Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 614: cause and effect

Tang Fang's eyes were fixed on his face full of resentment, unwillingness, doubt, anger, and grievance. He felt that Young Duke was really an interesting person. Just like others describe him, he would often be self-conscious, but he was dealing with certain problems. He was extremely smart at the time.

Is the Young Duke a wise man, or is he a fool who can't figure out what is going on?

If the identities of the two parties are reversed, he will immediately abandon the useless duke status, because he knows that Captain Tang will not care about duke or duke at all, and only whether he should kill him or not.

Kurobachino paid the due price for his crimes, and Surbaggio is naturally also responsible for the things he did on the Organ Coast. This has nothing to do with status, but with fairness.

He wants to be fair, and he also wants others to be fair, at least in his eyes.

Because there is no fairness in this world, fairness must be created. If everyone does not do it, fairness will never be possible.

The infected person suddenly appeared in the conference room. The huge body almost filled a small half of the room. Office desks, chairs and some electronic equipment were squeezed into the corner.

A pungent fishy smell spread, and the arm-thin tentacles dripped black mucus, and some milky white bugs got in and out of it, leaving strips on the surface of the slowly spreading mucus. Distorted crawl marks.

Sulpaggio had never seen a scene before him. His eyes widened once again, and he could clearly see the blood line on the edge of the white of his eyes, which looked extremely hideous.

"What do you want to do?"

Only then did he realize one thing, power and status cannot save him, and the Devourer cannot save him. The Supreme Council cannot save him either.

Captain Tang himself started off by relying on biological warships, and of course he has profound knowledge in the field of biological sciences. It is naturally reasonable to be able to drive this kind of devilish worm.

But... how did it appear in the conference room? It is obviously difficult to pass through the security gate.

This is Surbaggio's last thought, or question.

A black shadow flashed, and the sting needle from the tail of the infected person pierced the back of the young duke's neck. Tiny neuroparasites travel all the way to the brain.

He began to twitch, his eyelids rolled up and the whites of his eyes were exposed, looking like a stroke.

Every time he saw such a scene, Tang Jian felt his back spine numb, and a chill in his vest...even if he was the owner of the infected person.

quickly. Some of the memory fragments of the young dukes selected by Emma drew his attention from the infected insects into his mind.

After browsing all the information, combined with the relevant historical data collected by the Star Trails Command Center, he finally figured out what happened to the Duke of Knar.

The origin of the matter started from the differences between the Duke of Congreve and many members of the Knell family in looking at the territory, looking at subjects and civilians.

Because when Congreve was young, he was the head of a logistics unit appointed by the Turanx United Kingdom to participate in the fight against the Jupiter Expeditionary Force. He has seen all kinds of generals and soldiers from the forces of the Silombel region. . Experienced deceit, suspicion, compromise, prevarication, infighting... and so on.

At the same time, he saw the ruthlessness of war, the cruelty of political struggle, and the sordidness of nations.

The countries of the Silombel region work together to fight against the Jupiter Expeditionary Army. Under such a seemingly beautiful and glorious appearance, it is full of unbearable and disgusting sin and darkness.

No country really wants to help the Star Alliance, especially the dictatorship. They want to see that everything about the Star Alliance ceases to exist in this world and completely make it history. Only in this way will they break away from the shadow of the Star Alliance and completely usher in their own era.

But the Star Covenant cannot be destroyed, once the Star Covenant falls. The Jupiter Expeditionary Force will fully occupy the Tianchao star area and radiate its power and influence to the countries of the Selember region. You can imagine what will happen next.

The best way is to let the Star Alliance never get up and down, in an awkward position to fight the Jupiter Expeditionary Army attrition.

In this way, the Star Alliance spirit will exist in name only, and the Star Alliance that has not yet established a nation will be reduced to the puppets of the seven countries in the Sirenbel region.

At that time, only the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic expressed opposition. Charles Commonwealth Marshal Layton Freeman even scolded the five nations of the Monya Empire, the Turanx United Kingdom, the Sulu Empire, the Republic of Date, and the Sauron Empire for their shamelessness at the Joint Operations Conference. The Star Alliance promised their "kindness" simply to lead the wolf into the room ------ afterwards it proved that the old marshal's words were correct.

The social environment at that time was that after the disintegration of the Star Alliance, the Sirenbel region had been warped for many years. A delicate balance was finally formed, showing a trend of separatism. And because of the invasion of the Jupiter Expeditionary Army. The external environment is tense, and the domestic environment of various countries is not very good. Autocratic regimes such as the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire can burst out powerful forces under the force of the ruling class. On the other hand, the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic are war-weary among civilians. The sentiment is extremely strong. Although it has the development potential far surpassing the authoritarian regime because of the system, it is indeed the bottom of the G7 in terms of the environment at the time.

Therefore, their opposition is as weak as a newborn baby crying, and it is difficult to reverse the overall situation.

Just like a saying, because of darkness, light is precious.

There is another sentence, only in the darkest night sky, will there be the most brilliant light.

Even in that environment, the people of the Star Alliance never thought about giving up their country, even if their so-called "nation" no longer exists.

Women will send their children to school every morning, and then rush to the factory to produce batches of brand-new military uniforms to see them being transported on the shuttle to the blue sky.

They will use the noon break to write to their husbands who are on the front line. Some will tell them what their children have learned in class today; some will tell them that she loves him and will wait for him to return; some will attach a photo , Tell them that the flowers planted in the early spring in the garden have bloomed; some will recite the wedding vows in a peaceful and warm voice.

"I am willing to be his wife. Starting from today, we will have and support each other. Whether it is good or bad, rich or poor, disease or health, we will love and cherish each other. Until death can we be separated."


The young Congreve felt that it was the most memorable thing he had experienced in his life. The feelings between people are the most shining in this dark universe. The most beautiful light, nothing can be more precious than them.

Looking back around, he suddenly found that the faces of the nations are disgusting, how hypocritical the title of elegance, glory, nobility, etc., which the domestic aristocracy prides itself on.

He doesn't want to be like those people, he wants to take a different path. Let the things that should be shining shine hard, and let the things that don't see the light fall into nothingness.

He also knows what is hard to return, what is resistance is great, so he did not hesitate to spend more than 20 years, starting from bit by bit. Slowly change the entire duchy and fight against opponents within the Knar family and other old nobles in the domain.

Such reforms allowed him to gain a lot of support from the people, as well as the support of enlightened nobles and generals. Just like Carter, Steinbell, Creston...

But it inevitably moved the cheese of many people.

Especially in the past few years, Congreve has realized that his body has begun to go downhill, in order not to let the reform cause fail. On the one hand, he speeded up the planning process, on the other hand, he tried to find a way to make him live for two more years. He was worried that once he died, the Duke would once again sink into the abyss of darkness.

This impatience caused two problems.

The first problem is that the "Arms of God" successfully mixed into the "Luerzan" scientific research park on the grounds that the genetic engineering of the Epsilon people helped to improve the human body and increase the average life span of humans.

The second problem comes from within the Knell family. More and more opposition voices have converged into a wave, raging within the duchy. If it weren't for Congreve's prestige, if it weren't for the Amber Fleet, Obsidian Fleet, and the Garrison Naval Fleet of "Aradère", there would have been family turmoil long ago.

If Congreve is the representative of the ducal reformists. Then Surbaggio is the representative of the opponents within the Knell family.

It is sigh and sigh that the representatives of these two opposing forces turned out to be the relationship between father and son, and Surbaggio is also the first heir to the duke.

It's like some aristocrats in Turanx's United Kingdom who are not in harmony with Congreve laughed at him. It is a great irony that other people raise their sons to live on their behalf a hundred years later, but Congreve is raising his sons to deny himself.

In fact, Congreve was very helpless. He knew that Sulbaggio was on the opposite side of him, and he could not deprive Sulbaggio as the heir to the title, so he considered the friendship between father and son. Secondly, doing so will intensify the conflict between him and the stubborn forces in the clan, and it is likely to trigger a coup.

on the other hand. Because Congreve implemented more and more enlightened policies in his territory, he and the new faction headed by Sange Will diverged in their attitude towards civilians. And as the reform intensified, his behavior tore through the alliance of interests between the Duke of Knar and Chance Will bit by bit.

In order to gain broad political support, the old-school forces headed by Henrietta have begun to implement reforms in the territory in recent years. This has made many people wonder whether Congreve will change his course and join Henrietta’s camp.

Congreve did have such considerations at the beginning, wondering whether if he fell to Henrietta’s camp, he would force the opposing forces within the family to compromise, because Chance Will would never tolerate betrayal, the Knar family If you want to continue, you have to rely on Henrietta and continue to deepen reforms.

However, because the old-school forces are becoming more and more politically weak, the reform progress is slow, and the forces are not too peaceful within the forces. The radicals who advocate reforms and the conservatives who oppose the reforms are in conflict. If it were not for Henrietta's pressure, it would have fallen apart long ago.

Against this background, Congreve cannot foresee what will happen in the future. If the old-school forces headed by Henrietta lose in this political game that lasts for more than a decade, what is the significance of his reform behavior?

Although opposition to him within the Knell family continues, he still cannot abandon his identity as a member of the Knell family and feels that one cannot forget his roots.

This psychological contradiction lasted until a few months ago. Because of the deterioration of his physical fitness and the acceleration of the pace of reform, his relationship with the opposition within the clan deteriorated sharply, and he had to make a choice.

In order to carry out the reform to the end, he decided to take the lead. So I found Stanbell, Creston, Kurobaquino and others to discuss the details.

The opposition represented by Surbaggio is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is mobilized from the "Aradère" force and personnel arrangements. And in the news sent from various secret channels, I smelled the strong smell of gunpowder inside. In order to protect myself, I could only choose to tear my face with Congreve and prepare to use the killer.

This so-called killer is the modulated phagosome polymer of the Supreme Council.

There is no shortage of smart people in this world. When Congreve operated his own forces in the officialdom and the army, and continued to promote reforms, some old people of the Knell family realized that a political crisis might erupt in the future, so they were also looking for a force to restrain Congreve, and Eventually encountered the resurgence of the Supreme Council, after learning of each other's interests. The two sides hit it off and formed a strategic alliance.

However, the dramatic thing is that before Congreve and the opposition in the clan tear their faces apart, the "God Arms" who grabbed the pigtails took a step forward. Using Kurobakino's dark move to kill Congreve, the military and political circles of "Aradère" had no leader, and there was a chaos.

Surbaggio took the opportunity to lead the Edward Fleet into the Golding Naval Port. With the secret help of some supporters and Kurobachino, he continued to fight and control the garrisoned naval fleet and part of the Amber Fleet, which evolved into Tang Fang just now. The situation on arrival.

What surprised Tang Fang was. Kurobachino deserves to be a natural politician, and he is extremely cunning.

He is a dark chess "armed by God" placed beside Congreve, but the two sides are only a cooperative relationship. Since the "God-armed" man after Congreve's death fulfilled his original promise and healed his body, there is no need for the alliance between the two parties to continue.

You know that Congreve died in his hands. If this thing leaks out, Surbaggio will spare them? It is impossible to guarantee that he will not be used to kill chickens and monkeys in order to establish their prestige. At the same time, the goal of appeasing Stanbell and Creston was achieved.

The existence of "Arms of God" is tantamount to a time bomb for him, and he must completely dismantle them.

then. As a person who secretly helped Surbaggio seize the power of the garrisoned naval fleet and gain reuse and trust, Kurobaquino labeled some organizations in the "Ruerzan" scientific research institute as a "congrev faithful supporter". Report to Surbaggio. Completely betray the original partner "Arms of God".

He originally planned to lead a team to remove those stumbling blocks, but at the combat meeting, he was called off by a consultant of Surbaggio, and he was only responsible for the evacuation of irrelevant technical personnel from the "Rulzan" research institute. Someone else has to deal with it.

Kurobachino didn't expect such a turning point in things, but was unable to change it. He could only follow Sulbakgio's order to evacuate the "Rulzan" research institute and wait quietly.

He was very afraid that Surbaggio’s final choice would be to recruit the "Arms of God", which would bring him a disaster, so he seemed a little absent-minded during the Tang Dynasty’s attack on the Golding Naval Port. As the commander of the garrisoned naval fleet He didn't make any constructive comments, but his eyes flickered and he was thinking about it.

Facts have proved his luck, because the relationship between the Supreme Council and the armed forces of God is not harmonious.

The consultant next to Surbaggio is named Burwell Arnold, and he is one of the nine council members of the Supreme Council. After taking over the power of disposal from Kurobakino, the research institute "Rulzan" is irrelevant. After the personnel were evacuated, a transportation squad belonging to the Edward Fleet’s landing force was immediately ordered to send its men to the "Ruerzan" scientific research institute area, intending to use the phagosome polymer to kill the members of the God's armed forces, and then Tang Fang was cloning A series of events seen in human memory.

Then, Kurobakino's good fortune in the past few days painted a rest...and his life was also painted with the rest.

After digesting the information, Tang Fang turned his attention back to the present, secretly lamenting that he would always be involved in some complicated political struggles, which made people very speechless.

But think about it carefully, this is something that is bound to happen, even if you are not involved in such a political conspiracy, you will be involved in such a partisan struggle. If he is a small person who is a little bit of a dog, he is working for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, raising children, living a life of a clerk or a small trader, whether it is a political conspiracy or a partisan struggle, he is separated from him by thousands of miles. so far.

But if a small employee chooses to be fair ~www.novelmtl.com~ and speaks out for justice, he will definitely encounter influence from the government and even get involved in political conspiracies. If a small vendor trades more and more and becomes a business giant, then he will surely interact with political figures. Even involved in partisan struggles.

This is an inevitable fact. Because every step of human power, it gets closer and closer to those at the top of the pyramid and the things those people do.

The so-called people are in the rivers and lakes, and they are involuntarily involuntarily, which is roughly the meaning.


"What did you do to me? What did you guy do to me?"

The infected insect eliminated the influence of the neuroparasites on him according to Tang Fang's instructions, and Surbaggio woke up from his absence. Although he didn't know what happened during the time he lost consciousness, it was definitely not a good thing.

"It's very simple." Tang Fang said calmly, "Just looked at the things stored in your head."

What's in my head...? (To be continued)

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