Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 659: That must be very valuable

The sky that was supposed to be as tranquil as the abyss was filled with flames and explosions, and the flashes were like ocean waves fast-forwarding countless times, breaking the darkness of night time and time again. Read the full text of the latest chapter...,

The roaring g-22 air-to-sky fighter tore the firmament, with a thunderous sound, and the rapidly spreading wind scrambled the clouds and smoke into pieces.

In the next instant, it exploded and shattered and turned into a fountain of flames, with countless pieces of fire falling from high altitude, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

This firework is huge, but unfortunately it is not very beautiful and expensive, which makes some departments mind-blowing.

In fact, this is a grand fireworks show with the entire Yankee continent as the venue.

Just as the Duke of Tripatti turned a continent into the Queen's area where the powerful and powerful, Captain Tang also generously gave a gift to the noble lords...Although they didn't like it, they hated it.

When a high-end shuttle carrying members of the Singh family left the ground and tried to enter space, it was hit by neon from somewhere and exploded into a ball of noble brand fireballs, the grand fireworks show kicked off and became The nightlife theme of the whole continent.

No one knew what was going on, but the rain of fire falling from the sky told them that "Lelsey" must have something serious.

Only the upper-class nobles and government officials understood that every rain of fire falling from the sky was made of the flesh and blood of the nobles.

Responsible for the emergency mobilization of military districts and air bases within the planet to defend the Yankee Continent, a large number of combat aircraft were launched into the target airspace to fight.

Facts have proved that this was a wrong decision. Under the premise that ground radar stations and space-based early warning facilities are invalid, rushing into the battlefield with manned or unmanned aerospace fighters is simply an act of death.

When the drivers were still at a loss because of the fuzzy instructions from their superiors, attacks from the void followed.

The not-so-large laser beam instantly melted their thin armor and ignited the power system. Blooming into a ball of sparks.

No one knows who did it, ordinary pilots don't know, wing commanders don't know, and even senior military officials in charge of the entire combat plan don't know.

They are like a group of headless flies, flying around in the night sky, and then exploded by neon lights coming from nowhere.

Then the military told them to fight freely. What is "free combat"? They have only heard of "free activities", but not "free operations".

Some smart people began to ponder the truth behind the incident.

Yes, they are cannon fodder, a group of poor bugs abandoned by the government to attract the firepower of Captain Tang's stealth bombers and buy time for the evacuation of the powerful.

I have to say that the person who made this kind of decision was very decisive...but the result was frustrating.

The addition of air force units failed to attract the attention of all stealth bombers. Those powerful and powerful who tried to escape still failed to do so, but just like their predecessors. Turned into a victim of the explosion, evaporated from the world.

The night that should have been calm was like a boiling pan, with scorching enthusiasm, gushing with oil.

Kangbat sat on the highest chair in the underground command center of the Governor's Mansion, quietly listening to the report of the intelligence officer, his face was not very good.

The staff members whispered behind him, and the latest chapters of the quarrel with Super Corsair appeared occasionally.

Because some people propose to use a nuclear explosion to wipe out the hideous invisible units over the Yankee continent. For the latest chapters in this book, please go to 800book.net (www.800book.net)

More people are opposed to it, because this is the last resort to hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred...No. Wrong, it hurts the enemy one hundred and eight thousand. Not to mention those air force units. The weather after the nuclear explosion is not suitable for flying, and...what about people on land? The entire prosperous scene of the Yankee continent will be wiped out by the nuclear explosion.

When a ray of light bloomed in the east, the special operations transport ship slowly landed on the sea not far from Mairu. There were also 5 Banshee fighters that came along with them, flying at a low altitude to the defense zone where the Governor's Mansion is located. Rush.

Tang Fang and Byron jumped from the cabin. The head of an Euglena falling on one half of its body submerged in the water.

Looking back at the night sky, the spreading flaming red completely dispelled the cold and darkness before dawn. Swarms of drones were transformed into suicide bombers. They were dropped from the sky above the city of Mairu and poured continuously in the defense zones of the Governor's Mansion and Tantul Palace. . Blast into a row of rapidly expanding flame lines.

In less than half an hour, various air and space fighters of the "Lyersi" military, including dozens of atmospheric airships modified from heretical fast assault boats, were swept away. During this period, no passenger aircraft could leave. The atmosphere, into space orbit.

In order to prevent Kangbat from escaping, he deployed hundreds of ghost fighters over the Yankee continent, and used the detectors to firmly nail down the area. Not to mention the shuttle, even if a seabird flies by, don’t hide him. s eyes.

Since Kang Bart has that kind of consciousness, I want to come ready to meet his anger.

The Euglena travels across the water, and huge wave marks spread out on the wings of the foothold and spread back quickly.

The breeze on the sea suddenly started, and the airflow from the surface penetrated into the nostrils, flicked the hair, and dissipated the heat and smoke rippling in the air.

A tumbling fire bead fell from the sky and set off several feet of silver and white horses on the sea. Numerous water splashes flew in the air and then fell to the water, like a rainstorm.

The flames diminished, and the sea returned to darkness. Tang Fang raised his right hand and buckled the mask of the harsh environment protective suit on his face.

The goggles in front of Byron's helmet also fell, and his calm face was replaced by a golden glow.

The veteran likes black, he likes golden, Zhou Ai is metallic silver, and Bai Hao is pale blue.

Euglena rises from the sea, and the flowing water forms a magnificent waterfall.

It's a pity that its appearance is really not very beautiful, like a beholder in the dark night, wrapped in a frenzied wind, flying slowly towards a messy government house.

The light from the recoil rocket explosion illuminates the entire defense area. Following the destruction of the air defense system by the ghost fighters, the ground defense facilities are also reduced to ruins under the bombardment of the Banshee fighters, with raging flames and dragon smoke going out.

The golden light on the beach shone, reflecting the whiteness of the east, very conspicuous.

Twenty-four fanatics and eight immortals rushed to the infantry hidden in the woods outside the Governor's Mansion.

The flames filled the woodland, the green trees were burning, and the flag of the Turanx United Kingdom weeped in the wind.

24 Jinhua, 24 pairs of frost knives, corpses lying on the ground wherever they pass.

A few rockets ejected from the gap between trees and hit the surface of Euglena flying at ultra-low altitude. Part of the scales were blown up and fell like raindrops on the shallow water of the tidal flat.

The Immortal walked forward on the wreckage of the light tank, the half-person-height bushes were knocked away, and the branches and leaves with the flames swayed gently, scattered all over the place.

The phase split cannon spewed out a burst of light, and the modular city wall made of alloy was broken by explosion. Countless stones fell on the remains of the unextinguished fire, rolling everywhere.

The place was scorched and messy. The fragments and dust of the city wall covered the uneven ground, and occasionally coagulated blood and human stumps could be seen, dotted among flames and smoke.

Five Banshee fighters cut off all the tall buildings of the Governor's Mansion and turned them into dilapidated and dilapidated buildings.

The glass fragments remaining in the window frames, the burning red curtain, the charred and mottled walls. The stone sculptures lying on the ground, the buried electronic bulletin boards, the robots with electric sparks, and the pieces of cloth and minced meat floating on the water...

The air was floating with the smell of gunpowder and roasted meat, even if the salty sea breeze from the east could not blow away.

The entire Governor's Mansion is undergoing air raids by dozens of ghost fighters, bombing by Banshee fighters, and ravaged by the artillery fire of the Immortals. From the magnificent buildings to a piece of scorched earth.

Fanatics slaughtered the soldiers and snipers hiding in the double shadow of ruins and night, and then cleared a road leading to the underground command center.

of course. The cleanup here is not about sweeping the battlefield, they always kill or bury it.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded and a slight vibration came from the ground.

Byron followed the prestige, and the distant west was covered with red clouds, as beautiful as clouds burning. Cover the gradual spread of light in the east.

The clouds in the sky spread rapidly, haze all over the sky, and wind came westward.

If he guessed right, it should be the impact of the tactical nuclear bomb explosion on the surrounding environment, judging from the scale...the equivalent is not low.

"Kangbat is desperate." He shook his head. Sighed: "Unfortunately it's useless."

Within the field of vision of the detector, how could a weapon of mass destruction like a nuclear bomb evade the fire blockade of the ghost fighter and reach the Yankee continent?

In other words, even if Kangbat wanted to die together, he had to ask Tang Fang in advance if he would give him a chance.

The elevator was locked at the bottom floor and could only go down via steel cables.

It was still the zealots who opened the road ahead, cleared the special forces ambushing in blind spots, and finally entered the underground command center of Kangbate, which was 100 meters deep into the governor's palace.

When Tang Fang and Byron arrived at their destination and walked into the command hall following the blood flowing on the ground, the scene in front of them was a little surprising.

The floor was stained red by a meandering flow of blood, and there were more than 20 dead bodies lying downside down beside the equipment pools and the combat command platform on both sides. It seemed that they had only died soon, because the blood was not solidified and still hot.

Kang Bart was sitting on the high-back chair in the middle of the room. He was supposed to face the big screen, and he was looking at the door with a smile.

He was holding a gun in his hand, with a drop of blood remaining on the muzzle, without gunpowder smoke.

The screen matrix on the front of the hall scatters different light and shadows, spreading out on both sides of the black leather of the high-back chair, giving it an indescribable feeling.

Tang Fang raised his gun and exploded a large monitor on the left rear.

The burst of light and flames dissipated the "heroes twilight" scene created by Kangbat deliberately.

He put down the gun, raised his hands and applauded vigorously, and the smile on his face became stronger.

"It's nice to see you defeat the Georgian Navy."

Kangbat continued: "It's a wonderful battle...but you still lose...or, from the beginning, you don't have any chance of winning. You just follow the wishes of'theirs', step by step towards others and design for you. Read the full text of the future Wentian Divine Comedy."

"So, you defeated me, but lost to fate. This is very sad..."

"Actually, there is no need to block the Yankee Continent. I won't run away, because..." At this point, there was light in his eyes, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the smile turned into a big laugh.

"Because I want to see your frustrated face, that must be very valuable...hahaha...hahaha."

The laughter turned into a wild laugh.

His body was trembling, and then he drove the high-back chair, the muzzle gently bumped against the smooth wooden board, making a dumb crash.

It's not afraid, it's proud.

Byron frowned, walked over with the gun in his hand, threw the pistol over, and asked coldly, "Where are Bai Hao?"

Kangbat didn't look at him, stared at Tang Fang's face, and said jokingly, "I said it was killed, do you believe it?"

Tang Fang's face was cold, and he said coldly, "Then you will bury them."

The governor raised his less heroic eyebrows and told him in a heroic tone: "I will wait for you in hell."

Byron couldn't listen anymore, pinched his neck with his hand to the ground.

These nobles are always so annoying, as if it is an honor to ignore death, and only by doing so can they be worthy of their title. Otherwise, they are cowards and hopeless cowards.

One Piece hates such people very much. I can't say why, but unreasonably hates them. He thinks it is hypocritical.

In his opinion, ignoring death is different from facing death. Such people are not calmly accepting the verdict of fate. The real purpose is to prove their loyalty, a fearless heart, and worthy of the title of "nobleman".

In short, they are acting hard. Even in the face of death, do not forget to pretend to be the last time in life.

Pretending to be an offense is very annoying, so he walked over, put a kick on the governor's ass, kicked him out, and fell right in front of Tang.

The sound of landing is very sour and refreshing, okay...like a dead dog thrown down from the second floor.

Kang Bart is an old man who is nearly seventy years old. This is really unkind, but he doesn't feel that he is doing it too much. To be honest, since entering the combat command center, he wanted to do it the first time he saw Kangbat.

He is a pirate leader~www.novelmtl.com~ Respect the old and love the young or something, **** him!

Kangbat suffered a terrible fall. This experience was only in his childhood. When he grew up, countless people were willing to kiss his ass. No one dared to kick his ass. They still used the hard and cold thick iron boots.


He struggled to get up, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a shadow blocking the light from the ceiling. Before he lifted his face from the floor, he felt a pain in the back of his neck and then lost consciousness.

The huge body of the infected worm appeared in the hall, and a long sting needle pierced the back of Kangbat's neck, injecting the neuroparasite into his central nervous system.

This was the first time that Byron saw a human body infected with a parasite. He couldn't help but feel cold. He took a half step back and almost fell off the steps.

Tang Fang focused all of his attention on the flow of information sent by the infected insect.

When Emma screened out the target information from a large number of memory fragments and sent it to the Sea of ​​Knowledge, Tang Fang's unattractive face became more and more cold, as if frozen. (To be continued...) u

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