There should be no magic in this world. If there is magic, how could she not know "Do you want to try it?"

Itachi Kashiro glanced at Yukinoshita and Hikigaya Hachiman.

Find out God's cheating method, and then... "I won't..."

At the beginning, Yukinoshita Xueyu planned to refuse, because this kind of game was meaningless and was a huge waste of time.

But after seeing Chika Fujiwara, I hesitated a little bit, and then... After finding out the means of cheating by Kamidai Yi, you can play games in the service department, it's just like playing games.

If this is the case, what should he do if he crosses the Thunder Pond? Fujiwara Chika will definitely not win! Yukinoshita Yukino closed his eyes: "Okay, let's have a little fun."

"The rules are not difficult, remove the two ghost cards, and then give everyone ten seconds to write down these... cards, and then I will shuffle the order."

"Everyone draws two cards each time, the same number adds one point %, the highest score is the winner, during this period I will cheat, whoever of you can discover my cheating method will directly become the winner! I will also add extra treat her to a meal."

She! Hikigaya Hachiman pursed his lips, is this excluding himself? Fifteen seconds later, Kamidai Yi started to shuffle the order of the cards.

During the whole process, Yukino Yukinoshita was always there: memorizing the position of each card, although the process was more tedious, she still remembered some playing cards.

As for Hikigaya Hachiman and Fujiwara Chika, they focused on observing the backs of these... cards, trying to find some clues.

"Then let me start..."

God Daiichi randomly selected two cards.

Hearts and Spades 'That's not right! It shouldn't be!' Yukinoshita Yukino frowned. Just now, Yasushi Kandai moved the cards very slowly, so the number of cards she memorized was still quite large.

She doesn't know the hearts, but that shouldn't be a spade! It should be a 4 of diamonds, but she didn't pull it out directly, maybe it was just an accident, and it's normal to miss one or two occasionally.

Because she's still human! Memory is limited.

As for the other two contestants.

Neither Fujiwara Chika nor Hikigaya Hachimana noticed anything wrong.

God Daiichi also did not reveal any cheating.

As for these....the patterns on the row, they don't have any clues.

When it was Fujiwara Chika's turn, she turned over the two cards closest to her.

6 of spades and 8 of diamonds.. Pairing failed.

Yukino Yukino chose two according to her memory, and the pairing was successful.

'It seems that it should be my illusion.

'Kamidai's breathing became a little faster.

The card that Yukino Yukino opened just now should have been spades, but the moment she touched it, he changed the suit of the card.

After all, two spades are too obvious.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to notice that the suit was wrong, and it was estimated that most of her attention was focused on the numbers, and some of the suits were missed.

Hikigu Hachiman swallowed and turned over two cards.

Pairing failed.

In the first round, Yukino, Yukino and Ichigo got [-]%.

In the second round, at 22, Hikigaya Hachiman happened to get a point%, and Kamdai Yi still got a point%.

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino also noticed that something was wrong, but she didn't fully realize what was wrong.

Chihua Fujiwara still scored zero points. Among the four 0 people present, three people had already scored points, but she was the only one who did not score points.

As for the means of cheating, who knows how he cheated anyway... No one has noticed the key clues yet, the only thing that needs attention is Yukino Yukinoshita.

God Daiichi didn't know which cards she had memorized, and if she changed it arbitrarily, it was estimated that there would be a bigger problem.

: Misjudgment.. I have to delay a little bit about energy. My plan is to find a node, then travel there, win the Holy Grail War, get the soul materialization, and by the way, abduct the Empress and the Tower of Joan of Arc away, in the daily world Added heroic characters.

However, the suitable node in the idea may have to be dragged back a few chapters ━━━━━━━━━━━【Book Mountain is made under pressure ━━━━━━━━━.

Chapter 142 The grayed thousand flowers

"Ah! Cheating! Absolutely cheating! Why does God give you points every time!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Chika Fujiwara finally gave up thinking, it was too difficult, it was really too difficult.

"That's right.. I just want you to find out how I cheated? If I don't find it, doesn't it mean I didn't cheat?"

Hikigaya Hachiman secretly gave Daiichi a look of contempt.

Cheating.. Even if he cheats, they can't catch him.

This guy is definitely cheating by magic! Otherwise, how could it be possible to match successfully every time? "I remember this card should be 2 of hearts, Yijun.. Can you tell me why it became.. 2 of diamonds "

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Kamidai Yi with a smile on his face.

After several rounds of testing, she finally found something wrong.

A few times, although the cards she turned over were all matched in pairs, the suits had changed, obviously there was something hidden in it.

In particular, there are several cards that God Dai Yi has turned over, but they are all cards that she has written down long ago, but after turning over, it has become another completely different number.

From the very beginning, she was very hard-core and memorized most of the cards. Perhaps this was because she had less exposure to this type of game, so she followed the rules very much.

But because the time was too short, even she only knew it later, and didn't see it all at once.

"Ah! I know, God cheated on your behalf!"

Fujiwara Chika clapped her hands with a proud look on her face.

"I already said that I cheated, and then did you find my cheating method?"

Kamiyoichi glanced at her sideways.

The rule is to find out how he cheated. From the beginning, he told everyone that he was cheating, and he just wanted to wait for people to find out how he cheated.

As for the method of cheating, this is really hard to guess.

Both Yukinoshita Yukino and Hikigaya Hachiman knew that Kamiyoichi was relying on magic, but Fujiwara Chika didn't know.

But the two of them are actually not interested in the victory of this game, and only Chihua Fujiwara is still fighting hard for the victory.

Even now, she hasn't been able to find any clues from the cards.

"Are you admit defeat, or plan to continue playing"

Kamiyoichi tapped the table with his index finger.

How could she admit defeat? She also has her own dignity, Chika Fujiwara, so she can admit defeat directly ,, the battle of dignity, how can there be any reason to admit defeat so quickly.

Behind Chika Fujiwara, there seemed to be a raging flame, and the whole person seemed to be extremely warm-blooded! "Come again!!"

She spoke with a high voice of determination to never give up.

Twenty minutes later... Chika Fujiwara fell to her knees on the ground, her whole body seemed to have lost her highlights.

A few times, she didn't match, everyone got points, but she didn't.

Even if it's cheating, it's not like this. It's not like Kandaiichi looking at the gray-white Fujiwara Chika, and he doesn't know what to say.

This guy's luck is really bad:! At least Hachiman was lucky, and he happened to be paired up once or twice, and she seemed to miss the chance to win.

In the absence of cheating, she can't even get a point. This is a bit too much. She is unlucky, and even Yukinoshita Yukino and Hikigu Hachiman both wonder if it's Kamiyajima targeting him.

This is not a game at all, but.. a trap, a trap specially designed to fight against this woman! Hikigaya Hachiman thought of this, because this game has no playability at all.

Both he and Yukinoshita have found a way for Kamidai Yi to cheat.

Isn't it just relying on magic to change the face of the card? This card may be a 2 in one second, and it may become a 7 in the next second.

The whole game was pinched to death by him alone.

And Yukino Yukino just now made it obvious enough that the cards have been changed, isn't this cheating? The exchange students of General Wu Gao, who can come here as exchange students, are definitely not stupid, and they are also students of Zhixiu Academy.

But why haven't I noticed it now? "Fujiwara-san!"

Hearing the voice, Chika Fujiwara raised her head and looked at Issei Kamiyo who held out her hand to her.

This action, this smile... I feel like my whole body is filled with holy light, but the next sentence..."Is it better than that? You know that I have never lost, but if I am the winner, if there is no reward, It's too unfair, so why don't you give Fujiwara-san another lottery?"

This made Fujiwara Chika, who had just developed a favorable impression of him, for a while, these... The favorable impression that she had just raised vanished in an instant.

"Bullying a girl, do you have a sense of accomplishment?"

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't stand it any longer, so he pulled away Kamidai Yi directly, and then helped Fujiwara Chika.

"No... just thought it was interesting."

"You used magic.. Magic cheated, didn't you?"

At first, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't really want to win, but now..."Magic"

Chika Fujiwara was taken aback.

She seems to have forgotten that Kaguya Shinomiya said that God Daiichi can do magic. If he can do magic, then he secretly cheated without knowing it.

Of course she couldn't find it.

It can only be said that Chika Fujiwara is really too obsessed with the mystery on the back of the card, so that she missed a lot of things.

"You... actually knew it a long time ago, didn't you!"

Chika Fujiwara was not stupid, she immediately noticed the flat expressions of Hikigaya Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Actually it's not magic, it's magic! Fujiwara-san.

However, Fujiwara Chika still doesn't know about the existence of magic, and they don't plan to say it.

After all, this classmate looks...a little troublesome, who knows what will happen after she finds out about it.

Chapter 143

"Hey! I brought you here to eat, not to fight."

Kamidaiichi grabbed Hikigaya Hachiman's back and didn't let him charge directly.

Because Yukinoshita Yukino revealed the cheating method, and she was not the only one who discovered his cheating method, so Hikigaya Hachiman also came over.

And then... Chika Fujiwara also came over.

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