Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 549: Edison

Soon after the drone was killed, the intelligence agent reported bad news. Three early warning drones over the battlefield were exploded by the opponent's aerospace fighter, and the reconnaissance satellites in the space orbit facing the "Aquiyas" Lake area successively Loss of communication, the monitoring of the frontline battlefield has almost dropped to zero, and only two reconnaissance drones have not been killed by the enemy's air defense fire due to their location.

As soon as the voice of the intelligence agent fell, another intelligence agent stood up behind him and transferred a rough-edited battle image taken by the frontline soldiers to the main monitor in the command room.

Masses of thunder-filled spheres fell from the sky. They were different from the plasma **** shot by siege tanks. They were surrounded by silver-white arcs, like crystal spheres woven from many silver threads. They were beautiful and charming... It is also fatal.

They fell on the ground and exploded into a ball of light, the grass and trees turned into ashes, the soil collapsed, and the flames were tumbling like waves. The shock wave could blow the infantry in the power armor of the "Bronze Wolf", and the light armored vehicles like the "Mustang" chariot. Hit by a silver ball, the high-energy lightning burst into a dazzling grid. The middle sphere shattered and shattered. Then a bit of silver suddenly shrank, and then expanded rapidly at a thundering speed. The radiant flame resembled a small sun and swept around for hundreds of meters. In the area, some soldiers close to the center of the explosion will be evaporated by thermal radiation. Even heavy vehicles such as the "porcupine-type" multi-purpose armored personnel carrier will be overturned by the violent currents of dust and gunpowder.

A reconnaissance drone flew to the front line. In the returned picture, eight crawling robots were attached to the ground with four claws. The central turret device rotated at a constant speed, and the semi-closed bead core rotated once every time. A silver-white sphere will be squeezed out from the center, and it will be ejected into the air, making a parabolic motion, and falling to the location of the armored brigade, causing a casualty.

Whether it is the 75mm Gauss gun of the Manticore heavy tank. Even the "Jackal" artillery can't accurately strike an enemy 10 kilometers away, not to mention the small size of the crawling robots and their agility. Even if it is replaced with artillery-launched missiles, now that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft, and observation satellites are almost completely lighted up by the opponent, and there is no air guidance, what about hitting the target?

Edison was dumbfounded. Suddenly a little silver light in the picture grew from a young age, and then, the screen picture became pale, and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was actually exploded by the silver bullet of the crawling robot.

"Isn't the laser tactical platform in place yet?"

"Not yet." An intelligence agent replied in a trembling voice.

Powerlessness is like a heavy mountain, pressing on everyone's heart. Some people’s cold sweat even wets their backs.

No one has thought that the combat units airdropped by the mechanical transport team are considered to be less than 40 when they are fully hit, but this is the number of troops less than 40, even before they have entered the range of the Guard Armored Group combat vehicle, the first round of kites will take them. Put aside a dying, morale plummeted like a stock market crash.

Several staff officers in the corner were arguing about whether to request the support of space-based weapons, or to deploy a rescue team composed of the Sea Snake-class fast assault craft and the Sea Dog-class frigate into the "Arumega" atmosphere for aerial bombardment. It can not only carry out a sweeping attack on the king's army that is not far from the ground, but also provide fire support to the ground battlefield of "Aquiyas" Lake.

Only Edison King knew from the Second Fleet of the Hell's Legion. To the garrison fleet, and then to the tulip fleet of Lord Duke, they are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they draw troops to help them.

He didn't dare to tell his staff about this information, because it would affect morale. According to his statement, this is the wise Lord Duke deliberately letting them down. To eliminate all the other's vital power.

He did this out of consideration for the overall situation.

The soldiers of the armored brigade were like tigers out of the col at first, but now... maybe they should be described as a cat falling into the water.

Cats are very afraid of water!

of course. As a major general, as the supreme commander of the "Arumega" guard force. He can’t stay in a daze. Although Harrington Harris doesn’t pay much attention to him, he thinks he is indecisive, more than defensive, and not enterprising enough, so he threw it to the guards with no future to speak of, and let him fend for himself. He is a soldier, and Harrington Harris refuses to reuse him, but trusts him, otherwise, how could he be allowed to command the defensive force of the General House.

Therefore, he cannot give up just because of a temporary loss.

"Command, the armored brigade widens the formation, widens the unit interval, and drags me the crawling robots and mobile artillery."

"Order, the aviation brigade urgently dispatched new unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned bombers to support the frontline battlefield. In addition, the transport shuttle was deployed to carry the special service team to the designated location above the'Aquias' lake for airdrop operations, and then use the underwater Sneak attack the enemy's own formation and blow up those tanks for me."

"Order the infantry brigade to mobilize a part of the soldiers with powerful weapons to detour to the enemy's back along the east bank of the'Aquias' Lake, cooperate with the special service team to kill the enemy tank company, and then attack the enemy's western troops."

"Tell them not to be afraid. The opponent's total strength is less than 40 units. Their advantage is mainly reflected in the range of their weapons. Once they get close, they become the tigers with their teeth removed."

Edison lied again. He had seen the video data of the Battle of Rector. At that time, Hausen drove a siege tank and wiped out a full tank battalion of the "One Horned Rhinoceros" heavy tank in the most brutal way. He also blasted a "double-headed rhino", only the armor was damaged, and some less important external originals were destroyed.

He had no choice but to do so. Once this last ground line of defense collapsed, the General Mansion would be directly exposed to enemy fire.

The combat units of the aviation brigade have been engaged in the battle against the king's army, and they are unable to take care of the "Aquaias" lake battlefield. Before the tactical platform reaches the designated coordinates, he must rely on ground forces to stop the mechanical transport team. Small groups of mixed forces, prevent them from attacking the hinterland of the general mansion.

The order was quickly distributed to various combat units. Due to the bombardment of the siege tanks, the air force facilities such as the apron and runway in the southern area of ​​the General Mansion were damaged. Even some of the concrete-poured hangars were reduced by the gunfire Ruins billowing in smoke.

The reserve unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and transportation shuttle can only be transferred from the underground tunnel to the north area. Take off again to perform the mission.

When the special service team took a transport shuttle to slide forward from the "Aquiyas" lake, the soldiers of the East Coast Infantry Brigade also took the "Wild Horse" and "Porcupine" armored vehicles to the south bank.

They didn't know that the four widow mines had already been planted on the east bank at the same time that the immortal and dragon knight attacked the armored brigade.

When 3 "Mustang" tanks and 2 "Porcupine" multi-function armored personnel carriers were halfway along the east coast, a widow mine overloaded the fusion core, and the expanding flames immediately illuminate the "Aguias" "The sky gradually darkened on the east bank of the lake. The mushroom cloud billowed upwards, and the flames resembled a wild horse, quickly engulfing the vanguard team, and the rushing shock wave set off a billowing dragon around it, radiating quickly to the surroundings.

The originally calm lake was full of wind and waves, and the tide spread from east to west. The transport shuttle lifted the flight altitude a bit and traveled to the south bank in wind and waves.

They do not fly high, and are sheltered by wind and waves, and ordinary early warning equipment cannot detect the presence of five transport shuttles.

Edison didn't know that the two engineering ships not only had the ability to repair mechanical units, but also had a super detection function comparable to that of the Raven. Every move on the lake, even a sturgeon jumping out of the water can't hide the eagle's external sensor.

The five transport shuttles loaded with special forces were not harassed by the gunfire of the siege tanks, nor were they sniped by the dragon knights. They met the high-ranking templars on a narrow road.

When the six people were enveloped in a blue light, the whole person could fly in the air, and the golden armor warriors who stepped slightly on the rough water surface will appear in the driver's field of vision, and they were all at a loss.

The first officer of the transport shuttle in the front was shocked and said, "What is that? Why can they fly in midair? Why can't I see the jet backpack?"

His partner's thoughts are even more bizarre: "They... are aliens?"

"how come!"

"Is that another biological weapon?"


The driver didn't know, his first guess was almost the correct answer.

of course. After seeing the high-ranking templar, he had no chance to guess anymore.

The flash of "Energy Erosion" burst out in an instant that spread across the entire "Aquaias" Lake and the general mansion battlefield is not very conspicuous, but its price is 5 transport shuttles and the special forces on board. life.

The black smoke from the propeller was swept into the sky by the wind and waves. Above and below the head and tail of the shuttle, one after another plunged into the turbulent lake water, splashing strong waves like a waterfall, engulfing the debris of the shuttle, and then the gurgling bubbles that emerged were dispersed by the waves in an instant.

It turns out. The combat capability of special forces in extreme environments is far beyond that of ordinary soldiers, after the shuttle fell into the water. A small number of elites actually took off their clumsy power armor and fled from the cabin that was gradually filling the lake with breathing apparatus. Swim to the lake with simple equipment.

Their target was the 6 high-ranking templars floating on the surface of the lake. The golden armor made them particularly eye-catching.

Some people were shooting underwater. Some people didn't have time to get hot weapons when they fled the cabin. They could only bite the dagger and rush to the surface in an attempt to carry out a close-range sneak attack.

The dense bullets hit the plasma shield and were bombed, and they couldn't cause damage to the high-ranking templar. A special soldier jumped out of the water with a dagger in his mouth, waiting to show off his superb flying knife skills. A high-ranking Templar warrior strangled his throat with his left hand and lifted it, and a light blade suddenly shot out from the front of his other arm, which was quickly sent into the chest of the special soldier.

The high-ranking templars of the Protoss are mostly upgraded by fanatics through harsh practice. Although their most powerful weapon is their own hidden energy, this does not mean that they have lost their excellent melee ability.

To challenge them with mere human stamina is no less than a pheasant showcasing its coat color in front of an eagle, purely looking for death.

The high-ranking Templar warrior in the middle was disturbed by the bullet shot from underwater and felt very upset. He thrust his right hand into the water, and the powerful phantom energy was launched, like a high-power generator, creating a lightning storm underwater. .

In the next second, six high-ranking templars continued to float to the northern shore of "Aquiyas", and soon after floating corpses floated on the surface of the water, they were pushed to the west bank by the waves.

boom! There was another shocking explosion.

The second widow mine ambushing on the east bank exploded. The smoke of the ancestors had not dissipated, and the flames of the younger generations once again lit the sky. The shock wave resembled a suddenly resurrected heart, setting off a second wave of wind on the surface of the lake that was gradually returning to calm, and a large amount of rubble fell on the surface of the water and aroused dense spray.

Dark clouds gradually enveloped the sky, and darkness took the lead in patronizing before night fell.

There are raindrops falling from the sky. From slow to urgent, it turned into a torrential rain in a blink of an eye, spreading out a piece of mud on the scorched land, and the sound of water resounded throughout the world.

Sporadic fires were extinguished, smoke clouds were blown thinly by the wind, and dust was shot to death on the ground. Only the various aircraft whizzing through the air and the king's army continue the game of airdrop and anti-airdrop.

Part of the wounded king insects will suddenly disappear, and only the behemoths that die instantly when hit by a heavy weapon will fall from mid-air and fall into a small mass of flesh.

The first batch of king worms have reached the ground, and one after another puppies with ribs and wings popped out of their abdominal sacs.

These "adrenaline" mad dogs are like rushing horses in the wild, with their feet flapping against puddles and the ground. Draw a long line and rush north from the plain area of ​​the "Aquias" Lake facing the General's Mansion on the west bank.

Several Hydralisks spread out on the ground, erecting the bodies of nearly two people tall, quickly scaling their muscles, and a deep grooved spinal needle shot out from under the skin, hitting the combat aircraft that was bombarded by the king's army. Torn the outer armor, or burst into flames, or lose balance and fall to the ground.

Muddy rain hit them. The moisture reflected a gleam of light.

The same scene also appeared on the defensive equipment in the General's Mansion. The difference was that the rain cracked on it. Drenched in the dark paint, only the fire from the muzzle or the jumping arc becomes a colorful brilliance in the darkness.

The power of laser weapons is severely attenuated under the influence of harsh air, and some pulsed lasers cannot even burn through the king's thick carapace.

In the guard command room, intelligence officers destroyed 5 transport shuttles. News that the East Coast Infantry Brigade was attacked by a tactical nuclear bomb. And when the information about the power of the laser weapon was transferred to Edison King, the general suffering from mild anxiety almost didn't tear out the few hairs on his head.

He was very skeptical. Is it possible that the other party has calculated every move of the defender? How come it seems that all your tactical arrangements are exposed to others' eyes, and they have been targeted...

The opposing commander even added the weather changes after the nuclear explosion into the tactical system. Use it to weaken the most powerful laser weapon of the General Mansion.

Fortunately, after all this tossing, the unmanned platform has reached the edge of the battlefield and can start the "light trial".

"Order the infantry brigade to suspend its advancement and abandon its combat plan on the southern shore of Lake Aquias."

"Order, the engineering company immediately fired a cloud drive into the air."

"Order, the staff in the dispatching and command room of the laser defense network should pay attention. Once the rain cloud clears, immediately impose a'bright trial' on the enemy."

After giving a series of orders, Edison seemed to be collapsed and sat back in the seat, only to realize that his clothes had been wet with sweat.

He had never encountered such a war before. When he first watched the video of the Battle of Rector, he even laughed at the fact that the garrisoned "Megal" troops were a group of wine and rice bags, and looked down upon them a little. Until today, I have personally experienced the strength of the opponent, and only understand the truth, not that the Duke Yadan's garrison is weak, but that their opponent is too strong.

Leaning his head to the huge virtual sand table floating above the combat command platform, this action seemed to overwhelm his whole body, his face was as pale as snow, and he was breathing heavily.

A dense layer of blisters appeared on his dry lower lip at some point, which was very eye-catching, and the cold coffee cup was placed on his right hand, and it did not move more than half a minute from start to finish.

If the enemy cannot be severely damaged after using the "Light Judgment", he must persuade Lord Duke to leave.

The dignified Hell Night Legion, let a private armed force fall, the Star Alliance Navy did not even use any of its troops, this kind of thing is very shameful to say... No, it is not just a shameful thing, it is simply a shameful shame to the Sulu Empire, but... The enemy is too strong~www.novelmtl.com~ People like him, Piccolo Fred, Dupont Cataland can die in battle. As the right and left hand of the emperor, the Lord Duke must never die. This kind of place.

But what if Lord Duke refuses to retreat, as promised before His Majesty the Emperor, to co-exist and die with "Mubarak"?

Edison King felt that if he sent a few henchmen to the ground command center, even if he was strong, he had to be sent out, just like Lord Duke’s evaluation of himself. Although he does not have strong commanding ability, he is better than loyalty. .

At the same time, an anti-aircraft gun system in the northern area of ​​the General's Mansion ejected flames from the road, and the cloud-removing bomb lifted into the air, and began to sweep the dark clouds that were gathered in the area around "Aquias Lake" due to the nuclear explosion.

Another group of king insects arrived on the ground. It was not the Zerg troops who came down from above, but 50x fanatics, 48 ​​machine gunmen, and a special operations team composed of 8 ghosts and 8 ghosts. There are also 5 predators, 5 evil fires, and 3 vulture chariots.

In fact, this is not the whole story. There is another troop moving towards the general mansion above the "Aquiyas" lake. At the front is a Protoss transport plane, followed by strange air fluctuations, accompanied by very slight fluctuations. Turbo sound. (To be continued)

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