Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 583: Forced palace

He climbed up in a daze, and asked Howson what he was squeezing. Could it be that he didn't squat enough and wanted to go in for a tour.

The boy stood up with his waist, pointed at his nose and cursed, "hs.fyh" where? Stephen's grandson is cursing at all.

Churchill was puzzled.

Howson dipped his saliva and wrote a sentence on the palm of his hand, ",!"

If you put it in the past, Churchill would definitely shake off the saliva from the palm of his hand, and then raised his **** with a look of disgust, and told him loudly: "You **** gay, get out of me. The gun just now, it ...It's a real gun."

Only today, he thought about it and said: "It turns out that it can be interpreted like this."

Howson looked at him like a silly x.

Churchill thought he was saying, "Look, how come there are more brains than me in the world."

Therefore, the two of them stared at the cockfighting for a long time, and then left with a cold snort. The next few days were like strangers, perhaps better than the two Stephen Su and Chen Jian who had been torn apart by meeting, but they were also limited.

Roy is very surprised, why do 4 good people be like this.

Bai Yue told him: "Fate is like a line, one connected to sunny days, the other connected to rainy days, and the middle is cloudy to cloudy."

The cottage alex?r thought for a long time and didn’t understand, and was about to ask what Bai Yue meant. When he looked up, the great Morris philosopher hung behind Izsha like a stalker, and all the sacred and sublime disappeared and replaced him. It's a flattering and flattering expression.

Roy became more puzzled, and his simple mind couldn't understand the sentence, and he couldn't understand what was right now.

Bai Hao is not here today. No one explained to him, so he began to miss his little friend.


Tang Fang's mood was not very good. The reason came from the government, starting from the 44th Fleet's withdrawal from the "Dillard". Half a month has passed, but the navy has always been very low-key and calm, and has not responded to the heated discussions on the Internet, and David Conan has not contacted him again.

At the beginning, there was no response at all to the claims made by "Dillard" as if it had fallen into the sea.

Public opinion is surging, but the political and military levels seem to be flat. There is no trace of ripples.

He knew very well that the static on the surface reflected underwater movement even more.

David Conan didn't reply, and the Star Alliance military did not behave abnormally at all, which shows that all parties in the government are still arguing about the ownership of "Dillard". No consensus was reached.

Obviously the military has learned about "Mubarak"... From this point of view, "Venus Pharmaceutical" has a lot of influence in the Star League political arena.

He only thought of the political impact of the "Dillard" ownership dispute and ignored the impact on the Star League economy.

Once "Venus Pharmaceutical" recognizes and cedes "Dillard" to "Morningstar Casting", the news that the two parties have parted ways will inevitably be difficult to conceal. This will not only cause immeasurable property losses to "Venus Pharmaceutical", but also It will have a huge impact on the pharmaceutical industry and cause market turmoil.

This is the top of the Star Alliance. There are also things that big capitalists don't want to see, especially in the sensitive period of war with Sulu and Mongolia.

In the past two or three days, the Star Alliance government still did not move. He became impatient and ordered Emma to execute a backup plan to put pressure on the government and the military.


The wave of public opinion triggered by the demise of the "Wuxian" has not yet receded. The "Majin" shocked the Star Alliance people at the powerful strength of "Morning Star Casting". Everyone's eyes were focused on the occasion of "Diral", sns TV station At the risk of being blocked by the government, "Sky Garden" released a piece of video data through television media and Internet channels in the early morning.

The earth is roaring and the clouds are burning. The shadow of the giant beast enveloped the sky, and the fiery red meteor rained down on the charred ground.

They heard the roar of the insect swarm. See the fast flashing fire of the c-14 piercing hand, and hear the howling of Viking fighters tearing through the sky. I also saw the flame golem that sent the earth to purgatory.

Behemoth is like a gravedigger in a starry cemetery, wandering on the border between light and darkness. In the distance is a dazzling golden color, countless king insects mixed with the remains of the battleship, falling into the atmosphere from high altitude, rolling away with the rushing wind and dazzling fire.

"Morning Star" is like a bystander, quietly mooring in the distance, looking at the light and fire, the destruction and killing. The light of "Mubarak" shone on the "Aurora" shield, like a colorful galaxy woven from star dust.

People were shocked when Captain Tang returned to "Dillard".

People were shocked by Behemoth's appearance.

People are shocked by the emergence of the Ypsilon battleship.

The 44th Fleet retreated quietly, and people were shocked.

"Wuxian" was taken away by Captain Tang under the guardianship of the Ten Thousand Army, and people were shocked.

But... so much shock adds up, there is no thrilling piece of influence information released by sns TV station.

The video of less than 2 minutes is made up of dozens of large and small fragments, which looks messy and dazzling.

However, it was this two-minute video data that was edited, split, enlarged and processed by many people to make a picture with explanatory text and upload it to the Internet. People finally figured out what happened.

They saw the fragments of the painted "Full Moon", the wreckage of the Poseidon-class aircraft carrier, the ruins of the general mansion, and the magnificent arc of the horizon ignited by the starlight.

The star is "Mubarak", the planet is "Arumega", the owner of the General's Mansion is Harrington Harris, and the debris on the starry cemetery originates from the Hell Legion.

Almost overnight, the news that Tang Fang led a group of biological warships to capture the Mubarak star system spread throughout the Star Alliance network. Even the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Silver Eagle Regiment, and the Phoenix Empire received news. The young man who had been rising like a morning star in just a few months erased Harrington Harris and his Hell's Army from the star chart.

Many people were sleepless this night, and many people were woken up by the phone, and then held PDAs in their hands and stayed up all night. Some people even change into formal costumes to party and celebrate. The light in the night sky is like a prairie fire reflecting in people's pupils, or in the depths of their souls.

For the people of the Star Alliance, "Mubarak" is like a piece of ringworm on the skin, which is ugly. There is also the possibility of deterioration. Its fall is a victory of liberating faith and courage for the Star Alliance people living in the shadow of various countries, even if such a victory comes from the "Morning Star Casting" of Captain Tang, not the Star Alliance Navy.

Because more and more people regard him as the most solid and precious ally of the Star League, even surpassing the Charles Union and the Dolanx Republic. Although he only has a small piece of land.

And this victory was the most precious gift that Captain Tang gave to the people of the Star League in response to their trust.

It is like a heavy war sword on the wasteland that has sunk into the depths of the rock, inspiring all those with courage and passion to pull it out. Fight freedom for ideals.

This is more inspiring than any speech before the expedition, and more morale boosted than any oath.

Some people cried, it was a mother who lost her only child.

Harrington Harris is her enemy. She just has no ability to avenge her. She has been forcing herself to endure the grief of losing her son and live a strong life, just to see that the Star Alliance army can one day vent her to the evil-rooted planet. Anger.

Some people laughed, laughed hoarse, laughed to tears. With a smile, he hugged everyone passing by and slapped them on the shoulder and back. It was a diplomat.

He dedicated his life to that land. But never stood on the land of "Arumega", never bathed in the glory of "Mubarak". Two months ago, he personally sent his youngest son into the army and told him that if he couldn't take down that piece of land, he would bury it on it and tell the world with his blood and soul. That is the land of the Star Alliance people.

Someone moved the star flag from the door to the roof and sat beside it and lit a cigarette. Looking at the fireworks illuminating the night sky in the distance, listening to the national anthem from the central square. There was a slight smile, very shallow, but very real. It was an old professor.

Under his sparse white hair are his bright eyes, with wisdom precipitating in them.

He looked at the invisible starry sky. On the far side of the galaxy, there were his father, uncle, cousin, and cousin in the Sulu Empire... After so many years, I don’t know if they are still alive, and I still remember that selfishness. Willful, in pursuit of freedom and ideals, regardless of their feelings, the little carrot heads far away from home.

"If you can, I really hope that in the rest of my life I can go back to my homeland and take a look, kiss those mountains, those waters, those flowers and plants, and the faces of loved ones."

At this moment, a woman's voice came from the garden downstairs: "John, what are you doing up so high? Come down."

He looked down at his wife who was standing in the yard with a white shawl and was shaking slightly, and asked, "Is there still wine at home?"

"Yes, yes... You come down first before talking about it. It's so cold and naive that you don't know what you got wrong. Why do you run up to the roof in the middle of the night."

"I just think the national flag should be raised higher."

The old woman thought for a while and said, "I also think it was low at the door before, but you can't wait for dawn to call the young man to help?"

"I can't wait."


The entire Star Alliance folks are boiling, whether it is the "Sky Garden" under the night or the Heisenberg where the two days reflect each other, people's songs and laughter converge into a sea of ​​joy, much more lively than Christmas.

This is the first victory of the Star Alliance over a sovereign country in 60 years, just like the first time a young sparrow shakes its weak wings, flying from the branch to the blue sky above its head.

As the pioneer of this victory, the name "Tang Fang" was remembered by many people, thanking him for bringing the people of the Star League the most important victory. Some people say that it is not just a victory, but also represents courage, hope, the future, as well as his trust and goodwill to the people of the Star League... although this is probably his unintentional move. The "Mubarak" campaign was his powerful counterattack against the Hells' surprise attack on "Diral", but as he said on sns TV, his enemies are the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire, not the Star Alliance .

From the perspective of the Republic of Date or the Sauron Empire, such a victory is not a victory at all. "Mubarak" was not captured by the Star Alliance navy, and Tang Fang was one of the Star Alliance enterprises because of "Morning Star Casting". Therefore, it can only be counted as half a Star Covenant at most, and it is not appropriate to regard it as a victory belonging to the Star Covenant, and it feels a bit silly.

But... the vast majority of Star Alliance people chose to ignore this, celebrate like Thanksgiving, and express gratitude and respect to Captain Tang, who is far away in "Diral". It is conceivable that the people of the Star Alliance have suppressed many feelings and swallowed many grievances and bitterness during these 60 years.

Just as the nobles of the Monya Empire laughed at the people of the Star Alliance, a country with incomplete sovereignty dared to point fingers at other countries’ human rights issues. like what? Like a dog, a dog that is chained and can only bark.

For the nobles of the Monya Empire, this is a kind of shame that rewards people, and for the people of the Star Alliance, this is a kind of hatred. Will take root and sprout in the bottom of my heart, grow up day by day, and be full day by day.

Over the past 60 years, the Star Alliance government has worked hard to suppress the hatred of the people, telling them to wait. To bear with it, as long as all people are one mind, the Star Alliance will always have a strong one day, and the immortal will inherited by the Star Alliance will always have a rejuvenation.

Now, people are finally ushering in the day of revenge. When the storm of war is about to hit and the depressive atmosphere envelopes the entire country, Tang Fang and his biological battleship are like lightning piercing through the dark clouds. Sound the rumbling drum to give soldiers courage and confidence. Give this country hope.

He is very young and not a native of the Star Alliance, but his kindness to the Star Alliance is higher than the mountain. Although he has never been a citizen of the Star Alliance, people have long regarded him as a member of the Star Alliance, no. Treated by a hero.

No one dared to speak ill of him at this juncture, because that would bear the anger of all the Star Alliance people. This time it's not like before. Because he used practical actions to express his goodwill to the Star Alliance, and at the same time proved his power to all the forces in the Hilumbel region.

He is a reliable friend and solid ally of the Star League people. The stronger he is, the stronger the united front formed by the Charles Federation-Dolanx Republic-Star Alliance-Garcia Rebels.

Isn't this something worthy of rejoicing, worthy of a toast?

Therefore, the people of the Star Alliance are actually very smart, and those who can't see through the connections are idiots.

At this moment, Tang Fang's prestige in the hearts of the Star League people has stabilized over Adam Oliver.


When the video materials and explanations posted by the sns TV station were spreading wildly on the international network of the Hilumbel region, people in only two places in the Star League were unhappy.

One is the National Telecommunications Industry Administration, and the other is the Star Alliance Council located opposite the Reinhardt Palace in Heisenberg.

The reason why the former is unhappy is that the State Telecommunications Industry Administration was unable to block the dissemination of the image data and the explanation post. Even with the cooperation of the professional team of the National Security Administration, it is still unable to resolve the tide of online public opinion from the network layer... Unless they paralyze the entire national network at the physical layer.

But this is obviously impossible. If things are revealed, they will all be dismissed from class and even be pushed to the court of the Union, which will bring a crisis of trust between the people and the government, and push the Adam cabinet against the people, even if it is wartime politics, once the people are angry Too big, Adam Oliver will still be deposed.

No one can bear the consequences, so they can only spin around like a headless fly, scratching their heads like a monkey eating walnuts for the first time, but there is no way.

As for the Star Alliance Council, they will certainly not be happy, because most of them are smart people, and they know the inside story, so they know this is Captain Tang who is pushing the palace, but they can’t tell the people clearly, they can only be dumb. I can't tell you the suffering of eating coptis

I thought that after David Conan handed the information to Adam Oliver, it caused a turmoil in the parliament. No one thought that Harrington Harris would leave such a thing, and it would be taken by Tang Fang. You said he would die if he died. At the last moment, he didn't forget the disgusting Star Alliance once.

According to his request, transfer "Dillard" to "Morning Star Casting"? What about "Venus Pharmaceutical"? Will Bilbom agree? I think the government used "Venus Pharmaceutical" as a chess piece in order to find the trouble of "Morning Star Casting", but now it's good, they can't play it at first sight, they have to cross the sea to tear down the bridge and cede "Dillard" to "Morning Star Casting". "To calm the thunderous anger of Captain Tang.

Bilbom started from nothing when he was young, and how much effort has been spent to build such a large pharmaceutical company? Now that a word has asked him to hand over the strategically significant "Dillard", it is strange that he does not look for Terry Ferdinand desperately.

What's more, companies that are dependent on the Republican Party are not just the "Venus Pharmaceuticals" ~www.novelmtl.com~ The so-called "birds hide their bows, and rabbits die." This matter lets other companies know what to think? I am afraid that since then I have lost the heart and face the crisis of death.

If you don't pay, will the "Morning Star Casting" give up? After so many things, they already knew about Captain Tang's personality, and every bite of a dog would have him slapped to death with a brick, not to mention that he suffered so much in "Dilaer".

Now that Harrington Harris has paid the price for the original thing, the "Black Pearl" of the Pirate Alliance is more or less ill-fortuned, and then it is the Star Alliance government's turn.

In fact, in the eyes of some people in the Liberal Party, Tang Fang's request is reasonable. After all, the Republican Party is so despicable, and they only demand "Venus Pharmaceutical" as compensation to sell "Dillard" to "Morning Star Casting." You know that the evidence alone is enough to bring "Venus Pharmaceutical" into bankruptcy.

However, some people think that this is inappropriate. What would other companies think if the "Dilal" was sold to "Morningstar Casting" casually? What would companies like Iga Industrial and Wanderer Technology Consortium think about the "Morning Star Casting" companies? I'm afraid it will be chilling to the government. After all, it was the entire Congress that made the decision to sanction "Morning Star Casting" by special means, not only Republicans, but the Liberal Party and other minority parties also have an unshirkable responsibility. (To be continued)

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