Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 502: Defensive counterattack (5)

The plan is good, but the reality is bad.

Just as the airdrops of the 3 "Pluto Bats" were completed and they were about to lift off to rescue the fourth "Pluto Bat", the shadow of the asteroid fault suddenly killed another group of people, the Zerg II air force, and the previous group of people. The Chong Air Force formed an encirclement and bit the 4 "Pluto Bats" to death.

The newly emerging mixed air force has nearly 40 Viking fighters on the Terran side, 5 Ravens, 6 medical transport aircraft, and even more terrifying on the Zerg side, with 150 Corruptors, 80 Flying Dragons, and more than 20 for interference. Euglena of the "Hell Legion" air force and ground communication network.

The total number of combat units exceeds 300, which is twice as much as the initial input.

Did that guy surnamed Tang have long known that he would be intercepted and ambush a lot of reinforcements nearby in advance?

how can that be? This is impossible!

Black 3 suddenly realized that what happened before him had become a reality, and it was meaningless to discuss whether it was possible or not, so he changed his sentence.

This is not fair!

There is nothing unfair, especially in the killing fields where either you die or I live.

The ancient knights may pursue a fair fight.

Black 3 has always considered himself a knight.

It's just a pity that his opponent is not a knight, let alone noble chivalry spirit.

When the fourth "Dark Bat" turned into a violent flash to illuminate the entire void, and even the uneven surface of the asteroid, Black 3 knew that the assassination mission had completely failed.

His defeat was miserable, humiliating, and puzzled.

The organization does not accept defeat. As an "Abyss Knight", you will either die or win.

Again. Black 3 is not afraid of death, never relentless when killing others, but will be very excited. When it's someone else's turn to kill him, he won't frown either. This is his chivalry.

However, he gave the retreat order because someone had to send back the information about the battle.

If we previously believed that Tang was a potential threat to the organization, now it has risen from a “potential threat” to a “confidential concern”. Although his current power is still weak compared to the organization, when he sees the Golden Armor generals At first glance, Black 3 gave birth to a deep sense of crisis.

Although the organization has been eyeing him. But just "watching" is not enough. We must "pay attention" and try every means to kill him in the cradle.

The "retreat" instruction was passed on to the other two "Pluto Bat" bridges through the actual pilots of the battleship.

The weapon systems of the 3 warships were fully opened, the diamond-shaped shield and engine output climbed to the maximum power, carrying nearly 400 people, and the Zerg II air force bombarded them in three ways to escape.

The dignified "Abyss Knight" and the dignified "Dark Bat" were chased and beaten by a group of small ships no more than 40 meters in size, as if they were bereaved dogs. Black 3 finally learned what it means to kill elephants by ants.

Naturally, Tang Fang would not let them leave safely. He wanted to know the origin of these warships, he wanted to kill people, and even wanted to avenge him. "Morning Star" has never been so embarrassed, and has he ever been forced to this field.

The main gun of the foremost "Pluto Bat" hit a Corruptor, and the high-energy beam of light directly burned its body. Several "Big Mac" missiles followed one after another, bursting into a rapidly expanding flame, enveloped the surrounding area. Airspace hundreds of meters in diameter.

The Ghost Bat destroyer took the opportunity to dive into the smoke cloud, and the string gun continued to fire while breaking out of the field.

Because of the fire cloud barrier, the Viking fighters and flying dragons cannot get close to their targets, and the Corrupters have insufficient mobility. Unable to intercept the first time, the Destroyer of the Dark Bat class successfully broke through the battle group. With wisps of smoke rushing out of the fire cloud.

At this moment, an accident happened. The Euglena on the side of the ship's bow that was used to interfere with communications flashed back, and one after another exploded mosquitoes came out, hitting the diamond-shaped matrix one after another, causing a series of explosions.

60 explosive mosquitoes, a full 60 explosive mosquitoes!

An acidic solution that is more corrosive than the saliva of the Corruptor penetrates into the inner layer of the shield, and then a series of explosions occur.

The diamond-shaped shield of the Pluto-class destroyer resembled a glass smashed by a sledgehammer, causing a large area of ​​landslides, and the remaining explosive mosquitoes swarmed up, hitting the surface of the hull like fire-fighting moths.

The 170-meter-long battleship began to collapse, and the diamond-shaped matrix flickered a few times before disappearing. Rows of mt50 Lanzel flying thunders were connected in a line on the foredeck. The explosion and high heat tore the shell, causing one after another internal explosion.

The flying dragons took advantage of the fire and robbed them, braved the billowing flames, approached the battleship, rushed into the core area, and used blade insects to destroy key equipment.

"Hellbat" is like a whale besieged by a group of sharks, wailing and struggling farther and farther, about three minutes later, after a violent flash of light, the battleship disintegrated, and the debris of the wreckage was thrown away at an extremely fast speed.

This is already the third "Pluto Bat" destroyed. Hei 3 vaguely figured out what detonated the "Big Mac" that attacked the "Morning Star" just now, and wanted to have something to do with those suicidal mosquitoes.

Fortunately, his car is far away from the just-destroyed "Dark Bat". The suicide whip is beyond the reach. The shield is strong enough to support the ship to leave the battle group, get rid of the most threatening corrupters, and get rid of them by electromagnetic bombs. Viking fighters and ravens, with only 20 or 30 flying dragons, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the warship before the warship starts the warp engine.

Black 3 missed one thing. Tang Fang had not only air-to-air units, but also ground-to-air units. In order to prevent them from escaping, he even squeezed out 100 spore crawlers. Anyway, this thing does not consume gas. There are more than 1 million crystal resources, and the cost of 100 spore crawlers is no more than 12,500 crystals.

Clusters of spores rose from the ground into the dark void, exploding in the diamond-shaped matrix under the black 3 car.

This is equivalent to directly facing the collective attack of 100 Corruptors. The diamond-shaped matrix of the "Pluto Bat" is very strong. The maximum power operation can resist dozens of Corruptors and mt50 Lanzel Flying Thunder in a short time. But at this moment , Because the central control system puts the protection center on the left and right wings, and the bottom protection is weaker. Suddenly by this level of attack, the shield structure becomes disordered, and a large number of heavy particles cannot maintain the original order and collapse.

At the same time, a raven cut in from the side and the ejection bay opened. The huge raven bomb hit the diamond-shaped matrix at the bottom of the battleship and burst into a flash of light.

The shock wave propagated on the surface of the diamond matrix that was already on the verge of collapse, and eventually shattered into countless light and rain. Scatter into the void around.

Three mt50 Lanzel flying thunders escaped the interception of the near-defense rapid guns and circled under the hull. A hole was torn in the belly area.

A medical transport plane flew into the battle group from the periphery, the cabin door was opened, and three tall templars appeared, raised their arms, and three consecutive "energy anti-corrosion" points in the engine, energy, and center of the bat-class destroyer computer system.

Due to the loss of the diamond-shaped matrix protection, the armor of the ship's surface was also torn apart. The "energy anti-corrosion" caused a storm in the battleship's energy system, which swept most of the ship's electronic equipment at once.

The bridge where Black 3 is located dimmed instantly. The light of the cylindrical quantum device on the combat podium became lighter and lighter, and only an azure streamer flashed from time to time on the energy lines on the surface of the device.

The main engine slowly turned off, and the battleship flew towards the ground under the weak gravitational force of the asteroid. Hei 3 stood in the faint bridge, watching the large screen still in operation walking around the hull, and using his body at any time The Corruption cluster who adjusted the direction of the battleship by the collision method showed shocked expressions, opened their mouths, and wanted to say something, but when the words reached their lips, they only made a hoarse noise, like tearing sandpaper with their bare hands. Very harsh.

It turned out that Tang Fang not only wanted to destroy his fleet, but also wanted to get alive!

Irony, there is no doubt that this is irony.

At the beginning of the battle. He had the idea of ​​catching alive, and felt that this was a good opportunity to do meritorious service, but now...if he didn't catch the target, he became a bird in a cage and fell into desperation.

Hei 3 sighed, his fingers moved slightly, and a greenish light appeared on the slightly tired face, and a silver-white mask slowly formed to cover his face.

He finally looked at the auxiliary monitor. The fifth "Dark Bat" has successfully thrown off the main force of the human and insects, and closed the diamond matrix. Start the warp engine against the attack of the flying dragon.

It doesn't take long, just a few seconds. It will disappear without a trace, leaving here at a speed level of up to 9.1.

Although the assassination ended in failure, if the combat information could be transmitted back to the mothership, his death would be considered worthwhile.

The mask finally took shape, and the face behind, as well as the eyes and expressions were no longer visible.

Black 3 stepped forward and walked down. The central computer of the battleship was paralyzed and could not even self-destruct. He had to rush to wake up the self-destruction process of the energy core before the opponent's ground troops log in.

The steps are not high, there are only 5 steps. If everything is normal, when he steps down the last step, it should be the time when the Ghost Bat destroyer enters the virtual space.

However, he did not take the last step, because when he reached the third step, an accident appeared.

He froze in place, looking at the auxiliary monitor, as if petrified.

The last remaining Destroyer of the Dark Bat class still failed to get away, not because of the Corruptor, nor because of the high-ranking Templar, nor because of the explosive mosquito, but because of a big guy, a big big guy.

It is like a giant ocean whale, flapping a huge tail fin like a mountain, opening a large mouth measuring kilometers in width, and swallowing a nearly stagnant warship into its belly.

The 170-meter-long body of the Hades-class destroyer looked like a tiny moth in front of it, so weak and weak.

Hei 3 realized that he couldn't take the steps he lifted. He remembered how he described Tang Fang in his heart at the beginning.


He felt that this battle was like riding a roller coaster, high and low, and it was a heartbeat.

Captain Tang was persistent and conscientious, rounding his hands and slapped his face again and again.

There was no sound, no sound was heard, but he clearly felt the pain on his cheeks, as if flames were flowing.

What the **** is that? What is that big guy who can adapt to the space environment like a whale?

God, it's as long as 10 kilometers!

Because of the strength of the organization, Black 3 is well-informed. In his memory, even the Supreme Council in its heyday did not create such a thing.

How did it come from? What is the relationship with Tang Fang? How did you hide your figure?

In Black 3, the whole person is messed up, and one question after another flashes in his mind, like a computer that is unresponsive.

The messy people are not only Black 3, the fall of the flagship and the appearance of Behemoth triggered a complete defeat of the "Hell Legion" army.

The starry sky giant whale slowly approached the asteroid after devouring a Phantombat-class destroyer. The few remaining Marines directly lost the heart to resist, even the Hades-class aircraft carrier the organization was proud of. It is only one-seventh of its size.

Moreover, it looks like a living behemoth, not a battleship. Nor is it a special space station.

The strength of the "Hell Army" led by Black 3 is beyond doubt, I am afraid that the conventional combat troops of any sovereign country are not their opponents. Regrettably, they had too much confidence in themselves, and then ran into Captain Tang who was carrying a Doraemon dimension bag. They were finally designed, confused, trapped, and the entire army was wiped out.

If it is not Black 3, but Black 7 and his Hades-class aircraft carrier battle group, perhaps it will be another result. Perhaps the one who flees for his life is Captain Tang, but...time is a one-way street, and it's never possible to look back.

Ten minutes later, the battle on the ground came to an end, and all the army vehicles under Black 3 were damaged. Only a few dozen of the nearly 300 infantrymen fled the battlefield and flee to the other side of the asteroid.

Tang Fang didn't plan to let them go, because if there were not enough people to survive, that might cause him some trouble.

There are detectors, and the entire asteroid is under his supervision. It is only a matter of time before those people are eliminated.

He has never been soft on the enemy.

Of course, he needs to stay alive or two to get the information he wants. It would be better to be the commander of this force... Captain will do.

The bat-class destroyer, whose power system was paralyzed by the high-ranking templar, fell on the asteroid ground. A few meters high dust cloud rose up around the hull, and countless small particles floated in the air for a long time, which caused a lot of sight. interference.

The landing of the battleship was about 30km away from the crater where the "Morning Star" was located. Tang Fang instructed several combination of puppies, fanatics, and transport planes to chase down the 10 infantrymen, and then opened the door of the belly of the ship. The ship jumped off, identified the direction, and brought in a medical transport plane from a distance.

Just as he was about to board the plane. Two people jumped from the "Morning Star".

"Why are you down?"

Zhou Ai's voice sounded on the communicator: "I don't worry about you alone."

Tang Linman said casually: "She has to come, no one can stop her."

Tang Fang thought for a while. No longer reluctantly, pointed at the low-altitude medical transport plane. Three people quickly boarded the plane with the help of the towing tunnel.

Zhou Ai has always been strong. Since the two reunited, the thing she hated most along the way was that she couldn't help and could not play her role, for fear of not having a sense of existence in front of him.

Claire has always taken care of his daily life, and that care and gentleness is beyond Zhou Ai's ability. She can only try to put more effort in combat and command, so as not to let the crew look down on her. Over time, she has formed. A kind of authority, not only did ordinary crew members fear her, but even Tang Yun's little Nizi dared not play prestige in front of her.

It was precisely because of this that Tang did not drive the two back. Anyway, the battle has been drawn to a halt. The enemy can no longer turn over any waves, and Tang Lin is taking care of him. The possibility of an accident is very small, so just follow her. went.

The medical transport plane crashed and flew towards the black 3 seater. At the same time, the latest news came from Izsha inside Behemoth. The last bat-class destroyer was interrupted due to the jump, and the ship’s electrical system was temporarily paralyzed. The Corruptors inside Behemoth took the opportunity to break through and crashed onto the tissues in the abdominal sac full of tumors.

Tang Fang transferred a group of cockroaches and machine gunners to Behemoth to carry out follow-up work to clean up the "Dark Bat".

He intends to take it back so Emma can obtain more detailed ship data.

Zhou Ai's face was very ugly. Firstly, the "Morning Star" was almost turned into steel **** under enemy fire, and secondly, he was shocked by the strength of the "Hell Legion".

It was the first time that she saw the Darkbat-class destroyer. As the granddaughter of the Marquis of Zirog, she knew a lot about warships, but in any case she could not find a warship of the same type that could match them, even the Monya Empire was the most The infamous and also the most deterrent "Hydra" is much inferior in comparison...Perhaps, only the Kolklav I's **** fleet and the "Judgment" army can fight.

This is just a guess, because Zhou Ai didn’t have any information about the warships belonging to the Kirklaf I’s Guards Fleet and the "Judgment" Corps in his mind~www.novelmtl.com~ just know these two names. In the Monya Empire, their situation is the top secret of the state, and even the Marquis of Zirog Zhou Hanlin himself does not know much.

While she was distracted, the medical transport plane flew to the Black 3 and crashed to the ground, hovering next to the wreckage of the battleship, unloading Tang Fang, Zhou Ai, Tang Lin, and three fanatics.

Tang Fang felt that it was not appropriate to call this warship a wreck, because it was intact and had no serious trauma. The high-ranking templars just paralyzed the internal system, and the low gravity environment of the asteroid also allowed it to slow down. Falling on the ground only caused some slight ramming injuries to the chassis of the battleship, without destroying the hull structure.

"Go, go up and take a look."

The three zealots were ordered to open their way, and the three of them walked slowly towards the battleship.

Only with this degree of damage, it is certain that the people on the ship are still alive and he needs some prisoners. The higher the status, the better. Of course, it doesn't matter whether it is a duck with a hard mouth or a toad with a soft mouth.

Most of the main systems of the Pluto-class destroyers are offline, and the weapons and shield modules lose energy supply, so naturally there is no threat to the three. (To be continued)

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