Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

539,Reunion after three thousand years (1/2)

A few days later...

The reconstruction work of the Hein Imperial Capital has been basically completed.

For a country with many elite demigods, infrastructure construction has never been a difficult task.

With the sudden outbreak and end of the war, the Forbidden Forces are now back on track.

Shia continued to stay in the Hein Imperial Capital as the shield of the empire, while the rest of the Imperial Guard continued to put out fires and maintain order throughout the mortal world.


In fact, today, the goal of maintaining order is no longer applicable to the current version of Heine.

The Hein Empire was once the strongest in the mortal world. The configuration of seven Imperial Guards and a Punishment Angel was enough to sweep the entire mortal world.

They dominate the mortal world and all civilizations in the world. They can make any country act according to their rules.

However...as the Goddess of Order loosened her control over the mortal world, she allowed the divine life sealed in the mortal world to resurrect and break into the mortal world as she pleased.

This planet that once regarded demigods as the strongest fighting force like gods and had been peaceful for three thousand years is quickly returning to the chaotic state of demons in the ancient mortal world.

A large number of divine beings are awakening, and the influx of these powerful men in the demigod realm has completely broken the balance of combat power in the mortal world.

Even gods, or beings with powers comparable to gods... their return is only a matter of time.

Under this situation, the Hein Empire must give up its position as the world's police...

They no longer have an overwhelming strength advantage, and they will become ordinary hunters in the forest.

They have to start recruiting allies from all over the world and prepare to build a civilization coalition large enough to fight the coming disaster.

And this aspect...

Under the leadership of His Highness Rhein Hein, the diplomatic genius of the Hein Empire, the alliance with the Hein Empire as its core is being rapidly established.

But now...

The Heine Empire is facing a serious problem that can shake the country's foundation.

That is the aftermath of the attack on the upper-level gods in terms of public opinion.

no doubt......

If the people of the Imperial City are allowed to spread the truth they have witnessed to the whole country... it will definitely cause a tragic collapse of faith.

The Angel of Punishment descends on the Imperial Capital of Haiyin, and the army of the Goddess of Order wants to destroy Haiyin.

In the end, the goddess of order abandoned Hein...

Or has the ruler of Hein angered the great goddess?

No matter which one the people believed, things would get extremely bad.

Therefore, after the war, the imperial officials joined forces with the Holy Church to refute the rumors to the panicked people of the imperial capital and characterize the attack.

There was no evidence to prove that this attack was a divine punishment for the upper gods. On the contrary, in the ruins of the battlefield, the priests of the temple found a large number of traces of demonic activities in the Nether Realm.

The goddess of order is so powerful. If she really wants to destroy Hein, how can Hein stand a chance of winning?

Therefore, everything must be a conspiracy of the evil gods of the Nether Realm. The evil gods want to shake the devout people of Haiyin's firm belief in the goddess of order, and attempt to corrupt our kind people.

And obviously...

The people of Haiyin will not let the evil gods succeed.

This news quickly spread throughout the Haiyin Imperial Capital and spread to the entire empire.

And according to feedback from officials and lords scattered throughout the empire——

The people believed it.

Although it sounds ridiculous to say that the demons of the Netherworld grow wings and attack the Imperial Capital of Haiyin with crystal spears, but...for a pious country like Haiyin, this explanation is also the truth that the people are willing to believe. .

The world is currently in turmoil, and a catastrophe is about to come.

And at this juncture,

Faith...is a better means of stabilizing the empire and maximizing the cohesion of the people than any force or policy.

Even Rhine had known for a long time that the Hein Empire was just a chess piece in the hands of the goddess of order that had lost its use value. It was a false god that was harmful to the people of Hein.

But even so, not only could he not reveal the true face of the Goddess of Order,

on the contrary......

He also had to make the people worship order even more, so that they could forget fear and suffering in their fanatical faith.

He had to spread the gospel of the Goddess of Order and make them believe that all the disasters Hein suffered were just tests given to them by the Goddess of Order. They could only obey the emperor's leadership, face difficulties bravely, and not be afraid of powerful enemies or sacrifices every day. Keep praying, and then wait devoutly...for the salvation of the Goddess of Order.

Maybe, before the goddess of order comes to deliver salvation, the whole country has already completed self-rescue and united to fight for tomorrow.

not to mention,

This catastrophe in the imperial capital was originally caused by the arbitrary actions of Tianzhi Ai...

Objectively speaking, it does not mean that the goddess of order abandoned Hein.

The goddess of order did not take any action during this disaster and remained silent.

If Order is determined to destroy Heine and cooperates with Tian Zhi’s love, he throws the next crystal spear with all his strength...

Then the situation of the Hein Empire will be a hundred times worse than now.

in addition......

In order to achieve better publicity effects, while Beth was busy with various diplomatic affairs, Rhine handed over the work of appeasing people's hearts to Hestia.

As the incarnation of the goddess of order, who else can soothe the frightened hearts of the people and strengthen their faith than this eldest sister of the Imperial Army?

However, this made Hestia a little troubled.

For a long time, Hestia has been Hein's ultimate trump card, appearing on the most dangerous battlefields.

She did not participate much in clerical work such as speaking and editing.

"Give people strength and strengthen their faith...What should I say to the people to make them believe that the Goddess of Order still loves them?"

Histia fell into deep thought,

This is a job that His Highness Laing has solemnly entrusted to her. In order to live up to His Highness's expectations, she wants to do her best to meet His Highness's expectations.

It would be fine to read directly from the manuscripts written by the priests.

But if that's the case... why would His Highness give this important task to Histia?

Histia thought seriously...

Then, she remembered that within her body, there seemed to be...the source of people's beliefs.


The answer to the difficult problem is right before your eyes!

Histia asked in her heart: "Do you know?"

Now Hestia is highly integrated with a certain great being.

Although this fusion has been stopped by Rhine using a dragon scale, the original synchronization value... is difficult to decay.

As expected, her question was heard by that great being.

Histia seemed to feel a hint of impatience.

She ignored Hestia.

In order to live up to His Highness Rhine, Hestia was very persistent: "You should know, right?"

A voice in her heart answered her: "Don't ask me."

Histia: "Think about it carefully."

The voice in my heart: "..."

Hestia: "Think about it again, okay."

The voice in my heart: "..."

Histia: "Speak."

The voice in my heart: "...!"



Since returning from the ancient mortal world, Rhine has completely said goodbye to his life of ease and enjoyment.

Rhine has grown up, he has proven his strength in front of his mother, and therefore, he has gained more power.

and more work...

The world is becoming more and more chaotic, and there are more and more things for Rhine to worry about.

But every day, no matter how busy he is, there is one important thing that Laing will never forget.

On this day, after dinner, Rhine, who rarely had a moment of leisure, left his mansion and came to a solemn palace.

Due to the previous invasion of the Angels of Punishment, Hein Palace was severely damaged.

After the reconstruction, the Hein Palace not only had a new look, but also had an additional new palace that was more luxurious than the emperor's bedroom.

The palace guard is Thea Constance.

A royal guard is guarding this gorgeous palace.

"Your Highness."

Sia's attitude was as cold as ever. She greeted Rhine softly, then took a step back to make way for Rhine.

Rhine was not in a hurry to enter the house. He looked at his childhood sweetheart:

"Thank you for your hard work for letting you guard the gate."

Sia was immediately elated to be cared about by Lain, but given her character, she certainly would not express her joy.

Xia said calmly: "The Forbidden Army should follow the leadership of His Majesty the Emperor."

The person who asked Shia to guard the palace was none other than Emperor Hein, Kessus himself.

In fact, Sia didn't find it hard to work as a gatekeeper.

Even compared to kneeling in the temple to pray in the past, it is much more relaxed here.

And what makes Sia happiest is that compared to praying in the temple...

By guarding the gate here, Shia can meet His Highness Rhine every day - because His Highness Rhine has to visit the person in the palace every day.

Although His Highness Rhine did not come to see me, it was already very happy to be able to say hello to His Highness and see him smile at me every day.

Rhine looked at Sia, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Shia Constance, no matter what kind of you you are, you are very cute..."

Shia: "!!!"

There was wavering and panic in Xia's cold eyes: "You...are too generous."

After bidding farewell to Sia, Rhine walked into the palace.

And in the deepest part of the palace, in the magnificent bedroom,

A dilapidated goddess,

Sleeping here...

She is none other than Unonia Hein.

Since Rhine returned to the Heine Imperial Capital through time and reunited with Unonia,

Before Unonya could say anything to Rhine, she lost consciousness on the spot and passed out.

And after this...

Purephimus: "She's been asleep for a week."

At Unonia's bedside, Priphimus was examining Unonia's body.

After a week,

Priphemus already knew exactly what the situation was like in Unonia now.

Purephimus: "It's not easy. Even I never thought that a mortal... could really live for such a long time."

A mortal who has lived for three thousand years,

A soul with a shelf life of only a hundred years can persist for three thousand years without dissipating. This is no longer a simple miracle.

The strict limitation on the life span of mortals involves the nature of spiritual life.

Spiritual life is the original gods. In order to digest the soul of the planet more conveniently, they extracted them from the planet through a series of transformation rituals, and then promoted their integration.

This transformation process is like a disguised form of food processing.

And every spiritual life obtained with this concept is a semi-finished part waiting to enter the next assembly line.

Because of this, their shelf life is, of course, extremely limited.

Because from the beginning of the design of spiritual life, the issue of battery life was not considered at all.

The energy is limited, the purity is limited, and the time it can operate independently is also extremely limited.

If a spiritual being is forcibly retained and is not allowed to go to the next assembly line for further processing, then he will continue to decay in the mortal world until the spiritual matter in his body deteriorates and rots...

It will end up like this.

Although Unonia received the blessing of Sequence Six and obtained a god-like body,

But her soul is still a pure mortal soul...

Amnesia, lethargy, madness...all kinds of illnesses are constantly tormenting Unonia.

And in this way, looking at Rhine,

Rhine is also a person who has lived for ten thousand years.

Although he has also suffered a lot in these ten thousand years and suffered numerous mental breakdowns,

But his consciousness is still very clear,

Most of his problems are psychological and have not yet developed physical abnormalities.

At least he wasn't mentally weak to the point where he had to sleep a lot to maintain his fragile mind.

This is probably because Rhine is a time traveler and is not a spiritual life at all, so essentially, his soul is not that timely.

Think about it this way,

The encounter between Rhine and the Broken Saint seemed to be destined...

"So...what are you going to do with her?"

Priphimus crossed her arms and looked at the goddess who was almost collapsed on the bed.

"In the past three thousand years, her soul has been overwhelmed, and so has her body. She has been holding on, just to see you."

Purephimus frowned: "And now, this child's symptoms are getting worse. She has lived until now relying on her obsession to meet you in the past three thousand years, but now her obsession has come true... ...So, you understand?”

The only long-cherished wish that kept Unonya alive had been realized.

The string that had been tight for three thousand years has been loosened.

Then her collapse will inevitably accelerate further.

Rhine: "We have to find a way."

Purephimus: "Indeed."

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