Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 638: The moon is black and wind is high in the night, it's time to kill

Bai Hao left, slammed the door and left without moving the chopsticks on the tempting dishes on the coffee table.

Bai Yueming ordered his favorite braised river prawns.

Roy was lying on the cold floor, looking at the bright stars outside the window. For the first time, he felt that they were so far away, as long as a few lifetimes, and could never be touched.

Bai Yue walked to him, stretched out a clean right hand, and said: "You are not wrong, and Bai Hao is not wrong. What is wrong is this cannibalistic society."

He hesitated for a moment, and got up from the ground holding Bai Yue's hand.

Knowing that it was dark in front of him, a slap on the left cheek slapped him.

"This slap is for Yingluo." The philosopher walked out the door: "Never make the person you like sad. If you want to be a messenger of justice, please be a man first."

He walked away slowly, his back indescribably cool.

He ordered all the dishes on the coffee table, with everyone’s favorite dishes.

Like Bai Hao, he didn't take a bite, just raised his chopsticks, then slowly put it down.

Roy raised the back of his hand and dipped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Yingluo's gaze moved from the blue grass on the window sill to his face, and there was a hint of worry in her tearful eyes.

Bai Hao's punch was very hard, and Bai Yue's slap was also not light.


He walked up to her and said, "I am not good."

Yingluo cried out, and the grievance in her heart was like an overturned teapot, venting out.

She had tried very hard to control herself, until then, seeing the wound on his face and hearing his sentence "I am not good", the suppressed sadness burst out in her heart.

Many times she would ask herself. I asked myself if he liked Roy because he was very much like his father, with the same good temper, the same hard work, and the same holding her in the palm of his hand. Treat it as the most precious treasure.

If you think about it carefully, when they boarded the "Morning Star", it was almost the moment of their father's death. If there is such a thing as fate in the dark, and knowing Roy and Bai Hao, will it be the father who sent him to heaven? Give them gifts, let them protect their sisters instead of him?

anyway. She needs this reason to comfort herself, and she needs this reason to convince herself.

When she chooses to accept such things, those grievances and sorrows, dependence and nostalgia, warmth and happiness. As if from a calm and restless volcano, hot tears gush out at once.

Yingluo threw into his arms, crying very freely, tears and nose together to wet the front of the half-sized boy's t-shirt. Fortunately, the t-shirt was dark, and the wet place was not very real.

Roy saw Linglong desperately suppressing emotions on the solo sofa.

He feels this is not good, and Yingluo’s bitter cry will intensify her grief, with a delicate character. He would never expose his inner weakness in front of him, so he picked up his girlfriend and went to the bedroom inside.

Then... he never came out again.

The living room became quiet, and the induction lamp became dimmed. The faint light covered the walls, with an ambiguous taste.

The dishes on the coffee table slowly cooled down, and the aroma became weaker.

Bai Yue and Bai Hao never returned, nor did they know where they went.

Those dishes are expensive, and if Grant were there, he would definitely scold them distressedly. Then nagging a group of little rascals who don't know what Chai Migui is.

The cry of the bedroom gradually weakened, and finally became inaudible.

Linglong still wrapped her knees. The body shrank into a ball and fell on the wide sofa. It seems to be asleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the door opens dimly, and then the sound of high heels hitting the floor.

She knew that it was Claire who had come back, so she felt relieved and continued to sleep.

Claire entered the room, took a look at the untouched dishes on the coffee table, and looked at the poor girl who had fallen asleep on the sofa, sighed heavily, and walked to her room and took out a blanket to cover her. .

Then I started to clean up the plates on the coffee table and put them in the refrigerator in the kitchen, thinking that they could serve as breakfast for tomorrow.

After finishing this, she drank tea in the living room for a while, thinking of today's experience, she unconsciously sighed again.

She noticed that she sighed a lot today, looking at Linglong on the sofa, she felt an indescribable sense of depression, so she got up and walked out of the room, planning to go downstairs, and by the way determine the location of Ur Cemetery.

After a while, the door opened again, and Bai Hao’s figure appeared in the living room. He saw Linglong curled up on the sofa. He hesitated for a while, but chose to walk over, uncover the blanket on it, gently lift her body, and move towards Go to the room of the two sisters.

However, before halfway through the journey, Linglong who was lying in his arms suddenly opened his eyes and stared at his profile from below.

Bai Hao was startled and put her down out of instinct.

"Where is your courage? Where is the courage to fight Roy just now?"

She looked at him without blinking, eyes like two sharp swords that pierced people's hearts.

He became frantic, feeling a blank in his mind, wondering what she meant by this.

At this moment, Linglong made a very sudden move, cupped his face with her hand, and under Bai Haocheng's panic gaze, she printed her own lips on his lips.

Time seemed to freeze, and the poor guy's mind was blank, and it felt like a dream, so unreal, but the softness between his lips was so clear and real.

He never expected such a turning point in his relationship with Linglong. The girl who was so stubborn that no one would enter would suddenly remove the disguise from her face and respond with a warm kiss to the seemingly weak but strong emotional bond between the two. .

In fact, she is really similar to Zhou Ai.

I don’t know how to be considerate, I can’t learn to cater to it, and I’m not good at expressing deep emotions in words, but this does not mean that they are as cold and hard as ice. In fact, they all have a flame under the appearance of people. Such a hot heart.

Only bloom for the objects they identify with.

It took a long time for Bai Hao's body to go from stiffness to softening, and it took longer for his pupils to shrink from tightening to returning to nature, until Linglong cried again from calm.

Tears ran down their cheeks, drowning their tangled lips.

This is not the first time Bai Hao has tasted the taste of tears. But for the first time that kind of salty permeated my heart and imprinted deep in my soul.

It was a gift Linglong left him, and it was also a kind of pain.

That comes from her low self-esteem, her guilt, her sadness. There is still a loss.

He began to take the initiative, entangled with her with extremely unskilled skills.

This scene looks a little ridiculous, two older children who are not mature enough to grab each other's taste with naive and clumsy kissing skills.

The two people hugged each other like this. I don't know how long it has been before, when "Lelsey", one large and one small moon, rose on the horizon. Put a hazy veil on this small city.

Bai Hao gently picked up Linglong, who was already asleep in his arms, and stood for a while in front of the two sisters' bedroom, turned and walked into his room, laid her flat on the bed, and kissed her forehead gently. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes again, pulled a blanket over it, turned and walked outside the door.

He walked very slowly at first, and his steps were a little messy, but then he gradually accelerated and became calm and powerful.

When he rushed to the corridor, he ran into Baiyue who had returned from a walk.

The philosopher asked: "What are you going to do?"

His answer was very brief, with only two words: "Vengeance."

"Oh." Bai Yue stood there for a while. Suddenly hurried to catch up.

He did not speak.

The philosopher asked: "Can murder alleviate depression?"

He said: "It depends on who is killed."

The moon walks between the window frames, and at first glance it looks like a moon in the heart of a lake.

It was not the moon walking through the window frames, but the two bodies walking through the corridor.

Bai Yue looked out the window. Said: "The moon is black and the wind is high at night, when murdering and setting fire."

There is a month outside the window, no wind.


Siberia star system, Gypsell planet.

The morning light shone on the icy ground in the middle of winter, and there was a harsh light, and pedestrians came and went in a hurry on the street. The tight-fitting air-conditioning suit adds a touch of warmth to the monotonous world.

On the Red Square, soldiers in retro military uniforms stood in the watchtower with their hands behind their backs. The legs are stretched straight, facing the St. Peter's Cathedral not far away. His face was like a stiff stone.

The glass outer wall of the coffee shop is covered with a thick layer of water vapor. Looking in from the outside, the portrait inside is standing in the hazy fog area, only some shadows can be seen, smelling the aroma of coffee and salmon.

Pets living in this era are lucky. They have well-fitting air-conditioning suits that can keep warm, sterilize and cleanse their bodies. They can also lie on the pet pens of magnetic levitation bicycles to observe this colorful world.

They live at ease, more at ease than humans.

There is no responsibility, no burden, no work, no entertainment, and no ugliness hidden behind the glitz.

They only need to please their owner and be a loyal pet.

In contrast, those locked in high walls are much pitiful.

Breakfast is cold pumpkin porridge, and hard French bread. For pickles, I don’t know if tomato sauce is counted.

The prison’s kitchen was contracted to the bridge of the warden’s wife’s father-in-law. The cooks were social hooligans who fished for three days and dried the net for two days. They were always active in collecting money and doing things, and they were never diligent in washing and cooking.

As long as the prisoners do not die from starvation and poison, their obligations will be fulfilled.

Hausen licked the ketchup clean, and the pumpkin porridge and French bread were thrown into the urinal, and the sewer was blocked.

Churchill grinds his teeth with her gnocchi. While grinding, he looks at the opposite side and mutters: "He has presented a chrysanthemum... He has presented a chrysanthemum... He must have dedicated a beautiful pink chrysanthemum."

He has his own logic. When the thin guy was thrown back by the guards last night, he was already dying. He slept and healed from his injuries. He drank a bowl of pumpkin porridge vigorously, and he was too hard to grind his teeth. He also gobbled up his French bread, and afterwards killed more than half of Captain Tang's share.

There is only one person in the entire prison who can turn him from a dead fish to life.

Howson walked up to him with a dark face and said, "The sewer is blocked."

Churchill said indifferently: "Block it, I don't shit."

"But I want to shit!"

"Didn't you not eat breakfast?"

He pointed to the ketchup bag in the corner of the plate.

Churchill squeezed the red pouch with the rough characters "tomato sauce" printed on it, and glanced at the production date, his face turned green.

Calculating the current time, a full expiration of 1 year and 7 months.

The boxer repeated: "I want to shit..."

"Can you hold back?"

"Can't hold back."

"I'll help you plug it up."

"Yeah. It's a good way."





Tang Fang looked at the two people opposite, wondering if they were making a pantomime.

Sek Bakar hit a full hiccup and asked, "You really don't eat?"

"Thank you, I'm not hungry." He lied politely.

Seck turned his attention back to his body, and opened his sleeves again to retrieve the welts.

The swollen skin has returned to its original state. The blood marks have become extremely light, and if you don't distinguish them carefully, you can't find their existence at all.

He clearly remembered what happened last night, he remembered his whole body was injured by the whip, he remembered that he lost control of his body, and moving his fingers was as difficult as lifting a piece of rock.

But one night passed. When I woke up this morning, all the physical aches and pains disappeared, and his condition was so good that he couldn't get better, and his health was even higher than before he went to prison.

This is simply a miracle of life!

Is it the favor of the gods?

Cyk Cabal is not an atheist, nor a theist. As a legal worker, he believes that there is a power in the world that affects changes in the human world. It transcends society, the universe, and all material forms. It only exists on the spiritual and soul levels.

He called it faith.

Faith can save human souls, but obviously it cannot save humans.

So what is it that heals physical wounds?

He vaguely remembers being helped to bed last night, and he kindly fed him some water. If only these are obviously not healed the injuries accumulated over the past few days.

"Really not you?"

This is the seventh time he has asked such a question.

Tang Fang washed his face with cold water, took his own towel and wiped it clean, and calmly said, "You asked when you got up. You asked before going to the bathroom, you asked when you brushed your teeth, you asked when you washed your face, and when you were in a daze. Yes, I asked before eating, and I have to repeat it after eating. Are you...not tired?"

"Then... don't you think it's weird? I was injured so badly last night, but today I am all healed. This is simply a miracle of life."

"Then you treat it as a miracle of life, so why not?" He spread the towel carefully and put it on the stainless steel shelf next to the sink. Go back to the bed and fold up the blanket, sit down and say, "There is a saying in China, called ‘good people get rewards.’"

Seck thought about it carefully, is he a good person? Probably...maybe...a good person.

But this does not mean that he would believe the lies of this sudden young prisoner.

If a good person is really rewarded, there will be no disasters in the world, and there is no need for a person like him to exist. On the contrary, the guys who are above the top, while enjoying the anointing of the people, while looking down at the people with contempt, are many out-and-out bad guys.

People like him exist in this world because they can get good rewards for good people.

Just as he was about to ask "Really not you?" for the eighth time, several figures flashed outside the glass door, interrupting his thoughts.

Fortunately, he did not reach the achievement of asking the same question 8 times.

Because Captain Tang's endurance limit is 7, he is ready to block that mouth no matter what means when he repeats the question for the 8th time.

He is not a supreme treasure, but he hates to save a broken mouth monk who has been chanting crooked scriptures all day long.

As a legal worker, you should speak more concisely and powerfully, instead of repeating words like a repeater.

The appearance of prison guards rescued him and also saved him.

"It's time to send you on the road."

The speaker was the old prison guard who tried to bathe Captain Tang yesterday. Today, he seems to have no memory of that incident. He has an iron-faced and selfless expression, but the way he walks is a bit strange, swinging from side to side, like a duck. .

Tang Fang patted the prison uniforms and sorted out his clothes. At the last moment, he did not forget to take a picture of his face in front of the mirror. He held his cheeks and swayed from side to side. He said in a very regretful tone: "Without Creya by his side, I really live more The more sloppy... you have already worked so hard."

The old prison guard's mouth twitched a few times, and his hand on the baton tightened.

He really wanted to kill the wild boy in front of him with a stick. When the other prisoners heard the words just now, some of them were lying on the ground and couldn't stand up. They even cried and called mother, tears and nose running.

The guy in front of him was good, with a good look. It seemed that he slept very well last night, and he didn't forget the smelly beauty when he hit the road.

He originally planned to watch the jokes of those three people, but he didn't think he would be so angry.

"Huh, how is it possible!"

At the same time, a guard next to him stared at Sek Bakar's face, with an expression like seeing something incredible.

He clearly remembered what it was like when he was taken back to the cell last night. It was just that all the injuries healed in one night. How could this be possible?

This is impossible!

The prison guard checked it carefully and made sure that he hadn't seen the dazzling eyes, and that Sek Bakar's injury was really healed.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" He said 3 "Damn it."

In his opinion, this is simply an extremely absurd thing. How could a person covered with scars recover completely after sleeping? If there is a state-level medical resource ~www.novelmtl.com~ it may be possible to do such a thing, but this is clearly in the prison, where does the national-level medical resource come from?

The old prison guard asked, "What's wrong?"

"His injury is gone."

"What makes him missing?"

"It's just... those injuries... all healed."

"Has anyone taken him to the doctor?"

"How is it possible!" the prison guard said: "The warden has greeted people specially, who dares to ask for trouble?"

Tang Fang suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "Would you like to leave? If you are not in a hurry, I can go to bed and get back to sleep."

The old prison guard was itchy with hatred. Taking into account the instructions given above, the people should be transported to the designated place before noon. It is best not to cause extra trouble. They can only bear this breath, and the word "go" burst out of his mouth. The two walked out of the cell. (To be continued)

ps: 2 more tomorrow

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