Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 566: Game of Thrones (Part 2)

The Sulu Empire had no choice but to hibernate and wait quietly for the opportunity. As for Bat Fili, as a loser, he gradually became obscured and ignored and ignored by the people and princes of Monya. This situation also happened in the ruling class of the Sulu Empire.

Later, as the political situation in Monya stabilized, the negative effects of the political chaos at the time subsided. Under the deliberate courtesy of Korkraf I and the cooperation of Zaire Abdul, Sulu and Monya The hostilities gradually eased.

The Republic of Date is allied with the Sauron Empire, the Federation of Charles and the Republic of Dolanx are associated with each other, and the Star Alliance and the Silver Eagle are eyeing.

In this context, only the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Turanx United Kingdom are in their own right.

Although the queen of Kirklaf I came from the core power family of the Republic of Date, over time, the relationship between the two did not go further. On the contrary, they were separated, seeming to gather or disperse, which is unpredictable.

The internal struggle of the Turanx United Kingdom is escalating. Henrietta and the other princes are engaged in a very slow and ambiguous political game with the young King. Many principalities stand on the sidelines, see the wind, and have no time to consider the external situation.

The Sulu Empire has always been close to the Monya Empire, only because Zaire Abdul was optimistic about Bat Fili, but this kid is an A Dou who can't afford to support him. Even with the support of the emperor, he never fought his brother. Kirklaf, so that Sulu and Monya turned against each other.

In recent years, Kirklaf I has been in power for a long time. Because of the high-handed policies and successful brainwashing education that year, the people have become numb and their sense of resistance has become weaker. Like livestock, they live under the flogging of nobles, contributing their own value to vested interest groups, and forming a situation where the country is rich and the people are poor.

Kirklaf I spent most of this money on military expenditures, so that Munya's armaments expanded even faster than his old neighbor, the Sulu Empire.

As a person who relied on his own strength in the intricate political struggle, Kirklaf I had his own pride and pride. Over time. With the strengthening of the country’s military power, this pride gradually turned into complacency and arrogance.

He believes that the invasion of the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic in the "Gampna" area was the biggest insult in this life, a stain on the monument of others, how can we tolerate its existence.

He wants to fight back, fight back with a heavy punch, and shut up those human rights all day long. The open-mouthed democratic guy drove out the "Gampner" and regained the land belonging to Monya.

People are like this. If you listen to "Hurrah" a thousand times, you really think that you are different from others and listen to "Wise Shenwu" ten thousand times. I really think I can be compared to Yao and Shun, especially an old man who is ruling the country with an iron fist like Kirklaf I.

As a result, Munya began to use troops in the occupied areas of the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic in the "Gampna" area.

Of course, he will not fight with the power of a country, he also needs an ally.

Turanx United Kingdom is overwhelmed and unwilling to take care of others;

The "Gampuna" war zone is located at the border of the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic and the Monya Empire, and the Date Republic and the Sauron Empire are beyond the reach. Will not do anything that is not good, and it is even more impossible to provoke an all-out war with the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic, even if it is 3vs2. Because the more authoritarian countries like them. The more they are afraid of fighting such a large-scale war that uses the power of the whole country, maybe when the people who are oppressed and enslaved, who can only bury their dissatisfaction and anger in their hearts, will raise the banners stained with blood and take them out of these evils. People drive out of the magnificent palaces and buildings and accept justice and justice.

Kirklaf I could only put his thoughts on Zaire Abdul, because of the beginning of the two nations. There was a territorial dispute over the "Gampuna" area, and then a 10-nation rebellion occurred in the Sulu Empire. The ten great dukes and some vassal forces united to resist the royal family, almost driving the Sulu Emperor into desperation. In desperation, I had to seek military support like the Monya Empire. As for the price, it was the ownership of the "Gampna" area.

Back then, the ancestors of Zaire Abdul exchanged the “Gampna” area for military support. Now, Kirklaf I’s ideas are the same-he used the proposal of “joint development”. Zaire Abdul became interested.

The "Gampuna" area is similar to the "Sokanada" line of defense at the junction of the Star Alliance, the Phoenix Empire, and the Silver Eagle Group. It is a vast area composed of three star systems, divided into "Gantrel" and "Puli" The three star systems "Dart" and "Namisir" have been disputed areas between the Charles Federation and the Monya Empire for many years.

When the Monya Empire was strong, the Charles Federation troops of the "Gantuiso" were driven out of the area, thus completely occupying the "Gampner" until the political struggle between Kirklaf and Bat Philip broke out, and finally the Charles Federation saw it Opportunity, united with the Dolanx Republic to send troops to recapture "Gantryer" and at the same time capture "Pulidat".

Because the "Gampuna" area has an extremely rich stock of zero-element resources, it is a pity that it has been burdened by wars for a long time and has not been extensively developed.

In today’s increasingly tense environment of elementary resources, Kirklaf I used "joint development" as a temptation, and Zaire Abdul himself also hoped to find an ally to be able to Watching for help, he agreed, and a covenant established a strategic cooperative relationship with the Monya Empire. As for Bart Feili, as for his original promise, he had long been ruthlessly abandoned like a pair of worn out smelly socks.

After the two parties announced their alliance, Batfield was sent to the "Celtic" as a gift from the Sulu Empire.

The former heir to the throne, who stomped Meng Yazhen three times, was first defeated in a political struggle, and then cut off by the Sulu Empire to become a widow, and then served as a puppet and hostage for so many years, and is now given as a gift of alliance His good brother Kirklaw I.

Batfield is really pathetic, really pathetic, and pathetic.

However, just as people talked about him in the dust, and once again let the name "Bate Feili" haunt the party dinner, an unexpected situation happened.

The Sulu Empire **** fleet was wiped out in an attack on the border of Mongolia and Asia. Bat Fili also disappeared, I don't know if he died under the gunfire with no bones or another chance.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that it was a play directed and written by Zaire Abdul. At any rate, Butterfried is a political weapon that threatens Kolkraf I. It’s useless now doesn’t mean that it will be in the future It's useless. How could an old fox like Zaire not prepare with both hands?

Of course, there are also some negative opinions. It is believed that in the honeymoon season of Sulu and Monya, it is impossible for Zaire to risk the suspicion of Kirklaf and do such a thing, which is not good for both parties. Since it has already formed an alliance, it is necessary to show sincerity. Otherwise, what is the point of having allies with ghosts? It is better not to form an alliance while guarding against the enemy and allies stabbing in the back. How could characters like Kirklaf and Zaire make such low-level mistakes?

Some people wonder whether it was Kirklaf I who sent someone to secretly execute Bart Feili, but it was quickly rejected. With the brutal and ruthless personality of Kirklaf I, how could the people's views on him be taken into consideration? Brainwashing and fear are the roots of his rule over Munya. Batfield is the same father as him, but not a mother. There is no brotherhood at all. As long as he puts on a big hat, he can "righteously destroy relatives" and rule for his iron fist. Sacrifice the flag to deter the princes, princes and people of all parties. Rather than making people feel like Bart Feili is still alive, the defeated prince still possesses a certain strength and has a chance to make a comeback.

Regardless of the debate in the international community anyway. Guess what, Batfield did disappear. The vast majority of people thought he was not dead, because no one would go to the border of Monya and make enemies with the **** fleet of the Sulu Empire. If it is valuable, how much is a small fleet composed of dozens of warships worth? The truly valuable goods are naturally the Butterflies in there.

Until 2 years ago. The Star Alliance government declassified a confidential information to the outside world, confirming that Bat Fili did not die. It was hidden in a hidden area in the Tianchao star area, and an officer belonging to the **** fleet was found beside him. This makes people wonder whether Zaire did it at the request of the incident, or whether the **** fleet commander was bought by the prince who was killed and chose to betray the Sulu Empire to join the new master, or there are other secrets?

No matter how people guess and debate, the whole thing is mysterious and confusing, which is unpredictable.

After browsing the relevant information, Tang Fang pondered for a moment, and said, "This question is a bit difficult. As you know, I am an outsider in the eyes of the Star Alliance politicians. Can't determine the whereabouts of Butterfield, let alone me?"

Kylenia did not show any emotions because of his long silence. After listening to the words above, he thought for a while, suddenly raised his head and looked into his eyes, and said: "I have waited for 16 years. Year?"

Tang Fang frowned: "What do you mean?"

She said: "Remember what you said on sns TV?"

"Of course I remember, but what does it have to do with you?"

Kylienia sighed: "You really don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Tang Fang was a little confused, not sure what she was talking about.

Kylienia patiently explained: "The Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire are close to each other. As a minister of the Empire and a leader of the frontier army, Harrington Harris has close ties with the national intelligence agency. As his secretary, I know confidential information. There are many, among them, the remarks you made during the interview on sns TV station and the follow-up reaction from the Star Alliance have had an impact on the territory of the Monya Empire."

"With the military power of the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic, on the one hand, we must beware of the Sauron Empire and the Republic of Date behind making troubles and making small moves. On the other hand, we must fight Monya and Sulu in the'Gampuna' war zone. Dealing with it is difficult to take one step forward and overthrow the tyranny of Kolklav I."

"However, the Star Alliance is a big change. Since the end of the Somar auction house incident, the relationship between the Star Alliance and Sulu and Monya has fallen to a freezing point, and there is a great possibility that war will break out until you are on sns TV. That speech completely ignited the anger that the people had accumulated against Monya and Sulu over the years. The government pushed the tide and started a vigorous mobilization for war. It wanted to unite with the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic to fight Monya. Start a war with Sulu."

"Because of the Silver Eagle Group containing the Phoenix Empire, and Turanx United Kingdom has been used to abide by neutrality in international disputes in recent years. The Star Alliance can unscrupulously launch a human rights defense war and gather the power of the three countries. Know the pressure faced by the Sulu Empire and the Mongolian Empire."

"Don’t forget that apart from these external forces, the internal environment of the two empires is also not peaceful. The high-handed rule of Kirklaf I caused civil complaints. A few princes with a conscience dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. An insurgent army like Freedom Fighters, obviously, this is an excellent opportunity to overthrow the tyranny of Kirklaf I."

"How did this situation come about? It's all because of you, without you. There would be no today, and there would be no hope for the future of the people of Monya and Sulu... Do you know those suffering in the Monya Empire and being oppressed by Stewart's tyranny? What do people who can't lift their heads and spine call you?"

"The Messiah of the East!"

"You know the 12 leaders of Garcia's Resistance Army. You also know that they have had a hard time recently. But you must not know that the old man who had been regarded as a threat by the Charles Federation and was regarded as a traitor by Miki Hyuga and Krisugarde Marion has returned to the core of power and has become the top leader of the Garcia Rebels. It is a matter of forming a revolutionary united front with the'Celtic' underground party, the'Freedom fighters' and the'Tongxinhui'."

Kylenia looked into his face with piercing eyes.

This is the first time after Harrington's death, she expressed such emotions that symbolize the splendor and beauty of life.

"It's all because of you."

"Just two days ago, the Garcia Rebels announced a message to the outside world. Or Marion's last words. If he dies in future struggles, you will be the new spiritual leader and lead the Garcia Rebels to overthrow Stewart. The tyranny of the family. Let the people of Monya be liberated and gain the dignity of being a "person"."

Tang Fang was silly to hear, and Zhou Ai and Claire were the same. They didn't expect things to develop to such a point. If Kylienia didn't say it, they would never know the domestic environment of Monya.

Her words are very long. There is also a lot of information revealed. For a while, Tang Fang still felt his head dizzy. When he did that talk show on sns TV, he never thought that he would become a friend in the eyes of the Star League people. Good people, heroes and revolutionaries.

It was not until later that he felt the respect and love of the Star Alliance people that he understood the importance of understanding and empathy, because the words he said on the sns TV station were what the people of Monya wanted to say in their hearts for a long time but did not dare to say If you are a person, you cannot be an upright person, accusing the world of injustice and evil.

What the Star League people saw was a real, flesh and blood person, just like themselves, not the old foxes in the parliament, and the repugnant mandarin and jargon spoken by the politicians of Reinhardt Palace.

He was even more unexpected that a speech on sns TV would bring such changes to the domestic situation in Mongolia.

Kylenia saw the surprise on the faces of the three people and said: "You are too ignorant of the power of role models..."

Kleiya asked: "Why do we have no idea about this situation? It stands to reason that the Star Covenant should report on it."

"Because it's not yet time." Tang Fang was the speaker.

The Star Alliance government used the Hell’s Legion to beat him and dispatched the 44th Fleet to occupy the "Dillard" series of events. Now it seems that it is not only to force him to subdue, but also has another purpose, "Morning Star Casting" the surname or something. problem.

Obviously, those of Terry Ferdinand hope that "Morning Star Casting" has the surname "Star" instead of "Cha", because the backstage of the Garcia Rebels is the Charles Federation, and "Morning Star Casting" is a registered company of the Star Alliance. He must Choose between the two, and the threat of force is the simplest and most effective method.

Kylinia added: "Over the period of time, Monya and Sulu have increased their control of internal public opinion to an unprecedented level. In many places, even public Internet services have been cancelled. Any foreign institution or individual has Under strict monitoring and control, the border line is full of turmoil, and the censorship of the identity of the transit personnel and the items carried has been increased to the highest level. The domestic and foreign information exchanges are close to zero. Even if the Star Alliance wants to report this matter, I am afraid that there is not enough material."

Tang Fang asked curiously: "Thank you for telling us this, but what does this have to do with our initial conversation?"

Kylenia said: "Bate Feili is my enemy, and Kirklaf is even more so. I failed back then. Now I don't want to fail again, and you may be my only chance."

"You're thinking……"

"Yes, I can wait...Wait until you have enough strength, and wait until you pull the old Kirklaf **** from his emperor's throne. Let the fire and explosions fill the Klimt palace, and let the Celtic 'The holy sword broke at the waist, so I would be very pleased."

"When you become the most appealing person in the entire'Tianchao Star Zone' and become the hero of the people of Monya, Bart Fili will no longer be mysterious. No longer vague."

Kylinia solemnly said: "I am very confident about this."

She held him high, as high as the stars in the sky. She devalued Kirklaw I very lowly and called it a "hybrid" because he was a bastard. Born by the last emperor of the Monya Empire and a yin and yang person.

He knew that Kylenia was flattering him, but he didn't have the sense of disobedience like Bai Hao.

Women, especially beautiful women, generally do not cause rejection and wariness, and have a natural advantage in communication.

However, this does not mean that he does not know what the woman in front of him is thinking.

"You are very smart..." Tang Fang looked at her thin and vague outline of her face in the dark, and her thin body, as if a wind blowing could take her away like a dandelion. Falling to the distant, devastated black land where the smoke has not cleared.

Claire is very curious, what does this sentence mean. "shrewd"? Why not "smart"?

Tang Fang didn't explain, he believed that Kylenia could understand it, or call it knowingly.

In fact, it is not two conditions, but three conditions. The third condition is to take her to the "Celtic" and seek revenge on Kirkcraft I. I borrowed my hand to help her avenge her blood.

Kylienia thought for a while quietly. Said: "Sorry, I am very selfish. Because I have no choice."

She really had no choice, because he was her only hope.

The annihilation of the Hell Legion broke her meticulously weaving dream. She fell into the world from the bend of the moon called "Susan" and became Kylienia, who was carrying a sea of ​​blood and hatred. Similarly, his arrival was also a beacon, illuminating the blurry ahead. The road, let her see the shadowy fireworks on the beach.

From the age of 16, her life and future have been dead and replaced by revenge.

For revenge, she is willing to dedicate everything she has, body, life, and even soul.

Perhaps it was God’s favor. In the past few years when she came to "Mubarak", she felt the beauty and precious happiness in this world through "Susan", and she has no regrets in this life.

Now, it is the goddess of destiny who rang the morning bell, waking her up from her dream and welcoming the life that should belong to her, and Tang Fang is the bright light in the sky, guiding her to accomplish her mission.

When she was young, she didn't believe in destiny. She felt that man was sure to conquer the sky. She felt that as long as she worked hard and was willing to give, there was nothing that could not be done or a goal that could not be achieved. But... until today, she wants to understand that this is her destiny.

She chose to accept and stopped resisting.

The so-called destiny means that you wake up at some unknown day and look back. Everything you have experienced in the past is like the pointer of the wall clock in the corner, turning round and round, and the days have passed year after year. This is destiny, invisible and intangible, flowing quietly like time, and slowly aging like youth.

She looked at Claire.

The world without the moon is so dim, only the distant flames spread a layer of light on the girl's face, very soft, very smooth, like a graceful spring under the moon.

She suddenly felt that the girl was a little familiar, like...just like she used to be, but...what's different.

Finally, she raised her head, looked at the man who was 7 or 8 years younger than her, and said quietly, "I'm sorry."

This is the second time she apologized. The voice was lighter than the first, but the meaning was as heavy as a stone.

Tang Fang looked at the falling fire from time to time in the sky and asked, "What do you want to do after revenge?"

Kylenia didn't want to hesitate at all, and said, "Kellynia is dead and Susan is alive."

Kleiya and Zhou Ai quietly listened to the conversation between the two people like Zen. They were puzzled and at a loss, but they didn't ask more, because I don't know when there were more fireflies in the sky, and they looked very sad.

Midsummer night, there will always be an indescribable sense of sadness, even though there will be insects and frogs, it seems to be noisy.

Kylienia is dead and Susan is alive? Susan will not live, and Susan will die, but as Susan, she will always "live", returning to this war-torn place and sleeping on the northern shore of Aquiyas Lake.

This is her promise to Harrington and her promise to herself.

Tang Fang felt a pain in his heart, although it had nothing to do with him, it was the fate of others. He is just a witness, a...leader.

"I promise you!"

A meteor pierced the night sky, igniting a long river of flames, rushing like wind, surging like waves, and finally fell to the other side of the horizon, soaring up a dust cloud dyed red by fire.

The earth was whimpering, like a wounded beast.

Kylienia walked to Kleiya~www.novelmtl.com~ and smiled and said, "I really envy you..." Then she turned and walked away. Even though the earth was trembling, her footsteps were still light, as if she was going away at any time. Element sprite.

"Her smile is really beautiful, why not smile more?"

Claire looked at Zhou Ai: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Ai stretched out her hands, put her cool hands in her palms, rubbed them gently, and asked, "Is it warmer?"

Claire wanted to say it was midsummer night, how could it be cold. However, she swallowed it back into her stomach when she said the words, because she found that it was not her own hand that was cold, but Zhou Ai's hand.

At this moment, a larger hand wrapped the two from the outside, as warm as a fire in a fireplace.

"Let's go, there are still some aftermath matters to be dealt with."

…………(To be continued)

ps: Keep your promises, 2 is even more on offer, and I know it's close to 12,000 words after posting.

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