Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1576: Person 7

The Saint’s Fortress is his back, the Avalon fortress is his back, Caesar 1 and Caesar 2 are his back, Noah is his back, and the Niederhogg branch fleet is also his back. hand……

After Chenxing Casting ignored the offensive actions of the Hydra Corps and the Royal Navy against the Star Alliance and the Charles Federation, he knew that Tang Fang had made a decision and the Celtic star system was facing a serious crisis.

He did not recall the Hydra Corps and the Royal Navy, because they were at best a containment effect in the face of Captain Tang’s armed forces. Without real help, it would be better to stay outside to resist the forces of the Star Alliance and the Charles Federation, so as to avoid the empire. The elite weapons were all maimed by Captain Tang, so even if Morningstar Casting did not occupy the Celtic star system under his many descendants, the subsequent Star Alliance, Charles Federation, and Dolanx Republic fleets would be enough for him to drink a pot. Up.

In addition, he also sent the eldest prince Colorado Stewart out of the Celtic star system... as the seeds of the revival of the Stewart family under extreme circumstances.

Therefore, as the emperor of this country, he is really competent and capable.

But... he made so many arrangements and hid many assassins, but he still fell into such a field.

Isn't even the Dragon Whisperer Tang Fang's opponent?

Niederhogg, why didn't you ask other branches of Dragon Whisperer for help?

Kirklaf I reached a mutual assistance agreement with Niederhofer, but it does not mean that he understands the power structure and membership of the Dragon Whisperer organization. Naturally, it is impossible to know that even Niederhofer can't get the overall organization. Support, at least as far as Behemoth and Posuji are concerned, the last thing they want to see is their hostility with Captain Tang.


Kolkraf I didn't know that when he was unhappy with the Dragon Whisperers who only invested a branch fleet, a negotiation was being held in a hidden facility in the Hirombel region.

The octagonal conference table has eight square pillars, and on the top of the square pillars are eight totems that surprised the people of the Hilumbel region.

Tiamat, Posuji, Rainbow Snake, Niederhog, Behemoth, Kukulkan, Candle Dragon, Satan... Yes, it was the leaders of the eight branches of Dragon Whisperers who held an emergency meeting again .

Of course, the emblems representing the branches of the Candle Dragon and Satan are locked in gray, just like the previous sessions.

Tang Fang once asked Po Su Ji about what happened to Zhulong and the leaders of the Satan branch. He said that the former was vague, and he did not tell why. Speaking of the latter, he only told him that Satan had been dead for many years and died in the Covenant War, and then I didn't know whether it was the cause of grief or he didn't want Tang Fang to know too much negative news about the Dragon Whisperers, so Po Su Ji changed the subject.

Today, the six leaders of the Dragon Whisperer branch gathered together, but...Compared with the high efficiency of the past, today's atmosphere is a bit depressing, and silence is the only color of the hall.

What breaks this tediousness is not who suddenly speaks, but the projection equipment in the middle of the octagonal conference table.

When a cyan light beam blooms in the sky, the spreading brilliance outlines a holographic projection image. If Tang Fang, Tang Lin, Kleiya and others were here, they would surely be able to recognize at a glance that the information presented by the holographic projection image was the real-time data of the Celtic Star System battlefield.

Needless to say, this information comes from the Niederhogg branch that is fighting to death with Tang's combat unit.

The old guy who had always seen Tang Fang displeased him while commanding the battleship battle while participating in the Dragon Whisperer meeting. From a certain angle, it really embarrassed him.

After the holographic projection image played for a while, Tiamat's voice resounded through the hall.

"Tang can not be blamed for the Celtic affairs. He must receive the sanctions he deserves."

Behemoth changed his steadiness, and said in a cold voice: "Nid Hogg's words are only his side words. I really want to hear Captain Tang's explanation about this matter."

There is no doubt that the initiator of the emergency meeting is Nieder Hogg, and the topic... of course, it was Tang Fang's destruction of the Celtic star, a major event that shocked the world.

In the past, Behemoth had never ridiculed the radical attitude of Niederhogg and Tiamat. The same is true today, but the intensity is significantly smaller. This shows that from her perspective, she also disagrees with Tang Fang's extreme behavior. Because anyway, the atrocities of destroying a planet are a provocation for Dragon Whisperers.

If they want to maintain the image of the guardian of order in the hearts of the people of the Hilumbel region, they must respond to this cross-border move. In all fairness, it is reasonable and appropriate for Niederhogger to intervene in the affairs of the Celtic star system.

Po Sugi is a moderate, and he does not speak like Behemoth: "I agree with Behemoth. In any case, he should be given a chance to explain. Don’t forget, he saved Kukulkan’s life. , Is kind to us."

Nidhogg snorted coldly, and interrupted Posuki’s emotions: "He saved Kukulkan only for the exchange of hostages. There is no need to care too much. The current situation is that no one can deny the fearless commander. The fact that the bastion ship destroyed the Celtic star. If we ignore it, the long-term prestige accumulated by the Dragon Whisperer will be destroyed. Tiamat is right. He must pay for this crime."

Behemoth said: "Perhaps... he has to do this?"

Nidhogg sneered: "That's how you helped him keep finding excuses, and he ignored the rules of the game set by the Dragon Whisperers for the Hilumbel region again and again. Could it be...because he is your savior, No... can I think you like him? Only in this way can you explain why you sacrifice the interests of the organization everywhere, and protect that guy even if you go against me."

Behemoth was furious: "Nidhogg, pay attention to your words!"

"Did I say something wrong? Isn't there a saying that girls are extroverted... Tsk tsk, are you planning to talk about an inharmonious relationship that crosses race and civilization?"

Perhaps it was angrily and rebelled, or it was realized that fighting with Niederhoau would not bring any help to the matter, but it would cause unnecessary trouble for himself. Behemoth did not choke back, but just hummed coldly. Scream.

Po Sugi was a bit displeased with Ned Hogg's harsh words, and said in a questioning voice without pyrotechnics: "The Sauron Empire doesn't know where to get technical support to build a powerful fleet, this matter... …I think you should have heard of it, that is your jurisdiction."

This time I changed to Nidhogg and stopped talking. It is not a poor word, but a loss of reason.

If that fleet was not put into use, Posuki and Behemoth would doubt it at most, and now, they undoubtedly gave them a chance to use it.

Without the help of external forces that surpass the technological level of sovereign nations, can the science and technology of the Sauron Empire alone create an armed fleet that surpasses the warships produced by Morningstar Casting? This is impossible!

Niederhogg is the biggest suspect on this issue. Taking a step back, even if it has nothing to do with him, it is hard to escape a charge of ineffective supervision.

He just said that Behemoth had abducted his elbow and made a principled error. So funding Jaina Britannia behind the scenes is also a principled error.

"Enough." Tiamat interrupted the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two sides: "Posuji, Behemoth, no matter what... Nidhogg is our compatriot, and Tang Fang is just an outsider. I hope you can recognize it. Clear the nature of the incident and don't drag the organization back."

"Dragging the organization?" Posuji said, "Do you mean the refusal to send troops to razing the Dilar star system?"

Yes, another issue that Niederhogg initiated the emergency talks was asking Behemoth to destroy the Dillard star system of the Morningstar foundry base camp in the jurisdiction and completely dismantle the foundation of Tang Fang.

I don't know what kind of business Niederhog made with Rainbow Serpent in private. The latter not only loaned him the Waltz fortress, but also sided with Tiamat and Niederhogg in this matter.

"I agree with Niederhogg's proposal." The Rainbow Snake, who has always been arguing about issues and muddy, has shown a more radical attitude than before: "Posuji, Behemoth, every second and every moment you hesitate here, Our warships will be destroyed in Tang Fang's hands. Since he has responded with practical actions now, I don't know what stand you still have to do everything possible to defend him."

Both Sugi and Behemoth were silent, because there was not enough reason to refute Rainbow Snake.

However, this silence showed their attitude--no matter what they said, they would not send troops anyway.

Seeing these two women acting stupidly, Tiamat said with a sullen face: "Since there is no way to resolve it through discussion, then vote for it..."

Although Behemoth and Posuji did not approve of a full-scale war with Tang, if enough people voted in favor, they would have to obey passively. This is the strength of the organization.

There is no rule to make a circle, and this principle applies to Dragon Whisperers.

Niederhogg's plan was successful ------ with his fleet to bear the loss, to force the Dragon Whisperers to oppose Tang Fang. In essence, this is a disguised bitter trick.

Tiamat, as the head of the No. 1 Dragon Whisperer branch, first stated: "I am in favor of casting troops to Morningstar."

Then there was Niederhogg's deep response: "Yes."

Rainbow Snake did not hesitate, and said, "Yes."

Behemoth certainly would not be silent, which means abstaining. She said simply and clearly: "I object."

Po Su Ji paused and said, "I... disagree."

Three votes in favor and two votes against. Now it depends on Kukulkan's choice.

Kukulkan has a good relationship with Niederhogg. This can be seen from the loan of the Stargazer during the Montesk Star System Battle. And because of his personality, he habitually abstained when facing some controversial issues.

As far as Tiamat and Niederhogg are concerned, he does not ask him to choose to agree in the past. As long as he abstains from voting, Behemoth and Posuji can only bite the bullet and accept the organization's decision.

To the surprise of Nidhhogg and Tiamat, Kukulkan turned to Posuki and Behemoth on this issue.

No, it is more accurate to say that he fell to Tang Fang on this issue.

"I'm against it." His words were clear and powerful, and he changed his old casual attitude.

There are only the emblems represented by the respective branches on the stone pillars, and the faces of the participating members cannot be seen, but the expression on Niederhogg must be ugly.

"Is it because Tang Fang saved you before..."

It seems that only this reason can explain Kukulkan's different behavior. Know that as the leader of the Dragon Whisperer branch, Kukulkan has always distinguished who is his own and who is an outsider. Even if this guy's favorite thing to do is to fall in love with a human woman...love to die, but he never mistakes his position.

Now, on the issue of whether to start a full-scale war on Morningstar Casting, he turned his elbow out like Posuji and Bahamut, which is really unacceptable.

"Well, you're right to think that way." Kukulkan didn't explain why he voted against it, reverting to the usual slanderous attitude, and he didn't care about Niederhogg's bad tone.

Three votes to three votes can be said to be a tie.

Nidhogg did not chase after Kukulkan why he voted against it, and said in an angry voice: "Since it is a tie, there is nothing to say. You don't want to use Morningstar to cast your soldiers. Things, but it can’t prevent us from being strong on that kid.”

Rainbow Snake interrupted beside him: "There are three fleets... enough."

Niederhog, Tiamat, and Rainbow Snake did not win the support of Posuji, Behemoth, and Kukulkan, but the result of the tie prevented the latter from intervening in the former's war behavior in the name of organization. Unless the three fleets of Behemoth, Posuji, and Kukulkan will draw swords against their comrades for Captain Tang.

This is of course impossible to happen~www.novelmtl.com~ Even if Posuji and Behemoth have a big disagreement with Tiamat and Niederhogg on the issue of how to deal with Morningstar casting. It is impossible to achieve this level.

Seeing that the talks ended in this situation, to the surprise of Tiamat, Niederhogg, and Rainbow Snake, Behemoth suddenly said: "Who said that the vote was over, and one person did not express his opinion? ."

"Well, what did you say?" Tiamat was surprised and suspicious of Yu Behemoth's words, wondering why she said that because the six people had already expressed their opinions.

Not only Tiamat, but Niederhogg and Rainbow Snake were also full of doubts about Behemoth's words.

Behemoth did not respond directly to the above question. At this time, the emblem on the top of a column that should have fallen into silence slowly lit up, and the escaping light injected a lot of light into this dim hall.

This means that someone has access to the six-party talks again!

The emblem on the top of the seventh pillar is a long curly dragon, which is exactly the branch of the candle dragon that has been silent for many years.

"How is it possible!" Tiamat's voice trembled a bit, and some couldn't accept what happened before him.

"This...this...Candle Dragon?" Niederhogger performed similarly.

The Rainbow Snake was of course not much better, and never expected that the fellow Zhulong would appear at a critical moment.

Reward list from March 25 to March 31. Thanks to the drunk Sergei, Archbishop Atanis of the Protoss, Bai x Shanjun, you can see, the silent Buff, the book friend 20180214202613756, the inactive, the silent black rain, the Chinese crossbowman, the scarlet Kirov , An, Coke’s Supreme Commander Fby, Vacker Oil, StarCraft 2F2P enthusiasts, book friends 150912084549641, book friends 150912084549641.

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