Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 165: 1 Tang Fang with bad stomach water

Eight days later, on the mainland of Frey, on the underground apron of a large air freight terminal 300 kilometers from the largest air base in Crotan.

An Asian man is listlessly holding a multifunctional PDA and walking back and forth around an underground freight train full of shuttles.

From time to time, he writes and draws on the pda, then yawns and stretches. Write and draw again, yawn again, and stretch again, as if I didn't rest well last night.

If Grant or Claire saw this picture in front of them, they would laugh out loud and vomit, "So you have this time too."

Yes, the Asian man is Tang Fang, and the multifunctional pda in his hand is a tool used to measure the performance readings of the shuttle system.

"Yes, I have been here for 3 days, and I will soon become a volunteer worker." Tang Fang moved his body to try to make himself warmer. Although the heating here has been turned on to the maximum, the draught on the train way still blew him straight and shivered.

"It's been more than a week since I left the Arctic continent. I don't know how Shi Huaqing and Marion are doing." Tang Fang sat down on the ground and looked at the steel dome tens of meters above his head. language.

Marion's message to him did not mention anything about the North Pole missile base, but only asked him to come to the South Pole to find someone, a businessman from Turanx, United Kingdom, a Jewish bearded named Philips Eddie.

Tang Fang didn’t know how Marion got into friendship with a businessman from Turanx, United Kingdom. Of course, he really couldn’t afford to gossip whether there was any relationship between the two big beards, anyway. Just send him away from this **** Crotan.

Philips Eddie is a businessman, very shrewd and capable. This can be seen from the fact that he successfully won the purchase order for the armed shuttle from the Duke of Congreve of Turanx, United Kingdom. The cordial attitude of some of Frey's mainland aviation product manufacturers towards him can also prove this point.

After Tang Fang took a submarine to Antarctica and merged with Philips, he disguised as one of his assistants and was responsible for the inspection and acceptance of the goods. Wait until all armed shuttles are in place. Will leave Crotan with the transport ship.

So far, 80% of the goods on the purchase order are in place, and the rest are trivial accessories. It is estimated that it will take another two days. Then he can withdraw and retreat.

"Hey..." Taking a sip of the warm coffee, Tang Fang stood up, and the stevedores over there had already begun to operate the armed shuttle on the truck.

"Tang Fang."

He was just about to go over for inspection, and a soft call came from behind him. Looking back, Aros and Howson were walking toward him quickly.

"How are things going?"

Aros scanned the surroundings and found that no outsiders were present. Then he took out a pda to point out a structural drawing of the building, then pointed to an area circled in red and said: "Finally, the investigation is clear, here. It should be. Crotan's largest aircraft manufacturer, the data storage center of'Somerron'."

Different from the manufacturers in the Apalus Military Industrial Base, the "Someron" company is the family business of the Marquis of Kane. After more than one hundred years of careful management, its merchants are all over Munya. It is an important source of wealth for the Rudolph family.

Because the "Someron" company is labelled by the government and is a large-scale integrated enterprise integrating aircraft research, testing, and development, the largest air force base in Frey Mainland is very closely connected with it, and even the database is also shared by both parties. Share one.

Don't look at Tang Fang now committing himself to the Philips business group, and the military's eyelids are low. However, he has never been an honest master, even if he is about to leave, he still has to carry forward the traditional virtue of plucking feathers.

Is there enough information stored in the database of "Somerron" to unlock new human technology? If so, it is naturally a great happy event. Take a step back, even if not. If those military scientific research materials are sold on the black market, they can also get a lot of money.

Leaving Crotan and receiving Tang Lin and Tang Yun, what should I do next? If you want to live in this universe, you can't have money. Myd is a pile of waste paper out of the empire. However, these scientific research materials are hard currency in the universe. After all, technology is the primary productive force.

Tang Fang’s thoughts were very simple. Before the caravan set off, he sneaked into the central database of the "Someron" company, obtained the scientific research data with the powerful cracking ability of the Star Orbit Command Center, and then returned to the caravan to complete a hand-in-hand. .

In this period of almost a week, using the deformity of the mimic larva, he has figured out the internal situation of "Somerron". This time, Aros and Hausen were going to draw the route of infiltration and to investigate the law of the changing of guards. , In order to be able to smoothly and unimpeded the implementation of actions after 2 days.

"The time for the guards to change guards is about 00:30 p.m. The force responsible for perimeter patrols is about one battalion. Of course, there are also guards on various radar stations, monitoring centers, and watch towers."

"It's okay, there are mimetic larvae. These are all trivial things." Tang Fang smiled slightly, erased the pda data, and poured coffee into his mouth: "Just wait for the moment to come."

Aros nodded and turned to look at the freight locomotive on the heavy rail: "Is the number of shuttles almost the same?"

"Well, there are about 15 more."

"Theodore, Theodore." At this moment, a voice came from far away from the exit of the loading dock.

"I'm here." Theodore was a pseudonym that Philips prepared for him, and Tang Fang answered ~www.novelmtl.com~ while looking towards the entrance. I saw a thin man about 30 years old walking quickly towards the three of them.

"Theodore, old Benny calls you to come over."

Old Barney is the number two man in the caravan. He has been with Philips for more than 20 years and can be said to be an old housekeeper. In the morning, Philips went to the government trade agency to discuss the last batch of goods, and all the caravan’s affairs fell to the old Benny.

"I know, I'll go right there." Tang Fang threw the multifunctional pda into the hands of someone, winking at Aros and Howson, and the three of them walked toward the living quarters unhurriedly.

No matter how complicated the situation is, no matter how harsh the environment is, it will not stop businessmen from pursuing interests. Crotan had obviously been outrageous, but in Frei, Antarctica, it was like a piece of pure land in purgatory. Soldiers would lazily curse and ridicule, businessmen would bargain with business leaders endlessly, and some trade officials would smile into their arms with the "local products" offered by the caravan public relations staff when no one was there.

The residence building of the Philips caravan is in the living area D. About 15 minutes later, I took an electric car to the downstairs. The 40-year-old doorman glanced at them with muddy eyes, then raised the lifter and placed three people. Enter the courtyard.

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