
Although, with the golden wings of the Sword of Judgement, the shape does not look as shocking as the bloody greatsword. Bookstore

But in reality, the power of the two is almost the same.

When the Sword of Judgement broke through the sky and instantly slammed Duanmu Yulong, the bloody greatsword also descended from the sky, and Ji Tianxing was smashed.

The power of the two word glows, both powerful terrifying, can be described as ruined.

But the difference is that Duanmu Yulong has no treasure to defend himself, but Ji Tianxing has closed the golden wings when the bloody greatsword comes.

“Boom! Boom!”

The two men were almost simultaneously screamed by the sword glow, and two loud sounds that shook the sky, and they sounded at the same time.

At that moment, the world shook and the wind changed.

The earth in the dozens of miles has trembled and cracked countless gullies.

Fortunately, the Imperial Tutor saw that the situation was not good, and he shot a huge mask in time to cover the entire square.

Only then did they block the power of the slogan and protect the thousands of people in the field, and they would not be killed on the spot.

After a long time, the dull bang that echoed between the heavens and the earth gradually dissipated.

Within the two-hundred-meter defensive great array, the blood and golden flames of the sky are gradually disappearing.

When everything goes to calm, everyone looks at the defense of the great array.

Seeing the situation of the great array, everyone was shocked, and hundreds of surnames opened their mouths in horror.

The square was dead, absolute silence, and everyone forgot to shout and cheer.

鍙︼锛岄槻寰reat array 涔嫔唴锛屾 鍙 鍙 畲鍏ㄦ秷澶 畲鍏ㄦ秷澶 锛岃繛婊 锛岃繛婊 锛岃繛婊 湴纰庣煶搴熷閮 湴纰庣煶搴熷閮 湴纰庣煶搴熷閮 湴纰庣煶搴熷閮 湴纰庣煶搴熷閮 笉 笉 笉 笉

Great array 屼粎鍓╀笅涓 涓 涓 澶 澶 殑娣卞沩锛岃缮 殑娣卞沩锛岃缮 chain 夐 gallium 鑸炵殑婕ぉ灏 湡銆

Ji Tianxing 鍜娈uanmu Yulong 閮 笉 笉 笉 佷 佷 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 夊 夊 夊 夊 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣

Nearly 10,000 people in the square returned to God, and immediately broke out of arrogant arguments and exclamations.

鈥滃ぉ 愶紒 愶紒 Ji Tianxing 涓嶥uanmu Yulong 镄勫疄锷涳纴绔熺劧寮哄埌浜嗗姝ゅ湴姝ワ纻锛佲€

鈥滃お涓嶅彲镐濊浜嗭紒鑻ラ潪 chain夐槻寰reat array 淇濇姢锛屽彧镐曟楠鍦嗙栌鍦嗙栌岄兘鍖栦綔搴熷浜嗗惂锛熲

鈥沧灉鐒 笉镒 笉镒 arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven eaven Origin Realm Thirdth 锛屽嵈鑳 eaven Origin Realm Seventh Layer 镄勫▉锷涳紒鈥

鈥滃畲浜嗭紒Ji Tianxing 鍜娈uanmu Yulong 閮 秷澶 秷澶 秷澶 锛岄毦阆 锛岄毦阆 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 纴閮 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲

浜虹兢镄刌unyao 銆丣i Ke 鍜孻an鈥檈r 涓変汉锛岄锛岄鑹茬厼锏借湴 chain涚潃great array 镄勬繁鍧鍧纴鐪纴鐪湶鍑湶鍑娴撴娴撴娴撴捶鐥涗箣鑹 layer

The hearts of the three people are screaming, and the same thoughts are constantly flashing through their minds.

“No! Tianxing will never die, he must be alive!”

鈥淭ianxing big brother 鏄 xing 杩滈兘涓崭 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵 姝荤殑锛岀粷瀵

“Tianxing Senior Brother, you will always be the best, I will never believe you will be killed!”

The three men stared at the deep pit and silently prayed for Ji Tianxing, only hope that he would appear as soon as possible.

杩滨mperial Tutor 鍜孡ong Yunxiao 涔熺毐璧蜂鐪夊ご锛屽繊涓崭綇椋炲埌娣卞沩鏂癸纴鎺(二)煡鍧戠殑鎯呭喌銆

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly flew out of the deep pit.


Jin Guangzhi, wrapped in a figure of handsome Shenwu, flew to the empty square, proud of standing.

When everyone saw the figure, they immediately made an incredible exclamation.

“Ji Tianxing! turned out to be Ji Tianxing!”

“Scorpio! He is still alive! He is not dead!”

鈥沧垜绠€鐩翠笉鏁(三)浉淇¤嚜宸¤嚜宸殑鐪殑鐪潧锛屼粬潧锛屼粬垮垮uanmu Yulong Chain寮寮寮殑缁濇嫑杞殑缁濇嫑杞潃锛岀珶鐒潃锛岀珶鐒缮鑳芥椿涓嬫潵锛佲€

“Genius? This is a enchanting genius! A enchanting genius that has never been seen in a hundred years!”

鈥滃お绮 浜嗭紒 浜嗭紒 Monarch Palace 镄勫笣瀛愭灉鐒跺 嶏纴杩欐墠鏄渶寮哄ぉ 嶏纴杩欐墠鏄渶寮哄ぉ 嶏纴杩欐墠鏄渶寮哄ぉ 嶏纴杩欐墠鏄渶寮哄ぉ 岖殑瀵 岖殑瀵 岖殑瀵 岖殑瀵

“This battle will be able to spread throughout the state and the nine regions of the South!”

Everyone is boiling, excited and shouting, full of excitement.

While standing in the sky, Ji Tianxing still has a white robe like snow, and his body is tall and straight, and his face looks as usual.

However, he is not unscathed.

When you look closely, you can see that his face is pale as paper, and there is still a trace of blood in his mouth.

鏄 drama uanmu Yulong 鍦ㄦ毚璧 姸镐佷笅浣垮嚭镄勬渶寮 姸镐佷笅浣垮嚭镄勬渶寮 姸镐佷笅浣垮嚭镄勬渶寮 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬 潃鎷涳纴杩樻槸灏嗕粬

However, his injury is not heavy, and he will not endanger his life.

Ji Tianxing 鐜all around 锛岃Imperial Tutor 銆丩ong Yunxiao 鍜屾棤鏁癿artial artists 揣鐩潃娣卞沩锛屼界揣鐩潃娣卞沩锛屼技术涔庡湪绛塂uanmu Yulong 鍑虹幇銆

浜庢槸锛屼粬澹伴煶浣庢蒙镄剆 tarted talking 锛气滃ぇ瀹滃ぇ瀹滃ぇ瀹 Duanmu Yulong 宸 寲浣滃皹鍩冿纴 寲浣滃皹鍩冿纴 寲浣滃皹鍩冿纴 綊澶╁湴浜嗐傗€

When I heard this sentence, everyone was shocked, with horror and unbelievable eyes.

Long Yunxiao 旋存槸闱(四)壊涓€鍙桡纴澶卞0闂死锛气€滀綘鈥[€〈綘绔熺劧鏉€浜咲uanmu Yulong 锛熲€

His face was a bit gloomy, and his eyes flashed a thick worry.

Ji Tianxing expressionless 镄剆olemnly said 锛气滀粖澶╂湰鏄垏纾嬫枟锛屽浣旸滀粖澶╂湰鏄垏纾嬫枟锛屽浣旸uanmu Yulong 宸茶捣鏉€蹇冦€

He wants to take my life, can I sit still?

He died under my sword, and it was also self-picked, resentful of others!

As he said before, the sword in the ring is blind, and since he does not surrender and admit defeat, he is ready to die! ”

Ji Tianxing’s remarks were in the matter of reason, and the people all over the place nodded frequently and agreed.

After all, this is the truth that is universally applicable.

Duanmu Yulong 鎯 潃 Ji Tianxing 锛岃嚜宸卞疄锷涗笉澶燂纴鍙嶈Ji Tianxing 鏉€浜嗭纴闾d篃鏄镄勬椿璇ワ纴娌°C湁浜湁浜细钖屾儏浠栥€

Long Yunxiao 涔熶笉钖屾儏Duanmu Yulong 佸埌冲緢涔愭剰瑙佸埌Duanmu Yulong 琚潃銆

浣嗕粬鐪熸蹇ц槛镄勬槸锛孞i Tianxing 杩欎笅绠楁槸璺熺 chain╝ ristocratic family 缁 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮 笅浜咮珛瓒 纻

涓嶏紒寰楃姜浜嗙 chain╝ristocratic family 锛屼笉姝(二)槸镞犳硶绔嬭冻宸烇纴鍝€曞湪鏁翠釜Heavenly Profound Continent 锛岄兘镞犲韬箣澶勶紒

But this is the end of the matter. Whatever he said is useless. He can only sigh in his heart: “Hey…”

Imperial Tutor 四 (4) 壊 壊 劧鍦 鍒癵 鍒癵 reat array 绌 纴澹 纴澹 涓夊満鏂楋纴 Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian

鈥滃浠婏纴浠呭墿Ji Tianxing 涓嶲ianshan Zhenwu 涓や汉鏅嬬骇锛岃浜屼綅灏 borrowed 揩杩愬姛璋冩伅锛屾仮澶崭綋锷 €

After three hours, the two will make a final decisive battle. ”

Imperial Tutor 鍓叕浜嫔叕锷炵殑镐佸€鍓叕浜嫔叕锷炵殑镐佸害锛岀鍦e▉涓ワ纴鍗佸垎鍏銆

瀹e竷瀹岀粨鏋滀箣钖庯纴浠栦 鏂 鏂 睍 睍 涔嫔姏锛屼 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 澶嶉槻寰 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴 竴搴

Ji Tianxing 涔熼粯榛桦湴绂诲紑great array 锛岄锲炲埌Yunyao 绛変汉韬竟銆

鈥渊ao Yao 銆和eke 銆乊an鈥檈r 锛屼綘浠负鎴戞姢娉曪纴鎴戣杩愬姛鐤椾激锛屽敖蹇仮澶峊rue Origin 锛佲€

He whispered a whisper, and immediately hovered to sit on the ground, and he treated the guilty injury.

In the first battle, he suffered a minor injury. He used two tricks and consumed 60%.

鑻ヤ粬涓嶈兘鍦ㄤ笁涓椂杈板唴鎭(一)锷熷姏锛屽埌镞跺€栾窡Qianshan Zhenwu 鍐虫垬锛屽崄 chain夊叓|涔濊钀借锛

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