Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 635: Sleep, friend

He didn't know how long he had slept, and a dull voice came into his ears in a dim sound, mixed with curses from the prison guard.

Being disturbed to sleep is a very uncomfortable thing, especially for people like Captain Tang who depend on bed attributes.

No warning was issued, proving that there was no danger.

He wanted to continue sleeping, but the sound that followed completely disturbed his dreams, his sleepiness faded away, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The sensor light in the room was slowly dimming, and the footsteps of prison guards gradually faded away.

He sat up from the bed, looked at the place where the sound came from, and found a person lying on the floor of the cell.

The man tried to get up, but only in exchange for a slight twitch of his hands and feet, it seemed that his injury was not light, and it was so difficult to move.

From the conversations between the prison guards who escorted three people to the prison area and their subordinates, it can be seen that in order to protect the health of death inmates, the government has very strict regulations on prisons, and prison guards are not allowed to lynch prisoners, especially death inmates. Why did the elderly prison guard give the three people a bit of a bitter taste, and also ordered their hands to let the wind go outside?

What makes people feel strange is that in this context, the prison guards dare to torture people to such a degree. If they are tortured to death in prison, some people may be held responsible.

Of course, no matter what the inside story is about this matter, as a sympathetic person, he turned on the lamp in the cell for the first time and carried the man who was unable to get up on the ground to the opposite bed.

The man was about the same height as him, he was thin, about 27 or 8 years old, his pale face was covered with scars, and the blood from the corners of his mouth and nostrils had dried up. Occasionally sweat drips down, making the already ugly face even more messy.

In addition, on the wrists, bare legs, and under the collar of the prison uniform, you can clearly see the traces of the whipping, especially the two circles of bruises on the ankles. It's shocking, I think I was hung in the air by the head and toes.

After experiencing such torture, he has not yet died, and he is worthy of the word "tenacious". After all, this man is not a soldier like Howson or Churchill, but looks more like a little white-collar worker engaged in civilian work.

The man's consciousness is still sober, knowing that someone with good intentions moved him to bed. Reluctantly opened one of the eyes that was not swollen, and said in a weak and dry voice very politely: "Thanks...thanks."

Tang Fang didn't answer, staring at his face, wondering what crime such a weak scholar had committed, and was actually sentenced to death by the law. It was so severely beaten.

He said: "Don't move, I'll pour you a glass of water."

After speaking, I picked up the mug with the prisoner's number on the bedside, went to the pool in the corner of the room and took a half glass of water, hesitated when I was about to return to the bedside, turned my hand and caught a small dropper, and squeezed a few into it. Drip the green liquid, then walked back and raised the man's head. Put the cup against his dry lips to help him drink the water in the cup.

The man did not notice that the water was glowing with light green, and he did not have enough energy to observe these details. Being able to survive such torture depends on the unyielding will in the mind, telling the body at all times not to give up, not to admit defeat, even at the last moment, not to give up.

This is what he said to others. At this time it was his turn, the only thing he could do. It is to lead by example and use the will not to admit defeat to overcome physical pain.

The light in the cell opposite came on. Standing behind the glass door, Howson said something loudly. On the next bed, Churchill raised his head and looked at Tang Fang’s cell curiously. He said in confusion: “It turns out that the boss lives in a private room.”

Howson wanted to wake him up with a punch.

Tang Fang noticed the situation opposite, waved his hand at the two people, told them that he was okay, don’t worry, then sat back on his bed and said in a very calm tone: “If you have anything to say, it’s late, go to sleep. "After speaking, turn off the room lights, lie back on the bed and continue sleeping.

The man opened his mouth and didn't say anything after all, because he really didn't know what to say except for thanking him.

He didn't know whether it was the psychological effect or the body had become accustomed to the pain. He felt that his body was getting better, at least the pain from the injury was obviously relieved, his strength was restored, and he was able to do simple activities such as turning over and raising his head.

As the room plunged into darkness, he fell into a deep sleep under the impact of tiredness.

Tang Fang did not take a break for the first time. He ordered Emma to retrieve the identity information associated with the man stored in the prison database, so as to get ready to understand what "heroic" deeds the prisoner did, and that he was treated differently.

After a few breaths, the Star Trails Command Center completed the invasion mission, and Emma presented the man's identity information and actions to him.

He never thought that the man sleeping next to him could really deserve the praise of "heroic". The most important thing was that this matter had something to do with him.

Captain Tang has the urge to vomit blood. If it were not to save Zhou Ai, he had to intervene in the "Aradele" chaos. Turanx's United Kingdom political affairs have a relationship with him. It's fine now, and he really has an ass. Show. The two **** of Kriwana and Turramon were born out of nothing, and deliberate slander had their political purpose. Now they are involved in the innocent and affect the civilian population, which is really irritating.

According to the information sealed in the prison database, the man lying on the bed next to him is Saik Bakar. He is half Germanic and half Han. He is 28 years old this year and works as a lawyer.

In his early years, Saike studied in the Dolanx Republic through non-governmental channels, majoring in law at the university and majoring in anthropology.

The Dolanx Republic, as one of the three democratic countries in the Sylembel Region, which is as famous as the Charles Federation and the Star Alliance, has extremely high attainments in the humanities and social sciences, far surpassing those specialized countries.

For example, in the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, domestic universities mainly focus on science and engineering. These subjects that advocate humanistic care and social responsibility are basically absent. Even if some schools have barely opened a few social science-related courses in recent years, it is a shame. Big, little education, mainly used to block the mouths of Charles Federation, Star Alliance and other countries. In other words, it is to set up an archway to fool outsiders and ghosts.

There are many Turanx people who enter the Dolanx Republic through various channels for further study, and some of them are affected by democratic ideas. Desire to have an independent personality, and on this basis, have doubts and resistance to the values, outlook on life and world outlook formed in the past in Turanx, United Kingdom.

As a progressive student majoring in law, he was dissatisfied with the current social situation in Turanx, United Kingdom, and felt that since the country made laws, why nobles and officials override it. The standard of punishment followed in cases involving senior officials is not the application of the law, but the instructions of the incumbent class to deceive the citizens by means of black-box manipulation, forgery, perjury, and water down, so as to achieve the purpose of justifying the offender.

In this way, the law becomes a kind of high-sounding, used to combat and suppress civilians. A tool to maintain the rule of the aristocracy. There is no doubt that this is an insult to human dignity, a blasphemy of human nature, and a deception to the people.

Seike Bakar is a young man with a passion for fairness and justice in his body.

He cannot accept such a thing.

same. As a student majoring in law, the most likely careers after graduation are lawyers, judges...and so on.

Whether in the Dolanx Republic, the Star Alliance, or the Charles Federation, the perception that “the law is sacred and inviolable” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially legal personnel. All relevant practitioners will swear an oath to the law before taking up their jobs, and will do their best to treat people fairly and fairly in their future life and work.

Although there is no absolute fairness and justice in the world, there are many, many legal personnel who make persistent efforts. We are making this society better and better.

Despite the long journey, they never stopped.

Cyk is a true patriot, he knows this so-called "country". It is not a polity made up of aristocratic classes on the surface, but a union of the will of the people of the Turanx United Kingdom.

He did not choose to live and work in the Dolanx Republic, like most students studying in the United Kingdom of Turanx, and eventually integrate into such a society and become an authentic Dolanx.

After graduation, he returned to China with a few like-minded law students. Start the road of indomitable resistance and help those who have been treated unfairly to gain dignity through legal channels. Say no to power like a fighter, and then after several years of hard work. Gradually became a well-known figure among the progressives in the legal sciences.

At first, the area where they were active was located in the core area of ​​the capital's economic circle. Because of the wrestling between Anthem and Henrietta, the judicial system presented a rather chaotic situation. This alliance of progressive legal workers was able to survive through cracks and gained the support of the people under the influence of the old school.

Until 1 year ago, Sek Bakar decided to leave "Khanos" and go to "Sibsea", a star system firmly controlled by iron-fisted politics. Because of the rule of Prince Turlamong, it is known as the most economical circle in the capital. Darkness, the most deadly place.

Inspired by his conscience and morality, he came to the "Gypsell" to defend those cases who have hidden information and should not be beaten by the government. In the process, he promoted the local justice done by the "Sibesia" government to the public. Interpretation and misrepresentation of national laws, trampling on the right to life of civilians in the jurisdiction, stifling favors, and insulting humanity.

This kind of thing spread to Turramon Olipod’s ears. As a great nobleman with a strong militaristic style, he was naturally extremely upset that a cockroach jumped up and down on the clean floor of his home, even if it was him. The alternative pets raised by my uncle's house dared to spread wildly on his site, and they had to trample to death.

Seike Bakar was arrested by Krivana for the crimes of disrupting public affairs and disrupting social order, and then forged a series of so-called "criminal evidence". He was convicted of a capital crime even without the trial process, and was secretly thrown into Bibury North. Suburban prison.

Since his disappearance, his friends have started to run around for help, through old-school forces and international human rights organizations, to put pressure on Anthem and Turamon to stop their atrocities and release Cyk.

Interestingly, just in time for the death of Congreve, "Aradel" broke out in a coup, and "Morning Star Casting" intervened in Duke Knell's internal affairs. As the most loyal supporter of Hymn Will, Turamon immediately instructed Krivana to create a wave of public opinion in the territory of "Sibsia", discredit the "Morning Star Casting", discredit Captain Tang, and bombarded propaganda. The offensive planted Tang Fang as a demon in the minds of civilians, the image of the greatest enemy of the people of the Turanx United Kingdom, and can also be used to transfer internal conflicts and stabilize social order.

on the other hand. Due to the persistent struggle of the "cockroaches" of "Khanos", the pressure from the old-school forces and the international side made Turamon feel unhappy, and more and more wanted to kill Syk Bakar to vent his hatred.

Of course, he must find a better reason, so as not to leave the truth. Let those pesky ants pour dirty water on themselves.

His Royal Highness still cherishes his feathers, because he is a person of good face.

He is willing to discredit others, but he does not want to see others verbally criticize him.

There is no doubt that Krivana is a qualified military division, and soon he has a good idea. If Sek Bakar admits that the alliance formed by progressive legal workers is connected with "Morning Star Casting" , Those things that disturbed the social order were instructed by Captain Tang to do them. Wouldn't it be possible to punish them for being a foreigner? Not only get reasons to clean up those annoying "cockroaches", it can further vilify Captain Tang's image, and it can also attack old-school forces politically, achieving the result of killing three birds with one stone.

So, Lord Earl instructed the warden to trick Seck with promises. As long as he personally admits that he is friends with Captain Tang, he can be free and return to a normal society.

In fact, this so-called promise is basically a deception. Once Sai overcomes the weakness and recognizes the relationship between the two parties as required, he will immediately be sentenced to capital punishment, and then he will be convicted of being a foreigner. It also affected the old-school forces represented by Tang Fang and Henrietta.

It is true that under a rigorous legal system, the recognition of friendship does not explain any problems. The party cannot be found guilty.

But... the Turanx United Kingdom is not a country with a rigorous legal system, nor does it need to have a rigorous legal system. Again, the so-called law is just a fig leaf to make your body look more beautiful. some.

of course. It is also a tool...a very good tool, who knows who uses it.

unfortunately. Seike Bakar’s mouth is very strict, and he doubts the authenticity of the warden’s so-called promise. Guess Krivana is playing tricks again. Moreover, even if there is no such suspicion, he would not admit it, because he did not know any Captain Tang at all. As a person who always talks about fairness and justice, how could he be ignorant of his conscience. To lie?

Later, the temptation turned into a beating, and the rhetoric turned into sticks.

To this day, he has once again undergone repeated torture and was sent back to the prison in a dying state.

He is tenacious and very lucky.

His luck was won by himself, with his tenacious perseverance, and the spirit of never giving up... But if you use the word "destiny" to describe it, no one will object.

Sometimes things in the world are so wonderful, so wonderful that one wonders whether everything is fixed in the future.

Sek Bakar was already asleep, and he was snoring discontinuously.

He hasn't slept so sweetly for a long time.

In the darkness, there was a sigh, then a soft whisper: "Go to sleep...friend."


When Tang Fang arrived in the Siberia star system and entered the "Gypsell", the Georgia star system with an interval of 13.8 light-years also welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

Aros controlled the special operations transport ship and landed in the hilly area near the third-tier town of Lavenham, a small town called Lavenham.

Claire led Bai Hao, Bai Yue, Roy, Ying Luo, and Linglong out of the cabin and walked towards the foot of the mountain, where there was a road leading to Lavenham.

The veteran was not interested in the scene where his relatives met and cried, and stayed in the special operations transport ship to take a nap. Of the two ghost agents Tang Fang left him, one was arranged nearby by him. Although the special operations transport ship had activated its stealth device, it was found by the official investigative facility without fear, but he was careful.

Another ghost agent secretly protects Kleiya and others to ensure that they will not worry about their lives.

The Georgia Star System is located outside the economic circle of the capital, and is the territory of Tripatti Singh, the famous amorous Duke of Turanx, United Kingdom. He is a famous **** in the kingdom's aristocratic circle. There are 36 well-known female partners. There are so many others who have no status, such as occupied court maids, entertainment stars, and women who have been married couples overnight. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 3,000.

That's the number~www.novelmtl.com~Tripati himself also said that it is less...too much less, less than two Chengdu.

It is said that he has a private collection, just like Congreve's collection. It is very precious, but the contents are thousands of miles away.

Congreve’s collection is filled with elegant art and antiques. There is nothing valuable in the Duke of Tripatti’s secret room, which is filled with huge photographs of women who have had relationships with him.

When Duke Tripati is idle, he always likes to shut himself in the collection hall, quietly recalling those years, those things, those women who have had relations with him.

He has a romantic nature, and he does not shy away from his chaotic private life in front of outsiders, and even once reported nasty deeds of occupying his daughter-in-law.

Tripatti has a romantic capital, not only because of his noble status, he was definitely a talent when he was young, but was a well-known beautiful man in the kingdom's aristocracy.

He is a mixed race of Germans and Dravidians, with a bronze body, a well-defined face, a tall **** nose, hard muscles, and a charming smile. (To be continued)

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