Chapter 305 Fierce Battle Shell Beast!!

The Chosen Digimon and the Chosen Child, and the Evolution Key and the Badge are three things that are themselves one with each other.

And the decisive role in this is the key to evolution.

Activate the Evolution Key based on the mood fluctuations of the selected child, and then charge the selected Digimon to evolve.

This is the connection between the three.

This is also what Higashino is most interested in, knowing that although all Digimon are theoretically grid-evolved, it is still difficult for the virus species to evolve into a vaccine species.

However, it is not without chance, but it is not so easy to evolve into the strongest ones.

So Higashino thought of the badge of the selected child and wanted to see if he could find a correct path.

Of course, apart from this, he did not have the idea of incorporating all the nine badges into his body, but it was very difficult to do so.

After all, the power of the badge is not something that anyone can use if they want.

If placed in the Flood World, the power of this badge is almost equivalent to Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Without that destiny, even if it is obtained, it will not be refined at all like the red cloud

On the other side, because Yashin Jia’er had a cold and a fever, he stayed at home and did not come to the Digimon World.

The remaining seven little children, coming to a strange world for the first time, were uneasy and nervous, after a flurry of hand-wringing.

The seven little devils barely became familiar with their partner, Digimon Baby.

Seven children, together with seven growing Digimon gems, headed for the beach.

After arriving at the beach, the children saw a row of public telephone booths.

After picking up the microphone, all kinds of strange sounds came out of it.

After that, except for the obsessive Asuke, several other children gave up those phone booths.

After that, the children all checked their belongings.

Ah He only brought a harmonica, and Tai brought a telescope.

Most of them are useless things, and although Meimei has brought solid fuel, fishing wires, compasses, which are necessary for camping, Meimei will not use them at all.

Although Ah Wu brought a backpack of snacks, there were seven children in total.

Even if you don’t count the Digimon Treasures, Awu’s snacks will at best survive this lunch.

At this time, the little demon beast that Higashino Yuhua had already come to this sea.

But he did not immediately meet with the children who were called.

Instead, he stood on a cliff by the sea and watched with interest the children who had been chosen.

As a virus species, if you rush to meet these children, it will arouse their vigilance.

So it’s best to play like a hero when they’re in danger.

That would be the one that would be most trusted by them.

Although it is not good for a few children to do this way, in order to become stronger, Higashino Yu does not care about these.

In particular, the world of Digimon has never lacked crises.

No, just as the children were eating, a tall shell beast had burst out of the bottom of the sea.

Shell Beasts: Cyber Beasts that inhabit the shallow seabed of the Sea of the Networks, and are like hermit crabs. Although it lives in shells like crabs, it actually has a soft body like mollusks. As the body grows larger, it will replace the dwelling and become the size of a hill.

In addition, habits are as long as they fit the body

The body enters, and whatever it is, it can stay.

Because of his low intelligence and belligerent personality, he should be more careful when encountering shell beasts.

The killer is a “high-pressure water cannon” that fires liquids at high pressure.

At this time, the eight gods Taiyi was unfortunately selected by the shell beast as a target for attack, and the whole person was bound by slimy tentacles, making Higashino in the distance scream straight into the eyes.

If he hadn’t had a camera on hand, he would have saved the scene in front of him forever.

“But it’s time to play!”

Looking at the thick white light of the evolution key around the waist of the Eight Gods, Higashino Yu did not hesitate to directly lift a boulder next to him and ‘boom’ it at the shell beast in the distance.

The two collided together, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and the large bluestone that weighed a thousand pounds exploded into stone chips when it climbed.

Suddenly attacked, this caused the face of the shell beast to change color, and he casually dropped the eight gods Taiichi and turned his eyes to Higashino Yu.

“Cough cough!”

As soon as the Eight Gods landed on the ground, he took a big breath of fresh air while coughing desperately.

At the same time, the white light on the evolution key around his waist slowly converged and re-transformed into its usual appearance.

However, neither the Yagu Beast nor the other chosen children noticed this.

After they panicked and took the Eight Gods Taiyi away from the Shell Beast, they were attracted by the battle in front of them.

“It’s a little beast!” Everybody be careful, he’s not a good thing. ”

Munouchi Suna’s Digimon Bhikhu looked at the scene in front of him and said loudly.

This is the most common thing in the Digimon world, obviously everyone didn’t know each other before, but it is precisely because of the different types and races that they insist that the other party is not a good Digimon thing.

“But he saved us just now.”

Johto boosted the push glasses involuntarily.

In the distance, Higashino Yuki couldn’t help but look sideways, should he really say that he was the oldest and the owner of the honesty badge?

Sooner or later, Digimon and the chosen child will have a separate day, which is described in the original book.

The reason for this is that Higashino Yu is very suspicious that the older the child grows, the more his mind will be, and the more difficult it is to control.

For example, when you were a child, you would be happy to get a piece of candy for half a day, but when you grow up, you will get a pound of sugar and you will worry about your tooth decay.


Facing the little demon beast, the shell beast suddenly waved its tentacles, and the tentacles like iron cables emitted a ghost roar, leaving a deep mark on the hard ground.

“This little guy is really powerful.”

Higashino was dumbfounded, and then he launched a sharp counterattack in an instant, his location was near the cliff, and the most important thing was the rock.

Pieces of rock were thrown by him, knocking the shell beast back one after another.

The Shell Beast was just a mature Digimon that had withstood such an attack, and its tentacles were waving continuously, but it was still not fast enough to quickly dodge the boulder or open it effectively.

Although the large shell behind him gave him a good defense, it also slowed him down.

Now when he encounters a being like Higashino Yu, without saying a word, he will smash a thousand pounds of boulders into him, and he can only keep dodging Yun…

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