Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1290: Push distance

As long as you can survive the struggle, actual combat is the best way to test yourself and improve.

Zhao Mai was beaten again and again, and then smashed something. Device Zero traced back to the damaged Alliance headquarters, and Zhao Mai recovered his body by himself. He also tried every means to hurt the dragon, twisting its neck at least twenty times, and slitting its chest open thirty times. However, after the shadow that formed its body rolled over for a while, all the wounds disappeared. The dragon is still the dragon, and Zhao Mai is also the Zhao Mai, but he is more and more proficient in the control of the time rules.

Although on the surface it seems that Zhao Mai still talks constantly, changing tricks to mock the shadow dragon, all kinds of laughter are endless, even after being blown out, he showed his love for the battle and was immersed in it. In his joy, but in fact Zhao Mai has been trying to end this stinking long battle.

Each of his actions has a clear purpose, such as dissecting this shadow monster. This monster has its own form, and its ability can only be displayed through this form. Why? The most important feature of Nexus, or black spectrum, is that it hides under all the rules. It is impossible to find it in ordinary ways, but why must it take the form of a giant dragon? Judging from the abilities it has demonstrated, the sudden appearance of the dark cloud does not require the appearance of the dragon, and the claws and teeth are not exclusive to the dragon. The six wings are purely decorative, and the two tails are not necessarily so flexible.

No matter what the reason, since it is so attached to the shape of six wings, four legs, three heads and two tails, then it may be attached to more things, such as putting something important in the original dragon heart. This is a matter of habit. Just like some wizards who use Transfiguration to transform themselves into fire elements, there will still be a humanoid figure with hands and feet, and the voice of speech will also be emitted from the head; the wizard who has just become a lich, I am also used to tying the important phylactery to my ribs and placing it in the original heart. This is a subconscious behavior, and since the dragon still retains its character, emotions, and past thoughts, it is likely to retain all kinds of "subconscious."

Although it looks like the shadow dragon is a solid whole from the outside, as long as it has the means to harm it, this illusion can be broken. Through continuous dissection, the body structure of the shadow dragon is gradually exposed: the outermost part, which is constantly shaking like the shadow, constitutes the basic image of the dragon, which is very similar to a vaporized version of Nexus black oil. Zhao Mai has seen liquid, gel, and solid Nexus structures, and this is the first time I have seen it in gaseous state. Because it is constantly rolling and changing its shape very quickly, the time lag ray is difficult to exert on it.

Under the gaseous state, there are liquid Nexus flowing, the quantity is very small, Zhao Mai is not able to catch their tracks every time, only when the shadow dragon initiates an attack, Nexus black oil will gather more . Zhao Mai guessed that the grease state of the Nexus structure is responsible for "charging" the shadow dragon, manipulating time and destroying everything, it is all dependent on this thing.

"Zhao Mai, I admire your persistence and strength." The Shadow Dragon suddenly stopped the offensive and stopped moving forward. One of the three dragon heads is talking, one is shaking his head and the other is nodding. I don't know if it is or not. "No way. The multiverse is so big that you can't use all of it. Let's discuss it and divide it up."

"It makes sense." Zhao Mai stopped and nodded, blinking at the dragon. He saw that he had attracted the other party's attention, but suddenly rushed forward. The blue flame wrapped the whole body, rotating to form the shape of a drill bit, Zhao Mai directly tore open the chest of the shadow dragon, and a fierce man plunged in!

"You are in vain!" The shadow dragon roared. It lowered its head and looked at the wound on its chest, watching the blue light shining from it. The light continued to expand, first penetrated into the black shadows, and then gradually glowed. "You can blow me up, but you can't kill me! I will be back soon!"

The three-headed shadow dragon kept expanding and cursing, and then it exploded in a brilliant blue flame, just like a hydrogen balloon met a flame, and nothing was left after it bloomed instantly. Zhao Mai slowly flew out from the center of the explosion, the blue flame on his body dimmed a lot. He looked around, took out the blue crystal without hesitation and swallowed it.

When his mouth was filled with crystal shards, he suddenly thought of something and tore open the space gap leading to the Alliance headquarters, which happened to be not far from Soka. Zhao Mai said in a vague accent: "Angel, how is your investigation done here?"

"Continuously looking back, my progress is slow here." The angel's eyes were full of helplessness. She thought for a while, took out an earplug communicator from her pocket and threw it to Zhao Mai. "Put this on and contact at any time. Try not to smash the alliance headquarters, otherwise it will go back and do good things have to be repeated."

"Understood, if I accidentally get hit, I have to get shot in the other direction." Zhao Mai said with a wink, "This thing is not easy to deal with, but I have already figured out a way. Don't panic. Hum. , As expected!"

With a confident look, he closed the gap in the space again, and then focused on eating blue crystals to replenish his physical strength, and he completely eliminated crystals that were about ten times the volume of his body. He also tore through the space, fetching small hill-like crystals from the Z Worm's base and throwing them into the spiritual space for use.

When the black shadows gathered again, about the size of a table tennis ball, Zhao Mai leaned in and poked them with his fingers with blue flames. The power that can affect the black spectrum can also affect this shadow, so it will continue to deform, twist, stretch and stretch between Zhao Mai's fingers. But there is another rule that Zhao Mai didn't want to understand for the time being, which has been preventing him from completely destroying this shadow. In short, even if the shadow becomes so small, Zhao Mai still cannot completely destroy it.

"Wait, I suddenly had a good idea." Zhao Mai snapped his fingers, tore open the crack in the space, and then threw the shadow inside. Anyway, after this guy became a shadow dragon, he would only walk slowly step by step. Wouldn't he be able to buy a lot of time if he threw it far away?

Unexpectedly, the black shadow reached the crack in the space and immediately swallowed it, just like it swallowed the fleet's energy cannon. The energy of Nexus assimilating and destroying other rules prevents it from being transmitted. This is good news and bad news, but still mostly good news. Zhao Mai made a decisive decision, filled his palms with flames, then grabbed a baseball-sized shadow ball and flew towards the end of the earth.

The wind whizzed past, and the Alliance Headquarters was instantly left behind, turning into an insignificant dot. This space is absolutely flat, and the ground has no curvature, so no matter how far away, in theory, you can always see the small spots of the headquarters.

Long ago, Zhao Mai sent an exploratory team, hoping that they could reach the end of this strange world. He doesn't believe that there is a world that is "infinite", at most there will only be a rule that has not been understood, creating the illusion of "infinity". Among other things, the infinite ground represents infinite mass, so the gravity here in the alliance should be more than the current level. Zhao Mai did not forget to dig down. After a full depth of 20,000 kilometers, the Z bug finally found the lower limit of the world: a similar element channel boundary blocked the way forward, as long as it hits it, it will be teleported and thrown away. To a corner of the multiverse.

If Nexus is not immune to these rules, it is actually a good place to deal with the shadow dragon.

The black shadow ball is still expanding, now about the size of a football. Zhao Mai keeps accelerating, but only the ability to fly can drive the shadow ball to move. Any way of using space rules, such as compressing the space in front (shrinking the ground to an inch), will suddenly stop the shadow rugby. And every time the rules are absorbed, the shadow dragon will grow faster.

The monotonous ground quickly retreated under him, Zhao Mai flew out of the destruction range of the big bomb, and the soil of the Z insect appeared in his vision. His "Expeditionary Army" never stopped working hard, even during the Five Hundred Years War. It keeps multiplying, expanding, and advancing, conquering the deserted wilderness with the power of life. When the environment is not suitable, we will transform the environment, when we are alone, we will create creatures, and when we are bored, we will gather together to play cards and run groups.

The gardener dragon raised his head and waved to Zhao Mai. They could barely feel the commander coming, but couldn't see what Zhao Mai looked like in the high-speed flight: a thunder-like roar was the last time Zhao Mai left them as a souvenir. However, it doesn't matter if they can't see clearly. With the help of the spiritual network, they have already known everything about Zhao Mai, just as they are familiar with their own fingers and toes.

"Come on, Chief!" The gardeners sent out their blessings intently and religiously, and then what they should do. The blast wave broke a lot of things, especially the fragile flowers and plants. Moreover, the gray time shock circles just now caused a lot of trouble. Some of the explosive teeth became strange appearances such as double-headed and six-armed. They had to find a way to stabilize the symptoms of these people. What does the commander fly so fast?

The stretch of soil covered the earth, and all the places of vision were Zhao Mai's territory. Not only are there various Z-worms living and working on the ground, but the underground has also been excavated and used, and has a complex ecological structure. Zhao Mai looked around, turned a little, and landed on a Chimera spacecraft, ordering it to take off immediately and charge into the distance.

The Shadow Dragon has become the size of a basketball and needs his hands to control it. In comparison, the Chimera spacecraft will be more efficient as a means of transportation.

"I admire your layout very much. Doing this under the league's eyelids is equivalent to grabbing their vitals and launching a fatal blow at any time." The shadow ball suddenly spoke: "Zhao Mai, if you can compare I started earlier, I should lose to you. I have to say that Z Worm is a powerful cosmic creature."

"The same goes for the dragon." Zhao Mai didn't need to struggle to fly, so he naturally had the leeway to speak: "If you are a good dragon, how come you have to become a Nexus? What's so good about being so dark? I am pretty sure that you are a dragon."

The shadow ball was silent for a while, and then asked in a puzzled tone: "You are right... But my adoption of the dragon form does not mean that I came from the dragon. Where can your confidence be so sure of your inference?"

"Those people in the Alliance don't understand what's going on with Nexus. They are stupid. Of course, there are also temple spies who constantly mislead and lead them to the side road. I don't have any problems in this regard." Zhao Mai looked at The Shadow Ball said: "Life is a resource, and so is death. As a maverick druid, I don't shy away from studying necromancers, let alone Nexus. If you didn't take the lead, maybe I would. Can complete your transformation in this form."

"Ha! You really can speak big words! It's impossible for you to understand how I completed this conversion! No one in this world can understand!" Shadow Dragon laughed wildly, his tone full of disdain: "You think you can surpass After hundreds of millions of years of layout and accumulation, can I defeat me in one day? Including your naive actions now, from the perspective of the entire multiverse and from the perspective of time, it is just a meaningless struggle! You do your best Work hard, eventually you will realize your shortcomings and compromise."

The Shadow Dragon snorted, temporarily closed his mouth, and even slowed the growth rate, allowing Zhao Mai to fly with it.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the air seems to become thinner, and the concentration of natural force also decreases. For a long time, there has been no sun in the space where the Alliance is located, but there is always light above the head, allowing it to stay alive and daylight. It's just that the farther away from the headquarters, the worse the vitality, until it can't support life.

Z worms are always better at adapting to the environment than other creatures. They can expand to a distance that other creatures can't reach, even if there is nothing but openness and silence. Zhao Mai raised his eyes and looked into the distance. There were still soil and Z insects in his field of vision, but their number and density had dropped significantly. Not only that, the power of the Chimera spacecraft gradually weakened, and the flight speed began to decrease.

Zhao Mai looked at the Shadow Dragon Ball in his hand. It was already the size of a pumpkin, almost breaking free from the shackles of the blue flame. He must concentrate all his energies and constantly weave the net of fetters to prevent the shadow dragon from drifting away like black smoke.

"I know what you are thinking in your heart." Shadow Dragon laughed and said: "You think you can keep breaking me down, and then take me away from the cycle of alliance headquarters until I get out of trouble. I have to admit that you can It hinders me to a certain extent. This is indeed something I didn't expect before ~www.NovelMTL.com~ However, in the face of time, your efforts are meaningless."

"No, time is the most meaningful." Zhao Mai laughed, still full of confidence: "A monkey who will never die, even if he typewriter is typed indiscriminately, as long as he is given enough time, he can also type a copy of "Sword "And Magic and Taxi". I'm always smarter than a monkey, am I? You are indeed a temporary leader in the research and use of Nexus, but you are both expected and within reach. It is you who should worry."

"Just keep your mouth hard." said the shadow dragon: "I let you take me to fly, so that you can see the end of the world, and let you know that you can't win at all. Wait and see!"

Chimera wailed in pain, like a poor worm about to be choked by her neck. It could no longer maintain the flight, and crashed on the soil.

The soil here is only one finger thick, which is basically close to the limit. Among Z worms, only the most basic source cells can survive. Other creatures cannot get enough energy support at all, and sooner or later they will die from hunger or fatigue.

Zhao Mai held the shadow ball and walked to the end of Xiyang, but the distance was still empty.

It's just that there are more shadows on the horizon.

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