Sweep the World

Chapter 821: : Liu Yan's Great Achievement Part 1

The importance of Yizhou to the mainland is actually a lot. It's not that according to some international regulations, the surrounding area of ​​an island is the sea area of ​​all the countries of the island.

   In terms of climate, Yizhou has always been shielding the mainland from wind, and hurricanes or typhoons formed in the Pacific Ocean close to the mainland, and they were often stopped by Yizhou, which did not cause much trouble to the mainland.

   If it is not that the site is too tight, there is really no need to develop Yizhou. At most, it is to use some of the natural deep-water ports on the island to build the island into a transit point for overseas trade materials. Otherwise, almost three or more typhoons or hurricanes cross the border every year, and every time they cross the border, a mess will be left, and that is the embarrassing situation of waiting for the wind to rag and continue to be blown down.

   Liu Yan is not interested in drilling the mountains in the center of Yizhou. He just walked along the strait and inspected some ports.

In its current form, Yizhou is not important to the Han nation at all. The more peripheral Guam has been found. Even if you want to build a preventive military base, you will choose Guam instead of Yizhou based on its value and strategic position. State.

Furthermore, Han is now using troops against the Indochina Peninsula and the Asan Continent. Although Yizhou is an overseas island, Yizhou does not have an advantage in distance compared with Hainan Island. Hainan Island is not the first-level storage of war materials. Land, which is Yizhou's turn again.

"Your Majesty, this place is close to Luzon." Yu Yi did not know much about Yizhou when he was working for the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Luzon has done some research in recent years: "There are still some small islands between the two islands. (Dongsha Islands), Yizhou is used as a transit point for Southeast Asian goods shipped to the inland."

   Liu Yan hadn't paid too much attention before. To force him to be a little bit higher was to say that he would manage everything every day, and how could he pay attention to everything in detail. He didn't check it carefully either. Otherwise, he would find that there were so many materials in the warehouse such as spices, fragrant woods, gems, gold, copper ingots...etc.

   If the Wa Islands are rich in gold and silver, then the South Sea Islands may not have as many gold and silver reserves as the Wa Islands, but they are more abundant in resource types.

  Like the later Philippine Islands, the gold reserves are actually very considerable, but more of them are copper reserves. It is no exaggeration to say that some islands are built of copper at all.

  Do you know what resources they plundered the most when Spain, the Netherlands, and the United States colonized the Philippine Islands? Anyway, it’s just bananas, it’s just an exaggerated amount of spices and rich copper resources, and I just took away gold, and found platinum.

   At that time, platinum was not before, and platinum was often used as silver. The Philippine Islands are not a place rich in platinum. In comparison, the Americas have much more than the Philippine Islands. However, South Africa has the largest reserves. South Africa is also a region with the highest reserves of gold and diamonds in the world.

   By the way, Han has actually found a route to South Africa, but since it is really far away, Han is also working on the Asan Continent, only conducting some inevitable exploration and reconnaissance, and has no intention of marching into the past for the time being.

   Liu Yan didn't mean to go to Luzon at all. His next destination was Malacca.

For Liu Yan, it makes sense to travel the South China Sea again. He has served here for four years. Although he often stays in the same place without moving, he has also taken a few limited experiences on a warship to land on the island. exercise.

   The sea is still that sea, and the island is still in that place, but the time is one thousand six hundred and sixty-five years earlier, which makes Liu Yan, who is standing on the deck watching, feel a little complicated in his heart.

  The South China Sea is currently the most prosperous sea area in Han, before the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.

The current situation is that the Nanyang Islands have been providing various resources. The resources plundered by the Indochina Peninsula are also by sea, not to mention that there is a large-scale war going through the other side of the Strait of Malacca. Naturally, boats go by.

  The season is approaching winter. Naturally, there will be no snow on the South China Sea, but it is possible that sea storms may form, or they may evolve into hurricanes and typhoons sweeping islands or land.

   Speaking of it, Luzon was devastated by hurricanes or typhoons several times a year. In the 9th year of Yuanshuo, it was the most exaggerated when it was devastated by seven hurricanes.

With current technology, it is impossible to detect the formation of a storm with instruments at all. It is necessary to get close enough to detect it with the eyes. It is often too late to prepare for prevention after the discovery. It is often the ship that discovers the formation of the storm. Burial in the sea, and the land that didn't get the news back in time did not make preparations.

"The annual loss rate is between 8% and 12%." Fu Wei was sent over as the navigator, and it was inevitable to introduce Liu Yan and other important central ministers: "Mostly it is sailing in formation. Most people can be rescued in time."

   Those who drove alone and the ship sank, unless there was nothing that could be used to float, otherwise, based on the prosperity of the various routes, it would not take long for other ships to discover and rescue them.

"The most loss is on the more outer routes, especially the southeast route (including the south of the Sulu Sea)." When Fu Wei said this, his cheeks twitched. For a while, the loss rate there reached 90%. It can be seen that The degree of danger: "We have been exploring to the southeast and have found several islands. For the time being, we have not found the Kangaroo Island mentioned by His Majesty."

  Uh, it’s Australia, but Liu Yan directly named Kangaroo Island, because the name is very appropriate.

At present, the benefits for the entire country are basically outside the mainland. For example, the Indochina Peninsula provides grain, fragrant wood, and rubber, the Wai Islands mainly provide gold and silver, and the Nanyang Islands provide spices, gold, gems, fragrant wood, and so on. Did not get out of the trauma of war.

   "There are fruits." Liu Yan didn't forget this at all: "The first Han conquered the Western Regions and added recipes, and we did more."

Really, the Western Han Dynasty opened up the Western Regions to increase the number of species for the Central Plains. Even at the modern dining table, you still enjoy the fruits of the Western Han Dynasty's labor. The more representative ones are cucumber (courgette), garlic (Hu garlic), and carrots. There are also grapes, walnuts, alfalfa, pomegranates and so on.

  Han Kingdom acquired Nanyang. The biggest harvest is not gems and gold, but various kinds of spices, which directly evolves Han people's cooking to countless grades.

   When you can eat more fragrant, no one will be willing to eat some foods that are cooked in clean water, looking for foods that stimulate the sense of taste. That is why the earth will enter the era of spice trade at a certain period of time.

  The war that the Europas fought for the spice trade was much longer than the Silver War. India and the South Sea Islands attracted the attention of the Europas because they were rich in spice, and they maintained the war for hundreds of years in order to monopolize the war.

The Central Plains dynasty is close at hand, even if it knows the existence of spices and the huge profits that spices can bring, the Central Plains dynasty always feels that it is not rare for us to have a lot of resources, and we do not know why the Europa people And why do the Arabs have to brainstorm for such a thing.

   "Hiss..." Liu Yan inhaled not for anything else, but the food was too sour: "This kind of pineapple is rich in various vitamins. This is the one that few people eat... Doesn't anyone try it first?"

That’s right, one of the origins of pineapple is in Nanyang, that is, no one knew that it could eat it before... or the person who knew it did not report it. As a result, when Liu Yan wanted to eat it, he actually ate a sour one. .

   Cui Zong had a look of bewilderment, and in response, he pleaded with trepidation: "The minister...thinks that the food is sour."

   Liu Yan didn't get upset either, he was relatively uncomfortable letting one try one after another. In short, he wanted to make it sweet.

   Of course, there is sweetness in the back. Liu Yan is happy to share it with others. When everyone ate it, they didn't find it so delicious. They had to give Liu Yan face and pretend to be eating ginseng fruit.

   "Your Majesty." Sang Yu seemed to think about it, put down the mango in his hand, and said, "Some of the indigenous people here are very similar to the Han people."

Liu Yan thinks there is nothing wrong with this. Asan is immigrating to the Nanyang Islands, but the A three species are currently not flooding in the South China Sea. Even if there are some dark-skinned indigenous people in the Nanyang Islands, the number of those dark-skinned indigenous people is actually not many. , More of them are people with yellow skin, that is, the skin and facial features are the same as Han people, but their stature will be shorter, and the physique is basically thin.

What kind of physique is related to eating habits and whether you can get enough. For example, you live in the U Islands, but there is something called the Yayoi culture there. They forbid eating meat. As a result, they are getting shorter and shorter, and people are thinner. outrageous.

  The Nanyang Islands are very rich in races. You can see black charcoal heads, you can find white skin types, and you can also find people who don’t know whether they are Han people by appearance.

   That would be very interesting. For example, the Han Dynasty would give preferential treatment to those who look similar to itself, and then use them to exploit other races. At the same time, for the sake of similar appearances, Han Guo will also have more ideas of merging with them, like those black charcoal heads, they have no idea of ​​merging at all.

   "Hehehehe..." Liu Yan didn't know what he had thought of, and laughed for a while before saying, "Widows are enriching the table of the Han people!"

   The grasslands have been leveled, and grazing farms have been built due to the increased availability of livestock. The prices of cattle, horses, and sheep have been continuously reduced. At least, meat can be seen on every meal of the Han Chinese in northern Xinjiang. Also extends beyond cheese products!

   After conquering the Northeast and other places, Chinese medicinal materials have increased, and the rich and powerful have to boil a ton of ginseng hen every three days.

  Occupied the Nanyang Islands. Because the amount of spices obtained was too large, the official did not make it a luxury. It is necessary to add spices when cooking.

   There is also the conquest of the sea, and the original fresh-keeping measures have been researched. Regardless of whether the coast or the inland, a variety of seafood has been added to the table.

  In addition, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits.

   "Widows can predict a little bit." Liu Yan said triumphantly: "If all kinds of nutrition are sufficient, how can the average height of the Han people be 1.8 meters, right?"

   There is no problem at all. As long as the nutrition is adequate, people will not only have a taller figure, but also have a fairly strong physique, and there will be a lot less problems.

   The rest of the people know what's so good about that. If you look up history, at a certain time in the ancient pre-Qin period, the average height of the ancestors of the Xia Dynasty reached an exaggerated 1.9 meters. Please note that we are talking about average height, not alone.

"Even if nothing is achieved, the widows will at least make the prices of various foods not so high." What Liu Yan once wanted most was pork per catty. He thought about it for a moment and added: "The cost of slaves." Very low, isn't it?"

   As a ruler, Liu Yan can have such thoughts, but he really wants to suppress the price of a certain product, especially if it is suppressed to be cheaper than cheap, then he really can’t do it.

  Aren't all products produced! If the price is so low that it is at a loss, whoever is willing to produce that product does not need to be profitable to have the motivation to produce. If the price is forced to be lowered, and believe it or not, the merchants that produce that product go bankrupt one after another, and then no one will produce it, leading to the extinction of that product from the market?

   So, Liu Yan said his own words, but the ministers who accompanied him did not hear him anyway, but the sergeants paid tribute to Liu Yan with respect and expectation.

When the weather is good, sailing in the South Seas is actually not a pleasant thing, mainly because the sun is so abundant that you can sweat profusely even if you sit and do nothing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ even fast The oil comes out.

   In fact, no matter which area it is in, as long as it is sailing at sea, unless the ship is built to be high-end, otherwise there is no such thing as comfortable navigation. Just being exposed to the sun is a torture.

   After being soaked in sea water, and then being exposed to the sun, it would be sunburned in minutes. The red patch and the red patch of the skin are light, and it is scary and uncomfortable when the whole body peels off.

   Of course, Liu Yan will definitely not suffer from those sins. He will stay in the sun for a long time only when he is sick. At least he has a sun umbrella when he is forced to do so.

At present, the Han Chinese who run HNA are not so guilty. At least they don’t need to go through the initial stages of each civilization’s voyage. They are tortured by lack of vitamins. At least at the beginning, they knew that they should bring bean sprouts and some easy-to-preserve fruits. The ice cellar was all over the cabin.

   After four or five days of sailing, Liu Yan saw the land again. He relied on the vague memory to see that it should be Malaysia...Huh? Should it be Brunei or East Timor? Anyway, it is not a peninsula on the mainland.

   When they arrived at this sea area, they were already quite close to Malacca, and they also ran into a fleet specially here to welcome them.

   It was an infinite ship at a glance. They were divided into two phalanxes. After seeing Wang Qi, they shouted the slogan "Emperor Ten Thousand Years, Great Han Wujiang".

   Liu Yan still knows a little bit. Huan Wen has already led his army to land on Gita Nada. It really doesn’t need too many warships to cause excessive waste. It should be a moderate number to block the coastline of the Gupta Dynasty.

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