Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 242: Organizational care

"My father is not a traitor!" Jon staggered to his feet, forgetting to take the sword on the table. "He is not a traitor."

Everyone hurriedly spoke to comfort him, but at this time it was difficult for him to hear anyone's words, and what went into his ears was nothing but a humming noise. Those eager faces, those skeptical faces, restless faces, and worried faces were all blurred, and they kept spinning around him, just like faces on a fish beam. The red crown is like blood, the black roots are like coal, and the white trunks are carved with big faces. He seemed to see the red sap flowing out of his eyes, the trees were crying, and blood came out from crying. What is this sign? It must be bad, right?

One hand grabbed his wrist, and it hurt him. Zhao Mai's voice brought the power of psychic powers, so it went directly into his brain, and this time he heard it.

"I think you should go to Master Yimeng and see what the letter says. You tell him well and he will agree. It is a kind and wise old man."

"Okay, you're right, I need to read that letter." Jon immediately became sober a lot. He picked up the sword, called Bai Ling, the ice wolf, and staggered away.

"I...I want to see him, and Bachelor Yimon also needs help." Sam pinched his nose, and went too.

The cafeteria suddenly became quiet, and everyone was calm, as if there were more than twenty "Melancholic Eddie" suddenly added. If this happened a few days ago, maybe everyone would just treat it as a story. And now, Jon has proven his bravery and has become everyone's brother. What happened to the brothers was absolutely different from what happened to the "passers-by".

"I don't think that Lord Ed will do that kind of thing." Glenn Urn said in an annoying voice.

"Shut up, Gülen. You idiot always thinks things wrong, so you should say he must be a traitor!"

"But I think so, why do you say that?"

"Because then I can take the opportunity to beat you up." Hod shook his fist, then sighed again.

"What will happen to Jon? He must be very sad." Piper said.

"That's for sure. I have heard him say about his father more than once. And everyone knows that Duke Ed. Stark has always been a friend of our night watchman, and most of our supplies are provided by Winterfell of."

"But maybe Duke Ed will come to the Black Castle in black, would that be a good thing?" Gulen said suddenly.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Gu Lan, and said one after another: "Stupid cow, I didn't expect you to be smart again!"

"No," Zhao Mai said suddenly. "I think, don't use good guesses to comfort Xue Nuo at this time, lest he will be more unbearable if hope breaks again. You should watch him, take care of him, and let him think about it."

The melancholy Eddie nodded: "Mike is right. We were just robbers and thieves in the past. We didn't analyze the authenticity at all, let alone comfort people, and made more mistakes. Pipe, Gülen... Gülen can't , Too stupid. Piper, you and I and Sam are constantly changing shifts. Someone has to look at Jon lately."

"We will also help you pay attention." The brothers nodded each other.

What a nice group of people. Zhao Mai felt the close friendship between them and couldn't help but feel a little envious. He quietly got up and left the canteen, went outside to blow the air, dry the snow, and walk the dog.

He wasn't feeling sorry for himself, but he needed to clear his mind and change his mind. Since he let go of Tyrion, he no longer wants to intervene in the trajectory of these people. But this is not a comfortable choice, let alone easy. It is human nature to hope that those close to you will be happy, and that your enemies will be tortured. Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil are the most primitive and important needs of living beings, and the difference between closeness and estrangement is the most basic manifestation of people in social life, so it is really uncomfortable to ignore these.

"He still has so many brothers and friends who care about him, so he should be fine." Zhao Mai thought to himself, "as long as there is no deviation, it should be fine?"

Maybe we can't talk about it. Vibrations and ringtones came from my pocket, and finally a call came.

After running into the car in two or three steps, Zhao Mai connected the cell phone. Director Zhong's voice rang, and for the first time Zhao Mai felt familiar and missed. "Zhao Mai, are you fine over there?"

"Very good. Next time you change your greeting, I always think of my mother."

"Okay, next time I will ask you what you have eaten recently." Zhong Jianbai changed his tone and suddenly became quite serious, and said to Zhao Mai: "We checked and found some problems."

"Say, I'm listening."

"The passage you applied to the Alliance of the Rings is indeed a low-intensity, high-stability Westeros. This has been confirmed. However, we have analyzed the energy remaining at the time of departure and think that you may be heading for a medium-intensity, medium-stability dimension. Stello. The analysis team believes that this possibility is about 32%, but why this result is not known."

"Only one third!"

"Don't underestimate the 32%. The channel of the Alliance of the Rings is quite accurate. Although it is not that there will be no errors, it is also one in ten billion. So the probability of reaching one third is horrible. Yes, Can you help me recall something unusual during the departure?"

"Speaking of this, I remembered one thing. After entering the passage, the car turned upside down, as if it was crushing something."

"After entering the passage? What does it feel like, bumped or twice?"

Zhao Mai recalled it for a moment, and then also felt very strange: "Only one, the feeling passed from the front wheel. If it is something, shouldn't it be twice?"

"No, it’s not strange. If you really have come to a different world, then the change should have happened before the time tunnel was opened. But we will pay attention to the situation you mentioned, maybe the alliance of the rings Can help us find the answer over there."

"I really trouble you. Do you need to spend money? I still have some destiny coins here."

"We complain and never spend money." Zhong Jianbai smiled and said, "This is the benefit of having saints on earth."

"The old man is mighty!" Zhao Mai continued the previous topic: "If it is moderate intensity and moderate stability, will there be any problems? Do I need to go to Captain Liu Su and send them back?"

"No. We did the worst analysis and thought that such a change would have little effect on them. Braavos’ iron vault is far away from the whirlpool of Westeros and will not be affected much. However, there are a few people who have a huge impact. You have to be careful: Tyrion, Daenerys, Jon. According to your current timeline, also be careful of all the children of the Stark family. Don’t be with two or more guys at the same time, otherwise It is easy to cause volatility."

"I and Jon are in the Black Castle!" Zhao Mai said.

"Wait a minute, let the analysis team do the calculations for me. By the way, what are you doing in such an icy place? And there are all men there. I think you should be a straight man in your profile!"

"Go! Don't always think so crookedly. I'm trying to get out of the customs and look for the Three-Eyed Crow in the ice field. By the way, if possible, also help me analyze where the Three-Eyed Crow lives. If it fluctuates according to the power Go find it, I guess I will be exhausted."

"Hey! Don't do such dangerous things, okay? Oh..." Zhong Jianbai said: "Based on our past experience, persuasion is not enough to persuade you. I can only say, if you encounter danger, don't Do it, come back quickly. A world without a saint is not real, don't lose your life for a dream."

"Well, thank you for your reminder, I will remember it." Zhao Mai smiled, someone cares about himself, just like Jon.

"Well, the analysis team gave me a report. That's what you said. You remember it. 1. Jon must always be the night watchman; 2. He must never return to Winterfell as a night watchman. The more dangerous you go south, the more you go north, the more okay. Remember, you must not let him leave the night watchman, if he leaves, then you must leave as soon as possible."

"It should be easy to handle, but I'll just interrupt his leg."

"The key is not the legs, it is the heart." Zhong Jianbai said: "The human heart is the most difficult thing to grasp, and the human heart is the foundation of the stability of the world. The three-eyed crow may be more difficult, I will call you later. . By the way, we monitored your phone number, and your sister called you. Do you need us to see the situation? I promise not to disturb her."

"Thank you, thank you very much," Zhao Mai said sincerely.

The conversation was not long, but Zhao Mai's mood was greatly relieved. Although it was "warmth of the organization" that made people feel numb, it did make him feel cared. Compared with this, the other news brought by Zhong Jianbai is not so terrible. What if the one-third probability of medium intensity and medium stability is hit? Zhao Mai believes that one day he will go to a world without limits of intensity and stability, a world where he has no knowledge of the "story". It's like watching a performance. If you watch too much and like it, one day you will go to a free performance.

The important thing now is to lay the foundation. Starting from learning other people’s experience and knowledge, and gradually developing something that belongs to oneself, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can live a truly independent and free person.

He took out the ghoul's heart again and watered it with natural force, so that it could continue to radiate power, so that it could be better observed and then studied. Perhaps it was because of the effect of a good mood, Zhao Mai suddenly thought of combining the technique of summoning the crystal servant in the psychic power technique with the cold power of the natural force.

Maybe you can summon the snow elves? Although he thought so, he failed without surprise. But when he finished publishing the book, he suddenly discovered that the failed spell and the ghoul's heart were beating at the same frequency. He changed the wave of spells, and the pulse of his heart also changed.

This is indeed an unexpected discovery! He had always wondered what the power controlling the activities of ghouls was. He is definitely not the force of nature, because the heart has been removed, but the head is still moving as usual, the same as before. The hands and feet that have been severed and separated have the same phenomenon.

Since it is not the icy power radiating from the heart that gives them "purpose", how do they control and fight? The strange ghost can "resurrect" thousands of corpses into strange ghosts, and then take them to fight continuously. The way of communication has always been a mystery.

Now it seems to have some clues. (To be continued.)

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