Sword of Coming

Chapter 407

Going to the Great Sui Dynasty Capital Confucian Temple to ask for a piece of cultural luck, this involves Chen Ping’s cultivation Great Dao, but Mao Xiaodong did not rush to the Confucian Temple with Chen Ping, but took Chen Ping to walk slowly and chat.

Mao Xiaodong asked about many interesting facts about Chen Ping’s journey. Chen Ping took 2 long trips, but more of it was in the deep mountains and forests and rivers, trekking through mountains and rivers, and encountered the Civil and Military Temple, which is not too much. Chen Ping immediately talked about that seemingly rugged, but in fact, good friend Xu Yuanxia.

In addition to recording the landscapes of various places, this man who left the army at that time will also paint ancient wood buildings in various countries with fine brushwork. Mao Xiaodong said that this Xu Xia Shi could come to the academy as a famous master, and give lectures to the students of the academy. Speaking of the magnificent mountains and rivers and the gathering of humanities, the academy can even open up a house for him to hang up his manuscripts with fine brushwork.

Chen Ping promised Mao Xiaodong to send a letter to Xu Yuanxia who had returned to his hometown, inviting him to take a trip to Great Sui Dynasty Mountain Cliff Academy.

The Capital Confucian Temple with the largest scale and the highest ritual system in Great Sui Dynasty is located in the Northwest, so two people start from Eastern Flower Mountain and have to pass through the small half of Capital. During the period, Mao Xiaodong asked Chen Ping to have lunch, hiding in the back alley. There is a small restaurant in the depths, but the business is not deserted, the wine is not afraid of the deep alleys, and the rice wine brewed by the restaurant is very sophisticated.

Mao Xiaodong said that in addition to the glutinous rice selected by the host family, he would take his son out of the city and rush to the Songfeng spring outside Capital 6 10 li to carry water. The father and son 2 took turns to carry on their shoulders. After returning, I brewed this rice wine that Capital’s good drinkers would not stop drinking.

When Chen Ping left the tavern, he bought a large jar of rice wine. When he arrived in an uninhabited alley, he cautiously poured it into the Nurturing Sword Gourd that had bottomed out, and then put the empty jar among the nearby objects.

Inside something close by, “there is no lack of strange things”.

Clothing books, copywriting and confession, pots and pans, hatchets and needles, herbal flints, odds and ends.

Seeing that Chen Ping put away an empty wine jar that was not worth a few cents, Mao Xiaodong reminded: “It’s a good thing to accumulate little to make more, it’s a good thing to gather sand into a tower, but don’t to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem. Temperament is difficult to be clear and bright, or it is hard to work hard, although the muscles and bones are strong, but the mind is already haggard.”

Chen Ping said with a smile: “I wrote it down.”

Mao Xiaodong smiled while stroking his beard.

In fact, it is his Senior Brother that’s all who is critical, but not so. How can he reflect the dignity of being a Senior Brother if he doesn’t put a little air on Chen Ping?My Mister didn’t miss and nagging myself for a while, Mao Xiaodong had to find some supplements on Mister’s final disciple.

After that, I traveled for nearly half an hour and arrived at the Holy Land, Capital Confucian Temple in the hearts of all the students of Great Sui Dynasty.

Temples of Confucianism are scattered everywhere in Heaven and Earth, scattered all over the world, like literary lights on the earth, illuminating the world.

Unless it is too remote, the smallest counties and counties need to build Civil and Military Temple. All county guards and County Magistrates need to go to the Confucian Temple to pay homage to the saints after taking office, and then go to the Martial Temple to pay homage. Heroic.

So even the small town where Chen Ping grew up in Black Pearl Paradise was blocked and blocked. After being broken and falling and putting down roots in the Great Li Dynasty map, the first major event was the Great Li Dynasty Imperial Court to make the first County Magistrate. Wu Yuan immediately began to prepare the site of the 2nd Wenwu Temple.

Mao Xiaodong stood outside the Confucian Temple, Chen Ping stood shoulder to shoulder with the old man.

Mao Xiaodong asked: “I used to drink rice wine, but now I see the Confucian Temple, do you have any experience?”

Chen Ping replied: “The above is good for making glutinous rice, and there is an endless stream of people who buy wine. It can be seen that Capital 100 has a good food and clothing, and there is a lot of spare money. As for this Confucian Temple, I have not seen anything.”

Chen Ping was half right, Mao Xiaodong nodded, but this time it was really not Mao Xiaodong’s trick on the Profound Void and gave Chen Ping some guidance:

“There is no movement over there, which shows that the guys living in the mud in the Great Sui Dynasty Confucian Temple are not optimistic about your Chen Ping’s cultural luck.”

Speaking of this, Mao Xiaodong was a little sarcastically, “Probably because he has smoked Burning Incense for 100 years, and his eyes are not good.”

Mao Xiaodong continued: “You scholars, pious, visit the Confucian Temple, if you are a person who is prosperous in literature, the god of the Confucian Temple will be sensitive to it, and quietly separate out a few cultural events that increase your literary talent as a gift. The world’s so-called wonderful pen gives birth to flowers. The article is natural, and when writing the writing, it is like the help of Ghost God. This is the reason. However, what the ancestors of the Confucian Temple can do is just icing on the cake. In the final analysis, it is Scholar’s own skill.

“Most of the people who are willing to do these small actions are the actions of the Burning Incense deity, the Civilian Court Official of their own country. The Capital Confucian Temples of various countries, enshrining the most holy master and the seventy two sages, are just the clay sculpture Divine Idol. Of course, Nothing is absolute, and there are very few exceptions. The Capital Confucian Temple of the Grand Virtue World 9 dynasty often has a Great Saint sitting in it.”

Hearing this, Chen Ping asked softly: “Now south of Aquarius Continent, it is said that the Great Li Dynasty is already the tenth dynasty.”

Mao Xiaodong said with a smile: “Let’s talk about this after the Great Li Dynasty’s new 5 mountains have all appeared. There is only a Northern Mountain Draping Clouds Mountain at this moment. It’s pretty fair, it’s too early.”

Mao Xiaodong walked forward, “Let’s go, let’s go to the Saints of the Confucian Temple where the Great Sui Dynasty is located.”

Chen Ping followed.

The Confucian Temple is occupying enormous land. There are many literati, inkmen, and devout men and women who come here, but they are not crowded.

But when Chen Ping followed Mao Xiaodong to the main hall of the Confucian Temple, he found that there was no one.

It seems that the Temple of Confucianism has been instructed, and for the time being, tourists and pilgrims are not allowed to approach the great hall of this front hall to worship the world, and the apse to worship a country’s Saint.

The courtyard is quiet, and the ancient wood towers to the sky.

An elderly Confucian scholar with a big sleeve and a high crown, with a long sword draped around his waist, appeared in a golden body, walked out of the apse, a clay sculpture of Divine Idol, crossed the threshold, and walked into the courtyard.

Mao Xiaodong and the famous Civilian Court Official in the Great Sui Dynasty history book exchanged greetings.

Before stepping into this courtyard, Mao Xiaodong had already told Chen Ping about several Capital Confucian Temple gods who are still “alive”, their life and context, as well as the great achievements in their respective dynasties, are mentioned.

The Confucian Temple god in front of him, named Yuan Gaofeng, was one of the founding feats of the Great Sui Dynasty. He was also a prominent Confucian general. He abandoned his pen and turned to the army. He followed the founding emperor Gao Clan to lay down the country on horseback and dismounted. After that, he became a high official of the staff and was awarded the title of Martial Hero Hall University Fellow. He worked hard and made remarkable achievements. After his death, he received a good post. Yang Clan is still the first-class tycoon of the Great Sui Dynasty. There are many talents. In contemporary Yang Clan Patriarch, he was once an official to the high official of the Ministry of Justice. He resigned due to illness. His descendant Toshihiko Nakata. He has made achievements in officialdom and battlefields, as well as three academic studies. .

Yuan Gaofeng himself was also the official who was the first to be posthumously named Wenzheng by the emperor since the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty.

Yuan Gaofeng asked, “I don’t know why the Lord Maoshan is here?”

Mao Xiaodong asked, “to ask a question, when already knows the answer?”

Yuan Gaofeng’s expression remained unchanged, “I would like to ask Lord Mao Shan to make it clear.”

Mao Xiaodong slowly said: “I want to take a copy of Wen Yun from you at the Confucian Temple, and then borrow another one. Among the ritual vessels of the Confucian Temple, I will probably temporarily take away the scorpion and a set of woven chimes. , 2 candlesticks, this is the share that our Mountain Cliff Academy should have, and the blue and white jar that you later moved from the local Confucian Temple and was funded by Yu Shi Yan Qingguang. This is the same as your Confucian Temple. Borrowed. In addition to the cultural movement contained in it, of course the artifacts themselves will be returned to you in full.”

Yuan Gaofeng asked, “Why don’t you grab Mao Xiaodong?”

Sure enough, the Confucian general originated, and he was straightforward and unambiguous.

Mao Xiaodong said with a smile: “If I grab it, I won’t be polite to you.”

Yuan Gaofeng sneered: “You know, listening to your words straight to the point, with such a big tone, I thought you Mao Xiaodong is now the Saint of the Academy of Original Purity Realm.”

Yuan Gaofeng immediately said: “But Original Purity Realm seems to be not enough. You Mao Xiaodong can only succeed unless you can relocate the entire Eastern Flower Mountain to the Confucian Temple, right? The lack of realm is a difficult problem. Use the immortal to move the mountain god. Moving Eastern Flower Mountain’s cultural fate is another difficulty, and the difficulty is even harder. It is really difficult for you, Lord Mao.”

Mao Xiaodong looked all around, said with a laugh: “How to move, the mountain is bigger than the temple, can it be smashed down all at once, covering the Confucian Temple? Wouldn’t the Great Sui Dynasty, the top Confucian Temple, be destroyed?”

Yuan Gaofeng looked angry and said: “Mao Xiaodong, don’t you give me the tricks of the merchants here. If you want me Yuan Gaofeng to accompany you to bargain here, you can to have no shame. I am also afraid of insulting gentleman! The bottom line of the Confucian Temple, you one Qing 2 Chu!”

Mao Xiaodong didn’t realize it.

Chen Ping felt a majestic imposing manner of righteousness, and faintly, seven-color streamers appeared, gathering and dispersing and wandering, almost showing signs of condensation.

Chen Ping within the body True Qi flows stagnantly, warms up the water house with that water-printed Life Source, involuntarily the gate is closed, and the Luyi children born from the essence of water transport are trembling with fear.

Mao Xiaodong did not take action to stop Yuan Gaofeng’s deliberate demonstration, and Chen Ping alone withstood the suppression of this rich cultural movement behind him.

Mao Xiaodong extend the hand palm, pointed at the great hall, “Let’s go to the back hall and talk in detail.”

Yuan Gaofeng hesitated, then agreed.

Mao Xiaodong asked Chen Ping to stroll around in the front hall. As for the back hall, there is no need to go.

After Mao Xiaodong and Yuan Gaofeng stepped into the apse, several golden gods came out of the clay sculpture Divine Idol.

Chen Ping walked slowly in the solemn and solemn front hall. This is the first time Chen Ping has entered the main hall of the Confucian Temple in the Capital of a country. At Tree Leaf Continent, he did not go to Great Quan Dynasty Mirage City with the Yao family. I should go to see it. Afterwards, at Azure Phoenix Country Capital, Chen Ping did not have the opportunity to visit because of the prevailing Buddhist debate.As for Southern Park Country Capital in blessed land, there is no Confucian Temple dedicated to the seventy two sages.

No matter how far you go, no matter how detailed you look, there will eventually be misses in this way and that, and it is impossible to truly see the scenery.

Time passed, approaching dusk, Chen Ping alone, hardly making any footsteps, had seen Divine Idol in the front hall twice, previously in Divine Immortal’s book “Records of Mountains and Seas”, written notes by literati from various countries, travel notes of prose, More or less, I have been exposed to the life deeds of these “sages” in the Confucian Temple. This is a place where Grand Virtue World Confucianism makes it difficult to understand the surname of the old 2. Even the mountain lord of Seventy Two Academy is used to call it Saint. Why are these? There is a university question, the Great Saint people who have great merits, are they only named “Xian” by the Confucian orthodoxy?We must know that in major colleges, there are many wise men than gentlemen who are more as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Mao Xiaodong returned from the back hall, Chen Ping found that the old man’s face was not very good.

At the Confucian Temple, Chen Ping did not ask much.

After the two people walked out of the Confucian Temple, Mao Xiaodong took the initiative to open the mouth and said: “Everyone is cheapskate, stingy, it’s really hard to talk about.”

Chen Ping nodded.

Mao Xiaodong raised his head and looked at the sky, “just and honourable after visiting the Confucian Temple, I will have dinner later, and then just taking advantage of the darkness, we will try one’s luck in the other places where cultural activities gather, when the time comes. Don’t dilly-dallying and hurry up, do it quickly, and strive to return to the academy before the cock crows tomorrow morning. As for the Confucian Temple, we definitely cannot let them be so stingy. We will come here every day.”

After two people crossed two streets, they found a restaurant nearby. Before waiting for the food to be served, Mao Xiaodong told Chen Ping in his heart, “The atmosphere of the Confucian Temple is not right. Yuan Gaofeng is so unkind. I can understand it, but the rest is 2 Today, the Great Sui Dynasty Literary Saint who followed up and shouted for Yuan Gaofeng, has always been known in the history of youth for his gentle temperament, he shouldn’t be so tough.”

Chen Ping poured 2 bowls of rice wine from the Nurturing Sword Gourd and asked, “Will Yuan Gaofeng actually use this method to remind us? The deities of the Capital Confucian Temple, facing the current undercurrents of the Great Sui Dynasty, must be early In my eyes, it’s just that the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are all fleshy, and the Great Sui Dynasty Gao Clan national blessing and Wen Yun are involved. It is difficult for them to make a decision. The context of the Eastern Flower Mountain Academy, so deliberately showing people with a dark face, with words and deeds that violate common sense, asking us to be careful of the situation outside the Confucian Temple?”

Mao Xiaodong was a little relieved, said with a slight smile: “The answer is right.”

Mao Xiaodong looked out the restaurant window, and tsk tsk said: “I thought we were the bait that was thrown into the water, the other party should always observe more, or send some small fish and shrimp to peck at night when there are few people. Unexpectedly, it was not dark yet, not far from the Confucian Temple, and the streets were bustling with people, so they directly took the killing move, frantic. When was the Great Sui Dynasty literati so killing firmness?”

Chen Ping drank the bowl of fragrant rice wine slowly.

Mao Xiaodong smiled and asked, “Are you nervous at all?”

Chen Ping put down the wine bowl and said: “Don’t hide from the Lord Mao, I have not beaten and killed less, and I have seen some in the world.”

Mao Xiaodong asked again, “How big is the world?”

Chen Ping thought for a while, and said frankly: “I have fought the Flood Dragon Ravine, a Nascent Soul old Flood Dragon that sits in the Small World, and carried the sword of the old Great Sword Immortal of the Great Wall of Sword Qi, and passed an Ascension Realm cultivator. Life-Source Magical Treasure A blow from the sword-swallowing boat.”

Mao Xiaodong laughed heartily.

Chen Ping held back a smile and added a flattery sentence, “I have also had a drink at the same table with Lord Mao Shan.”

Mao Xiaodong hurriedly picked up the big white bowl, “Don’t say anything in front of you, you can drink a big bowl of wine in the back.”

After Chen Ping finished his bowl of wine, he suddenly asked: “Can you check the approximate number of people and the cultivation base?”

Mao Xiaodong nodded said: “I have been with Little Baoping for several years, but it seems to be wandering around. In fact, I have some plans. I have been striving to accomplish something. I will not mention what the matter is. Anyway, within 1000 meters of me, I know the Qi Refiner under Upper Five Realms and the pure Martial Artist under Ninth Realm. These five assassins are Ninth Realm Golden Core sword cultivator, Military School of Thought Dragon Gate Realm cultivator, Dragon Gate Realm. One Array Master, one Distant Roaming Realm Martial Artist, and one Golden Body Realm Martial Artist.”

Chen Ping helplessly said: “I may not be able to help much.”

Mao Xiaodong smiled and got up, took the Night Roaming God real talisman from his sleeve, and returned it to Chen Ping, who followed up, saying with a smile, “How can I be a Senior Brother’s junior brother Huo?” ,keep it.”

Chen Ping hesitated.

Mao Xiaodong smiled and asked: “Why, I think the enemy is coming, Mao Xiaodong is too arrogant? Forgot the previous sentence, as long as there is no Original Purity Realm cultivator to help them suppress the battle, I can handle it.”

Chen Ping frowns saying: “What about 10000?”

Mao Xiaodong laughed, “Then I feel more at ease. Being here, I can’t kill me, and at the same time it proves that there is no backhand and killer move that they planted on the college side.”

Taking advantage of Mao Xiaodong, there is no sign of action for the time being.

Chen Ping silently poured another bowl of wine.

Mao Xiaodong asked curiously: “What are you doing?”

Chen Ping was drunk with his head down, “Learn from Zhu Lian and drink fine wine.”

Mao Xiaodong smiled and scolded: “Good boy, waiting eagerly for an Original Purity Realm cultivator to appear here, right?!”

Chen Ping slightly smiled.

Mao Xiaodong glanced at the hosta and did not speak.

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