Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 605: Philosophy of Surbaggio

No one dares not implement it, because that will lose the official position and the knighthood.

No one dared to object, because those who dared to object had become corpses with their heads in different places. Their heads were hung on the arbor outside the Knollburg Air Terminal, and their bodies were thrown like trash on the tidal flats of the Organ Coast, allowing the tide to carry them. The blood stained the sea red.

No one dared to fight, because according to the old duchess’ proposal, the protesters and their families were collectively beheaded, and many school children were even forced to visit the site.

This is a massacre and a show. It is shown to all the people who are loyal to the old duke in "Aradère", and to all the civilians in "Aitya", so that they can know that "the sky has changed."

It’s only now that someone suddenly realized that the reason for the Edward Fleet’s blockade of "Edia" was a three-point truth and seven-point false lie. Captain Tang was just a tool that happened to be used by Sulbaggio. Perform the **** cleaning he had planned for a long time.

"To avenge the old duke" and "to safeguard the dignity of the country", to put it bluntly, is just a means to deceive people's hearts and to cover people's ears, just like the young duke's "rigid self-use" label.

The main target of the Edward Fleet was not Captain Tang, but those officials who refused to submit to the Young Duke, and those civilians who dared to say "no" to the Knar family.

The fleet is a symbol of absolute force. The cannon is a proclamation from the powerful to the rebels. Human head is a demonstration of the strong against the weak.

Surbaggio thought so, and did so, regardless of other people's feelings-perhaps in his eyes it was not someone else but a group of pigs and sheep raised in the pen.

Of course, for pigs and sheep. It is true to describe him as "stubborn and self-use". But for the "people" in his eyes, this is not called "self-consumption", but "talent and general".

The first person outside the Knollburg Air Cargo Terminal had a pale face, dry lips, and a pair of glaring black eyes. The top of his head is short, uneven hair, stained with dirt and blood, and the roots stand upright, as straight as his spine once.

Meng Haoyu never thought that he would end up like this. He had read many historical books and knew that since ancient times, loyal ministers have no good end. But knowing is one thing, and how to behave is another.

He regards the safety of the "Aitiya" civilians more than his own life, but he is regarded as a dog by the awe-inspiring heir of the old duke, an old dog that can be discarded at any time. This is very dramatic. Even more ironic and sad.

In fact, he is more hatred-hatred! Just like his angry gaze and his hair growing up, full of hatred for Surbaggio and the old duchess, because Surbaggio not only chopped off his head, but also implicated his nine tribes, including those less than three weeks old. granddaughter.

In such an era, such a society, how can he not hate such things? How not to complain? How not to be angry?

This is just the beginning. Not the end...

The old duchess is a person who knows Chinese history. She has read many books, but this did not give her more positive and progressive values. She simply likes to read, loves to read, and reads for the sake of reading, without seeking insights, never exploring the meaning of the article, the emotional expression between the lines of the author.

When he was held down by the military police and knelt down on the shore of the organ, looking at the calm water, reminiscing about the old duke. The words of the woman who had always been deeply affectionate with the old duke and his wife made him truly see what is called "the most poisonous woman's heart."

She smiled at the time and said to Surbaggio’s assistant Uri Tanashun: “I remember Meng Haoyu is a Chinese tribe, and it is said that the Chinese tribe is very servile. But there are also many loyal people, such as one with the surname Fang. Minister. At that time, he was sentenced to ten clans for refusing to be loyal to the new emperor."

Uritanashun was a man who was very good at words and colors, and he was Surbaggio's assistant, so he couldn't understand the words of the old princess. As a result, Meng Haoyu was able to live a little longer, blow more salty sea breeze, and curse a few words like "you are raised up", which he would never say before, and look more at his tearful juniors, how regretful With pain for a while.

It wasn't until his relatives and close friends in the army were escorted to his side one by one, staring blankly at the sunset that surged with the waves on the organ coast, that the last pain of his life came.

The island where Congreve lived on became a burial place for their old ministers. The blood water dyed the coast a red, more eye-catching than the halo diffused by the sunset. Sometimes seabirds flew over and saw the coastline. Countless headless corpses of different sizes, as well as the shocking blood red, rushed into the thick clouds as if frightened and did not dare to show their faces.

Those dark clouds seemed to surround the unwilling to disperse over the island, thick and suffocating.

There was no thunder, no lightning, and no rain falling from the sky, washing away the thick, indestructible red on the shore.

Only some fish attracted by the smell of blood jump out of the water from time to time, greedily looking at the corpses on the beach, waiting for them to be swept into the sea by the tide and become food in their mouths.

Meng Haoyu is not alone. Opposite him is McDowell's sullen face, occasionally shaking with the wind, dripping drops of blood on the ground.

The road to "Norburg" is very long, and the signs made of human heads are also very long, and the end is invisible at a glance, like the Yellow Spring Road to the Blood Prison.

The road is very open, and there is no car passing by for a long time. It is quiet and depressing, and quiet is sad. Just like those heads that are raised in the wind, there are men and women, old and young, with closed eyes, and glaring eyes wide open, mouths breathing hard as if to keep the smell of the world, and expressionless faces like a picture Faded white paper.

The expressions of these people are different, but they all have one thing in common. They have persuaded Surbaggio, or when the old duke was reigning, he had put forward claims that harmed the Knar family’s interests, even if it was just a bit of sesame mung bean. Small profit.

Hatred is not just an emotion, it is more like a seed that will bear fruit at the right time.

This is just a warning and a demonstration from Surbaggio to the people of "Aradère".

He wants to tell the beasts who have become more and more greedy under the old duke that in this era, this country. Only a gun has the right to speak, a gun is a "person", and a gun can do whatever he wants.

Guys without guns are just slaves, livestock—a more advanced livestock.

When they felt fear in such scary horror, they chose to compromise. Next, it was when he brought the social order and class relations destroyed by Congreve back to formality, even though the Turanx United Kingdom was deliberately set off under the guidance of Henryetta’s old and undead forces. In the final analysis, the wave of moderate institutional reforms is that the old-school forces feel that the general trend is over. You can only rely on this way of drinking poison to quench your thirst, sacrificing part of the aristocratic interests to obtain support from the people, and to counteract the new faction forces headed by Sange Will.

How many years can those old guys live? The old-school forces will eventually be replaced by the new-style forces of Sange Will. As for the civil waves, the calls for system reform... just wash the sky and the earth with blood just like now. Those humble animals will bow their heads honestly and continue what they should do.

civilian? Is it different from livestock? The people of Henrietta were so depraved that they wanted to win civil support, which in itself was a manifestation of weakness and failure. Only the strong are worthy of fighting, and the weak are used to enslave and squeeze the value of their labor.

Surbaggio is very disgusting with such things, and the same with Congreve, even if it is his father.

In his opinion. Congreve was getting more and more confused as he got older, and was gradually drifting away from Hymn Will's camp, slowly moving closer to Henrietta. This is not only depravity, but also a betrayal.

In Surbaggio's eyes, they are nobles who are considered masters, and as for the common people...how different from the livestock raised.

Want to get support from livestock? Don't you put yourself in the herd of livestock? This in itself is an insult to the nobility, and an insult to "people", not a class contradiction at all. It's a sharper conflict between humans and livestock.

Therefore, he was disgusted with Henrietta. He was not angry with Congreve, and he was not kind to Meng Haoyu.

in a certain sense. He can't talk about self-control, such as shrewd political skills and determination.

In another sense, he is very self-contained, such as those extreme thoughts of aristocratic supremacy.

Surbaggio did not directly participate in the cleansing of Meng Haoyu, Medall and others, but gave it to his most capable assistant Uri Tana Sun. Once he came to Uri Tana Sun to do such things, he was familiar with it. He himself couldn't walk away, because he had to sit in the Golding Naval Port to suppress the "Aradele" garrisoned naval fleet, and some high-level officials of the Amber Fleet loyal to the old duke, forcing them to abdicate or hand over power. This is also the most important reason why he did not go to Kandal Island to attend the funeral.

Golding Naval Port is located in the void outside the eighth planet of the Aradele star system. It has 600 warships stationed in the local navy and more than 1,100 warships in the Amber Fleet. 70% of the senior officers have sworn allegiance to him under various pressures or threats. Only A few people, including the deputy commander of the Garrison Fleet Creston Keys and the commander of the Amber Fleet Steinbeck Shelley, have not yet fully surrendered. The **** purge carried out by Surbaggio in "Aitiya" was a warning to the civilians of "Aitiya", and it was an ultimatum to Clayston, Steinbeck and others.

Hand over power or link up the nine or even ten? They can only choose one of two.

Surbaggio believes this is an easy choice, because the blood of the headless corpses on the Organ Coast has not yet dried, and the red has not faded.

How can they not understand the truth of the emperor and the courtier? There is only a dead end to defeat. Congreve is dead and no one can save them. From now on he will be the sky of "Edia", the sky of "Aradère", the sky of the entire duke.

He said that there must be light to have light!


Golding is quietly suspended in the dark space of the universe. As many as 300 warships and fish swim in the nearby airspace. The unmanned warning facility and the space-based defense system are woven into a huge net on the periphery of the military port, confining the entire void. .

Heretic-class fast assault boats, missionary-class frigates, true-eye-class scout ships, knight-class destroyers, holy knight-class light cruisers, archbishop-class heavy cruisers... these naming rules are religious-style warships crawling like giant nets The spider gives people a sense of religious solemnity and oppression.

The dignified atmosphere does not only occur in the outer void of "Golding", its interior is also highly guarded, especially the viewing platform of "Aradère" on the front of Area A, although it is too far from the central star, "Aradère" "Compared to a silver plate, it is more like a jade bead lingering light and fire.

Looking through the huge transparent glass window. It is not blazing at all, it is small, bright, and round, which makes people feel refreshed. Will give birth to a little reverie, and emotions of recollection.

The starry sky is always so quiet, so beautiful, and makes people feel comfortable, like returning to mother's embrace... isn't it?

But Creston Keith couldn't be happy, and Stanbell Shelley couldn't be happy. The only person in the whole hall who can be happy is Surbaggio.

He sits in the direction with his back facing "Aradel", his not so generous shoulders seem to isolate all the light from the outside world, only his slightly deformed face due to his smile may be destined to become the nightmare of some people in the room . Even the brilliant and warm sunshine can't dissipate it.

In stark contrast to the beauty of the starry sky in the background, not only his face deformed by a smile, but also a scene of the organ coast displayed by the projection equipment on the dining table.

Those blood, those headless corpses, those dazzling military uniforms...and those tides that washed the coast again and again. It dilutes the bright red on the ground, dilutes the **** smell that permeates the sky above the island, dilutes the beauty of the starry sky in the background, and dilutes the hope in the hearts of most of the generals present.

They thought that the purge would come, and that Surbaggio would one day smile at them. But never thought that the cleaning would be so tragic, never thought that his smile was so gloomy, like the gaze of an evil god.

There was a bunch of delicate red roses on the table. Very uncomfortable, and very suitable.

Next to it, there are neatly arranged dishes, the dishes are intact, without any defects.

No one moved their knives and forks, and even the wine in the glass did not diminish in the slightest. Only a light crimson remained in the goblet on the right hand side of Surbaggio.

He did not raise his glass to respect. Just drink quietly...Look at those distressing images and drink quietly with elegant movements that are extremely disproportionate to the environment.

The waiter in the tuxedo filled the empty goblet and stepped back. Recharge again, then back off. Pure white gloves, transparent glasses, dark wine bottles, and the slowly flowing rose red blend and collide. The whole picture is like a literary film that plays repeatedly.

The complexions of Creston and Steinbell were very ugly, the original dynamic wrinkles resembled ironed toilet paper, very pale, and there was a sense of lag.

Steinbell moved his gaze from the light curtain in the center of the table to the bright dishes in front of him, feeling that the dishes were not on the dishes, but the heads of the few of them.

Creston stared at the red liquid flowing under the waiter's hand, watching them curl up and surging, lightly impacting the inner wall of the wine glass, feeling like blood, spewing from the broken neck, and then into Sulpaggio's mouth .

There is a thin layer of sweat on the faces of several senior military generals in the back. They don’t know where to put their hands. They press the knife and fork for a while, and touch the napkin in front of them for a while. They are a little scared and regret not having to stand early. When you go to Surbaggio, you don't have to participate in such a Hongmen banquet and be forced to delegate power.

Standing next to Steinbell was Scott Horner, the deputy commander of the Amber Fleet. His back was slightly leaned back, his neck was on the back of the seat, and there was a slight smile on his lips, which was kind of sarcasm.

Although he knew that after Steinbell handed over power, Surbaggio would not hand over the Amber Fleet to him, the most likely he was to select his confidant generals from the Edward Fleet. This may be a bit regretful, but finally kept the official position, no matter how you look at it, it is better than the fate of Stanbell and Creston.

Stanbell has scolded him for being a horror... now? Everything is well on the wall, and you can continue to serve in the army and enjoy the power and glory given to him by the young duke. What about the commander who has a stand and principle? After today, I am afraid that I will never appear in the military again, and even social activities in the future will be squeezed out and made difficult by others, just because they didn't know how to promote them.

Surbaggio took up the napkin hanging on his chest, dipped it in the corner of his wet lips, and slowly stretched out his right hand to greet everyone to eat.

Still no one dared to move, because he didn't move.

Surbaggio was very satisfied with the atmosphere of the scene, which gave him a sense of power and the pleasure of watching the mountains and seas. It was great that Congreve died. He has never been as free, happy, and relaxed as now, as if every body was The pores are all opened, breathing the mellow aroma of wine greedily

Power is really fascinating, and there is nothing more precious in the world.

A staff officer who was directly responsible for him walked into the room from the outside, stood at attention and saluted very seriously, got the approval, walked to the chair of the table, and presented a document.

After reading it, Sulbaggio frowned slightly, his face showing a bit of displeasure~www.novelmtl.com~ The report came from the Edward Fleet, and it was about the loss of the transport team and a series of explosions in the "Rulzan" research institute. .

The footage taken by the Luerzan low-altitude orbit space-based satellite showed that all the people in the transport team had been killed, and the place where the explosion occurred was the scientific research facility area where the members of the "Brotherhood" were located.

Since such a large-scale explosion has occurred, the most likely outcome is to lose both sides. Whether it is the "Brotherhood" or the people he sent, they have all turned into dust under the big explosion, which makes him a little unhappy.

Of course, it was only a little uncomfortable. After all, those were trivial things compared to fully controlling the Duke.

He handed the document back to the staff officer, waved to leave, tried to squeeze a smile, and said, "Is the food today not in line with the appetite of several generals?"

After saying this, without waiting for the response of the crowd, he turned his head and rushed to the waiter behind him and said: "Go and call the chef." (to be continued)

ps: Sorry, sorry, in the last chapter's testimony, I missed the fact that I can't get up and the book friend Yang Wang in the group.

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