Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1190: Vaguely dreamed like seen

Zhao Mai has seen this **** scene! He ordered the monitor insects to immediately lower their altitude, dive down, fly over Stonehenge, and fly over the corpses. These guys didn't react to the arrival of the monitor bug, and there was no magic to protect it. No matter why they died like this, that danger should have disappeared.

"I have seen the corpse of the Nequus Temple in front. Wait for a while." Zhao Mai asked everyone to stay calm, and then sent the only Z-worm alien to advance forward. Only with the energy of the blue crystal can the zigzag alien be able to emit heat rays and fly into space with its eyes. In order to save the few crystals, Zhao Mai temporarily made this one.

I saw its slender and sensitive body leaping into the air abruptly, and after a graceful turn around, with its hands and feet folded, it dived in a spiral state like a torpedo toward the direction of Stonehenge. It uttered a loud scream, imitating the aura of Long Wei, trying to attract attention as much as possible. It uses its flesh to step on the trap, and if there is danger ahead, it should almost appear.

Stonehenge is still quiet. Zhao Mai watched the Z insect alien land in the middle of the corpse pile and turned the black robes around. Under the delicate robe, the body has already melted like wax oil, turning into a pool of black viscous gel-like substance, completely unable to see its previous appearance. There is no smell here, and apart from sight, there is no uncomfortable residual energy. It may be the same as the symbolic meaning of Naquus: everything is ended.

Zhao Mai still led everyone forward cautiously, and ordered the grain reserves and Xiaohua to be optimistic about Qiqi. Alexstrasza pointed to his nose and admitted very consciously, "There is still a source of trouble here!"

"You take the initiative to let the food reserve watch, why ask me to agree?" Zhao Mai waved his hand, really didn't understand the weird thoughts of this dragon. He, Diana, and McCann Knight moved forward first, using the natural force, divine power and holy light power to explore. All three powers have a restraining effect on evil and blasphemy, and can play a "sterilization and sterilization" effect.

They crossed the wall formed by garbage and walked into the rows of houses. There is no one here, not even a little activity. The suppression field formed by the three powers made some evil items scream, and some even began to scream. At this time, Zhao Mai used domain suppression, and then Diana threw out the mantra lasso and dragged out the dangerous goods. Most of them are books. You don't need to look at the content, just look at the decoration style of the cover. They are either skeletons or devil minions. Obviously they are not good books for children.

"Set aside, the monitor insects will keep watch, and the workers will catch up to deal with them." Zhao Mai said: "All the things here must be sorted out to see what Nexus is doing. If it can be done. I understand that it is very beneficial to prevent and eliminate Nexus and to make the multiverse a safe one. Anyway, it will take a while for me to accumulate energy before I can break the space barrier. I will hand it over to the Alliance of the Rings at that time, and I must check it carefully."

The McCann Knight gathered his wings behind him and nodded vigorously, "Thank you for still thinking about the Alliance of the Rings. Although this place was abandoned by Nexus, it was a big discovery for the Alliance of the Rings. To be honest, I I was stunned when I saw this place. With so many garbage stars piled up by traversing tools, the entire Ring Alliance knew nothing about it. I don’t know how long Nexus had been operating here! The spread of this incident had too much influence. !"

"Hey, I have to say hello to you in advance. I can take away the things I'm looking at here. I must take them away. Especially the Green Bull, I have to return it to the old man. McCann, in order to eliminate Naquus The common goal of this place can be given to the Alliance of the Rings, but whoever discovers the rules of the multiverse has the final say."

"Is there such a rule?" McCann was stunned, and then laughed: "Okay, just take it. You Zhao Mai is also one of the strongest in the multiverse, and is qualified to set rules, especially in this place and here. Matter."

They walked past uninhabited houses, and the triple energy waves continuously scanned the sky, the ground and the underground, searching for all the things that were on the surface and hidden here. Obviously, this is a research base, with everything from very old research tools, such as magnifying glasses and rulers, to very advanced scanning matrices. The members of the Nequus Temple are here to dismantle and research various tools of the Alliance of the Rings, and their focus is of course the ferry vehicles.

"They left in a hurry and left a lot of research results, some of which were even complete research reports." Diana threw one of them to Zhao Mai with a mantra lasso: "When I was behind enemy lines, those intelligence personnel When encountering an attack, the first reaction is to throw the things at hand into the brazier. This is the most basic quality. The people of Nachus obviously have no training in this area~www.NovelMTL.com~ or they don’t have time to do it. These things."

"I think the latter is more likely." McCann Knight agreed: "There is no sign of the entire camp being attacked at all, everything is undamaged, and even placed neatly. It is estimated that they are not in the residence. , And then gathered at the Stonehenge in front, and were killed all at once."

Angels can use bows and arrows to attack targets several kilometers away. McCann's eyesight can naturally see Stonehenge in the distance, not to mention that there is the only zigzag alien in the entire area jumping around, which is very eye-catching. The McCann Knight could make a judgment from the arrangement of the corpses around Stonehenge and the furnishings of the houses, but it couldn't be more real than what Zhao Mai "saw with his own eyes."

He became more and more sure that the place he came to was here, and this was Tolkien's green dream. Zhao Mai looked at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua immediately understood what he meant, and secretly nodded to him, confirming his guess.

When Tolkien was thinking about the spell, his mind was connected with the world, and the curious Zhao Mai took a space trip through the green dreamland. He just projected his mind through the force of nature, thus seeing the "Merlin" in Stonehenge and the "starry face" besieging him. It was here that he got the "Holy Grail", an analysis tool that can analyze the composition of matter and convert it into a magic circle. Using the Holy Grail, he created the Philosopher’s Stone for immortality, improved his own magic spell, and created a sun-killing circle capable of creating blue crystals.

He saw that amazing magic bombing, and also saw the scene where "Merlin" and the starry face disappeared from each other and finally disappeared, and he also saw Stonehenge become broken. But the Stonehenge in front of him is still intact, and the corpses on the ground are also there. What is going on?

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