Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 378: Pirate's Feast (3)

Strange feels like he is being pulled by Radu? Khan sold it. What kind of gift he gave to himself was obviously a hot potato. No wonder this crippled calf didn't even hesitate the slightest when he saw him coming. He ran away faster than a rabbit.

It turns out that this dog's San is pitting himself!

He stubbornly thinks Radu? Khan sold him.

Don’t you know that the leader of Asan is also very worried, and he feels like overturning the pickle Wengzi, that is a full-fledged person, if it weren’t for him to talk and talk about it, he had been arguing with others for a long time, and he would send it when he came. Once he was kind, the young man who called Tang Fang was embarrassed to attack him, fearing that the end of the "ogre" would be a portrayal of "Galuda."

Including "Ogre", "Galuda", "Azmodan", etc., more than a dozen pirate groups are planning to fight this ship, and everyone thinks it is a fat sheep. Bah, fart, that's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Lightning Python class destroyer? Funny, the real Lightning Python destroyer doesn't deserve it to carry shoes. Look at this explosive power, flexibility, and super shield, it's decathlon. Hmm... The weapon system is almost, but how can there be perfection in this world? No matter how beautiful the girl is, no matter how beautiful the model is, it's not that there will be athlete's foot, hemorrhoids, and other gynecological diseases.

Not only Strange and Asan’s commander were shocked by this sudden scene, the members of "Garuda Luo" had mouths bigger than Yali. Thinking about the previous landing behavior, the thighs were straight. tremble. The kid pretended to look like a coward before, and his feelings were pretending to be a pig and a tiger. If it weren't for the leader of the second goods, he left a good impression on others. Once they board the battleship, God knows what they will encounter.

As for the bottom pirates of the "ogre", they didn't bother to regret, to blame the head of the group who couldn't open their eyes. The prostate was swollen with this iron kick.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and with a detector to assist in positioning, the weapon system of the Morningstar is almost full of power. Six 200mm magnetic rail guns fired at full force. Lightning lingered between the two rails of the turret, and jumping arcs roamed back and forth. Each metal projectile carried unparalleled power and pierced through the air at a very high speed.

Even though the "Ogre" had a higher combat effectiveness than the "Galuda", there were 24 warships, and they looked better, but after all, they were a pirate group, which was a thousand miles away from the military fleet of the Mongolian Empire.

You must know that the Tianchao star area is not very peaceful, the merchant group and the expedition force will fight with the large and small pirate groups every three times, and damage to the battleship is inevitable. They do not have a logistics department like the government army, and their mechanics have uneven technical levels and limited accessories. They can only do their best to repair damaged ships. In this context, most of the pirates’ warships are chronically ill. Not to mention that the surface of the ship’s hull is covered with patches, and the internal facilities are more or less faulty. In some cases, there are even guys who can make up the numbers.

Of course, "Rockia" has a repair center, and some large military enterprises have also built special repair shops in deep space. The former is an official facility. Except for a few background pirate groups, generally speaking, no one will ask for trouble. The ship was not repaired, and as a result, the ship was detained by the Star Alliance company. This kind of thing has not happened before, it can be described as a tragedy.

As for the latter, safety is guaranteed. For businessmen, whose money is not earned? Especially for arms dealers, what do they eat and drink if they don't fight or die? However, the price will inevitably be "a little bit" more expensive.

The so-called "one point" of the arms dealer, in the eyes of the pirates, is simply stealing his wife's money. Even if it's just a trivial steel nail, Star Alliance sells it for 0.1 yuan, and when you come to them, you can double it by two or three times, which is absolutely a profitable business.

... Therefore, the pirates can only tighten their belts to live. As long as the problem is not serious, a small ship can be repaired at will, the engine can be turned, the artillery can be fired, and the communication facilities are available. Only when destroyers, cruisers, and other large battleships in their eyes are damaged, will they reluctantly drive to the repair shop and be slaughtered.

Like the Lightning Python-class destroyer of the Charles Federation, it is a space warship known for its flexibility. Its weapon system can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. Under normal circumstances, it also bullies small frigates. It is difficult to hit a destroyer of the same level. Certain kills must go through some contests before the winner can be decided.

"Ogres" have a total of 24 battleships. According to common sense, even if the Morningstar has a mental arithmetic and unintentional, and is assisted by a detector, the first round of confrontation will sink and injure three or five opponents.

However, the actual situation is that the Morningstar is like a scattered flower goddess, throwing out projectiles, flying thunders, and armor-piercing shells.

The 200mm metal projectile hit the frigate shell, accompanied by a burst of light, directly penetrating the nearly half-meter-thick armor, and damaging the facilities inside the ship.

Nuclear energy reactors, energy storage warehouses, engine units, electronic instruments...

The power grid was short-circuited, a large number of equipment exploded, and the flames were like ocean waves. In a blink of an eye, they spread from the landing point of the projectile to the surroundings, just like the death gods passing by. They swallowed those pirates who were screaming, blank, or grim-faced. .

These warships were already suffering from dark diseases. Under the rainy offensive of the Morningstar, some of the hulls disintegrated and turned into a pile of wreckage, some of their propellers were exploded and turned into space coffins, and others turned into one. In a sea of ​​flames, every explosion throws out large tracts of debris, debris, and charred human corpses.

The targets of the rapid guns are small landing craft. These small ships carrying a large number of commandos are like wine barrels. A light rain sweeps across the hull, and the bell-shaped holes shoot out large amounts of blood. , And sometimes even a broken limb.

As for the flying thunders flying all over the sky, they are like batches of horses trampling on the dust. Under the starry sky curtain, with wind and fire, they hit the surface of the battleship one after another, bursting into a continuous burst of flames.

The distance between the Morningstar and the battleship belonging to the "Ogre" was too close, and the attack was very sudden. The poor pirates couldn't even make evasive maneuvers and intercept missiles, so they were turned upside-down by the bombarded by the flying thunder that exploded on the ship's side.

Originally, these warships were already scarred, armor, structure, and even the keel were damaged at different levels. Well, in this indiscriminate bombing, the crispy frigate was torn apart by the explosion, just like a poor worm who encountered a skinning frenzy. , With a scream of screams, it became metal garbage floating in space.

Even if the destroyer is in good shape, it will not be easy to be bombarded by dozens of flying thunders. The shock was fermented on the hull of the ship, and some sensitive equipment was paralyzed, and some even caused a chain reaction. The entire warship was like a sudden stroke. After a few flashes of flames at the tail of the propeller, it couldn't sleep.

The weapon system of the Morningstar is fully opened, and the electric light, fire light, and aurora are reflected in brilliance. The surrounding 24 warships, large and small, are like collapsed tall buildings. There are explosions, flames like clouds and wolves, and the cry of the pirates echoes in every communication frequency band. .

They also wanted to return the color and let the **** lightning python go to hell. However, as long as the projectile approaches the "Aurora", it will be bombarded or slowed down like a repelling magnet, and it cannot be an enemy ship at all. Inflict little damage.

There are also some missiles that fell on the surface of the "Aurora" and exploded into fireballs. In the end, they were only exchanged for waves of wavy streamers, which were equally unachievable. Some people did not believe in evil and tried to attack their opponents with emp bombs. However, they once again shocked all the people who were still alive. Even the electromagnetic pulse could not penetrate the seemingly weak light film.

…Strange had all his desire to die. In less than 10 minutes, the 24 warships of the "Ogre" Pirate Group made one of the opponent's warships rushed to the ground, turning countless cars over.

What is great, what is invincible... it... it actually single-handedly rounded a whole group of pirates. Don't take such a play.

Two destroyers were disintegrated, two were seriously injured, one power system was obstructed, and the remaining one was also dizzy by thunderstorms. The small ships were even more miserable. 12 of them lost combat capability, and only 5 were capable of fighting. Ship.

I don't know if the opponent's subordinates are showing mercy, or deliberately trying to clean him up, the Tomahawk-class cruiser is still intact.

Of the 24 battleships of the "Ogre" Pirate Group, nearly 80% of them were killed by the opponent in one face-to-face effort. Only 1 Daredevil-class destroyer, 5 small and medium-sized frigates, and his flagship-Star Alliance War Axe-class cruiser.

"Hilgai, Hilgai..." Strange really wanted to kill this guy with a single shot. Isn't Wang Ba Lao harmful? Nyima Fat Sheep? This tm butcher, crippled the "ogre" with a single ship... he would not come if he knew it. Now he has regretted his intestines.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat separately." Strange endured grief and sent a retreat instruction to the remaining ships under his hand.

At this moment, a row of flying thunders circumvented the interception net of the near defense system very tricky, and exploded at the 580mm double rail cannon fort on the bow of the Tomahawk-class cruiser, accompanied by rolling flames, and violent vibrations came from underneath. Strange His posture was unstable, and he fell down. He really fell into a squat, and then he saw a scene on the monitor.

Hundreds of kilometers away from the battlefield, a large number of warships of different shapes appeared at some point. They were like crowds of onlookers joining in the excitement, watching from a distance the dignified "ogre" pirate group was surrounded by warships. Sling.

"Azmodan" Pirate Group, "Shadow" Pirate Group, "Beimon" Pirate Group, "Ruby" Pirate Group...

These guys who used to call him brothers and sisters were like wild dogs that were frightened by a lion. They only dared to hide in distant places and watch, let alone help, and didn't even dare to let go.

He suddenly understood and realized that his opponent was trying to kill the chicken and the monkey... Originally, this chicken was "Garuda". This time, good and evil will be rewarded, just hit the muzzle...

When Strange was upset, Radu? Khan’s "Garuda" has already left the battle group. At this time, the commander of Asan has changed from being shocked at first to being excited. In just a few minutes, he wrapped the turban on his head over and over again to see the joy of joy. , I just reported the prostitution, like the hatred of his wife.

All members who know him know that the leader is only so excited when he enters the bathing center. Growing up with him, Addison, who has peeing and muddy friendships, has always been weird. Didn’t the beloved leader know that his baldness is serious? It's really unsightly to be slapped like this in the public. Anyway, you are also the leader of a pirate group, aren't you? Even if "Garuda" is at the bottom of the pirate forces in the surrounding area of ​​Jakarta's Bul star system, and is unknown again, it can't be so ethical.

It’s too boring to gloat!

"Brother Tang, good work, hit hard, hit hard, it's best to burst the chrysanthemum that Strange's dog grows, and I will ask you to eat curry chicken when you are done." This product is also self-cooked. Lord of the above.

"Ahee...Ahee..." On the Morning Star, Tang Fang sneezed twice and couldn't help muttering: "Which **** is calling me?"

There were continuous explosions outside, continuous fire, large and small debris churning around under the collision of projectiles, flying thunders, and battleships.

Howson looked at the Tomahawk-class cruiser slowly turning around with a grin, then turned to look at Tang Fang: "Can you fire this time?"

… "Um... wait a minute." The gaze swept across the monitors who watched the excitement: "You can't watch the excitement in vain. You have to pay for the entrance fee."

Next to Grant, as well as Zhou Ai and Clareya who will follow up, have a black line on their foreheads. This kid is really bad. Want to buy tickets to watch the show?

When Hausen and Churchill heard these words, they lost their joy. They looked at the fire control radar scan of the weapon console and rubbed their hands vigorously. The finale had not yet been staged.

Following Strange's instructions, the remaining ships of the "ogre" slowly retreated, and the shipboard weapon system was fully opened, regardless of whether it was useful or not, as long as it interfered with the opponent's attack.

Missiles, railguns, flying thunders, rapid guns, attack drones, induced bombs, short-range anti-missile laser cannons...

Indeed, the Morningstar has not been modified in terms of locking and detection, which is equivalent to a general Lightning Python-class destroyer, and it is inevitable that it will be disturbed in shooting accuracy.

Strange's thoughts were right, but there was one thing he didn't know. From the beginning, the Morningstar didn't use the ship-based sensor equipment to trace the enemy. After being connected to Emma's command network, five detectors take on the responsibility of fire control radar, just like the high-tech stealth drone equipped with Morningstar, building a monitoring network with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

The direction, angle, and rotation speed of the enemy ship’s turret; the ship’s speed, heading, formation, weak points of defense, communication content; and even comprehensive information from the enemy ship to make predictions... and other information will be aggregated by the core processing unit Uploaded to the Star Orbit Command Center, and after being screened and processed by Emma, ​​detailed parameters are drawn up and input into the driving and weapon systems of Morningstar.

Under normal circumstances, in the process of naval battles, both offensive and defensive parties will send unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance ships, combined with carrier-based radars, sensor equipment, and data link networks to form a comprehensive and comprehensive war situation network. This will undoubtedly Consume a lot of manpower and material resources. Moreover, on the chaotic space station, light ships such as unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance ships will be given priority by the opponents and become key targets.

But when it comes to Tang Fang, everything is different. How big is the detector? One of its legs is longer than it is so small, and it is also equipped with a stealth stand. With the current level of human technology, want to discover its existence? That is simply a dream. Not to mention that the core of the detector has capabilities such as battle situation analysis and weapon guidance. For the Morningstar, it is just like a tiger.

Just like the flying thunders that hit the main guns of the Tomahawk-class cruisers, with the inherent remote control system of the Morningstar and the guidance equipment of the flying thunders, it is impossible to evade the anti-missile interception system of the Tomahawk-class cruisers. However, after the detector is deployed, the core will formulate an appropriate attack plan based on the battlefield situation, and conduct relay guidance for flying thunders and missiles, which greatly improves the flexibility and accuracy of missile weapons.

The poor "ogre" pirate group not only became a chicken, but also used it as a new weapon. Under the surveillance network composed of detectors, their plan to disturb the enemy was completely useless. The projectiles and flying thunders were like eyes, piercing all kinds of fire interception nets, and landed on another ship with great precision. On a battleship.

One destroyer and five small ships that survived the previous firefight failed to escape after all. They were ripped apart by the explosion and kinetic energy into the wreckage of warships large and small, and then fell silent.

The "ogre" pirate group with 24 battleships was so embarrassed by an enemy battleship in just a few minutes, it pinched its chest and tail, and slapped its neck with a fierce meal~www.novelmtl.com~ , Is Strange left alone?

It is said that to shoot a man first to shoot a horse, to capture a thief first to capture a king, but that kid is good, and the big knife cuts the wheat with a "swish" mess, and the little brother is all, the poor "ogre" only has a head.

The pirates around watching the excitement all gave a cold sweat, and it was late to come back. This has to be one step faster, maybe the guy who fled with his tail sandwiched is his own fleet.

The guy named Tang Fang is definitely a senior sm expert, despite his youth. Poor Strange, I really don't know how he will explain to the backstage boss when he returns. 23 warships, tens of billions of assets are just like this...

Among the onlookers of the pirate group, there are shocked people, guilty-hearted people, gloating misfortunes, and thoughtful ones. Some people stared at the Tomahawk-class cruiser leaving fast, and involuntarily drawn a question mark in their hearts.

This guy who is pretending to be dumb in "Rockia" is actually going to let Strange leave safely? You must know that Hilge is still lying in the hospital. According to people familiar with the matter, the unlucky child was kicked by a woman and the thing in the middle of the legs was blasted, and he was afraid that he would never be able to raise his head in the second half of his life. Is it possible that such a lord who must report to him will be soft-hearted? r1152

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