Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1562: Friends from outside

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After the wolf chariot is finished, the hunter inland. In addition to providing two component analysis reports for the Inland Hunter, the system notes also show two types of Inland Hunter. One is the three-wheeled inland hunter, and the other is the four-wheeled inland hunter.

Inland Hunter also has two upgrade components.

1. Purgatory flamethrower: The purgatory flamethrower is composed of a pair of flamethrower guns, which can damage enemies within its combat radius to a greater extent. Its attack power and suppressing force are much better than those of the ordinary hellfire tanks. , Making it a true infantry nemesis, it is effective against zerglings, hydrangeas and other light beetles.

Second, turbo propulsion: The turbo propulsion system on both sides of the Inland Hunter's body can provide it with explosive power in a short period of time, whether it is chasing a target or escaping from a dangerous area, it has a significant effect. However... the existence of the purgatory flamethrower and turbo propeller makes it impossible to transform into a modification. In short, inland hunters cannot transform into evil bats like ordinary fire chariots.

The cost of the inland hunter is 200 crystals and 50 gas, occupying a population of 2, elite units, and sharing the base's total population of 4 elite units.

For the Red Snake Chariot, the system notes only provide a sample analysis report.

Enhanced electromagnetic gun: Now, the Red Snake Chariot is equipped with a higher output energy core, which can shoot a powerful current faster, especially when facing a vehicle-type enemy, it can quickly paralyze the target. As for dealing with infantry-level combat units, general power armor has no way to withstand its terrorist and destructive power.

The cost of the Red Snake Chariot is 250 crystals and 150 gas, occupying a population of 2, elite units, and sharing the base's total population of 4 elite units.

The Black Warhammer is the elite unit corresponding to Thor, and the system notes show that there are two major advanced components.

1. 330MM Impact Cannon: Black warhammers are larger than ordinary Thor, which allows them to carry more powerful and more complex weapons. Just like what the people of Augustegrad called it-a movable powder magazine.

2. Black Warhammer Particle Accelerator: As an improved version of Thor’s Hammer Particle Accelerator, the Black Warhammer Particle Accelerator uses the most advanced multi-stage acceleration technology. The complex orbital system can rectify high-energy particles to the maximum and give them higher initial speed.

The cost of the Black Warhammer is 1200 crystals, 800 gas, occupying a population of 6, elite units, and sharing the base's total population /4 of the capacity of elite units.

Then came the improved medical transport aircraft. System notes provide two sample analysis reports.

1. Nano-repair system: The improved medical transporter is the crystallization of the wisdom of imperial engineers. They combine nano-material technology with micro-handling robot technology, which can heal multiple biochemical targets at once. In addition, the damage to the mechanical unit can also be repaired to a certain extent.

two. Optimized structure: Imperial engineers made a large degree of structural improvements to the improved medical transport aircraft, including carrying a set of additional propellers, the aerodynamic design of the hull, etc. These changes make the improved medical transport aircraft better adapted The relatively complex atmosphere and inland environment helped soldiers of their own camp win the war.

The cost of the improved medical transport aircraft is 600 crystals and 600 gas, occupying a population of 2, elite units, and sharing the base’s total population /4 of the capacity of elite units.

After reading the 7 newly unlocked elements, Tang Fang let out a sigh, thinking that the logic of Sister Logic is still as usual, leaving people speechless. Elite units like Reaper's Head, Inland Hunter, and Black Warhammer belong to Arcturus Mengsk's elite guards. How are they unlocked? They were unlocked by Emma in the process of analyzing the information about the advanced weapons of the Mongolian Empire stored in the computer database by Kirklaf I.

Mengsk corresponds to Kirklaf I, and the Tyronn Empire corresponds to the Monya Empire... It's really hard to fault.

Of course, spit it out. He is naturally very happy to unlock the 7 new elements in one breath, all of which are elite units. He is in a mood like a stamp collector finally has the collection of his dreams. It is difficult to hide his joy and excitement.

Regrettably... this joy and excitement didn't last long, Emma's words pulled his spirit back to reality.

Although it was not very timely, Miss Emma discovered the abnormality of the Krem Palace's outer defense line and told him Yingluo's situation.

He didn't know how things got to this point. It doesn't make much sense to investigate the cause. The key is how to save the girl.

Most of the Zerg units that Crea brought past were life forms conceived on Paradise and Akron. He could not control it directly, and had to use Wang Chong and Slifan as a transfer station for instructions. However, the thought fluctuations from Yingluo's body interfered with the mental link between the surrounding Zerg units and the command unit.

In other words, he has no way to order the nearest Zerg unit to stop the girl’s self-harm by coercion.

The last time she was seriously injured in order to save the person on the Angel, if it were not for good luck, it might have been separated by heaven and human. Now... Is it possible that she will experience a similar experience again?

"Emma, ​​the closest to Yingluo, the fastest..." He stopped halfway through his words, and the expression on his face became very strange...no, it was strange to be precise.

After a few breaths, his frowning brows stretched out. He pulled out the data lead plugged into the computer's universal interface, greeted Freya to leave the computer room and continued down the spiral staircase.


He left the computer room and moved on not because the distant water could not quench his thirst, he could only give up Yingluo. The fact is that when he was in distress, someone saved the girl's life. As for why he looks weird, it is because he can't turn around for a while after seeing the identity of the visitor, which is a bit unacceptable.

The person who saved Yingluo was not Claire, Emma, ​​or Tang Lin. Not the Morningstar casting member he brought to the Celtic Star battlefield. He is a totally unexpected and delightful person.

The shadow fell from the sky, interrupting Yingluo's continued projection of Roy's spiritual world to the minds of the resisting Monya soldiers in the nearby area. Then, facing the warm sunlight, a fist hit the boy's face hard.

The punch was really not light, it swelled his face, broke his nose, and splashed blood on a messy ground.

Roy opened his eyes, there was no anger, no hatred, and looked at the person in front of him in surprise and blankly.

To be precise, this is not the first time that person has done this... well, slapped him in the face.

"You... why did you come back?" He was lying on the ground, looking at the incoming person with a dull expression. From his words, he could hear that he selectively ignored the opponent's heavy blow.

"Fortunately I came back in time, otherwise...you will regret it forever."

The person who interrupted Yingluo to continue releasing the thought wave was Bai Hao, who had been away for a long time. He went to look for Zhou Ai. He was still in the Asgot region when he contacted him before. Few people thought he would return to the Monya Empire at this critical moment.

Speaking of the people who have antagonistic hatreds with the Stewart family, it is not only Yuffi, Kleiya, Marion Duncan, but also Bai Hao. His hatred of Kirkcraft I is deeper than all the above.

It was not because Emperor Munya committed more sins on him than others, but because Bai Hao's character was much more extreme than others. In a way, he and Roy are two opposites.

Bai Hao was in front, and Linglong came step by step from behind, holding her fainted sister in her arms, looking at Roy with a complicated look.

"I don't understand what you are saying." Roy looked at Bai Hao with an angry face, puzzled.

Yingluo didn't tell him the risks of doing so before using his personal abilities. With his mind, naturally, there was no way to quickly figure out the hidden situation.

"The individuals Yingluo can influence are limited. If she keeps forcing herself to save those people, when the energy in the body is exhausted, she will die." The more Bai Hao said, the more excited she became: "She wants to realize your ideals and protect them. Your safety, do not hesitate to force yourself to embark on the path of sacrifice. Do you know her gentleness?"

"No, you don’t know anything. You put your heart on your self-righteous ideals and your distorted sense of justice. To the enemy, you are universal, but to your friends, you Just a selfish ghost."

Bai Hao and Linglong came together. Although they didn't witness what happened before, they didn't prevent him from knowing what differences and sacrifices Yingluo and Roy had made on the issue of dealing with the enemy. Roy wanted to be a hero. He had dreamed for many years, while Yingluo just wanted to be a girl and hold that little happiness steadily.

Roy opened his mouth and looked very flustered. As Bai Hao said, he only wanted to save the young soldiers, and did not notice that Ying Luo had spoken in an unusual way.

Bai Hao's scolding was right, and he was fighting right.

"I took Yingluo away. You should think about it now. If you can only choose one, do you want Yingluo to die or the soldiers to die."

"Don't you always want to be a hero who dares to be a hero? So... don't run away, face this problem."

After saying the above, Bai Hao nodded to Linglong, and replaced him with Yingluo and walked to the position of the Flying Eagle fighter, leaving Roy alone on the battlefield full of smoke and flames.

The young man sat on the ground, facing the brilliance of the sun, his eyes dull and blank.

His ideal is to be a great hero, just like the super heroes in comic books, movies, and novels, with his mission to save the common people and to help the weak. But... In the end, it turns out that he, a hero who has saved many enemies, can't even do a multiple-choice question.

In his heart, is Yingluo's life important? Or is the life of the opposing soldier important?

Under normal circumstances, this question is like the mother and wife who fell into the river to save. It is boring and naive, but now it is really before his eyes.


Missiles from the sky are constantly blooming on the surface of the huge shield that envelopes the Krem Palace, and the flames like mountain waves blow up energy particles and form diffused spots.

The energy shield of the Krem Palace continued to weaken over time, but it was still able to operate in a short period of time, and the combat units of Morningstar Forge could not invade in large numbers.

The reason why a large number of attacks is impossible is not that they cannot be attacked. It's because Kleiya has already entered Maxwell Avenue, which is always of pilgrimage significance.

In the past, only local lords who saw the emperor were qualified to walk through this avenue leading to the Krem Palace. However, now, Claire is uninvited, and every time she takes a step, the bursting psychic energy of her toes smashes the jade steps into pieces, and the exquisite carvings that are rich in art are turned into dust.

She did not transform into the posture of the Queen of Blades, but she was not dressed as usual. Her body was covered with a layer of armor, not the power armor supplied by the interstellar system. The feminine statue guards the unique relic battle armor.

Ever since Tang Fang got this armor, Iger Stetman has tried to repair it and transform it into a power armor that can be used by humans. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task, because ordinary nuclear energy batteries or zero-element batteries cannot activate the various functions of the armor, and the unique power of the Ypsilon people can match the internal photon circuit.

He once thought of disassembling that armor, and then using Terran technology to create a new power armor, integrating some of the available modules. But this idea was rejected by Captain Tang.

Facts proved that Tang Fang did this justified. Aig Stetman and Lori Swann could not perfectly repair the ruined armor and use it on humans, but Kerax can.

Of course ~www.novelmtl.com~ This thing is not much better than horse-run armor for ordinary people. Kailax suggested that he equip it, because the combination of Ipsyron rune and high-energy electron flow is enough to stimulate the relic The various abilities of the battle armor, such as energy shields, and high-energy light filaments excited by the wrist.

Tang Fang rejected his proposal very simply because the feminine features of this thing were too obvious. What is it called by him wearing it! People who see this scene will definitely laugh out loud. He even thought of the ugly images that the royal painters of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire would use the sharp point of their pen to make fun of him and mock him.

Considering his personal image, he gave up the equipment of the relic armor, so which woman in Morningstar Casting is suitable for it?

Freya already has a three-piece suit, there is no need to give her this relic armor. Tang Yun, Youfei, and Elena are all ordinary people, unable to manipulate electrical energy. In this way, the only suitable candidates are Zhou Ai, Claire, and Cathy.

There is no news about Zhou Aiyuan when he left. As for the two ladies, Claire and Cathy, he is obviously more concerned about the life of the former than the latter.

In this way, the vestige armor repaired by Kerax was given as a gift to his beloved Miss Kleia.

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