really scared,

Rhine would hate her for this.

Euphemia lowered her head and said with a wry smile: "Why...you stopped talking. Is it difficult to answer the teacher's question?"

However, what Euphemia didn't expect was that

The answer she got... was a passionate kiss.

After looking at Euphemia affectionately for a long time, Rhine kissed his teacher directly.

Just like lovers, after a long time, the two reluctantly separated.

This kiss stunned Euphemia, and she felt as if she was almost unable to think.

She looked at Rhine dreamingly:


"Teacher Euphemia, I am very happy to know that you like me,"

Rhine held his mentor's hand and said seriously:

"Because actually, I have admired you since a long time ago..."

This is the truth.

After all, when Rhine had just traveled through time, how could his spiritual will withstand the divine destruction of Euphemia, the peak demigod?

Euphemia was once the strongest woman in the world, and also the most beautiful...

It's a pity that this woman is destined to belong only to Kaysers.

but now.......

Things are different.

Now that he knows Teacher Euphemia's thoughts, it is impossible for Rhine to ignore the woman who loves him deeply...

it's time to......

I opened my heart to the mentor I admired...

Rhine smiled helplessly: "Actually...just like you, teacher, when I was a child, I didn't dare to express my feelings to you, or even get close to you."

Rhine: "After all, you are so beautiful, your strength is unparalleled in the world, and your moral character is impeccable. I never thought that I would have the opportunity one day..."

Rhine leaned against Euphemia's ear and whispered: "I can blaspheme you."

Upon hearing this, Euphemia showed a gentle smile.

For this evil dragon's chosen one, Rhine didn't need to be so reserved when expressing his love.

Rhine: "Teacher Euphemia."

Euphemia: "Well..."

Rhine: "Start now...show all the wisdom you learned from Olivia."

Euphemia's eyes were blurred, and her heart was filled with happiness. After twenty years, her love was finally conveyed to her true love on this day.

She has been waiting for this day.

Now, she wants to do everything she can for her lover.

"Rhine Hein, my student..."

Euphemia lay in Rhine's arms and whispered lovingly:

"I love you♦"



Olivia: Dragon maid, what's wrong with washing clothes with your mouth!

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