Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 611: Defection

When Tang Fang penetrated into the interior of the Golding Naval Port through the exhaust pipe, the door of the combat command center opened to both sides. The staff officer who had followed Surbaggio stepped into the hall and came to the combat command platform. Sweeping through the increasingly harsh battle situation on the electronic sand table, Shen Sheng ordered: "According to the Lord's order, the Amber Fleet and the garrisoned naval fleet parked in the warships inside the military port are ready to go into the battlefield in 10 minutes."

After hearing this, the herald was stunned, Kurobachino and others looked at each other, wondering why Surbaggio did this.

The situation outside is so bad, and if the Amber Fleet and the garrisoned naval fleet are released from the large warships parked inside the military port, what changes can it bring to the battle? The 30-odd large ships that were the first to strike are now only the "Monsoon" struggling to support, and its defeat is only a matter of time.

After seeing such a scene, do we have to send an extremely expensive ship to die?

Not to mention the tricky and flexible golden fighters, the stealth warship alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

"This is the Lord's order!"

Seeing the messenger hesitate, the staff officer repeated the source of the order again.

The messenger did not dare to resist, and hurriedly followed the order and issued a mobilization order to the ships docked in the military port.

The staff officer paused, moved his gaze to the face of the communications officer not far away, and gave the second instruction: "Pick up the Edward Fleet."

Suddenly, it turns out that Surbaggio has finally figured out that he wants to abandon the blockade of "Aitiya" and withdraw the Edward fleet. I am afraid that the order just now is to pave the way for the next joint operation and to fight Captain Tang's forces. .

But is it useful?


On the other side, Surbaggio led personal guards to the area where the military port communication facilities were located and arrived at the central control room.

The safety door is locked from the inside. If you use the normal way to enter, you need to waste some time.

Several guards directly planted bombs at the door, broke open with violence, and then rushed into the room to control the situation.

"You are late."

This is the first sentence that Surbaggio heard after entering the door, originating from Creston.

The quantum teleportation system connected to the outside world has stopped working. There is a row of bullet holes in the core of the equipment.

Unexpectedly, the two of them did it so absolutely, directly destroying the devil's agent of Akihabara by the military port's quantum communication system.

Stanbell sat on the chair in front of the large screen full of snowflakes and looked at the young duke who walked into the room step by step outside the door with a calm look.

He thought for a while and said, "Thank you Lord for your hospitality. The foie gras is delicious."

These words hurt more than Creston's speech.

Six guards surrounded the two in front of them in a semicircle, their heads locked firmly with their muzzles. As long as you dare to move your finger, you will pull the trigger without hesitation.

They are all the confidants of Surbaggio, who don't hesitate to give their lives...This is not enough to describe their loyalty. In other words, even if the young duke looks after their wife. There will be no tangled mentality.

"Why did you do this?"

Stembert did not squint, and fell on Surbaggio's hideous face from beginning to end, as if he hadn't seen the guards and the guns in their hands.

"Because I want to do this."

The answer was short and choking, but it was his heart.

Surbaggio's stern eyes moved back and forth on the two of them, and said: "What a courage, do you know that this is a felony of treason?"

"Treason?" Creston smiled: "Meng Haoyu and McDowell are also treason."

"So they died." Surbaggio smoothed the folds on his sleeves and added: "Even their family."

The wrinkles in the corners of Steinbell's eyes huddled together. Cough gently twice.

Creston looked at the not-so-bright light source on the ceiling, his slightly narrowed eyes struggling.

Steinbell patted his slightly stiff hand lying flat on the armrest of the seat, and said, "No matter what the result is. We just did what we should do, and the Lord Duke must also want us to do it."

Obviously, the Lord Duke in his mouth was Congreve, not Surbaggio in front of him.

The young duke stared at his face, feeling that the two faces were so dazzling.

"Father? It's a joke. Father is dead. Now I am the master of the entire duchy."

He waved to the left and right: "Tie them to me. After today, I will let all those who dare to resist know the fate of rebellion."

Two guards stepped forward. The two men were pulled down from the seats extremely bluntly and pressed down to the ground, and then used the rope prepared in advance to tie Stanbell and Creston.

The rope is very tight. Bright blood marks were drawn on the wrists of the two.

Sulbaggio finally let out a sullen sigh, and ordered a guard behind him: "Call the maintenance crew to come and replace the parts immediately."

Creston said: "You have no chance."

Surbaggio was a little puzzled, he said this sentence without thinking.

"Do you think that without the Obsidian Fleet, I can't reverse the situation? The surnamed Tang has some skills, but so what? Now'Golding' is still in my hands, I haven't lost yet."

Creston closed his slightly opened mouth and remained silent.

Surbaggio said: "I really don't understand why you did this because you don't want to give up your military power? Is life important or military power important?"

Stanbell opened his slightly squinted eyes, looked at his face and said, "Is fate or power important?"

Surbaggio did not expect that he would ask himself the same question, and for a while, he was reborn and embraced you.

Is life important or power important? He had never thought of such a problem, because he was destined to take over the Duke one day in the future, every step he took, every second he took, brought him closer and closer to the throne of power.

Now Stanbell asked him whether life was important or power was important, which made him a little confused and even more angry, as angry as the dragon king was uncovered by Ni Lin.

He doesn't allow others to go against his will, let alone being denied the meaning of life. He still uses this method to speak from a prisoner.

He had never beaten anyone with his own hands. He punched Stanbell in the face and roared loudly: "I will kill you. I will also punish your dear ones... No, not only the dear ones, all with you Those who have friendship will die...This is the price you have to pay for it."

Stanbell spit out the blood in his mouth, calmly looked at the young prince's distorted face, and said: "You are nothing but a power plaything... Your life has no meaning."

Finished. He walked towards the door and straightened his spine, even if it made his arm more painful.

Creston moved forward under the push of the guard. He fell from a general to a prisoner, which seemed like a shameful thing, but he was smiling, laughing very happy. It is a kind of realization and relief.

They returned the insults they had suffered at the banquet on the viewing platform to the young duke.

This made them happy and honored, as if seeing the late old duke smiling at them.

Until the two of them disappeared at the end of the corridor, Surbaggio suppressed the raging anger in his heart. He said with a voice that was so hoarse as if sandpaper was grinding the wall: "I am the power, the supreme power, which can determine the power of your life and death. They are one body, and there is no need to distinguish which is important!"

It is a pity that Stanbell and Creston have gone far away under the **** of the guards, unable to respond to his words.

Such a scene is very different, and Surbaggio is more like a brain damage.

The two guards who stayed behind obviously wouldn't remind him, compared to humans. They are more like two unsmiling machines.

Sulbaggio walked outside and calmed down as he approached the door.

Stanbell and Creston want to borrow Tang Fang's hand to get rid of him? It's just a dream, if he wants to leave. No one can stop it.

It's just that he doesn't want to leave like this, he hasn't lost yet, he still has the Edward fleet, and...


When Surbaggio escorted the two to the command center, Tang had already breached the outer defense line of the military port and entered the core area. And with the help of Emma, ​​he intruded into the closed-circuit monitoring system and obtained the whereabouts of Sulbaggio. Naturally, I heard the conversation of the three.

Unexpectedly, the other party would turn back, and Stanbell and Creston turned their heads over to Sulbaggio.

If the Young Lord wants to get in touch with the Edward Fleet or the Obsidian Fleet, he must find another way. For example, using the quantum communication system of the flagship "Albatross" of the Amber Fleet would undoubtedly waste a lot of time, not to mention that the crew of the "Albatross" are Steinbell's confidants, and he simply cannot believe it.

Considering that the Edward Fleet and Obsidian Fleet were unable to catch up for a while, Tang decided to take the lead. While tracking Surbaggio based on the route map provided by Emma, ​​he sent out instructions to Izsha.

Since he intends to take care of "Aradele", he will take care of it to the end.

Since he decided to die, Surbaggio would not be merciful.

At the same time, Behemoth, hidden in the outer asteroid belt of the seventh planet of "Aradère", was like a whale out of the water, smashing the fine rocks surrounding it, and appeared in the outer space of the planet.

A series of faint blue ripples flashed from the ends of the appendages. After about 10 breaths, the light flowed through the body like a waterfall, and the huge body disappeared instantly.


Behemoth is commanded by Izsha, with nearly 300 Corruptors, 70 Wyverns, and 50 newly mutated Devourers in his abdominal cavity. In addition to this, there are some ground troops of the Protoss, which can rely on large men for powerful output.

Such a configuration of forces used to deal with the Edward Fleet is naturally a matter of course.

However, the absence of suspense does not mean that everything will develop according to plan. The reality is a big drama, and there are always unexpected things happening.

When Behemoth appeared in the void on the periphery of "Aitya", Izsha was stunned when he saw the projected image on the biological mucosa in front of him.

The Edward Fleet did not gather the warships under his command and prepare to rush to the Golding Naval Port. It is not that Fenerro Coria did not want to do that, but that he did not have the opportunity to do it.

A fierce naval battle is taking place in the void thousands of kilometers away from "Aitya".

More than 1,000 warships belonging to the Edward Fleet are fighting fiercely with a fleet of 400 warships.

It can be seen that the two sides only fought soon, because there were no major casualties.

In terms of the number of warships, the Edwardian fleet is in absolute advantage, almost three times that of its opponents, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the two sides are almost the same.

That fleet of 400 warships outperformed the Edwardian fleet in terms of attack, defense, range, coordination, etc.

Izsha didn't know what happened, why a fleet suddenly came out at such a knot. Enemy with Surbaggio's Edward fleet.

The battleships of the two sides are of the same origin, and they are all standard battleships produced by the Turanx United Kingdom. However, it can be clearly found that the smaller number of battleships under the command of the party have been modified. Although the appearance has not changed much, the equipment performance is completely different.

"Obsidian...Obsidian? Obsidian Fleet? Obsidian Fleet is fighting with Edward Fleet?"

Saw a small number of battleship paintings on the side. There is also the "Huguang" that is so optimistic to the people of the Duke of Knar--the Duke of Congreve's car, Izsha exclaimed.

"Huguang" is a powerful battleship built entirely from inert zero element crystals. It is said that the ship was built on the basis of an extremely severely damaged battleship Ypsilon with only the central keel and auxiliary structures. Cheng is the old duke’s most beloved collection.

Yes, it is a collector's item in the eyes of Congreve.

Since it is a collection. Naturally, a beautiful coat is required, so the beautiful inert crystals like Xinghui become its new outfit. Because it looks like a calm lake, it has the title "Huguang".

Most people are deceived by its bright coat after seeing it, and few people care about its actual combat ability. In fact, as Congreve's car, it may never have a chance to go on the battlefield.

But today, after the death of Congreve, the "Huguang" finally ushered in the maiden battle.

Facts have proved that the original cost is very worthwhile. The "Huguang" is not just a pleasing battleship. Its small hull has a defensive power far exceeding that of the Oracle-class battleship, which is especially manifested in electromagnetic damage and Resistance to heat damage.

This warship with a body length of only more than 300 meters is as dazzling as a natural pearl among countless obsidians. It's so gorgeous, even if the radiant rays of the battleship explode, it can't block its elegance.

Congreve is indeed dead. But the spiritual symbol of "Huguang" has not died yet.

In a sense, the Obsidian Fleet is the continuation of his will. The enemy of the Obsidian Fleet is naturally the happiness expected by the enemy of the Old Duke.

The war in outer space is shocking and confused, and even the local government can't figure out what happened. Until the old duchess told people in a harsh and resentful tone that the Obsidian Fleet had been bought by Captain Tang and forgot the kindness of Congreve to them. Launch a criminal war of treason and call on people to unite to resist those shameless rebels.

At the beginning, he used cruel methods to treat people like Meng Haoyu and McDowell. Let the scarlet terror envelop the world, and now call on the people to unite and resist the Obsidian fleet.

Black is her, white is her, and it is still her who reverses black and white.

Many civilians sneered at this, and gradually saw the faces of the Duchess and Surbaggio, and even speculated why the Obsidian Fleet would fight the Edward Fleet to the death.

That doesn't matter to Captain Tang at all, what kind of treason war? What shameless rebel? It was simply the **** bowl that the official buttoned on the head of the Obsidian Fleet.

Congreve’s more than 20 years of institutional reforms have given people more progressive thinking and wisdom. Not everyone believes in Amanda Krivart’s nonsense.

Izsha immediately reported what happened to "Aitiya" to Tang Fang, who was far away in the Golding Military Port, and asked him what to do, whether to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, or go up and join together?

He thought of the conversation between Stanbell and Creston and Surbaggio just now, and he felt that it was far from being as simple as the surface.

They didn't know what they had said with Carter Bonaro. The Obsidian Fleet unexpectedly appeared in "Aitiya", before Izsha launched an attack on the Edward Fleet.

Judging from the current situation, the Obsidian fleet is on the verge of turning a blind eye, not only turning a deaf ear to the tensions in the Golding naval port, but also sending troops "Aitiya" to attack the Edward Fleet.

From this point of view, Stanbell and Creston deliberately created conditions for their occupation of the Golding military port.

While he was quietly analyzing the situation of "Aradère", Emma reported another unexpected situation. The Ghost Fighter Group, which was carrying out a bombing mission at the Battleship Wharf, sent a message that the small and medium-sized battleships of the Amber Fleet had a civil disturbance and finally left the port. The battleship suddenly turned its muzzle and launched an attack on the first battleship that left the port. In the face of a sudden change in the battle situation, what should the Ghost Fighter Brigade do?

Infighting also occurred on the battleship dock?

At this moment, several detectors arranged on the edge of the stellar system's warp interception network sent a message that an explosion reaction was detected near some large warp interception equipment, and the naval fleet stationed had an unusual post transfer.

On the other hand, the large fleet that had just sailed out of the Golding Naval Port ignored the Protoss fighter planes that besieged the "Monsoon" ~www.novelmtl.com~ and started the warp engines one after another, leaving this chaotic war zone.

Tang Fang finally figured out what had happened.

It turned out that Steinbell, Clayston, Carter and other military generals who had a tense relationship with Surbaggio chose to launch a military coup when they attacked the Golding Naval Port.

If analyzed from a global perspective, the left-handed concept of Congreve and Surbaggio is the basis of the contradiction. The tragic deaths of Meng Haoyu, Mador and his tribe are the catalysts for the intensification of the contradiction. Surbaggio rashly gave a grand feast. The need to seize control of the Amber Fleet once again intensified the conflict between the two sides, until they raided the Golding military port, which became the fuse for the complete outbreak of this military coup.

From a logical point of view, it is a logical thing for Surbaggio to take over as the Duke. People such as Steinbell, Creston, and Carter launched a military coup that is unjustified, and it is itself a kind of innocent act, and its military strength. There is no advantage in the above, it is difficult to kill Surbaggio who controls the Edward fleet, the garrisoned naval fleet, and most of the Amber fleet. (To be continued)

ps: Thanks, Xia Mo Canxing, Yuan Huiye, Porcupine, w?h?t?, Makino Rumi, Confused Fox, Emperor Tank, Chinese General of Command and Conquer, Source of Everything,, Spider Crab, Add Salt The Chinese cabbage, Deng Mao, and Silent, were rewarded by 15 book friends.

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