Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1540: Holy King Fortress

What happened next caused his plan to go bankrupt. He did not expect that the Bliss Pure Land would release ash particles at the expense of energy shields and intercept thousands of warships in the Amont Naval Port at the same time, which eventually led to the situation being out of control and ushering in the increase. The reinforcements of the West Asian Resistance Army.

He has tried his best, he has really tried his best, but...the enemy's tricks are so many that he can't handle it.

He looked at the number of Garcia Rebel warships displayed on the big screen, and compared the number of Prince Colorado battleships that were intercepted by the warship pier. He whispered "It's okay" because even if the latter was intercepted and unable to act, let the former do it. For, it is impossible to be wiped out in a short time.

There will always be some warships left, at least... it's not annihilation of the entire army, it's fair to say.

After the Face Fortress was separated, Amonte Naval Port was not completely abandoned, and the remaining part of the hidden weapon system was opened one after another, and the surrounding space-based defense platform was used to attack the Garcia rebel warship approaching at full speed.

Hansen Lyon thought of the beginning but not the end.

Just relying on the battleships of the Garcia Rebels...Even if they caught the TIMING of the battleships of the Prince Colorado regiment, it was indeed impossible to wipe out the enemy, after all, the number of them was not small.

Tens of kilometers below a cloud whale-class super aircraft carrier that was in a semi-paralyzed state at the core of the Amont Naval Port, a sudden bloom quickly spread and turned into a starry sky troll.

Hansen Leon's heart sank suddenly, and he knew that thing. To a certain extent, it was more impressive than the other biological mothership in Captain Tang's hand, because when the Queen of Blades washed Krengel in blood, it fully proved its horror to the world.

In fact, it's not just Hansen? Leon knows this thing. The commander of the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier bridge also knows what it is and what kind of power it has.

When the big guy flies through the porthole, for many people, it is like a giant flying overhead, covering the sun that releases the light...Without the sun, there will naturally only be darkness between the sky and the earth. The place filled with darkness is called the abyss of death.

In the cabin where the Leviathan Central Nervous Control System is located, Zagara is standing in front of the eyeball, behind which is the image of the Cloud Whale-class super aircraft carrier and the damaged warship at the Amont Naval Port.

Izsha hung next to the eyeball body, his long tail inserted into the Leviathan's nervous system center, and the worm's nest was constantly flashing around the tail, revealing a sense of mystery.

"Tang Fang's ideal... finally came to the day when it was about to be realized." Zagara said in his hoarse voice.

At this moment, a shadow flashed across the eyeball, and Leviathan's unique giant spines were like arrows fired from electricity, tearing through the dark and deep space, and hitting the cloud whale-class super aircraft carrier.

The eyeball body reflects the scene outside, but it is not so thrilling. In the external feedback without sound and special effects, the Yunwhale-class super mother ship is like a toy in the hands of a demon. The shell is easily torn apart in the long hull. A big hole was poked out, revealing the rear hangar, and the aerospace fighters and staff that had not yet left the ship were sucked out of the ship's cabin and into the cold void.

The Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier is a large battleship of more than 2KM class, and even Leviathan’s spinal stabbing cannot quickly sink it.

The four spines on both sides of Leviathan’s head quickly launched a second attack. The two spines on the left pierced the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier island one after the other, and the other two pierced the armor next to the island. Down.

As the worm twisted its body, the two spines shook violently, and the force of terror descended all the way to the outer shell of the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier, constantly impacting the hull structure and tearing the outer armor.

Like an earthquake cracking a plate, along with spinal turbulence, radiation marks appeared in the area near the wound, spreading rapidly towards the distance. The entire ship island was shaking and was pulled out of the hull little by little.

This scene is shown on the eyeball of Leviathan's nervous system, and it is no different from a thick cardboard box being torn apart. But for the other warships moored at the Amont Naval Port, as well as the combatants and non-combatants on the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier, it was a very visually impactful encounter.

Although the island of the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier is very different from the island of the aircraft carrier in the earth civilization era, there is no bridge, at most the combination of the second bridge and various communication facilities and radar facilities, even if it is destroyed and collapsed. , Nor can it completely disintegrate the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers. However, the psychological impact of this scene on the commanders and combatants of the Prince of Colorado regiment at all levels is definitely not comparable to that of the Mondre, Hypnos, and Garcia rebel warships.

You must know that it is the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier, the most powerful warship in the empire (at least in the minds of those soldiers, this class of ships represents the ultimate combat power of the Monya Empire.)

Such a behemoth is as vulnerable as a low-quality toy when facing Leviathan.

On Leviathan, Izsha kept shaking his slender appendages, looking at the raging darkness behind him, and said, "Our ideals... are already within reach."

As Morris slaves used by Tang Fang, what is their greatest ideal... not personal fame, wealth and glory, but the salvation of the entire Morris slave race. Now that the Alexander family has fallen, the Phoenix Empire’s revolution is about to come to an end. It is not certain whether there will be new conflicts between Morris slaves and ordinary humans in the future, but at least it is now harmonious...For those who participated in the revolution, if there is no sincere cooperation , There is no hard-won freedom and MIN master.

Those people do not know the story behind the Phoenix Empire Revolution and the unknown behind-the-scenes game, believing that the downfall of the Alexander family and their lackeys is the result of the efforts of the oppressed people across the country. This spirit of unity and struggle will affect the entire country for a long time and make society vibrant.

Zagara said: "So... what should I do next? As I who have escaped the low-level tastes, I should do something more meaningful to human society."

Izsha said, "Is that why you started learning to write?"

"Yes." Zagara said: "After being with Tang Fang for so long, I feel that saving mankind in material terms is far less meaningful than saving mankind in thought. The words carry this way of redemption. A tool."

"Well, such an ideal... is very suitable for you." Izsha squinted.

She has become accustomed to Morris's philosophical tone, although his current state does not match the profession of the author from any angle.

Zagara said, "What is your look? Don't look down on people."

Izsha ignored his protest, his tentacles flickered, and his soft eyes became sharp.

At the same time, Leviathan's head and mouth opened, and a bio-plasmid with green aerosol shot out, landing on the main body of the military port behind the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier. The large plasma forts that were unfolded were highly corrosive. Biomass cover, ablate waste extremely quickly.

The damage of plasmid spray is not a one-time, but a gradual and continuous impact, which continuously penetrates inward and destroys the shell of the military port, various facilities, electronic products...

On the other side, the vesicles near the abdomen of Leviathan burst, large and small cocoons were squeezed out, drifting slowly in the void, after a few breaths, they burst like bubbles, flying dragons, corrupters, explosive mosquitoes, Brood Lord... Flying Zergs appeared beside Leviathan, rushing towards the battleships of the Prince Colorado regiment below.

Hansen Lyon's gloomy face turned green, his gaze shifted upward on the fortress structure that was constantly corroded by erythema and the mark of his own warship replaced by the LOST signal. I wondered how the military platform with the Amont military port as its core could have fallen into the current situation if it had not been ordered to act before.

Colorado Stewart thought that the Saint King's Fortress could withstand the Bliss Pure Land and its ships. How could he expect subsequent reinforcements to appear at a critical moment.

Saint King Fortress——The name of the human face fortress where he is, is the name given by His Highness the Great Prince, although...except for them, people would disagree with the descriptive word "Holy King", and more people are used to it. "Tyrant" to describe His Majesty the Emperor of the Monya Empire.

The fortress here does not refer to the fortress ship, it refers to the defensive facilities he is in, the combination of the many space-based defense weapons of the Amont naval port and the warships of the Colorado Army can be compared to a military fortress... Speaking of fortress ships, the entire Hilumbel region There is no warship of this level, and only the Jupiter United States, the superpower of the Asgot region, inherited the fortress ship of the Jupiter Empire.

There is no information on the Pandora system of the Hades-class aircraft carrier in the information held by the military headquarters of the Mongolian Empire, and there is no information on the ash particles contained in the Shield of Bliss Pure Land that can form a wide-area interference zone and restrict warships from making rapid transitions.

When reality revealed this important information, it was too late. In this way, the main force of the Prince Colorado regiment became the enemy's target, merrily and slaughtered. Moreover, Leviathan’s appearance interrupted all his fantasies, all self-comfort, the cloud whale-class super aircraft carrier that was dying fast on the big screen, and the rising flames of destruction, like a knife constantly cutting his heart.

That was the Imperial Blade, the dignified cloud whale-class super aircraft carrier. It did not fire a shot or release a Thor's Blade air-to-sky fighter that the Imperial soldier is proud of. It was torn apart by that big guy... the enemy is really hateful. ! What a shame! What a shame he is! Too wronged!

Judging from the entire process of this regional conflict, the enemy has calculated their response accurately, and only then has such arrangements and appropriate preparations been made. From the perspective of the overall situation of the Celtic star system war, he has no choice, no operation, no matter how the war will develop to this point.

This sense of powerlessness made him cold hands and feet, and cold limbs. The fear and fear of the young man that Morningstar cast soared.

The other party is certain that the Prince Colorado regiment will make this arrangement, then... will there be a back-up against the Saint King Fortress?

At this moment, the brilliance of the bridge's large screen flashed, showing the latest image of the side area.

One after another blue lotus blooms in the dark, and the core crystal is so charming.

The lotus flower at the front of the formation is much brighter than the one at the back. The elegant texture spreads on the surface of the petals, and the gleaming and fluorescent barbs rotate slowly, making it extremely extraordinary.

Hansen Lyon opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. Outsiders only know that Captain Tang’s units are well-known for their combat effectiveness and well-equipped units, not for their numbers... At this moment, Morningstar Casting has grown unconsciously, and when he uses all his power, he dispatches all warships. ... The capital defense network that Kirkloff Stewart is proud of is not that strong.


In the cosmic void between the first curved interception net and the second curved interception net of the Celtic star system, many places have not been affected by the war, and no traces of war can be seen, after all, in the vast starry sky. In the environment, even if it is a large legion-level battle, it is only a small wave in the area.

Narakot is located between the first and second speed interception nets of the Celtic star system. From this arrangement, we can see how much the emperor doesn’t value this planet... Narakot is The material basis of Hank and Celtic's social life is true, but the workers above are also unstable to some extent~www.novelmtl.com~ God knows if the slaves will explode at a certain moment, Threatening the rule of the Stewart family.

Anyone with a bit of status and status knows that the Evan military port and many space-based defense facilities deployed in the high-altitude orbit of Narak star are not essentially defenses against foreign aggression, but are used to deter the sweaty laborers below and maintain the Celtic star system society. Stability of production and life.

It can be seen from the two situations that the first curved interception net was torn apart by the Huoliu Li and the attack by the Amont Naval Port by the Bliss Pure Land. It can be seen that the defensive front established by the Celtic Stellar System relying on the curved interception network is being forged with Morningstar. The Garcia rebels quickly collapsed under a joint attack.

What is puzzling is that Narak and its surrounding airspace are very calm... at least there is no fire in the line of sight.

It stands to reason that the warships moored at the Naval Port of Narrax should be prepared for defense under such circumstances to deal with the upcoming invaders. However, the actual situation is that most of the warships moored at the Avon Military Port have already jumped away, leaving only some old warships with little combat effectiveness around the military port and Narak star to perform patrol missions.

The combat patrol boat-class aircraft were preserved, but they were not used as external weapons. Instead, they were lowered into the atmosphere and parked over major factories and corporate facilities.

These factories and corporate facilities have one thing in common-there are many workers in them.

Obviously, these patrol boats are intended to deal with ground workers. From ancient times to the present, the most unbearable thing for slave owners is the resistance of the humble. Just as Kirklaf I was able to accept the surrendered Joseph and Ouyang Lanlan, but he absolutely could not tolerate the laborers of Narak star spitting on his portrait.

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