Sweep the World

Chapter 585: : On the cold front

The weather in recent years is really abnormal. Winter has entered prematurely, but the beginning of spring is getting later and later.

Didao in Guanzhong belongs to the jurisdiction of Longxi County. There are two counties in front of Didao, namely Yuzhong and Yanhan, and further ahead is the military town of Zhang’s Liang Kingdom, Jincheng.

The whole area of ​​Longxi has been regained by the Han army. Since Zhang Zuo took the initiative to withdraw the army, the two sides did not have any major battles. However, some of the remaining Qiang and Di people would often carry out sneak attacks after the Han army was involved in the re-emergence.

Fu Hong did not return after breaking through deep in the grassland, and now the actual man in charge of the Diqiang coalition is Fu Jian.

Zhang's Liang army withdrew, Fu Xiong also took Hu's coalition forces to the west. The difference is that Zhang's Liang army returned to their own borders, and the Hu's coalition forces fled to the basin under the plateau, which is to enter the Tuyuhun site. .

Tuyuhun was established in the seventh year of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty (AD 313).

The founder of Tuyuhun is a part of Liaodong Xianbei, the leader is Tuyuhun (yu)hun, but the surname is Murong. They were defeated in the Murong Xianbei Civil War. They first migrated to the Qilian Mountains, and then ran to the surrounding area of ​​Xiaohan. After fighting with the Western Jin army, they withdrew into the basin and seized a pasture from the Qiang. expansion.

Qiang people are divided into many types. The original meaning of "Qiang" is the sheep-herding people. Although they are called Qiang people, they never actually think of themselves as a unified nation. Descendants of Zero Qiang.

After Tuyuhun stood firm and tried to march towards the plateau, the problem they encountered was not the savages on the plateau, but the inability to adapt to the plateau weather. They expanded westward and had no way, and there was a strong Liang army to the north, and gradually to the east. The restored and prosperous Huns were densely covered with mountains to the south, so they were still lying in the basin.

After decades of cultivation and rejuvenation, Tuyuhun has integrated a considerable number of descendants of Qiangqiang. Many savages who run down from the plateau have also been integrated, and they often go to the plateau to capture savages. The population has always been Increased state.

Tuyuhun has not had a national war with other countries for a long time, and the mountain environment is also suitable for grazing. Generally speaking, it should have entered a period of prosperity. They are living very well, except for a little attention to the movements of Zhang's Liang Country, they don't pay attention to what happened in other places, so that when the Fu clan led their troops in, they didn't react.

The Fu clan appeared suddenly. Taking advantage of the unresponsiveness of the tribes in the northeast of Xiqiang, they soon defeated the local tribes and occupied the plain.

Almost four months have passed, and the King Tuyuhun is still in a state of ignorance about the entry of enemy troops. It can even be said that the tribes west of Xiqiang Mountain have no idea what happened. This phenomenon can be caused by the fact that nomadic tribes have no fixed homes, and they usually do not go through each other at all. It is difficult to contact each other. The road closures due to heavy snow also make it very difficult to communicate with each other.

The road from Longxi County to Tuyuhun was not easy, and the weather conditions were not suitable. Even if the Han army deliberately attacked the Fu clan, it would have to wait until the ice and snow melted at the earliest.

"It has been determined that it is the stranded Huren, not from the direction of Tuyuhun." Zhong Xing said annoyedly: "There are forests in this place, and the snow is too deep. It is too difficult to search."

Zhong Xing is no longer the captain of Qinzhou. He was promoted to the rank of General Lang last time for his outstanding deterrence, and he was included under Xie An's command system. He is currently leading his army in Didao. His Han army is actually at the forefront of the northwest, with Yuzhong and Yanhan in front as buffer zones.

There were not many Han people in Longxi County. After continuous military disasters, let alone human beings, the gregarious animals in the wild basically disappeared, making this place a real area where birds don't shit.

When the Zhang family and Fu family retreated, they did not let go of the buildings that could be destroyed. Some water sources also left animal carcasses. The difficulties encountered by the Han army were not trivial.

The animal carcasses are basically some stagnant water pools. They learned what the Huns did before, which is the source of the plague.

The rivers, rivers, and rivers where the water flows, unless the number of dead bodies is so large that there is no water, otherwise the plague is rarely caused. That is the reason why the modern Ganges is densely covered with corpses but there is no outbreak of the plague. (It may also be that Ah San has an amazing physique. The dead bodies of cows, humans and other animals are densely packed, so Ah San can also go to bathe and drink water. People are still fine.)

The Han army found that the dead water area with animal carcasses was dug and filled. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter when the weather is cold and the ground is freezing. Waiting for the weather to become hot must be an accident. Just doing similar work is busy enough, and the rest is stuck. The weather can't do much.

Di Dao was originally an abandoned city, but there were still many places that could shelter from the wind and rain. When the Han army was waiting for the re-entry, it was completely destroyed.

The lack of ready-made houses is not a problem for the Han army at all. Under the national policy of meeting military needs, unless the army has not carried enough before the deployment, otherwise there will be no shortage of basic materials such as tents.

"It's half a month late..." Zhong Xing touched his chin and said, "It should be too soon."

It is said that the snow and ice melt, but entering the season when the snow and ice melts does not mean that you will be able to start a large-scale action immediately.

When the ice and snow melt, it actually means that the ground is soft and full of water. It may be fine for one or two people to step on it, but when there are too many people, the ground will be trampled in the mud. People can still hurry if they persevere with muddy forbearance. It is nothing more than slowing down the speed. However, the troops must carry heavy weights when marching. The carriages have high requirements on the road conditions. Once they are in the mud, they cannot move, so they are not suitable at all. A large force marched.

"It just melts. It depends on the weather." Dou'a carried the kettle and stuffed it with white snow, and hung it over the bonfire when it was ready. He turned his head and said, "If it doesn't rain, you have to have enough sunshine."

What can Zhong Xing say besides nodding? They have to be thankful that at least the Han army has enough warm clothes.

Of course, the current Han country does not use cotton in large quantities, but many types of wool have been researched. It is the basis for the wool to be processed to make cloth jackets, and the use of wool to make threads has also been researched. Recently, nylon is being used.

It is a great thing to discover that wool has so many uses. It is not only the products processed by wool, but also has profound significance for how to use the grassland.

Many of the Central Plains dynasties in the past were able to march into the grasslands and carry out occupations, but the grasslands were not suitable for farming. A lot of farming would only turn the grasslands into desertification. It is precisely because the grassland cannot be cultivated and the elements of long-term occupation have become a big problem. There is only input but no output. Except for the threat of having to occupy to cut off the nomads, it is grit your teeth. If you feel that there is no threat from the nomads, you just give up. give up.

Occupying the grasslands to carry out large-scale farming is not reclaiming for farmland, but for herding horses, cattle, and sheep. Horses can be used for civilian purposes in addition to military purposes. Cattle can also be slaughtered as farm labor, and sheep use wool. And eating meat.

By the way, cattle in Han are not scarce. In the north, horse-drawn plows are gradually used. Only in the south, cattle are inseparable. The demand for cattle in the people has been declining, so they cannot be slaughtered. The ban on cattle.

It’s good to eat beef. It’s really much better than other meats. People who eat beef often are generally stronger and have a lower demand for other foods. That’s because beef is really high in calories and nutritious. I don’t know whose research results are. It means that beef is the main food meat, and the physical fitness of the nation is absolutely not bad.

Cows can not only eat meat, they can also produce milk as a labor force. Milk is certainly not much better than human milk, but it is a good habit to maintain milk after weaning. (Women who drink milk to change the height of a generation are fake, it is the commercial over-promotion of some businessmen, but the nutrition of milk is really good.)

The Chinese nation has never been a stubborn nation, but is exploring the unknown and making new discoveries about everything. Only by using, developing, and cultivating can civilization flourish. When there are so many benefits to livestock, the expedition of the grassland is simply to eliminate the threat, and it turns out that there are so many benefits, and there will be no talk of abandoning the grassland at every turn. On the contrary, it will desperately destroy the site because of so many benefits. In your hands.

"The weather is too abnormal. Will there be a wide range of natural disasters like the rumors?" Dou'a picked up the boiling kettle, walked to the table and poured it into a large basin, picked up the spoon and stirred it in the basin continuously: " If there is a drought, it will be a big deal."

"The King has prepared all states and counties for disaster prevention in the four years of Yuanshuo." Zhong Xing walked over and looked down at the basin: "Don't add any more salt. Last time, you put too much salt on it, so you couldn't eat it at all. "

The pot looks like something mushy. It is a military ration made by grinding plant and meat foods into powder. It is made into a biscuit shape. It has a long shelf life. It contains salt and can be eaten dry. , Can also be eaten in soak, although it looks ugly, it is nutritious.

Army food contains salt is a must. The human body has a strong demand for salt. Perspiration and peeing will take away salt. Therefore, the warmer the climate, the greater the loss of salt. Lack of salt can cause muscle cramps, dizziness, and nausea. And some symptoms such as fatigue and fatigue.

Dou'a was said to be a little depressed, isn't he just ignorant of the newly-developed rations? As for the fact that he was brought out over and over again and again?

By the way, biscuits, the munitions, have really been researched not long ago, and they are fresh things that Liu Yan got bored while staying in Xiangguo. The production process is not complicated, and it is not difficult to compress it.

"In water conservancy, most of the states and counties are doing it, but there is a real drought, that is, rivers are dry and the ground is short of water, which will be useful, but I am afraid that the effect will be limited." Dou'a spends more time waiting on the land than picking up weapons. Much more, he used a spoon to make a little mash and put it in his mouth, and nodded: "I have to say, this thing tastes really good, it tastes meaty."

"There was minced meat originally." Zhong Xing's soldiers had already prepared the tableware, grabbed the spoon from Dou's hand and filled it, and kept talking: "Fresh things are also fun to eat in the early stage. Soon. I'll get tired of it."

Having said that, the food provided by the Han army has always been very good. The long-term supply of rice and noodles has been constant, and there is no shortage of meat food at all, so that the soldiers of the Han army can see that there are no soldiers who are as thin as wood. They can eat and drink enough. After continuous exercise, one by one looks very strong.

"What the job is saying is that once a large-scale natural disaster occurs, the use of foreign troops must be stopped." Dou'a was somewhat worried, and said: "Calculated by military merit, there will be two more battle-level battles, and the job is just one. Doctor. The scale of the battle seems to be a little overwhelming, and I only hope that the battle to destroy the country can be completed."

The title of title is really important in Han. Social treatment is one aspect, and the rewards are very affordable. Furthermore, the rank of title is also linked to the promotion of official positions.

Time has come to the sixth year of Yuanshuo, the Central Plains has been fully recovered, and the remaining Han family land in the remaining corners is not too much, that is, the Northeast, Xiliang, and Western Regions.

During the five-year period of Yuanshuo, although Han was in a difficult period of food shortage, it had to enter into cultivation and rejuvenation at one time. After a large-scale donation of military rations, the situation changed drastically in one year.

"On behalf of the country is about to end, one missing goal..." Dou'a didn't participate in the war on the northern grasslands. He pointed his fingers: "Yan and Liang are left. Yan is estimated to have nothing to do, Liang The country is just a small country."

Zhong Xing became curious and asked, "Who told you that Liang Country is a small country?"

"Isn't it a small country?" Dou A said in surprise: "Xiliang has been sparsely populated for a long time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It was Zhang's pioneering the Western Regions, and it was heard that there were not many people in the Western Regions. They sent troops several times, but not many. A hundred thousand scale, right?"

Zhong Xing was speechless for a moment.

What's the situation with Zhang's Liangguo's use of troops in the Western Regions is not something that a Lang general and a school lieutenant can easily find out. What they know is that Zhang's Liang's use of troops in the east has really not exceeded the size of one hundred thousand troops.

Han has several basic judgments on war. Among them, the scale of the battle is that the number of enemy forces exceeds 100,000, and the number of enemy forces exceeds 200,000. Depending on the scale of the war, the calculation of military merit is different, and there are two modes of accumulating military merit: victory and victory.

In the upper-middle level generals, statistics are no longer based on winning the first rank of the enemy, unless it is a special case that can kill the enemy general, otherwise it is to command the army to participate in the battle of what scale, and what credit is given to it, in order to account for the proportion. To calculate the degree of military merit in the form of a, it is divided into two types: great work and small work.

"Don't worry, no matter how big the matter is, the king's use of troops in the northwest has achieved the goal of destroying the Liang Kingdom." Zhong Xing nodded seriously: "It must be like this."

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