The Xiaoxiaodaoguan soon ushered in the first child. It was not so much a sentimental sentiment, it was better to be sent to foster care, for nothing to eat and white Hah!

But Lou Xiaoyi also Don't care, he has another purpose.

Then, scattered and scattered, several children from poor families around were sent in, all with the same idea, that is to raise them, and there were even a few orphans on the streets. These children are very experienced in opening such a new gymnasium!

The biggest problem for the opening of the new gym is the issue of vacancies. The common practice is to greatly reduce the threshold for admission, or even no threshold, and then assault to cultivate one or two Qi Practitioners who are successful. With the results, the reputation is naturally opened, and you can slowly charge for business operations, which is probably the process.

So there was such a group, all wandering children up to ten years old, they can almost spend for nothing during the years at this age, because the city is big enough and the gymnasium There will always be bankruptcies and newly opened ones. Look for a new one and then the big guy will help the place. Not only can you eat and drink and mix in new clothes, but also make the newly opened gymnasium become popular and have the best of both worlds.

After all, they are all children, how much can it really cost to eat he he?

Lou Xiaoyi was surprised, because the number of his gymnasium soon began to rise exponentially after the initial silence! Half of the wandering children of the right age in Yongyecheng came over!

Why is it half? Because of his good luck, he also opened a new gym on the other side of the city, otherwise his place might not be enough for so many children!

Be surprised, can't you just drive the children away, right? So the newly hired cooks, mothers-in-law, steward, purchase... Mortal wealth has no pressure on the cultivator. There is no problem with food or housing. If there is a problem, there is only one problem, the problem of lectures!

Hundreds of children, about ten years old, chirp chirp twitter twitter looks like a hundred little ducks... but he is still a little bit inexperienced and impatient...

Next, please enter Mr. Mongolia, Martial Arts Instructor! In his opinion, as long as the children's energy find a way to vent, that is actually the case!

He pursues the principle of happy education! In fact, in his previous life, happy education was spurned after its rise, and there was no agreement, but he always believed that what kind of education should be available for any age group, and that they should be happy when they are around ten years old!

There is no mathematics, physics, and chemistry in this world!

So I invited two clowns from the circus. The task is to take the children to play games!

The place is not enough, and I started to expand to the surrounding area. I rented the yard of the neighbourhood. There are more than 20 people serving children, and there is a request for further expansion!

He just wants to open a small Dao Pavilion. Now it seems that the name of the Dao Pavilion is not suitable. It should be renamed Grand Dao Pavilion to be more appropriate!

Reading and writing in the morning, exercising martial skill, having a diet that is not rich but nutritious at noon, playing and working in the afternoon, cleaning and tidying up and carrying water...Only after one hour of dinner, hundreds of children can Will be gathered to listen to his lectures!

The time is long or short. In fact, the real key to feeling breath is just that. How many profound things can there be for such a big child?

So most of the time is his bossing time! Telling stories, telling stories, Scripture Lecture calendars, talking about flying in the sky and swimming in the water, all kinds of weird anecdotes...

Or all kinds of tricks, in fact, it is his crappy spell , Holding a little Fireball, spitting a little wind, swaying a little water, although clumsy, but in the eyes of the little insightful children, it is shocking!

He never insists, only tells the children that if you want to be like him, you must work hard to get angry!

In orthodox qi education, Taoism actually does not approve of demonstrating spell to children, thinking that doing so will artificially affect their future choices; Master loves making swords, and discipline must love swords a lot; The Master is good at using the method, and the discipline is admiration for the technique; the Master lifts stones all day to brighten the muscles, and the discipline must be good for training...

But Lou Xiaoyi doesn’t think so. Children’s hobby is always short-lived. Now The choice is more of blind obedience, curiosity, and imitation. When they really build the foundation, they will naturally have a one-self choice. Then who will consider what the Master demonstrates when they feel angry?

The problem now is to cultivate children's interest! Of course, we must start from the curiosity of the world at this age; he talks about this once a day, it's still short and pitiful, he is not reasonable, and basically boasting.

Such an irresponsible attitude, the effect is surprisingly good!

Because he does not force it! Never ask children what they must do, what they should not do! This is very crucial for street children with serious rebellious mentality at this age!

These children have no parents, and they hang out on the street at a young age, all of them have bad problems! What is particularly prominent is the mentality of having no desire to improve, to behave as you wish; if you change to a gym, the Masters will definitely ask them to do this and learn that, and usually arouse their resistance, stay for a few days and leave, and continue to go back to the streets to wander through. Free and unconstrained life is everywhere! Where can I get results?

At such a young age, dare to wander in such a big city. From a mental point of view, these wandering children are far more mature than children of the same age. Children keep leaving, but they keep returning, until they gradually regard this place as a nest.

Reading and writing, locks and martial arts, gathering games, free and unconstrained, free and easy... They are not ignorant, but Is very sensible! The mentality of wanting to be strong is far better than that of children who have their parents taken care of. When the feeling of being strong is not forced, but from the heart, this kind of power is also terrifying!

The Xiaoxiaodaoguan is finally on the right track. Although it hasn't seen any results for the time being, it's just a matter of time!

Half a year passed, Lou Xiaoyi was boasting in the big class on this evening,

"The boss is a dragon? How big do you say?

Straighten After all, the dragon head is in the rice cakes in the south of the city, and the dragon tail can be the king of meat baos in Northern Part of City!

The dragon head is bigger than the biggest palace in Taixuanguan! Two longan, like a big water tank ! That dragon beard, the roots are as thick as a cow's waist, and they die if they touch each other!

I rode on the dragon’s head, holding a few dragon beards with one hand, and holding it with the other. Hit with a punch..."

A child’s weak voice said, "Master, you said that the dragon's beard is the same as the cow's waist, so Master, how did you hold the dragon's beard like a cow's waist in your hand? Where's the inside?"

Lou Xiaoyi boasted, "Okay! Good question!"

The left hand bluffs, slowly swelling, and the swelling is like the immortal palm of the bergamot, and the child below We exclaimed!

Lou Xiaoyi continued, "Lao Long, he hurts! Still not convinced! Opened his mouth...

This one is open, and the upper lip reaches the sky, down Lips hit the ground..."

There was a tender voice, "Master, where's the dragon face? Where did it go?"

Someone outside the classroom window Pu Chi smiled, "boasting What kind of face do you want?"

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